The Spiritual Attainment of Minghe

Chapter 97: The universe establishes the underworld


Although Taoist Qiankun was under the pressure of Hou Tu's saint, he was not affected at all. Hou Tu's becoming a saint was already expected, and he was naturally prepared. The pressure of Hou Tu's becoming a saint was not weak at all. This is also Thanks to that huge merit.

Now the seven saints in the prehistoric era have gathered together. Among them, Laozi, the leader of the Three Pure Ones, has the strongest cultivation level and is in the middle stage of saints. Although Yuanshi Tianzun and Tongtian are also in the middle stage of saints, they are slightly weaker. The lead is equivalent to Yuanshi Tianzun and Tongtian. In the middle stage of sainthood, the worst ones are naturally Nuwa and Zhunti, but they are only in the early stage of sainthood.

Due to the huge merits of Houtu's incarnation in the six realms of reincarnation, after becoming a saint, her cultivation level soared directly to the middle stage of the saint, but compared with Yuanshi, Tongtian, and Jieyin, it was still a little behind. After all, she had no soul at all before, so it might be difficult for her for a while. Use all your strength.

At this time, a voice came from the sky: "Houtu has transformed into reincarnation with his body, and has immeasurable merits. However, the six paths of reincarnation are important places in ancient times and still need to be perfected. A saint must be there to guard against unexpected events. Within two calamities, The back soil must not be left lightly."

Hou Tu was still happy to finally become a saint, but Hongjun's words immediately made her look extremely ugly. She was not allowed to leave this time. Wasn't this a disguised form of house arrest? How could she be willing to do this, but Daozu Hongjun was now in line with the way of heaven, which was far beyond what she, a newly-consecrated saint, could match, so she could only accept it.

Like Hou Tu, Taoist Qiankun also had a solemn expression, not because Hou Tu was banned, but because when Hongjun's words came, he felt infinite pressure coming on him. At that moment, he even felt the threat of death. Aura, this coercion comes and goes quickly, but Taoist Qiankun cannot help but ignore it.

Is this a warning from Heaven or Hongjun? If it was a warning from Heaven, was it a warning to allow Hou Tu to become a saint, or was it to allow Hou Tu to retain his identity as a witch? If it was Hongjun's warning, it would make Taoist Qiankun even more confused. Why did Hongjun warn him? Is it the same as the way of heaven, or does it have another purpose? This is a mystery.

While Taoist Qiankun was meditating, two streams of light flew out from the center of the sea of blood and landed in front of him. Taoist Qiankun took a look and found out that it was Ming He who had obtained the Book of Life and Death and the Judge's Pen, and the six paths of reincarnation had been established. It was time for the underworld to be born, and Styx handed these two objects to him, obviously intending to let him establish the underworld and become the master of the underworld.

Taoist Qiankun held two spiritual treasures and prayed to the sky: "I am Taoist Qiankun, the good corpse of the ancestor of Minghe. Now that reincarnation has been completed, the underworld will be established. I am the Great Emperor of Fengdu, in charge of reincarnation, and use the innate spiritual treasures to live and die." The book and the judge's pen suppress the luck of the underworld and establish the underworld!"

As Taoist Qiankun shouted violently, the entire blood sea rioted. The endless blood was used around the Six Paths of Reincarnation and began to evolve into the underworld. City walls were gradually formed. The farthest point was a majestic checkpoint with a city wall made of bluestone. On the city gate are written three big characters with flying dragons and phoenixes, Guimen Pass. A small road in front of Guimen Pass is Huangquan Road. When you step on Huangquan Road, the yin and yang are separated.

After entering Guimen Pass, there is a huge city with all kinds of shops. If it weren't for the red sky and earth, it would really make people feel like they have arrived at the giant city in the world. Wangxiang Terrace was built to satisfy the ghosts' desire to miss home. It is a large terrace. It stands alone outside the city wall, with stick spirits entrenched here every day, and there are six reincarnation bridges in the Yin and Yang Division, connecting the six paths of reincarnation.

In a short time, the underworld has evolved, and Taoist Qiankun continued to talk: "After the underworld is completed, there should be a place for punishment, and the 180% hell should be established. After the death of the living beings, their merits and demerits in life will be judged. Those whose merits are greater than their faults will enter the six realms of reincarnation. Those whose faults outweigh their merits will be sent to the 180% Hell. Only after they atone for their sins can they enter reincarnation again. The 180% Hell will be established!"

