The Spiritual Attainment of Minghe

Chapter 74: Styx Obsession


At the beginning of martial arts practice, one must first go through the four acquired stages of martial arts, martial arts disciples, warriors, and warriors. In the acquired stages, people who practice martial arts need to torture the physical body, blood, muscles, bones, internal organs, bone marrow, etc., so that the whole body can reach the highest level. The perfect state lays the solid foundation for future martial arts practice. Mu Sen calls it the foundation of martial arts.

The innate stage is the real beginning of martial arts practice. After entering the innate stage, warriors must begin to choose their own martial arts. Although martial arts is only one of the three thousand avenues, it is ever-changing. Everyone realizes it. The martial arts may be unique.

The stage from martial artist to martial arts master is the enlightenment stage of understanding martial arts. The real explosive stage of martial arts practice is to change levels on the ground. If it is the previous stage, the warrior can have few opponents among the same level, and from the ground level At the beginning of the level change, a warrior can become invincible at the same level.

Starting from the Earth Transformation level, warriors will begin to open up acupuncture points all over the body. Each time an acupuncture point is opened, the warrior's strength will increase by one step, and the accumulation will be deeper. There are 365 large acupuncture points all over the human race, which is just right for the Zhou Dynasty. If the Heavenly Star Technique can open all the acupoints all over the body, it is also possible to challenge the level.

When thirty-six major acupoints are opened all over the warrior's body, he can start trying to break through to the Heavenly Transformation level. Thirty-six major acupoints are the lowest standard for breaking through the Earthly Transformation level. The more major acupoints are opened at the Earthly Transformation level, the higher the chance of breaking through the Heavenly Transformation level. The strength will become stronger after that.

The Tianbian level begins to condense the true meaning of martial arts that one has understood. When the true meaning of martial arts is condensed and formed, the warrior can be considered to have truly entered the Tianbian level. During the Tianbian level, the warrior needs to constantly temper his true meaning of martial arts to make it possible. It slowly materializes.

Everyone's true meaning of martial arts is different. It may be a weapon, it may be a certain part of the body, or it may be some kind of creature. In short, it is ever-changing. It all depends on what kind of martial arts you have understood and the true meaning of martial arts. Strength and weakness are also related to the warrior's level of understanding.

If the Tianbian level wants to break through to the Celestial Level, they must completely solidify their true meaning of martial arts. At this stage, the warrior can begin to use the true meaning of martial arts to temper themselves, so that the physical body begins to transform. When the physical body and the true meaning of martial arts are completely integrated, At that time, that was the time to step into the Tianchong level.

After entering the Tianchong level, a warrior must begin to understand the laws of heaven, integrate the power of the laws with his own martial arts, and form his own unique martial arts magical powers. As the understanding of the laws deepens, the martial arts magical powers will also follow. Become stronger together.

The life star is the most critical stage of martial arts practice. It will determine whether the warrior can become a martial saint. What is the life star is the star of life. After entering the life star, the warrior needs to combine his own soul and martial arts. The true meaning and the power of law truly merge into one, forming a destiny star in the sea of consciousness.

As the true meaning of martial arts and the power of laws progress, the life star will also grow, and as long as the life star is immortal, the warrior will not really die. If the law is understood more than 70%, he will naturally be able to achieve Hunyuan Dao fruit, but Not necessarily a martial saint.

The so-called martial saint is to become a saint through martial arts. If you can achieve Hunyuan only by the way of laws, how is it different from the immortal way? Only when the true meaning of martial arts and the power of laws progress together and reach the realm of Hunyuan can one be called a martial saint.

The true meaning of martial arts is a branch of martial arts laws, but the difference is that the laws of martial arts belong to the way of heaven, while the true meaning of martial arts belongs entirely to the warrior himself. Theoretically, the true meaning of martial arts of a warrior can become infinitely stronger. Of course, this is just a conjecture and needs practice. to prove.

After listening to Mu Sen's explanation of martial arts, the three ancestors of the human race were all ecstatic. With such a martial arts inheritance, the human race will definitely be able to become a powerful clan in the ancient world like the Lich and Lich clans. However, they only saw the martial arts inheritance. It's so powerful, but have you ever thought about the hardships of martial arts practice

Mu Sen didn't say much. Now that he has mastered martial arts, it's time to preach to the human race. Naturally, the third ancestor of the human race would not say anything wrong. He immediately began to call all the races to listen to Mu Sen's teaching of martial arts. Watching tens of millions of human races gather together Coming to the place where the Juren race was born, Mu Sen was filled with emotions.


