The Spiritual Attainment of Minghe

Chapter 26: The red luan star moves


The appearance of the traveling merchant who acted as the blood god's clone immediately attracted the attention of the nearby tribes. When they found out that they could buy magic weapons, elixirs and even formation flags from the blood god's clone, they immediately became excited. They had the practice skills, but Magic weapons, elixirs and formation flags are rare things to them.

There is a saying in modern times that if capital has a 50% profit, it will take desperate risks; if it has a 100% profit, it will dare to trample all laws in the world; if it has a 300% profit, it will dare to Commit any crime, even risk being hanged.

There is no law at all in the ancient world. The business Styx does can be said to be a huge profit. If refining one pill requires one material, but the price he sells is five materials, it is simply a huge profit.

There are many powerful people who can refine elixirs and weapons in the ancient world, but those powerful people cannot waste a lot of time on this like Styx. It can be said that Styx is a monopoly business, and it looks like it will gradually become rich again. With the treasures up, Styx was very satisfied.

Within a few decades, the movements of the Blood God's clone were known to the upper echelons of the Lich and Lich clans. Styx could only temporarily cease its activities. Anyway, all the large and small tribal groups in the prehistoric era were basically run away by his Blood God's clone. They have done it all over the place and made a lot of money. Although Styx is not afraid of the Lich and Lich clans, it is better to keep a low profile if he shoots the first bird.

The disappearance of the blood god's clone made the two tribes of lich and demon very helpless. The two tribes originally wanted to recruit them to serve them specifically to avoid being recruited by the other side. The demon tribe could still study the method of refining alchemy and refining weapons on its own, but the witch tribe had no Yuan. God, no one is proficient in this art. Compared with the Demon Clan, the Witch Clan is more in need of masters like the Blood God Clone who can refine elixirs and weapons.

Since he didn't want to cause trouble, Styx had no choice but to give up. Anyway, he had already made a lot of money. This would allow him to travel around the wilderness with peace of mind. The further he walked towards the center of the wilderness, the more lush mountains, rivers and forests he saw. It is so amazing that some places are even dream-like, making people forget to leave. Every time he encounters such a place, Styx will stop and enjoy it.

No, in a fairy mountain, Styx found an excellent hot spring. Just touching the spring water flowing down the river, his hands felt extremely comfortable. Following the direction of the spring water, Styx traced its roots all the way. Tracing back to the source, we came to the place where the spring water flows out.

This is the mountainside, surrounded by mist. After walking for a long time, Styx didn't come out. Did he get lost? It shouldn’t be, is it a maze? Styx took a closer look and saw that he was indeed in the formation. He cursed in his heart that he was too careless. Fortunately, it was a confusion formation. What if it was a killing formation? Although he is very powerful and not afraid of ordinary formations, he still needs to be careful, otherwise something will happen sooner or later.

With a wave of his sleeves, the maze was broken in an instant. Styx's sight suddenly became clear, and a burst of playful sounds came from his ears, "Second sister, don't be like this, ah..." "Third sister, look How dare you make fun of the second sister... Hee hee..." Ming He followed the sound and was immediately stunned.

In the hot spring pool not far away, two women were playing in the pool. Their every smile was charming. A poem suddenly flashed in Styx's mind. There is a beauty in the north, peerless and independent. Qingren City, and then looking at Qingren Country, the first brother like Ming He was stunned for a moment.

The maze was broken, and the two women in the pool immediately sensed it. When they saw Brother Pig looking at them like crazy along the Styx River, they immediately screamed: "Ah!..." The scream was earth-shattering, and the sound shook the world. The Styx's ears were straight through, and it also brought him back to his senses.

Oops! Styx suddenly felt bad. Was he peeping? Looking at the countless Xuan Bing coming towards him, Ming He could only dodge in a hurry. As soon as he dodged Xuan Bing's attack, he saw two women charging towards him with swords. The two women were extremely beautiful. Thinking of how wet they were just now. With such a look, Styx couldn't help but feel excited.

After living for so long in the past and present, Styx is completely the first brother, and has never even been in love. Now seeing two such charming beauties, how can Styx not be moved? Although now the two beauties want to kill him.

