The Spoiled Daily Life of the Villain’s Mother

Chapter 112


The spiritual bridge between the two was successfully built, and Jiang Shining breathed a sigh of relief.

The researchers, soldiers, and the secretary-general who had been keeping an eye on the data from afar ran over happily. The secretary-general beamed to report the incident to his boss, while the researcher held Jiang Shining's hand with tears in his eyes.

"You're amazing, Ms. Eve!" he said excitedly, "You saved a life, and you're a powerful weapon!"

Jiang Shining smiled, but didn't answer.

"Yes, yes, yes, it succeeded! That's right, my lord... We once tamed that beast!" The Secretary-General also kept on calling, very happy.

With the effectiveness of Varen, the Agabia Empire will be at least a long way ahead of other civilizations in terms of supernatural beings.

Jiang Shining felt a little disdainful in her heart, these arrogant people, she really doesn't like to treat a living person as a commodity or a weapon, there is no one who is more noble than another person or any species.

These imperial people who were so happy forgot that Jiang Shining had already communicated with Valen. Before they shielded each other, what Jiang Shining saw was what Valen saw, and Valen could still feel Jiang Shining's mood.

When the beaming people were discussing with each other, the value on the tablet in the researcher's hand rose sharply, and the alarm bell in the cell behind them rang loudly.

Everyone looked back, but they saw that Varen's hands locked behind him were clenched into fists, and he raised his head and roared angrily, Ka - Varun unexpectedly broke the chain that was bound behind him abruptly.

His hands were free again, and the second was to reach out and pull the collar around his neck. The collar crackled, and the clicking force was increased. A normal person would probably have been stunned by the electric shock, but Varen gritted his teeth and forced it. The collar was pulled off. Immediately afterwards, he also broke the chains on both legs and feet with brute force.

Everyone was dumbfounded. If Varun's strength was 100, then the strength of the chains and controllers that imprisoned him would be around 160, but Varun unexpectedly opened the bondage so easily.

Varen raised his head, and looked at the one-way mirror with a pair of indifferent green eyes. The imperial personnel were all frozen in place, obviously he shouldn't be able to see inside, but when he turned his head, they were like prey being targeted, and they didn't dare to move.

In the midst of the red alarm bells, the boy stretched out his fist, and with one punch he shattered the one-way mirror that could resist missile attacks.


In the shattering of the mirror, the excited voice of the researcher was mixed, "After the pacifier and the attacker bridge each other, they will strengthen each other's strength. It seems that he has become stronger again!"

Perhaps, those who can do scientific research, no matter what era they are in, put their own lives aside.

At the same time, the boy has deftly rolled into the observation room. He stopped beside Jiang Shining, his cold eyes swept over the others. The terrifying, beast-like coercion made everyone dare not move. Only the soldiers immediately raised their laser guns and aimed at him.

Unknowingly, the confrontation in the room became Eve and the boy on one side, and the other imperial people stood together.

Looking at Varun's standing posture again, he was standing sideways beside the woman, half guarding the guards, half preparing to attack.

When seeing this scene, the Secretary-General's heart suddenly turned cold. They only cared about success before, but they never thought about how they would deal with someone who managed to control Varen—once the intimate relationship between the assailant and the pacifier is formed, it is extremely difficult to separate. If Eve ordered Varen to Killing everyone is just a thought.

Most of the time, the pacifier with the attacker needs to be more vigilant than the attacker itself, because if the attacker is a gun, then the pacifier is the one who shoots.

The Secretary-General broke out in a cold sweat, and he tried to smile stiffly, "Eve—"

As soon as he spoke a word, Varen stared at him coldly. The young man's green eyes under his hair exuded a wolf-like coldness. The Secretary-General's voice froze directly in his throat.

The spirits of Jiang Shining and Valen were conveying each other's emotions. At this moment, Valen was overwhelmed with killing intent and wanted to kill everyone. Jiang Shining, on the other hand, was telling him to calm down and not to do anything.

She raised her head and asked timidly, "Please, may I ask, respected Secretary-General... I have succeeded, can I get your protection, and will not go back to the Marshal?"

At the same time, Varen turned his head impatiently, like a dog asking to be rejected, sulking by himself.

Seeing Eve's performance, the Secretary-General immediately came to life. Eve's cowardice made controlling her achievable, and he immediately smiled.

