The Spoiled Daily Life of the Villain’s Mother

Chapter 107


After being shot in the head with a beer bottle, Li Wenqiang was still stunned, and may have suffered a concussion. His lips moved but he didn't say anything, but his subordinates reacted, and immediately stood up, picked up sticks and rushed over.

"Do it!" Jiang Shining shouted.

Jing Yuan and the others couldn't bear it long ago, and when they heard her words, they immediately greeted her with a murderous look.

Although the boss was knocked out of his head, he had the upper hand in numbers, which set fire to the hearts of the gangsters, and they wanted to clean up all the foreigners who toasted and refused to drink. As a result, they seriously underestimated the strength of the few 'bodyguards' in front of them.

Except for Jing Xuan, Jing Yuan, Chen Tanliang and Qiao Huaize have all been more or less in contact with force in their lives. Needless to say, Jing Yuan came out of actual combat in country M. Chen Tanliang has been training in the M army for many years, and was also trained as an agent. Qiao Huaize can be said to be the number one swordsman in the martial arts world today.

Now it's not as chaotic as it was twenty years ago. Even these gangsters probably haven't had a few big fights, and most people don't dare to provoke them. Even if there are as many as thirty or forty of these people, they are not enough to look at in front of a few experienced brothers.

On the other side, as many gangsters rushed over, the brothers would knock down as many of them.

And Valen, who was with Jiang Shining, was like a little leopard, about to charge forward—he was only as tall as those men's chests or shoulders! But still fierce to death.

As soon as Valen knocked down one of them, Jiang Shining grabbed the back of his neck and pulled him back by the collar.

"Go to Wang Shi, don't let someone beat him in his confusion!"

Varen's face was full of reluctance. He knew that he was just a human teenager now, unlike in his previous life, even if he was wounded by a knife, he could heal quickly. This feeling is like a tiger reborn as a domestic cat, with the intention of being fierce, but the hardware conditions do not allow it.

He himself didn't care about working hard with others, but Jiang Shining would definitely not allow it.

Even if he has a brain with rich experience, the physical differences between human teenagers and adults are very big. Jiang Shining must not let Warren head-on.

Valen knew that he couldn't make Jiang Shining change his mind, so he could only sulk and go to the door to find Wang Shi who was hiding aside. Wang Shi was arranged by Chen Tanliang to hide behind a table, and when he saw Varun approaching, he waved to him excitedly.

"Your brothers are too powerful!" Wang Shi said admiringly, "They are one against ten! They are not at a disadvantage."

Varun snorted disdainfully and depressedly. Cut, what is one against ten, in his previous life, one against a hundred is fine.

Idle is also idle, Varen lazily pointed to the front of the melee.

"From the way they do it, can you distinguish the attack methods and identity backgrounds they are good at?"

Wang Shi looked around curiously. He only felt that the men were very powerful, but he couldn't see any way. He shook his head honestly.

"have no idea."

Wang Shi pointed at Qiao Huaize.

Qiao Huaize was holding a long stick with a thick woman's wrist in his hand at the moment. Although the gangster on the opposite side also held something like a stick, he was still no match for him.

"He should be good at using things like swords, and his attack method is very systematic. It seems that he is proficient in this field."

Wang Shi followed his explanation and looked at it, and he immediately felt that it was so.

Warren pointed at Chen Tanliang again.

"You can see that he doesn't use a weapon, but he uses very professional close combat, but it is somewhat different from popular combat. He should have a military background." Varen said, "And his fighting style is close to the M style, I suspect He served in the army abroad."

"Wow." Wang Shi listened in amazement and said.

Varen turned to Jing Yuan again.

"His method seems to be the most unstructured, but almost every move is very biased and ruthless. He has very rich practical experience, and he may have the same background as Li Wenqiang."

"Yesterday he said that Brother Li was still breastfeeding when he came out to hang out. He also said that he has some influence in country M." Wang Shi murmured, "It doesn't look like he's bragging."

