The Spiritual Plant Master Transmigration

Chapter 37: Brother's shock


Once Xiao Jingting got busy, he never stopped, and he didn't stop until the evening, "Second brother, I'm sorry! As soon as I got busy, I forgot about you."

Xiao Jinfeng smiled at Xiao Jingting, and said: "It's okay, if father and mother are still here, I must be very happy to know that you are so motivated."

Xiao Jingting smiled embarrassedly.

"A lot of people were looking at you when you performed spiritual spells on the field just now." Xiao Jinfeng said.

Xiao Jingting asked in surprise, "Is there?"

"Yes! Many of them are young brothers and girls, and they seem to like you. Third brother, you are now the ideal partner in many people's hearts." Xiao Jinfeng said.

Xiao Jingting shook his head and said, "Second Brother, you just like to make fun of me."

"That's not true." Xiao Jinfeng said.

"I already have wives and children, and now I just want to make money to support my family. I don't dare to think about other things." Xiao Jingting said flatly.

Hearing Xiao Jingting's words, Xiao Jinfeng breathed a sigh of relief.

"Second brother, do you have something to say to me! I see you have been hesitant to speak." Xiao Jingting said a little confused.

Xiao Jinfeng hesitated for a moment, and said frankly: "Sun Miaomiao is going to marry Xiao Muhong."

Xiao Jingting was stunned for a moment, thinking of Sun Miaomiao, Xiao Jingting couldn't help but blush, the original owner was supposed to be a loyal fan of Sun Miaomiao, he would stick to people whenever he saw them on the street, and even fight with people because of Sun Miaomiao. Gifts can be given with great enthusiasm, and it is also a joy to be returned.

Thinking of the original owner's grandson-like appearance, Xiao Jingting felt ashamed and flustered.

Although those things were all done by the original owner, Xiao Jingting has now merged with the original owner, and there is always a feeling that he has done those ridiculous things by himself.

"Really? Sun Miaomiao is going to marry Xiao Muhong, but that bastard Xiao Muhong will accept it, she is a very fierce woman." Xiao Jingting shook his head and said, Xiao Jingting really couldn't understand the original owner's taste, from memory The original owner also let this Miss Sun shake the whip, could it be that the original owner has masochism.

Xiao Jinfeng asked a little strangely: "You don't mind?" Xiao Jinfeng still remembered how Xiao Jingting put on the saddle for Sun Miaomiao, with that 24-year-old filial demeanor, his solicitousness made Xiao Jinfeng want to slap him.

"Why should I mind, Sun Miaomiao is not my wife." Xiao Jingting said coolly, the original owner is really thick-skinned! Miss Sun clearly doesn't take the original owner seriously, but this guy doesn't take it seriously at all. He's such an idiot. No wonder those people look down on the original owner.

"It's good that you don't mind."

"A twisted melon is not sweet, it's just that Miss Sun's eyes are high above her head, and she actually fell in love with Xiao Muhong. It's a little strange!" Xiao Jingting said.

"It's not surprising! After the father and mother's accident, the uncle's family is in charge, and Xiao Muhong is the eldest son of the uncle..."

Xiao Jingting raised his eyebrows, that's right, the Xiao family has changed the direction of the wind, Xiao Muhong can be regarded as the prince, but the other houses are not easy to mess with, Xiao Muhong's position is very unstable!

"By the way, your aunt gave you this field." Xiao Jinfeng asked, frowning deeply.

Xiao Jingting nodded and said, "Yes!"

"I saw that you only have a dozen acres of land in total, but you have several acres of high-quality fields." Xiao Jinfeng frowned deeply.

"That's right, my strength is limited, and now I can only grow some ordinary plants. It's a waste of this high-quality field in my hands." Xiao Jingting said with some regret.

"I heard that your field was abandoned before?" Xiao Jinfeng continued to ask.

Xiao Jingting nodded, smiled embarrassingly, and said, "Yes!"

"Do you know that Tuqiu Village is under the jurisdiction of the Marquis Mansion of Yongcheng. The Marquis Mansion issued a regulation four months ago that if an acre of high-quality land is idle for a month, you need to pay a fine of one hundred taels. There are five acres of top-grade fields, how many months have you been idle?" Xiao Jinfeng said.

Xiao Jingting's eyes widened, what are you doing! There are a total of five acres of high-quality farmland. He has been idle for two months, and it seems to have been idle before the original owner came.

"Second brother, why is the fine so high!" Xiao Jingting said puzzled.

"The resources of the first-class fields are limited. I am afraid that some landlords will occupy the fields and do nothing, so the Hou Mansion will issue this decree. Although the first-class fields are used to plant fifth-level and sixth-level spiritual plants, they can make the best use of them." , but planting some third-level spiritual plants on it does not require much effort to take care of them, and generally they can grow very well, such a good field is so wasteful, it is too wasteful."

"Second Brother, where did you get this news? No one in the village told me about it!" Xiao Jingting said.

"Ordinary people don't leave high-quality fields deserted, so not many people know about this decree. In fact, the sky is high and the emperor is far away. Some remote villages will not be investigated even if they are deserted. However, if we If you guess correctly, someone will definitely check your field." Xiao Jinfeng said.

Xiao Jingting was completely bored. He had originally wondered why the Xiao family would give so many high-quality fields to Xiao Jingting. It turned out that they were waiting for him here. That's right, maybe it doesn't matter if some people are left unoccupied, but he will certainly Someone checked and found that his uncle and aunt really did all the tricks, and Xiao Jingting really couldn't convince himself that it was a coincidence.