"Ah, yes, yes. My dear Miss Eve, you have succeeded. From then on, you are a precious supernatural being directly protected by the empire." He said softly, "And His Majesty will give you everything, As your reward and compensation."

Jiang Shining sneered disdainfully in his heart, and Valen turned his head and gave them a white look. But on the surface, Jiang Shi's condensed Eve suddenly showed a delicate and happy smile.

"Thank you, I will always remember Your Majesty's kindness."

Forget it, this bastard agreed with David to take Eve away. None of these corrupt people who indirectly and directly caused Eve's tragedy can run away!

When leaving the prison, the soldiers wanted to put some kind of controller on Varun, and Varun immediately went berserk, and it seemed that Eve 'barely controlled and calmed him', and then apologized to the Secretary General, Varun was too powerful Now, if they continue to provoke, there may be nothing she can do.

Now, no one dared to put anything on Varen's body.

They wanted to give Jiang Shining something to wear, but Valen was like a shepherd dog guarding the sheep, not letting anyone get close to him.

Although everyone was worried and felt that Varen without the controller was like a wild beast without a rope, and his insecurity increased, but he didn't dare to provoke him anymore, so he could only watch the two of them being arranged on the flying car inside.

After getting into the car, in the closed space without driver, Valen calmed down again. He curled up on the seat, resting his head on Jiang Shining's knee. In the world, she is comforting the little wolf who represents Valen.

Varun loved the touch, the way it calmed him down.

Jiang Shining has a complicated state of mind, she seems to have raised a new son and a new dog at the same time.

Varen's hair is a bit long. When I saw him for the first time, I thought the eyes behind the hair looked so scary. But now, when he came down well, his hair felt soft to the touch, and a little curly.

Jiang Shining also came to the future world for the first time. Everything outside the car seemed so bizarre to her. She looked outside and was lost in thought. The hand that had been gently stroking the boy's hair stopped. down. Unexpectedly, Valen turned his face sideways and rubbed the tip of his nose against Jiang Shining's palm. When Jiang Shining lowered his head, he saw the young man's green eyes staring at her resentfully.

Jiang Shining couldn't help laughing.

Valen is really cute, he is a bit like Jing Yuan's temperament when he was a child, but it may be because of his blood, his personality is much more straightforward. If you don't like it, kill the other person, if you like it, you can grope and touch it in the other person's hands.

She couldn't help pinching Varen's cheek, and Varen blinked, looking like he didn't know what she was doing.

Varen probably couldn't speak human language, so he didn't speak all the time, but he seemed to understand what the other party was saying. Although they did not speak to each other, they were just connected in spirit and could communicate normally without speaking.

Now, Jiang Shining felt great doubt and confusion from Warren. He didn't understand why Jiang Shining pinched his face. But he just lay obediently on her lap, motionless, without any resistance.

His stark contrast gave Jiang Shining the urge to suck cats or rub them vigorously because cats or dogs are too cute. Valen didn't know what she was doing, but he felt the danger of being rubbed, and he subconsciously wanted to escape, but Jiang Shining had already patted his face with both hands.

Jiang Shining rubbed and touched, and the young man was stunned. He didn't feel any malice from Jiang Shining's spirit, but this kind of behavior was a bit like playing. But his cheek was pinched again. The young wolf was not used to it, so he subconsciously gritted his teeth and twisted, trying to scare Jiang Shining fiercely.

Jiang Shining patted his forehead lightly.

"Don't bite me, you bit me mentally, and now my temple still hurts."

Warren was honest again.

He rested his head on her lap again and stopped struggling, as if to apologize in this way.

Jiang Shining forgot about it after she finished speaking, and she didn't want to bully the child too much, so she rubbed her hands twice and then let go. Varen raised his eyes to look at her, his eyes were pure and clear like a dog's, asking her silently if she had calmed down.

Jiang Shining froze for a moment, then reached out to touch his soft hair helplessly. It's strange that Valen's temper is so wild, but his hair is so soft.

The two of them were alone in the car for a short time. When Valen got out of the car, his expression was calm and indifferent, even a little lazy, as if he was just like an ordinary teenager.

It's just that under the direct sunlight, Valen's green pupils instantly shrank and turned into vertical pupils.