Wang Shi finally pointed to Jing Xuan.

"He probably hasn't fought with anyone before, but he has kung fu. You can see that although he is slow to deal with the enemy, there is no way to hurt him when several people surround him. He should have learned something about this."

Wang Shi nodded repeatedly when he heard it, and he said in surprise, "How come you understand everything and see everything? If you don't say it, I don't think there is any way in it."

Valen naturally likes to study these things. In his previous life, in order to fight, he had to learn as many fighting styles and techniques as possible in his optical brain. In this life, he also kept this habit, occasionally reading a magazine or something related to these things.

He hasn't talked to the other new brothers, but he can still see who they used to be, and guess they are very similar.

"What about your mother?" At this moment, Varen heard Wang Shi ask in a low voice.

As soon as Valen looked up, he saw those gangsters finding the man difficult, so they all went to besiege Jiang Shining, trying to control her as a threat.

It turned out that Jiang Shining did not succeed in sneak attacking Li Wenqiang just now. Now these six or seven men who were a head taller than her rushed over, and they all fell to the ground and screamed in a few moments.

Valen was also a little surprised. He didn't know where Jiang Shining got such a wealth of practical experience.

From the start of the fight to the time the two talked, it was only a little over ten minutes. In less than fifteen minutes, the ground was already full of gangsters writhing in pain, and they didn't seem to be hurt at all.

That's thirty or forty people!

Chu Jingyuan seemed to be in a very good mood, and the smile on the corner of his mouth was bigger than usual. Although his mind has become much more peaceful and naive in this life, he has never laughed like this. With such a smile at the moment, it looks a bit like Jing Xuan. He was wearing a suit, and he shouldn't be able to perform well, but it didn't seem to affect him at all.

"I haven't had a fight for a long time since I left country M, but it suffocated me." Jing Yuan happily said to the miserable gangsters on the ground while buttoning his cuff buttons, "What do you guys have? Is it? Everyone will be sent over."

- Feelings, the old man came here to enjoy himself.

Jing Xuan has never fought with anyone in his life. Although he is stronger than ordinary people, he is exhausted the most at this moment. He simply sat on the chair with his elbows on the table.

"The fight is over, and then?" Jing Xuan was panting a little.

"Then we should use the law to punish these people." Jing Yuan gave Chen Tanliang an 'I understand you' look. Chen Tanliang finally nodded in agreement.

Jing Yuan looked at Jing Xuan again, and said dissatisfiedly, "What kind of physical strength do you have? It's too embarrassing for me. I have to give you special training every day since I go back."

"I'm the boss, why do you train me to fight?" Jing Xuan smiled wryly.

Several people chatted in this scene, not taking these people seriously at all.

At this moment, Varun's ears moved sensitively, and immediately after, the policemen burst open the closed door and rushed in.

It was originally because someone (Qin) (Qian) reported the case anonymously, saying that Li Wenqiang and others robbed and kidnapped businessmen from other places, and were also suspected of extorting civilians. As soon as Qin Qian's call was dropped, someone called the police saying that they saw gangsters stopping the car and taking the person away, so the police were dispatched immediately.

They not only brought batons but also emergency weapons, ready to frighten the enemy with a single blow. Unexpectedly, the first policeman who rushed in just raised his gun and wanted to tell the gangsters to put down their things and squat on the spot, but they were stunned as soon as they came in. .

The ground was full of gangsters with painful expressions, but the kidnapped outsiders in front of them stood there in good condition.

But the police still didn't relax, watching the house vigilantly, and stopped several people behind them.

"Are you kidnapped hostages?" The police captain walked over, and he said in a deep voice.

"Yes." Jing Yuan nodded, "I was too scared just now, so I couldn't help defending myself."

... This self-defense is thorough enough.

"Are you injured?" The captain suppressed the surprise in his heart and said dutifully, "If you need treatment and bandages, there are doctors waiting outside."

Just as Jing Yuan was about to speak, he saw Wang Shi, who was a little scared, stand up.

