The Special Agent Princess

Chapter 323: Purple Snake


"Don't worry, don't I have you by my side? One of my girls is worth ten of them!"

As he spoke, he hugged Ye Qingge in his arms, Ye Qingge rolled his eyes, and came out of his arms and said, "Speak well, don't touch your hands,"

Xuanyuanzhang was scolded, and said with aggrieved face, "Girl! Qingge!"

Ye Qingge gave him a blank look, she would never compromise, she stretched out her hand and pushed him, "Go back quickly, I'm going to sleep."

After seeing off Xuanyuanzhang, Ye Qingge didn't go to bed, and went to the pharmacy he had prepared beside him. This pharmacy was just a decoration. When he arrived at the pharmacy, Ye Qingge went to the storage box, messed with it for a while, and then came out .

The next day, as Ye Qingge expected, Xuanyuanzhang found Ye Qingge through the storage box.

Ye Qingge didn't need him to speak, just took out a bottle and handed it over.

"What's this?"

"Inducing Gu Xiang"

Xuanyuanzhang looked at the jade bottle in his hand and was about to open it carefully, but was held down by Ye Qingge and said, "Don't open it for now, the fragrance here will attract Gu insects, and almost most of the Gu insects will be ready to move when they ask about this fragrance. "

Xuanyuanzhang was taken aback when he heard this, and said in disbelief, "It's so amazing?"

Ye Qingge raised his eyebrows arrogantly and said, "Of course, I don't want to see who made it."

"Great, with this Gu-inducing incense, I can find out that those people under the First Prince were poisoned, but if they were controlled by poison, it would be difficult to check."

Ye Qingge nodded, but it was so. After all, poison is a dead thing, and suddenly she thought of a way, "I have a way, you can find a snake, it would be even better if it was 'purple pulp', then the snake is specially made to It feeds on poison, it is extremely poisonous, after I train it, you can bring it on your body, and it will automatically warn you whenever there is poison around you.”

"Zijiang, this is the first time I've heard the name of this snake, don't worry, I will send someone to find it as soon as possible.

By the way, the sweet potatoes you found helped me a lot. The crops of the common people are dying due to the drought recently, and they are dry.

But the sweet potato you brought in has a high yield. I planted it in April, and dug up a batch in July. Later, I planted another batch using the method you taught me. Although it was a drought, it still yielded fruit. quite a lot,

Not to mention the increase in the price of rice in recent days, the production has also decreased. I asked them to use the sweet potatoes to cook porridge, which can fill them up. "

Ye Qingge was also happy when he heard this, thinking that many people died of drought in his previous life, Ye Qingge said, "So there were casualties?"

Xuanyuanzhang smiled slightly, and he knew that this girl was kind-hearted, "There are currently no casualties. If it really rains on November 11th, then it will only be ten days away. Don't worry, I will definitely not let the casualties fall." Appeared, I know you are kind."

Ye Qingge pouted, "I'm kind-hearted? I'm afraid that everyone in the capital knows that I'm a young lady who kills people without blinking an eye?"

Xuanyuanzhang patted her head and said, "Don't worry!"

Ye Qingge doesn't know, so don't worry? What are you worried about? Anyway, she was never worried. Although she killed a lot of people in this life, she saved more people in disguise. In the last life, no one came out to provide water and food for these cities.

She remembered that a lot of people died at that time, so this can be regarded as a good thing she did for the old monk!

Outside the window, Xiaobai flew back with fluttering wings, and Ye Qingge knew at a glance that it was the second uncle's family who had written back to her.