The people of the empire arranged them in an independent bungalow, which seemed to be the residence of an ordinary family, but in fact it was surrounded by hidden weapons and soldiers. The secretary-general left Jiang Shining with the task of stabilizing his bond with Valen in the next month, teaching him the language as much as possible, and brainwashing him to serve the empire.

Jiang Shining nodded in response. But she was surprised that the people in the empire didn't seem to have a thorough understanding of the partner of the supernatural being. They only knew that the two of them were spiritually blended, but they didn't know that the two supernatural beings had already communicated so that they could perceive and transmit information without speaking.

She speculated that the reason they didn't understand was that Jiang Shining knew that there must be cameras everywhere in this mansion to monitor her attitude and how to teach Valen. He cannot trust the Empire.

If the empire knew, maybe they wouldn't believe in supernatural beings so much.

But she naturally wouldn't take the initiative to speak out about this matter, maybe other supernatural beings think the same way.

Jiang Shining quietly followed the Secretary-General's request, teaching the culture of the Warren Empire and how good the empire was, boasting wildly. But in fact, both of them will sit on the top of the mountain in the spiritual world. Jiang Shining taught him not to trust the government of any planet, but also taught him to be patient.

"If you want to accomplish a great thing, you must learn to be patient." In the spiritual world, Jiang Shining said to Valen, "When an excellent hunter faces a huge and deadly prey, he will always hide in the dark, Be patient and hold back until you find the moment where you can kill with one blow."

"But where is the timing?" Warren asked stutteringly in the language he just learned.

Jiang Shining smiled softly, and she stroked his hair.

"You are responsible for patience, and I am responsible for seeing the timing."

Jiang Shining had already figured it out in his mind that Valen had the ability to subvert the battlefield, and he could naturally change the entire country, and finally go against An Jiexing.

Twenty years is enough.

Under Jiang Shining's delicate performance, the top management of the empire has completely trusted her, and they think she is a weak woman who can handle it. But he didn't realize that it was impossible for a weak woman to control such a powerful Valen.

Jiang Shining and Eve have achieved each other. Although Eve has powerful spiritual abilities, she is kind by nature. She never thought that she could use this power to kill people. The only one she hurt in the end was herself.

Eve's talent is like a small spark on the grass, and Jiang Shining's arrival is the gust of wind, turning the flame into a blazing flame.

Jiang Shining's happiest moment in every world is the simple daily life of raising a baby. Although different worlds always have different darkness, children always look so clean and full of hope.

This may be equally happy for Varun. He grew up in a cruel world, and at the same time he was not recognized by the races on both sides of him. He lived to the age of fifteen with difficulty. Jiang Shining might be the first person who made him feel warm.

The higher-ups were more and more relieved to monitor their status, and Jiang Shining's sugar-coated bullets came one after another, hoping to fool Eve, a woman who looked innocent on the outside, forever.

Jiang Shining almost forgot about the Marshal David who had never met before. In fact, he returned in the fourth week and found Eve disappeared. Hearing that she turned out to be a pacifier and a successful partner of an attacker, he suddenly became furious. furious.

He went from the emperor to the secretary-general to the warden, and put forward various threats and consultations, but none of them changed the emperor's mind. In fact, His Majesty Yael Keith had long been dissatisfied with the powerful Marshal, especially when David almost controlled the entire star force of the empire.

Now that there is a way to curb David's power, His Majesty Yael will naturally not hand over the initiative to others.

However, there was also Davide's credulity among the senior executives who stayed behind. After a week, Davide got hold of Eve's new place of residence, and drove to the destination in a car with the highest authority. Relying on the fact that the emperor did not dare to move him easily, and no one stopped him, he drove straight in.

David stopped outside the yard, and saw a woman standing in the green lawn from a distance, raising her hand to hang her clothes. Her blond hair was pulled back, so beautiful, delicate, and fair, she seemed to have a filter under the sun, as if Eve was still that noble nun, sacred and inviolable.

This kind of extremely delicate beauty, on the contrary, makes people have a bloodthirsty feeling of wanting to destroy. David rushed over, and before Eve could turn around, he grabbed her by the shoulder and punched her.