On the Holy Spirit Island in the Blood Sea, Styx was naturally paying attention to every move of the human race. It was not until Nuwa created humans that he finally understood where his obsession lies, and that is humans, yes! He has never forgotten that he was once a human being, and even now he still has the emotions of being a human being.

The obsession is clear, and Styx will naturally kill it, but with what object? There are many spiritual treasures in the Styx, but if you use the spiritual treasures to cut off your own corpse, can what you cut out be considered a human being? In this case, Styx simply sent his obsession directly to the human race, and took advantage of Nuwa's enlightenment to enter the body of the first human race created.

However, the human body is fragile. If Styx uses the spiritual treasure to kill his corpse, he is still a master of the quasi-saint level. How can the human body withstand the powerful magic power of the quasi-saint level? Therefore, Styx just places his obsession on a consciousness. The self-corpse was cut out of the unborn human race, but the self-corpse was just a mortal like other human races.

In this way, he can escape Nuwa's eyes. An ordinary human will naturally not attract Nuwa's attention. But what Styx didn't expect is that the rattan used by Nuwa to create humans is absorbing merit and turning into a human sacred weapon to whip people. After that, he automatically chose the master and fell into the hands of his own corpse.

Fortunately, Nuwa did not check carefully, otherwise she would definitely have found something abnormal. Although Zi Zhi is an ordinary mortal without any magic power or soul, he has the obsession of Styx after all, and his mental power is extremely strong. Fortunately, Nuwa does not pay attention to it. Human race, otherwise everything would be hard to say.

Styx cut out his corpse, and since he was a human, Styx simply let him inherit the name of his human race. Although Mu Sen did not have any cultivation, as long as he was willing, his cultivation speed was absolutely unparalleled. After all, he Like Styx, he has the realm of quasi-sage. What he lacks is just mana and soul.

If he were to cultivate the immortal way, Mu Sen could practice all the way to the quasi-sage realm without any hindrance, and there would be no bottlenecks during the process. However, Mu Sen's own idea was not to cultivate the immortal way, which also surprised Ming He. All Ming He wanted to do was kill. Get rid of his own obsessions and cut them off. Styx will become the true innate demon god and has nothing to do with his previous life. This will allow him to cultivate Taoism better.

As for the past events and many distracting thoughts, they are all left to Mu Sen. Originally, Styx did not follow the path of the three corpses. He killed the three corpses just to increase his own strength. If he faced the saint in the future, he would not be passive.

Styx's own way is the way of the Chaos Demon God, and among the three corpses chopped out, the Evil Corpse Red Lotus Taoist has touched the threshold of the Hunyuan realm, and is only one step away from achieving Hunyuan. If he can obtain the Golden Lotus of Merit in the future The origin of Honglian Daoist's strength will definitely be able to go further. As for how far he can go, Styx cannot predict.

Taoist Shanshi Qiankun is following the path of advancement in the world. Although this is only the result of Styx's deduction, if it is real and feasible, Taoist Qiankun's future achievements may not be lower than those of Daoist Honglian. However, the path to advancement in the world is too Difficult, the accumulation required is too deep and difficult to complete in a short time. Qiankun Taoist wants to attain Hunyuan but doesn’t know when it will take.

But now the self-zombie Musen has inherited all the humanity of Styx's previous life. In Styx's view, the self-corpse is the one with the worst foundation among his three corpses. Although the human body is based on the innate breath soil and the three-light god. It was created based on water and combined with the power of creation, but it must be very different from the innate spiritual treasure.

Therefore, Styx didn't have much expectations for Zhimusen. He only hoped that he could live a good life for himself as a human being. However, he forgot that although he was an otaku in his previous life, he was also a man with crazy pursuits. I am an otaku, and people are inherently creative.

Mu Sen naturally also knows Styx's thoughts. Compared with any race in the ancient world, the current human race is too weak. Moreover, even if the human race embarks on the path of cultivation, it will not have any advantage against any race. The human race will not be reborn for more than a hundred years. The background is too shallow. Even though Styx is willing to support it, he still has many concerns.

Sorry, the updates have been irregular these days. Fanchen would like to apologize to everyone and will resume normal updates as soon as possible! Catch up on Sunday’s first chapter.

(End of chapter)