The Special Agent Princess

Chapter 335: Things come to light


Aunt Zhang pinched her palms nervously. She didn't expect that the person who helped her behind the scenes wanted her to expose this matter. Aunt Zhang didn't want to do it at first, but that person said that if she didn't do it, she wouldn't Will help myself again, Aunt Zhang has no choice but to agree for herself and her children.

Even in the face of Mrs. Wu's resentful eyes, she continued to say, "Madam, do you still want to hide this matter from the young master? If you don't tell the young master, what will happen to the young master and his sister in the future? ?”

Mrs. Wu was so angry that she could no longer speak properly, "You! You! You are talking nonsense!"

At this time, Wu Ying suddenly looked like Mrs. Wu and said, "Mother, is what she said true!"

Mrs. Wu retorted nervously, "No, it's not, Ying'er, listen to me,"

After hearing this, Aunt Zhang hurriedly said, "Young Master, if you don't believe me, you can recognize your relatives with the general's blood, and then you will know whether what I said is true."

"Then confess your blood!"

It was General Wu who came in from the outside who spoke, and Mrs. Wu immediately said, "No! No, husband, you can't do this. Yinger is your son. You can't do this, you can't do this,"

General Wu stared at Mrs. Wu and said, "Why not?"

Mrs. Wu didn't say why it's not possible, but she kept saying "No, how can you not trust me?"

General Wu immediately said, "Then test it right away! Aunt Zhang, go get water."

Aunt Zhang winked at the maid beside her, and the little maid immediately brought a bowl of water and a needle on a tray.

General Wu immediately took a needle and dripped a drop of blood into the bowl, and then pulled Wu Ying who hadn't reacted yet, raised his hand and stabbed a drop of blood into the bowl.

After a while, the two drops of blood were still not fused.

Mrs. Wu hurried forward to knock over the tray, but the maid turned sideways slightly and hid aside, not letting Mrs. Wu knock over the bowl.

General Wu didn't notice this at all at this time, his eyes never left the bowl, there was no fusion, there was really no fusion!

General Wu's mind was blown as if someone had smashed it with a hammer. She never thought it was true. The woman he loved so much for so many years brought him a green hat for so many years. How can he be so embarrassed

Wu Ying was also shocked. His world collapsed. The father he had always respected was not his own father, and his mother said, "No! This is impossible!"

After saying that, she ran out, Madam Wu was also limp on the ground, she was finished, the secret she had been hiding all along was revealed like this.

Thinking of this, he rushed towards Aunt Zhang who was standing aside in surprise.

In this way, the next day's arrival report wrote down what happened in General Wu's mansion.

The next day, almost all the official residences in the capital, and even merchant residences, received this report.

Ye Qingge didn't know what other people were talking about, but she was looking at the report at this time. It said that a corner of the ancestral temple collapsed somehow, and that Lord Qing Qi of Taichang Temple was sentenced to half a year in prison. At that time, the promoted Jiangnan Yanbu Shi Jing was promoted by Emperor Mingzong because he had done a major event as soon as he took office.

For example, these bosses, every time they arrive, there will be a piece of gossip written under it, and this time it is written about the gossip of Fuguo General's Mansion.