Eve is a psychic, so her body is already fragile, and she was knocked down to the ground. With red eyes and heaving chest, David stared at the woman on the ground, and had the urge to kill her with a single shot. But he hesitated for a moment, that is, at this moment, a black figure had already pounced on him, and before David's brain could keep up, he heard the sound of his ribs breaking and his internal organs exploding.

Varenna's vertical pupils under the sun looked even more terrifying like a beast. It was too late for Jiang Shining to shout, so he used a mental connection to make him stop immediately. But Warren directly ignored him. He pressed the man to the ground and raised his fist. His killing intent and anger were mixed with bestiality, and he wanted to directly kill Marshal David on the spot.

"Stop!" At the critical moment, Jiang Shining shouted angrily amidst the spiritual connection between the two.

Her spirit swept from Varen's back like a tide, abruptly stopping the boy's aggressive behavior. Valen couldn't stop with all his strength, there was a loud bang, and the ground beside David's head was cracked and crumbled by him.

David's eyes were wide open, not out of the danger of death, and Valen's chest was also heaving. He turned around suddenly and looked at Jiang Shining in disbelief. His wide green eyes were confused and aggrieved, as if he didn't understand Why did she yell at him and stop him.

Jiang Shining's temples were throbbing with pain. On the one hand, he was punched by Davis, and on the other hand, he was shocked.

David, this person cannot be killed yet, he is the bastion of the entire empire, this nickname is not for nothing. If he dies now, no one can immediately take his place, and the combat readiness of planet Agabia will be halved by losing an excellent commander.

Jiang Shining's biggest task at present is to make the Agabia Empire stronger, and personal grievances must be put at the end.

She explained it to Varun in this way, but Varun, who had no concept of a country and future plans and grew up instinctively, couldn't understand her thoughts at all.

Jiang Shining mentally felt the great grievance from Varun. At this time, the soldiers also rushed in, but Varun was still sitting on Davide. It was impossible for them to step forward, so they could only look at Jiang Shining helplessly . Jiang Shining had no choice but to let Valen come over.

Varen stood up lazily and lowly, and walked over obediently, feeling very, very wronged and sad.

Davis was immediately dragged away by the soldiers. He had already begun to vomit blood. If he was not treated in time, he would definitely die from internal bleeding. It seems that Di Wang and Jiang Shining have the same thoughts. Although he no longer trusted Davis, he couldn't lose him now, so he organized a rescue immediately.

Davis’ condition was more serious than it looked. He didn’t have any injuries on the surface. In fact, Warren’s punch caused Davis’ internal organs to shift, and the bones in the body were shattered into powder and stuck in the internal organs. Several internal organs were bloody.

If this is in modern times, it is basically impossible to save it, but it is the interstellar era, so it can be rescued, but the operation is also very laborious.

On this side, Varun seemed unable to accept that he was yelled at by Jiang Shining for beating David, and his behavior was controlled. This made him feel aggrieved all the time, he pursed his lips, bowed his head to one side, but refused to look at Jiang Shining.

Jiang Shining really rubbed and hugged, and it took a week to coax the glass-hearted little wolf cub.

When the two reconciled, Jiang Shining still couldn't help telling him seriously why she did this, and hoped that Varen would fully cooperate with her in the future. The pacifier is the brain of the attacker, and Varen didn't want to hear her Then all their advantages are gone, and the necessity of spiritual bridging is gone.

Her original intention was to let Varen understand the importance of obedience, but unexpectedly, Varen only listened to picky words.

"If I don't listen to you, don't you want to connect with me?" In the spiritual world, Varen asked with red eyes and a low mood. At the same time, the little gray wolf also groaned and chirped, almost rolling on the ground to express his dissatisfaction.

Jiang Shining: ...

She was really going to be killed by this wolf cub.

Another series of coaxing, deceit and threats finally made Varen remember to be obedient and returned to normal mood.

The next day, an unexpected person fell from the sky—it turned out to be His Majesty Yael himself.

He was a middle-aged man in his thirties and forties. He was not afraid of Varen's eyes, and sat casually across from them.

"You almost killed David with one punch, and the best doctors and equipment in the empire treated him for two full days before saving his life." The emperor looked at Varun, but he didn't mean to blame, but looked a little happy, "He's not life-threatening now, and he won't have sequelae in the future. He just needs to stay in bed for a month, thank God."

Neither of them spoke, and he didn't mind either.