The first level is Tongue Pulling Hell, the second level is Scissors Hell, the third level is Iron Tree Hell, the fourth level is Evil Mirror Hell, the fifth level is Steamer Hell, the sixth level is Bronze Pillar Hell, the seventh level is Sword Mountain Hell, and the eighth level is Iceberg Hell, Ninth Level of Oil Pot Hell, Tenth Level of Bull Pit Hell, Eleventh Level of Stone Pressed Hell, Twelfth Level of Mortar Hell, Thirteenth Level of Blood Pool Hell, Fourteenth Level of Unearned Death Hell, Fifteenth Level , the punishment hell, the sixteenth level of the volcano hell, the seventeenth level of the grinding stone hell, and the eighteenth level, the sawing hell.

The eighteen levels of hell are arranged according to the length of suffering time and the severity of the punishment. Each hell is twenty times more painful and twice as long as the previous hell. Under the eighteen levels of hell, there is a special space. This is The eternal hell. Once you enter the endless hell, you will never be reincarnated.

Seeing that the underworld has been completed, Taoist Qiankun opened the book of life and death and shouted: "All living creatures in the prehistoric times, those who have not yet entered the quasi-sage, are all in the six realms. They should have their names in the book of life and death. Their cause and effect, karma, blessings, and sins are all there."

At the same time, in the vast wilderness, magnificent lights were radiating out, and they all rushed towards the underworld. Life and death were divided. A black energy surged up, absorbing all the colorful lights. In the blink of an eye, countless names appeared in the world of life and death. In the book, these names include all the creatures in the prehistoric era who have not reached the quasi-sage level, even the Great Luo Jinxian is among them.

With the Judge's Pen, you can modify the Book of Life and Death, but the price you pay will depend on the strength, fortune, etc. of the creature being modified. If you modify it indiscriminately, you may not only be burdened with karma, but also trigger the punishment of heaven. , completely destroyed.

When the underworld was completed, the thunder god rolled above the sky, and a golden light of merit fell from the sky, heading straight for Taoist Qiankun. This merit was not small, it was one-tenth of the merit of becoming a saint in the later earth. Taoist Qiankun took out the Qiankun Ruler , and collect all the merits into it.

Although the Qiankun Ruler is a top-grade innate spiritual treasure, its attack is not weak. Now that so much merit has been injected into it, its power has greatly increased. And after the Qiankun Ruler becomes a meritorious spiritual treasure, killing people will not be affected by karma, which is not bad. .

However, the current underworld is still empty. Taoist Qiankun immediately arranged for thousands of blood god sons to settle in the underworld, and also consecrated ten blood god clones as the kings of hell in the ten palaces. The underworld immediately started to operate, and at the same time, it attracted the bull heads, horse faces, and impermanence. As the envoys of the underworld, the three tribes capture and guide the souls of the dead in the prehistoric times.

This underworld is a good place to gain merit for a long time. Taoist Qiankun will naturally not give it up to others. Except for the soul seducer, all other positions are taken by the Son of Blood God. As the King of Hell of the Ten Palaces, the clone of Blood God can handle the daily affairs in the underworld. Qiankun Taoist, the great emperor of Fengdu, became the most leisurely errand.

Hou Tu naturally has no objections to the actions of Taoist Qiankun. Although the underworld is good, the six reincarnations are the most important. As long as the six reincarnations exist for one day, they can continue to accumulate merit and luck for the Wu Clan. Moreover, the Wu Clan has no soul and is born with They are warlike. If they take over the underworld, they will probably only make the underworld chaotic.

However, Hou Tu didn't do anything. She used an innate spiritual treasure that had been refined through blood sacrifice to kill off the good corpse and transformed into Po Meng, who permanently resides by the Naihe Bridge. She provided Meng Po soup to all the spirits who were going to be reincarnated to eliminate the memories of the ghosts, while Hou Tu lived in the underworld and devoted himself to cultivation, but before that, she had to send away the ancestral witches who came in a hurry.

Taoist Qiankun was not interested in what Hou Tu was talking about with the ancestral witch. What he was interested in was the Six Paths of Reincarnation. Although there were creatures born in his Qiankun world, there were no Six Paths of Reincarnation. Now that the Six Paths of Reincarnation has appeared in the prehistoric times, Qiankun The Taoist is also the Great Emperor of Fengdu. He happens to be near the water tower and gets the moon first. He can understand its mysteries in detail and strive to understand the law of reincarnation and the law of the whole universe.

Of course, in addition to this, Taoist Qiankun also needs to form the ghost soldiers of the underworld. He cannot let the Blood God Son of Styx solve everything. The underworld still has to have its own army, just like the heavenly soldiers and generals in heaven. Although it cannot handle everything No big deal, but it’s okay to solve some small things.

The six paths of reincarnation have been completed, and the underworld is newly established, but the luck is still there. After all, the underworld is an important place in the ancient world, and the amount of luck it occupies is naturally not a small number, and the luck of the underworld is transformed into the earth body. Reincarnation, monopolizes 40%, and the rest of the luck naturally falls on Taoist Qiankun.

The second chapter is delivered today! It's a bit late, sorry.

(End of chapter)