The Special Agent Princess

Chapter 357: Night fire blazing


Ye Qingge gave him an elbow, "Keep your voice down, have the people in the dark solved it?"

"Don't worry, it's settled!"

After a while, the two people in the room got to the point. Ye Qingge then used his mental power to crush the smoke that had been prepared in the room. A puff of smoke dispersed in the room. Xuanyuan Che sensed that something was wrong. Just about to get up, he lay down again, his eyes were scarlet.

Quickly moving on Ye Qingxue's body, Ye Qingge took out the oil that he had prepared early in the morning and poured it into the new house.

She found these oils with great difficulty. It was the first time she saw someone selling these things and saw no one was buying them, but she fell in love with them at a glance. She secretly took away all the oil from that person at night and gave them to him. One thousand taels of silver bills let that person stay away from the capital.

After Ye Qingge poured the oil into the new house, he ignited a fire. Oil can burn even on water, let them extinguish slowly!

Sure enough, as soon as the fire caught fire, the flames soared into the sky, and soon some people below found it and came to put out the fire. As you can imagine, how much water was poured in, but it still had no effect. Water, bring the wet quilt, hurry up!"

Soon someone took a wet quilt to put out the fire. Ye Qingge stood in the dark and watched. The fire burned her body just like the fire in the previous life, burned her heart, and killed her and her husband. Her Xuan'er.

Ye Qingge shed tears unknowingly, Xuanyuanzhang hugged her in his arms, "Be good, don't cry!"

Ye Qingge was awakened by his voice, she put away her tears, she won't cry anymore, she avenged her Xuan'er.

After waiting until the fire in the new house was extinguished, Ye Qingge took out the binoculars and looked at the two corpses. It was indeed a man and a woman. Maybe this way of death was really cheap for them, but she couldn't wait any longer. The mother she was protecting finally She is still dead, she can't guarantee that history can be changed, so she can't wait, the eldest prince has died a year earlier, and the turmoil in the court has also started a year earlier.

She was worried that the third prince of this life would really get that position, so why not do as he pleases!

The death of the third prince soon caused a sensation in the government and the public. Concubine Song fainted when she heard the news, she couldn't believe it when she woke up, and she lay on the bed and murmured, "No, this must not be true. , my son will definitely not die, no, "

After waking up, Concubine Song had been lying on the bed mumbling and refusing to believe this fact.

Emperor Mingzong frowned when he heard this. This son was not his favorite, but he didn't hate it either. After all, the white-haired man sent the black-haired man still made him feel a little uncomfortable, as if he had aged several years overnight.

After Ye Qingge solved this major problem in his heart, his mood relaxed a lot. It seemed that the Chinese New Year was about to come.

Even if Ye Han married his second wife, Ye Qingge was not going to attend the New Year's Eve palace banquet.

Originally thought that Xuanyuanzhang, a shameless person, would come to celebrate the New Year with her, but he didn't think that Xuanyuanzhang just came to tell them to be careful and sent extra guards.

Xuanyuanzhang's red lips curled up, and he said triumphantly, "Did you miss me? I really can't accompany you this year. There is a change in the second prince's side. You should be more careful at home. It is best to hide in that space. This time, but A storm, don't distract me!"