His Majesty Yeer looked at Jiang Shining.

"This is a great opportunity, Ms. Eve." He said, "After half a month, the army of the empire will go to the planet of the orcs in the universe every three years according to the tradition, to help reduce the population of their planets. The orcs' suffering Everyone knows that it is the best touchstone for a fighter, and now Marshal David can't go, if you and your little bastard are willing to show their skills, they will get their status in a legitimate way."

Jiang Shining felt that Valen's mood became depressed and angry, because the orcs were huge and powerful, and they attacked in groups like locusts, so every civilization had to kill them every few years to control the number. Otherwise, the orcs would take their own tattered little spaceships to invade others if they had the chance. However, this kind of "insect killing activity" is a devastating blow to the orc cubs.

Warren has to experience this kind of massacre every few years, and it is not easy to survive.

Jiang Shining looked at him and asked his opinion. Varen actually hates both orcs and humans, so he treats them equally and wants to destroy both sides. That said, he agreed.

"Okay." Jiang Shining said, "We will participate."

His Majesty nodded in satisfaction.

"There will be two other pairs of supernatural users going to the battlefield with you," he said. "They all have some experience, you can ask each other for advice."

In other words, three teams of supernatural beings can already replace a troop in the same amount.

A month later, Jiang Shining and Valen were sent to the warship, and they changed into uniforms, the comforter was gray, and the attacker was black. Immediately afterwards, he was called to the meeting room, where Jiang Shining saw two other pairs of supernatural beings.

They are a pair of siblings who are very tall, 1.9 meters in height, and they seem to be of mixed race from the two planets. The other group of partners is a pair of comrades in arms. These two people grew up together and joined the army together. They originally had complementary personalities, but later they awakened their abilities together, and they naturally succeeded in building a bridge.

In the conference room, the lieutenant general who was in charge of the entire operation explained to them the terrain of the orc planet, its attack methods and so on. As for weaknesses? There seems to be no weakness. The way to defeat them is to be stronger than them.

After the meeting was over, the six of them went to the cafeteria together. Because there were so few of them, they chatted quickly. It may be because they are also supernatural beings, except for the silent Varun, the air soon became lively and lively.

Jiang Shining always wanted to ask if they would be in close spiritual communication with her and Valen. They looked at each other. Although they didn't say anything, they seemed to understand the common secret hidden by each other. Jiang Shining understood, because of the insecurity of being monitored and manipulated, everyone subconsciously did not say how close the relationship between supernatural beings can be.

Think about it, if the higher-ups know that they can not only provide spiritual comfort, but also communicate silently, and at the same time see the world through each other's eyes and feel what the other is thinking, I am afraid no one will dare to let them out, but turn them into tight guards Alright.

Both siblings and comrades-in-arms have already been on several missions. When they heard that Jiang Shining and Valen were on the battlefield for the first time, they immediately helped them enthusiastically. Because Eve's appearance looks too weak and clean, she should be protected in the safest place and should not appear on the battlefield.

So the other two groups of pacifiers have been reassuring her, hoping she won't be nervous. Because the spirit and perception of the two partners are connected, if the comforter's mood swings are large, it will have a very large impact on the attacker.

Jiang Shining smiled. In the last world of cultivating immortals, she actually experienced a human battle. Of course, it is different from this world. The battlefields of people in that world are all cold weapons. She is a bit 'experienced'.

The reason why the supernatural beings are so enthusiastic is because they have all been squeezed out when they were on the battlefield with ordinary armored troops before. A Raider is stronger than an entire Warframe team, and doesn't need to wear protective suits and armors, which makes ordinary soldiers hate and fear them.

It is precisely because of this repulsion that over time, the supernatural beings who originally regarded themselves as human beings gradually huddled together invisibly, helped each other, and stayed away from others.

After several hours of driving, the spacecraft came to the sky above the orc planet in the universe. The three attackers put on their uniforms, put on ear communicators, and got ready.

They can choose any weapon they like. The younger brother of the siblings chose a laser long knife, and the person in the comrade-in-arms group chose a laser gun. But Varen stood there with his bare hands, as if he didn't intend to use anything.

"Don't you use a weapon?" The other two were a little curious.

Allen just shook his head.