Looking at the two beauties who wanted to kill him, Styx hurriedly explained: "You two girls, please listen to my explanation. I just accidentally came here by mistake. I didn't see anything." Styx didn't say anything. The two beauties were immediately embarrassed and annoyed. They didn't see anything. Isn't it because there was no silver in this place

The mature beauty who looked a little older gritted her teeth and said: "You shameless pervert, I have to kill you alive." When the sword was thrust out, Styx did not dare to fight back, and could only dodge desperately. After all, he was in the wrong. , and the other party is also a super beauty, Styx really can't do it.

The greener beauty next to her saw her sister's attacks being dodged one by one, so she could only come to help with her sword. For a moment, the valley was filled with sword energy. The originally beautiful scenery was shattered after a while, and she was chopped down. After waiting for a long time, the two beauties returned without success. They were still so tired that they were dripping with sweat. On the other hand, Styx was extremely relaxed.

Seeing the two beauties stop, Styx quickly continued to explain: "You two girls, I really came here by mistake. I just wanted to find the source of the hot spring and take a good dip to relieve the fatigue of the journey. I didn't want you two to be here. It's really too late." I'm sorry." Well, you must explain clearly, otherwise the first impression will be ruined.

The two beauties saw that they couldn't catch Styx at all, so they had no choice but to give up. Seeing Styx panicking and apologizing, they suddenly found it interesting. They were obviously higher in cultivation than them, but they didn't have any airs of being strong, facing their sisters. The two of them looked panicked and shy, which was really strange.

Seeing Ming He like this, the two sisters suddenly got into their thoughts. They walked to the side and whispered: "Second sister, he seems to be really unintentional, but he is so powerful!" "Well, he is at least the middle level of Da Luo Jinxian or above. , even more powerful than the eldest sister." "But he is very interesting, not as rude as the people I met before."...

Quietly eavesdropping on the conversation between the two beauties, Styx suddenly had black lines all over his head. The two people in front of him had the cultivation of the late and middle stages of Taiyi Golden Immortal. However, the content of the conversation seemed completely inexperienced. It seems that they have never traveled to the ancient times since they were born. I am afraid this is the first time that they have left the eldest sister they call and come to visit the ancient times.

While they were 'plotting' over there, Styx really looked at the two sisters carefully. The elder sister was mature and sexy, but her words and actions were a little playful and cute, while the younger sister looked like Xiaojiabiyu, gentle and gentle. With a little innocence, if you put it in ancient times, it would definitely be a disaster for the country and the people.

The two sisters are beautiful in appearance, tall and slender, with swallowtail-shaped hairpins hanging down their heads, and graceful bodies. They are dressed in light green robes and long gowns. They shine under the scattering of clouds and mist, filled with fairy spirit, and are calm and composed. , elegant and refined, just like a beautiful fairy who does not eat fireworks and descends from heaven. Hibiscus emerges from the clear water, and the natural beauty is natural and touching.

What makes Styx's heart move the most is the aura on their bodies. Styx refines his body and has a body of blood that is as strong as yang. However, the two sisters in front of him have auras that are as strong as yin and soft. Yin and yang attract each other. No wonder Styx saw each other. , I have a good impression of them. Is this considered emotional

After living for so long, Styx really didn't know what love was, but now facing the two sisters, their smiles seemed to have infinite attraction to him. He suddenly found that his heart was beating so fast, Hong Luan Xing Move, out of control.

The two sisters who had been 'plotting' for a long time finally stopped. The elder sister looked at Styx's demented look and couldn't help but laugh out loud: "Hey! It's very impolite for you to look at others like this! Your saliva is drooling." When Styx heard this, he wiped the corners of his mouth subconsciously, huh? No saliva!

"Haha...haha..." Hearing the laughter of the two sisters, Styx realized that he had been fooled, and couldn't help showing an embarrassed look on his face. It was over. Now he was really embarrassed. The image he had originally established as a master It collapsed instantly.

Styx could only apologize again: "These two girls are the most beautiful people I have ever seen. I couldn't help myself. Please forgive me." As long as they are girls, they like to hear others praise themselves for their beauty. As expected, Styx's words As soon as they came out, the two beauties immediately beamed, but I don't know whether it was because Styx praised their beauty, or because Styx looked a bit silly now.

During the promotion period, please give us your support! Guess who the heroine is

(End of chapter)