The Spiritual Attainment of Minghe

Chapter 71: The Three Ancestors of the Human Race (Part 1)


Such a situation just gives the human race a good opportunity to develop. Because there are saints in the tens of thousands of miles around, the demons with some intelligence have left, leaving behind some unintelligent beasts, and they are also Continuously decreasing, it is also difficult for beasts to live in such an environment, so humans are safer.


In the chaos, Nuwa stood quietly in the chaotic air. Although she did not use any means, the chaotic air could not get close to her. After becoming a saint, Nuwa became more holy, and every move contained the charm of heaven. Even the violent chaotic airflow will become calm as soon as it approaches. This is the realm of the saint.

Hundreds of people had gathered around, most of whom were demons. Emperor Jun brought all the demon elites here, not only to congratulate Nuwa for becoming a saint, but also to listen to the saint's sermon. It is something that can be met but cannot be sought. How many of the three thousand mortal guests who listened to the sermon in Zixiao Palace are alive now

Sanqing, Jieyin, and Zhunti looked at Nuwa with different expressions, but they all had one idea in their hearts, that is, to become a saint as soon as possible. Although Nuwa did not show any performance at this time, it also gave them a great influence. Pressure, at this time, they deeply felt what it meant that "all saints are ants", and they were not willing to be ants.

When everyone saw that Nuwa Empress closed her eyes and remained motionless, as if she was in trance, they did not dare to come forward to disturb them, so they all stood aside and watched quietly. Suddenly, Nuwa Empress opened her eyes, and a light flashed in her eyes, faintly. He opened his mouth and said, "It's time for me to open up a dojo."

After that, I saw Nuwa Empress took out the red hydrangea, and the saint's strength exploded in an instant. The red hydrangea turned into a stream of light, cutting through the chaos, and smashing a piece of broken void in the chaos. Although Nuwa Empress was a saint, her strength was not enough. But she was far inferior to Pangu. Being able to create this large space in the chaos was already her limit.

At this time, the power of heaven came, and Nuwa's aura became more terrifying and mysterious. In the small world, earth, water, wind, and fire were raging. Nuwa commanded the red hydrangea, constantly turning the generated earth and water into water. Wind and fire are broken, earth, water, wind and fire are born and destroyed, destroyed and reborn, and the cycle begins again and again.

In the end, the whole small world finally calmed down. Nuwa waved her hand, and the map of mountains, rivers, and land given by Taoist Hongjun flew out. The power of mountains, rivers, and land combined with the earth, wind, water, and fire began to evolve into mountains, rivers, forests, and such a small world. Only then was it completely stabilized.

At this time, another merit comes from heaven. This is the merit that Heaven rewards Nuwa for opening up a small world. Although the prehistoric world is powerful, the small world opened by Nuwa is a subsidiary world and can better stabilize the prehistoric world. Heaven will naturally reward it. Although it is not much, no one would think that such merit is too little in vain.

Nuwa collected her merits and looked at the small world that had been opened up. She was still very satisfied in her heart. The world was taking shape. Nuwa said lightly: "This world will be called Emperor Wa's Heaven from now on." Emperor Wa was Nuwa before she became a saint. At that time, the title of the demon clan was used as the name of the world, which declared that although Nuwa had become a saint, she was still the emperor of the demon clan, in order to warn all living beings.

In the Heaven of Emperor Wa, there is the largest mountain peak, and a simple palace stands on it. The plaque on the gate of the palace reads three Taoist inscriptions, "Wa Emperor Palace". This is the dojo of Nuwa. Nuwa falls in In front of the palace, he said: "I will give a lecture on the Tao of Creation in the Wa Palace. All fellow Taoists, please come in."

Naturally, this Taoist friend was talking about Sanqing, Zhunti and Jieyin. They all had attended the Taoist teachings in Zixiao Palace like her, and they all had the foundation of Taoism. Nuwa did not want to be too domineering and offend others. them, lest they become holy in the future and be unhappy when they think of what happened today.

As soon as the Wa Palace opened, Nuwa led everyone in. Emperor Jun naturally came forward to congratulate him. Other visitors also congratulated him, even the Sanqing. After all, they were still quasi-sages. Facing the saints, they still had to maintain their integrity. Basic awe, at least in person.