The three attackers were about to leave the cabin, and the pacifiers were sitting in front of the observation deck of the spaceship. The screen in front of them would actually transmit the images from the attacker's communicator to appease and command them—Jiang Shining was determined again, the high-level empire Those who don't know the supernatural powers can see the world directly through each other's eyes.

She saw the dilapidated towns in the orc world, as well as the blood-red sky and red land, which made people feel depressed. It's just that Jiang Shining's personality was indifferent, so his emotions were not affected. On the contrary, Valen looked a little anxious. The feeling of being back home put him in a bad mood.

Jiang Shining calmed down until he opened the hatch.

There are spaceships from different planets and their own spaceships flying on the ground of the orcs. The level of technology of the orcs is extremely low, which is probably the level that can make the spaceships fly. Their technological acquisitions are all robbed in space routes, so the spaceships of any planetary civilization have them.

The long-range attacks of the orcs hit the energy shield of the spaceship, and as the mechanical male voice counted down, the three attackers jumped off the spaceship at the same time. There were parachutes behind them, and the ship lifted off immediately and started pounding the orc's ship.

The other two opened their parachutes after flying in the countryside and fell for a certain distance, but Varen didn't follow. They raised their heads—they saw Varen directly aiming at an orc spaceship and swooped over, fighting the opponent in mid-air. Woke up.

"Is he crazy?" the younger brother, the assailant, exclaimed.

He saw that the spaceship that Warren jumped on immediately exploded, and he jumped off and continued to rush to another spaceship until it landed.

"He's also a bit too fierce." In the spaceship, the elder sister's pacifier said a little surprised and worried, "Even if he is an attacker, he is still a child, and it is his first time on the battlefield, so he will hurt himself. Why do you Do you want to control him?"

Jiang Shining just smiled. Although it was the first time for Valen to represent the empire on the battlefield, he had lived in this kind of world before. When it comes to fighting, she doesn't need to worry about it so much. Varen understands it better than she does.

The orcs on the ground huddled together, roaring towards the sky, bloodthirsty and eager to tear the three attackers who fell from the sky to pieces. When they were still ten meters away from the ground, the attacker let go of the parachute, drew out his long knife and slashed towards the ground. The powerful air flow immediately swept away many orcs.

The pacifiers watch the screen carefully from above, and at the same time they are also present at the same time as the attackers. Valen fought like a wild beast, but after a while, corpses littered the field. Although Jiang Shining was naturally calm, seeing such a bloody scene with his own eyes, he couldn't help closing his eyes and rubbing the bridge of his nose.

It's so exciting.

And the experience of going to the battlefield with Valen also gave Jiang Shining experience when he went to the next doomsday world, so that he would not be disgusted by zombies and piles of dead people.

Although Jiang Shining couldn't spit it out, his temples still hurt a little. After rubbing the bridge of her nose, she opened her eyes, and saw Varun squatting in front of her, looking up at her without blinking, blinking his emerald eyes. That pure and innocent look, as if the person who was fighting on the battlefield at the same time was not him.

"Are you going to cry, Mom?" Warren asked curiously.

Jiang Shining slapped the mental body Varun on the forehead, and at the same time closed the world on his side to prevent him from appearing. Then she appeared beside him, just as Varen was tearing the throat of a poor orc with his teeth, and the blood sprayed Varun's side face.

"Fight seriously, don't go to my place so distracted. We want the empire to see your importance." Jiang Shining watched from the side, and said rather disgustedly, "Also, can you stop using your teeth? Bite the enemy? There are bacteria and dirty. Look at your face, how dirty is it?"

Warren: ...

At that moment, he suddenly realized why the second-year boy didn't like the feeling of parents muttering.

Varen raised his hand and wiped his face, and immediately looked more like a little cat. At this time, a steady stream of orcs rushed up again, passing through Jiang Shining's virtual body.

On the spacecraft, the researchers are closely watching the physical condition of the three attackers, and their uniforms can detect their condition. Two hours later, the physical strength of the two attackers had dropped to 30%, with minor injuries, and their mental stability began to fluctuate.

Killing for too long will make the attacker more and more bloodthirsty and violent, and the pacifier is an important helm to keep them human and sane.

According to how difficult the orcs are, the Raiders have shown that they are good enough.

But look at Warren again—what is shocking is that he still has at least 60% of his physical strength left, no injuries, and even his mental stability is still above 80 points. This is a bit scary, he is still a juvenile, and he has such a value.