"Before, I used to treat the fields as going out for a while," Xiao Jingting said.

"The calculation of the waste time of the Hou Mansion starts from the time when the land deed is transferred to your name, and the period of pawnshop work is also counted." Xiao Jinfeng said.

Xiao Jingting: "..." Calculated in this way, it will be two or three months, that is to say, he has to pay at least one thousand taels of silver.

"Second brother, do you know when the Hou Mansion will come to investigate?" Xiao Jingting asked.

"In October." Xiao Jingting said.

Xiao Jingting breathed a sigh of relief, fortunately, there is still time.

"At that time, what will happen if there is no money?" Xiao Jingting asked.

"Prison." Xiao Jinfeng said.

Xiao Jingting took a deep breath, and said in his heart: enough ruthlessness.

"Second brother, let's go back first. Let's talk about the field matters later. Anyway, there is still time, and we just need to earn more money. I think Mu An and Mu Shuyu should be back. This meeting should wait for us to eat again." Xiao Jingting said.

Hearing what Xiao Jinfeng said, Xiao Jingting was surprised when he heard that the debt was too much, but he quickly became optimistic again.

Xiao Jinfeng nodded and said, "Okay."

"Second brother, Mu An sold five jars of wine today and still has so many grapes, I think it's almost enough money to buy you the detoxification pill." Xiao Jingting said.

Hearing Xiao Jingting's words, Xiao Jinfeng felt a little warm in his heart.

Xiao Jingting turned his head, looked at Xiao Jinfeng's face, and said, "Second brother, why are you looking at me like that?"

"Second brother just didn't expect that you would do this for me." Xiao Jinfeng said.

Xiao Jingting smiled peacefully and said, "Second Brother, we are brothers! If I get poisoned, Second Brother will definitely help me, right?"

Xiao Jinfeng nodded and said: "Yes!" Although he and Xiao Jingting were not close, but if something happened to Xiao Jingting, he couldn't stand by and watch.

"Second brother, are you dating Mu Shuyu?" Xiao Jingting asked.

Xiao Jinfeng froze for a moment, his face flushed slightly.

Xiao Jingting raised his eyebrows, and said in his heart: "Second brother, Mu Shuyu is very good to you! Under such circumstances, you will never leave him. Don't let him down."

"I know, by the way, your brewed wine is pretty good! It's actually a bit cheap to sell it for one hundred taels of silver. Your brother and I have drunk one hundred and twenty taels of wine, and the taste is not as pure as yours." Xiao Jinfeng's eyes lit up. , with an endless aftertaste.

Xiao Jingting smiled helplessly, and said: "After all, this is a small place. It is too expensive to sell, and my wine is not well-known. It will take time for people to recognize it." Can let go as soon as possible.

"Your spirit wine is very good for level 3 and level 4 qi trainers, and very useful for level 3 qi trainers." Xiao Jinfeng said.

Xiao Jinfeng's implication is that although the spirit wine is good for the fourth-level Qi trainers, it is not very useful.

Xiao Jingting smiled, the spiritual spring is not omnipotent, he used the spiritual spring to grow grapes well before, but the effect of planting more advanced spiritual plants is not so great.

After entering the fourth level of qi training, Xiao Jingting also found that the speed at which Lingquan can restore spiritual energy is greatly reduced. If the quality of Lingquan cannot be improved, then when his strength is stronger, Lingquan will become very weak. If there is no way to upgrade the Lingquan, then the Lingquan will be useless.

"It's a pity that the wine is sold like this." Xiao Jinfeng said with regret.

Xiao Jingting looked at Xiao Jinfeng's reluctance, and said: "The sold wine is from the first batch, the second batch should be ready in a few days, the second batch of wine is more mellow, second brother likes it, we can keep more Some."

Xiao Jinfeng smiled awkwardly, and said: "Your second brother and I have no other preferences, just like what's in this cup."

Xiao Jingting looked at Xiao Jinfeng, and asked, "Second brother, it's a mistake to drink, you're not drunk, what happened?"

A look of distress appeared on Xiao Jinfeng's face.

Xiao Jingting looked at Xiao Jingting, and said a little astonishingly: "Second brother, something really happened to you, right?"

Xiao Jinfeng said with some embarrassment: "No."

Looking at Xiao Jinfeng's expression, Xiao Jingting was somewhat suspicious, but this was Xiao Jinfeng's private matter, and Xiao Jingting did not pursue it.

When Xiao Jingting returned home, Xu Muan had already set up the dishes.

Xu Mu'an took out the banknote and said, "This is money for selling wine and grapes, a total of 800 taels."

Xiao Jingting stroked his chin and said, "I still have more than one hundred taels in my hand, it's almost there!"

"I still have some savings, about two hundred taels." Mu Shuyu said hastily.

Xiao Jingting smiled and said, "Where can I ask for your money!"

Xiao Jinfeng took out a storage bag and said: "I still have three hundred taels in my hand. When I left Xiao's house, I was purged and left the house, and the rest of my property fell into Xiao's house." A bit of hatred flashed through.

Xiao Jingting looked at Xiao Jinfeng and said, "Second brother, don't be angry, just treat it as a waste of money and avoid disaster."

"The town is too small, we didn't find any for sale after searching around, but there should be some in Qingcheng." Xu Mu'an said.

Xiao Jingting took the banknote and handed it to Xiao Jinfeng, saying: "Second Brother, why don't you go with Young Master Mu."

Xiao Jinfeng took the banknote, nodded and said, "Okay."