"Police, Uncle Police, please don't lock them up. They only helped me because I was threatened by Brother Li. Don't arrest them, okay?"

A young man with the heart of a young and Dangerous boy, he is afraid that the police will arrest Varen's new family members like they did when they arrested two fighters at the same time.

"Kids, the police are not bullies, they won't catch victims."

After comforting Wang Shi, the captain looked at the gangsters on the ground. His teammates had already stepped forward to handcuff them one by one. He was still a little worried—this Li Wenqiang had been caught countless times, but he always had a way to get out. He was afraid that he would find someone to say that these hostages were too defensive. If any gangster was seriously injured or his life was dying, it would probably be a bunch of bad things.

Unexpectedly, these gangsters whining on the ground staggered to their feet under the scolding of the police, and none of them seemed to be fatally injured, which was amazing—these people's control was definitely professional level.

"Practiced before?" the captain asked.

"Bodyguard." Jing Yuan said.

It's barely explainable.

"Come on, you guys leave this place first, but don't run around, and cooperate with us to investigate." The captain said.

Jing Yuan nodded. He greeted everyone and was just about to leave when suddenly someone shouted loudly from the depths of the wine, "Bitch, don't move!"

They turned their heads and saw that Li Wenqiang took out a pistol/gun from nowhere, and pointed it at Jiang Shining with blood all over his face.

Jiang Shining was still standing there calmly, the expressions of the other sons changed, and the police immediately pointed their guns at him.

"Li Wenqiang, are you out of your mind!" the captain yelled angrily, "How dare you hold a gun in front of us?! I'll give you a chance to put down your weapon and surrender immediately, or you won't be able to afford the consequences!"

Li Wenqiang's chest was heaving, he aimed at Jiang Shining, and walked over step by step.

"If you still want her life, give me a car ready to leave immediately, and don't stop me!"

The scene was deadlocked for a while, no one dared to act rashly, but there was a chuckle, it was Jiang Shining. Jiang Shining didn't seem to feel the tension of being held hostage at all, she even turned her head to look at Li Wenqiang with red eyes.

"What? There is an ulterior secret that cannot be disclosed to the police, so why are you so excited?" Jiang Shining said softly, "It seems that you won't get off the crime so easily this time, will you?"

"Ms. Hostage!" The captain's voice changed, "Please don't provoke the kidnappers!"

Li Wenqiang's eyes were red, and he reached out to grab Jiang Shining. He wanted to use his arms to strangle this hateful woman's neck, but Jiang Shining was faster than him. When Li Wenqiang reached out, she squatted down and grabbed her backhand. Grabbing his wrist, the high heels kicked towards his ankle. Li Wenqiang fired subconsciously. Jiang Shining patted his wrist with the gun with the other hand. His hand was raised upwards, and the gun slammed into the air.

With the recoil of the shot, Jiang Shining had already pushed the man who lost his balance to the ground. Fearing that the gun would go off, he almost unloaded the magazine with one hand.

The whole action is done in one go, almost in the time of a gunshot.

The police immediately rushed over and held Li Wenqiang down, while the other two grabbed Jiang Shining and took her away from the danger zone.

Just because of Li Wenqiang's possession of dangerous guns, it is impossible for this matter to go unnoticed. And judging by his appearance, he should not only have committed this one thing, it is estimated that there is a lot of information to dig deeper.

In the police car, the police gave warm tea to the 'frightened' hostage as usual. Although the female hostage knocked down a 1.8-meter tall man, caring was still necessary.

"Have you... practiced before? Or do you have any relevant experience?" The captain of the police this time couldn't help asking.

It's all right to hold down Li Wenqiang, a man weighing more than 170 kilograms. How can ordinary people unload a magazine with one hand.

Jiang Shining began to pretend to be weak at this moment. She smiled softly, and then said, "In order to prevent being kidnapped, I asked a professional person to teach me some relevant experience. Actually, I was still quite scared."