When the three attackers were brought back, the background counted their kills.

The number of kills of the two men is more than one hundred orcs. According to the strength of one orc is equal to three armored soldiers, the two of them can already beat the traditional interstellar force by one to three hundred, and they are an entire attacking team. And Varun—his kill count exceeded four hundred, which is unbelievable, he is only fifteen years old.

From the moment this data was transmitted to the empire, it was destined to make Varun a big hit in the empire in the future.

And the moment this celebrity arrived home, Jiang Shining ordered him to take a bath, and was disinfected several times. In the end, Jiang Shining still didn't seem to trust him very much. Valen is very wronged, just biting someone, as for being disgusted to this extent

Varen's military rank has been rising since he first entered the battlefield, and his strength is also the same. Three years later, when Varen can replace the three attackers by himself, that is, when he was eighteen years old. In 1999, he was named a major of the interstellar army. He was also the first such young major in the entire empire.

Jiang Shining never worried about his strength. She was teaching him more humane things, such as human dining etiquette, social etiquette, and how to hide her thoughts so that outsiders can't see her. express their ambitions.

Varun's height also grew rapidly, reaching 1.85 meters in one fell swoop, and it seemed that there was still room for growth.

When he was seventeen years old, the Empire began to promote Varen as a new battle idol on the star network, hoping that the new combat mode represented by Varen could be accepted by civilians. Naturally, this is also slowly subverting the old-school power headed by David invisibly.

Varen learned quickly. When he was eighteen years old, he could no longer see the traces of the mixed-race orcs on his body. He was as polite as every highly educated imperial person, but he had always been indifferent to outsiders, but he was no longer The refusal to have a scene-like communication with the empire personnel has already satisfied the upper echelons of the empire, and they all think that Eve has subdued the beast.

Planets and planets always liked to fight before, but when planning before the war, Jiang Shining also had the right to express his opinions because of Valen. When she appeared at the same conference table with Varen and David, Marshal David's face was so dark that it was about to fall apart.

Judging from the future historical process, there are several planets that provide raw material support for Anjie Star that must be fought. The emperor seems to have this intention, and just decided to go to Purin Planet and Al Planet.

David wanted to fight for the opportunity to go out, but was rejected. The young and powerful Varen, and the gentle and quiet Eve are more controllable in the eyes of the high-level, and it costs money to dispatch the army, and Varen alone is worth one. The army, there is no need to spend more money.

In this battle, Anjiexing sent troops to support the attacked Prin planet, but Varen still defeated them. This battle was Anjiexing's only defeat in the past 100 years.

It was also this victory that represented Warren becoming the most powerful person in the entire empire.

On the return trip, Jiang Shining stood on the deck, and the simulated cabin simulated the surroundings into the ocean, as if it was a cruise ship sailing on the ocean.

From all the surveillance cameras, Jiang Shining could be seen standing here alone in a daze, while Valen was eating in the lounge on the third floor.

However, in fact, Valen was by Jiang Shining's side.

He is much taller than a woman now, but like a big dog raised in his arms, he still likes to cling to Jiang Shining as before. Valen bent down and put his chin on Jiang Shining's shoulder, but Jiang Shining didn't pay attention to him, she was thinking.

"After you return to the empire, your combat achievements this time are enough to be named a marshal, but you are not old enough. I guess they will wait for you to be promoted when you are twenty years old." Jiang Shining said.

In fact, Valen didn't care much about these things. It was Jiang Shining's request that he stay in the empire. In his heart, the empire and the orc planet both disgusted him. It doesn't matter to him when everything matters.

He could feel Jiang Shining thinking, the big boy stretched out his hand, wrapped his arms around her waist, and rubbed his forehead against her shoulder.

"What are you thinking?"

Jiang Shining looked at the virtual sea, her eyes darkened.

"The ruler of Agabia should be changed."

"Do you want to be queen?" Warren asked.

"I don't want to, I don't want to give my heart and soul to a planet without feelings." Jiang Shining turned to look at him, "But the royal family of Agabia must be replaced, with someone who trusts supernatural beings and is willing to cooperate with others. The people who formed the alliance of the planets."

Only in this way can the future be able to fight Anjiexing.