After everyone sat down, Nuwa also began to preach his way of creation, "The God of creation, Yin and Yang are divided into two parts, Yang comes out of the earth, Yang in Yin is the heaven of man, so he takes advantage of its movements to attack the innate heaven and earth. Mother..." The saint's sermons were naturally filled with flowers falling from the sky and golden lotuses flowing from the ground, but they were inferior compared to those preached by Taoist Hongjun.

When Nuwa preached in Emperor Wa's heaven, she never thought of the situation of the human race that she had created. Although the human race at this time had no external interference and did not encounter any dangers, its development was not very good. The new life of the human race had no impact on the world. Knowing nothing, it can be said to be a blank, and I have no idea how to survive.

At this time, the human race can be said to be fluffy, blood-drinking, and prone to disasters. Moreover, it is difficult for the human race to resist those powerful beasts. They are often attacked by wild beasts at night. Many beasts have begun to slowly adapt to the power of the saints. Pressure, or in other words, the pressure of the saint is weakening.

Such a situation has also troubled the Suiren clan, the Youchao clan and the Miaoyi clan. These three people were the first group of people created by Nuwa. They were very prestigious among the human race, and they did have leadership skills. , otherwise he would not be honored as the 'Three Ancestors of the Human Race'.

When the Suiren family saw how the human race lived and acted like this, they began to think hard. In just a few years, many people from the human race died of illness and were attacked by wild beasts. Although there were new babies born, they were not as fast as the death rate of the human race. , If things continue like this, the human race may be in danger of extinction.

One day, lightning flashed and thundered in the sky. Suddenly, a bolt of lightning struck a towering ancient tree. The tree immediately began to burn with raging fire. When the surrounding beasts saw it, they were frightened and fled in all directions. Suirenshi saw it. , a flash of inspiration suddenly flashed in his heart.

Suiren's heart moved: wild animals are afraid of fire, so if you light a fire at night, you don't have to worry about wild beasts attacking, and you can use fire to drive away wild beasts. In this way, humans don't have to be afraid of wild beasts. When this happened, Suiren was even more happy. .

Walking to the burning tree, suddenly, a black thing fell from the sky. Suiren was startled, but what followed was an alluring fragrance. Suiren took a closer look and saw this black thing. The thing turned out to be a burnt python.

Suiren was immediately attracted by the scent. He carefully opened the burnt snake skin, revealing the white and tender snake meat inside. Suiren couldn't help but swallow a mouthful of saliva. After much hesitation, he still couldn't resist the temptation of the scent and tore it off. Put a piece of snake meat into your mouth.

"Hmm..." Suiren was eating snake meat and felt extremely beautiful in his heart. In the past, he ate raw animal meat and drank animal blood. How could he know that there was such delicious food in the world? From this, Suiren paid more attention to the role of fire and immediately picked it up. He picked up a branch and took a little fire source from the burning tree, and then hurriedly ran towards the tribe.

But after running for a while, the branches were burned out and the fire was extinguished. Seeing this, Suiren was not discouraged and tried back and forth several times, but all failed. However, Suiren also discovered a little pattern, and the more he The longer the big branches burn, then if larger branches are used, wouldn't it be possible to bring the fire back to the group

Thinking of this, Sui Ren found a thick wooden stick, ignited it, and immediately rushed to the place where the tribe lived. Sui Ren came back holding a torch, which shocked the tribe. Sui Ren had no time to explain, and quickly let go When people go away, some branches and dead grass come back.

When the raging fire ignited in the place where the human race lived, the Suiren clan also began to introduce the benefits of fire to the clansmen. After tasting the delicious cooked food, the Suiren clan's prestige among the human clan was at its peak. From then on, the human clan also began to learn to use fire. Deal with the beast.

But over time, the Suiren family also discovered a problem. Although fire is good, it is not easy to preserve and carry. The fire source needs to be guarded for a long time and needs to be placed in a cave, otherwise it will be easily extinguished by rain. The human race even surrounds the fire. While living, there is no way to go further.

Faced with this situation, the Suiren family began to think again. Fire is very important to the human race. It can be used for heating, grilling food, and it can also be used to drive away and defend wild beasts. However, if they cannot find a convenient way to make a fire, It is also difficult for the human race to develop and grow.

I’m going to make up for yesterday’s chapter. I’ve been working overtime every day these days and I’m sorry for the update! Will be added later.

(End of chapter)