"You should really be afraid." The captain said seriously, "Remember, next time you are held hostage, don't speak out to provoke the kidnappers, it's very dangerous."

Jiang Shining nodded obediently.

If it was a boy who did this stupid thing, the captain probably would have to reprimand him a few more times, but it was hard for him to say anything to a girl with such a gentle attitude.

The police cars were basically used to escort the gangsters, so Jiang Shining and the others drove their own cars to the police station. As soon as he got in the car, there were no outsiders, so Jiang Shining saw the pale expressions of his sons who hadn't recovered from the shock.

"Don't do this again next time, you almost scared us to death." Even the most obedient and obedient Jing Xuan couldn't help but say.

"That's right, there are so many brothers, so if you hang one, you'll die, but there's only one mother!" Jing Yuan also agreed.

"It's okay at first." Jiang Shining comforted them, "I'm actually very powerful. My last world is the end. You just don't want to believe in my strength."

This has nothing to do with strength. In fact, they all know that Jiang Shining is very strong, but this does not delay her nervousness and fear when she is threatened with her life.

In their previous lives, almost all of them had great regrets in their family relationship. It was only by the blessing of God that they had the opportunity to be a family again. How could they not be afraid of losing

"After we go back, we will never do these things again." Chen Tanliang said with emotion, "You are still the boss, so don't worry."

The other sons strongly agree.

If this kind of thing happened a few more times, they would probably be scared to the point of shutting themselves out.

"What do you say when you arrive at the police station?" Qiao Huaize came last, and he didn't know if they had any plans. "Have you all figured out what to do?"

"Don't worry, say what you have to say." Jing Yuan said lightly, "Then Li Wenqiang knows people, and so do I."

"How did you know people from such a far away place?" Chen Tanliang didn't understand.

Both Jing Yuan and Jing Xuan looked at each other without speaking.

This matter is actually very involved. Although Li Wenqiang clamored that there were people on both sides of him, in fact, the police had already wanted to get rid of him, but he has been guarding against water for the past six months. From the outside, it looks like a disco, wine and chess room. Boss, those bastards signed a security agreement, which is completely reasonable.

And the ones who have disputes with him are basically old Lai and guests with the same status. Even if there is a fight, they will choose a place in the wild without surveillance. If there is a dispute, neither party will call the police, because those guests will also It's not very clean, they are extremely careful, there is no excuse for the police to mess with them. Occasionally, one or two crimes were caught, and Li Wenqiang shirked them all to his gangsters, and he had nothing to do with it.

Moreover, Li Wenqiang is indeed a local snake. If he wants to get rid of him, he must come to a big one. It doesn't make any difference to him if he is detained for a few days at most or sentenced for a few years. After he comes out, he can continue to harm others.

This time Li Wenqiang miscalculated. He has always been cautious, but unfortunately he was too greedy for money. He capsized when he wanted to get a big ticket. He originally thought that even if he extorted a few million, these people would be enough for him to deal with them, but he didn't expect to encounter a hard problem.

In the past six months, the police seemed to turn a blind eye to him, but in fact they were fishing for big fish, but he proudly thought that even the cops were afraid of him.

This time, he can't take advantage of the loopholes to get rid of the crime.

This incident was different. Li Wenqiang was a local bully, but he capsized in front of several outsiders. Even the director heard about this incident and wanted to come over. In addition to the police station, the City Z Civil Safety and Security Bureau, as a relevant department, should also be present.

Zhang Qingning was reading the newspaper and drinking tea in his office, quietly waiting to get off work.

This department is basically useless in City Z, because the police station is responsible for the safety and protection of the people, and their department is a civil servant who usually holds meetings to make policies, and talks about this year's goals on the news station of City Z, and is used by others. He joked that it was the Propaganda Department of City Z Police Station.

As a bureau chief with a reputation, his salary is actually not high, and there are quite a lot of meetings. But Zhang Qingning didn't dislike him. He had a background. He was originally appointed here, but he would be promoted in secret, and he would be promoted in a year. He didn't need to worry about anything except meetings. Even if it is a meeting, I listen to the police station more, so I don't need to use my brains.

