The Spiritual Plant Master Transmigration

Chapter 41: Gossip


With the help of Mu Shuyu and Xiao Jinfeng, Xiao Jingting's pressure was greatly relieved.

On the second day when Xiao Jinfeng took over the protection work, there were two third-level monsters running wild, and Xiao Jinfeng easily cleaned them up.

After seeing Xiao Jinfeng's ability to kill monsters, Xiao Jingting finally understood how scumbag his combat quality is.

"Second brother, you are amazing." Xiao Jingting couldn't help but said.

Xiao Jinfeng shook his head and said: "It's nothing, your trap has helped a lot, and the monsters that came are not particularly ferocious."

"Second brother, you are too modest." Xiao Jingting said.

"Shu Yu said that your field is very good, better than the average fourth-level spiritual planter. It can be seen that you are very talented in farming." Xiao Jinfeng said.

Xiao Jingting smiled and said: "I have two sons to raise, and I have to earn more money. Second brother, you are going to marry a wife soon, so you need to save more money for your wife."

Xiao Jinfeng shook his head helplessly, and said, "You!"

After the story of Xiao Jinfeng fighting two third-level monsters alone spread, it quickly attracted the attention of the people in the village. For a while, the attention of many people in the village shifted from Xiao Jingting to Xiao Jinfeng.

"That Xiao Jinfeng is really amazing, one person can deal with two monsters."

"I heard that he is Xiao Jingting's elder brother and the young master of the Xiao family."

"The young master of the big family is just different. If you come out at random, the strength is so strong."

"That's not true, but it's not surprising. The young master of the big family has eaten geniuses and treasures since he was a child. Even a pig can become a golden pig."

"That Xiao Jinfeng is nothing special. He has bad moral character, robbed others of his prey, was expelled from the mercenary team, and after returning to Xiao's house, forced his brother and sister-in-law to rape him, and was kicked out of the house." Qiu Li raised his head, full of disdain the way.

"Qiu Li, where did you hear the news?"

"That is to say, you are still being encouraged. This matter has spread all over Mocheng. I heard from the people who left Shang that Tuqiu Village is not a good place for those young masters. That young master is I couldn't get along in the original place, so I just came here, Xiao Jinfeng was ungrateful and misbehaving, his fiancée couldn't stand it anymore, so she broke off the engagement with him." Qiu Li said with some pride.

Qiu Li was originally considered a "talent" in the village, but after Xiao Jingting changed his ways, he was compared to the dust. After Xiao Jinfeng came, the focus of the villagers was on the two brothers of the Xiao family. Qiu Li has long been dissatisfied with his body.

"No way, that young man is quite handsome." An old lady said.

"Knowing people, knowing the face but not knowing the heart, that Xiao Jinfeng is not a good person." Qiu Li said.


After the spiritual plants in several acres of medium-sized fields matured one after another, Xiao Jingting invited several people from the village to help harvest them. At first, they were afraid of the monsters that would come out from time to time, and some villagers dared not come to help. However, with Xiao Jinfeng watching, the villagers I am relieved.

Xiao Jinfeng's low moral character and lustful reputation spread throughout the village, but he still had to make money, Xiao Jingting offered a high price, and the villagers scrambled to help.

Xiao Jinfeng took a sip of the wine and used his spiritual power, turning a blind eye to the suspicious and probing eyes of the villagers.

Xiao Jinfeng still knows that his bad reputation is spread everywhere in the village, but Xiao Jinfeng doesn't care much about it. He has experienced the double betrayal of his brothers and family in the mercenary team, and those villagers spread some gossip. It doesn't hurt.

At first, Qiu Li was a little proud of the rumors about Xiao Jinfeng, but when he found out that he should eat and sleep, the villagers in the village still rushed to Xiao's house to help, Qiu Li suddenly felt like a villain. a feeling of.

Qiu Li felt that the villagers in the village were really shameless and scolded people behind their backs for nothing. Xiao Jingting took a little money and ran over to help.