As a result, the dedicated red phone in the system on his desk started ringing.

Zhang Qingning put down the newspaper. He had been here for half a year, and this was the first time he heard this ringing—it was usually not urgent, and the call would not directly reach his office.

"Hey, Director Zhao, what's the matter?" Zhang Qingning knew that it was the chief of the police station who called him.

"Bureau Zhang, do you still remember that Li Wenqiang?" said the chief, "He kidnapped people from other places, and he is now under our detention and control."

"Is he crazy?" Zhang Qingning frowned.

Li Wenqiang's brain was burnt out to think of such a death. He dared to kidnap, which was a worse crime than the local hooligans.

"Maybe I lost my money. But it's not difficult to understand. How can a person walk by the river without getting his shoes wet? He is swollen." Director Zhao said, "You come here, and you will be needed for the relevant reports and follow-up processing. Take a look."

"Okay, I'll go now."

"By the way, Li Wenqiang didn't get it right this time. He was beaten up by the hostage." Director Zhao added with a smile.

Zhang Qingning hung up the phone, got up, put on her windbreaker, and drove to the police station.

After he got into the car, he pondered Zhao Ju's words. What does it mean to be beaten up by a hostage? Is that what he meant

Here, the police station is checking the identity information of Jiang Shining and the others.

Except for Jiang Shining, none of the others had ever shown their faces in public, so a simple check of their identity information did not know what they were doing. It’s just that Chen Tanliang and Jing Yuan’s nationalities are both in country M, and they have permanent resident green cards here. The policeman in charge looked at them and said in surprise, “Your Chinese is really good.”

The two just smiled.

The information that can be found on the green card is more detailed. Jing Yuan naturally obtained the green card after washing his identity for nothing, so the information shows that he is an ordinary person. The police saw Chen Tanliang's experience of enlisting in the army abroad, so they understood why he was so good at fighting.

"Why were you kidnapped together?" the policeman asked.

"I'm here to adopt/the child." Jiang Shining said gently, "They are all acquaintances, and they came here together for a trip."

"oh… "

The sons were very upset. Why is there such a big difference between cubs and cubs? Some can recognize their mothers, while others can be beaten by a word of acquaintance? So angry.

After checking that everyone had no bad records, the police returned their IDs to them.

"Maybe you have to delay for a while, and cooperate with us to make some records." The policeman said, "You can stay in the guest house next to you, or tell me the hotel you are staying in. Although you may not need it, but prevent Revenge by Li Wenqiang's remnant party, we will send two people here to protect your safety."

Jiang Shining and the others were naturally very cooperative with the police.

The police station also looked quite busy, so they walked out accompanied by two policemen, planning to go back to the hotel to rest first.

As a result, a black car came head-on, and the leaders of the two bureaus got off. They were Director Zhao and Zhang Qingning. Zhang Qingning was talking to Chief Zhao when he felt a group of people approaching him. When he raised his head, he met Jing Yuan's gaze.

There was a loud bang in Zhang Qingning's brain, and it was pitch black in front of his eyes, and he almost lost his breath on the spot.

Originally, when Zhang Qingning saw Jiang Shining on the news, Zhang Qingning's heart skipped a beat. From that day on, he kept having nightmares. Unexpectedly, Chu Jingyuan was born again!

The author has something to say: Zhang Qingning: Died suddenly on the spot

Zhang Qingning was the chief executive who was next to Jing Yuan in her previous life


Let me say it again, this article is empty =3= so the setting must be different from the real common sense, everyone have fun

Fat or not=v=It’s too early to update, this is two more in one, there will be more in the evening=3=

Are you moved? If you want to empty out my baby, you can click into my column to bookmark me, and you can always have me who works hard to update!

The next book is about the teacher and the monster cubs, you can pluck and raise cubs, it’s still the same relaxed style-3-If you are interested, you can collect it in advance~~

see you tonight