"It sounds a bit difficult." Warren said, "Humans are born with a fear of supernatural beings. They are afraid of this genetic change."

"Then change to a supernatural person to take charge, or, directly adapt the empire into a federation planet."

Now Varun has gained the love of countless people on the planet. His appearance alone is enough to make women all over the planet die.

Jiang Shining originally thought that this term of the empire would last less than two years before Warren was promoted to marshal, but he never expected that less than half a year later, someone from the empire told him to prepare for the conferment ceremony. This was a signal to Jiang Shining that perhaps the royal family and the conservative faction had broken down, and the empire needed a new marshal to attack David.

On the morning of Six Star Moon, in the live broadcast of the whole planet, reporters and high-ranking people have already gathered at the inauguration ceremony. They gathered on both sides of the red carpet, until a high-end flying car stopped at the entrance, and people were already screaming stand up.

The soldier stepped forward to open the door, and Varun, who was wearing a white military uniform, came out. His slightly curly black hair was combed to the side, and a pair of green eyes appeared vertical in the sun. His high nose bridge and exotic mixed-blood feeling have long been the beauty pursued by fashionistas in the planet. The orc's vertical pupil, which originally represented the lowly, has also become a model that people are scrambling to imitate.

Facing the cheers of the crowd, Varen glanced over coldly, but made the person being watched scream.

Varun climbed up to the high platform step by step, where His Majesty Yael was watching him with generous eyes.

His Majesty Yael gave him the medal representing the highest authority in the army and smiled.

"My dear child, you will be the sharp blade of the Agabia Empire," he said. "The whole empire will be your backup, and you are worthy of everything."

"Can I make any demands?" Warren asked.

"Of course." said the king.

Warren smiled slightly.

"I want Marshal David."

His Majesty Yael was taken aback, and then he thought of an excellent way to get rid of Davide—Warren has always been worried about Davide, is there anyone more suitable than him

Therefore, in this year, David was given to Warren by His Majesty Yael just like Eve was kidnapped back then.

When the headgear was taken off, what David saw was Varun who hadn't taken off the white interstellar army uniform. He suddenly understood that today was over for him.

"Where's Eve, I want to see her!" David said as arrogantly as before.

The man couldn't see, but Jiang Shining was actually here, watching him coldly.

It was this bastard who took away a soul that was as beautiful and white as a white lily. Now that it happened, it was finally time for him to pay for his life.

"Don't let him see the sun tomorrow, Valen."

"Of course, mother."

Varun smiled slightly, and then closed the synesthesia between the two.

He threw the man on the ground, and David groaned.

"Come on, kill me!" He provocatively said, "You lowly bastard, why haven't you done it so long?"

Varen squatted down in front of him, and said slowly, "Don't you know that the lowly wolf orcs always want to play after catching their prey?"

David's expression changed. As a general who has been fighting for many years, how could he not know the cruelty of the orcs? The prey they play with will die in a variety of tragic ways.

"No, no, you—can't do this!" David murmured, "Eve won't let you do this..."

Very true. So Varen temporarily closed the synesthesia between the two. After he finished all this, he went back after taking a shower and continued to be Jiang Shining's good son.

By the time Varen left, the honored white military uniform had been dyed red, and his spirit was greatly concealed. Cruel manipulation of prey is the nature of the orc blood, and he has not done this for a long time.

After changing his clothes, when Valen got into the car, the synesthesia between the two of them was opened, and Jiang Shining appeared in the seat beside him.

"Fix him." Varen said obediently.

Jiang Shining folded her arms around her chest, and raised her eyebrows slightly.

"Have you forgotten that even if you turn off the synaesthesia, as a pacifier, I can always feel your mental state?"

Valen froze for a moment.

The gray wolf that had grown up in the spiritual world began to roll around on the spot, trying to divert Jiang Shining's attention.

Jiang Shining wiped it twice perfunctorily, and then said suspiciously, "You didn't use your teeth this time, did you?"

Warren: ...

Valen: "I didn't!! I haven't bitten in a long time!!"

After returning home, Varen wanted to hug again. Jiang Shining felt a headache just looking at him, for such a tall man, he still had the heart of a child.

After Warren became the marshal, he began to take over other military affairs, while Jiang Shining was wooing other supernatural beings.

Two years later, Marshal Varen launched a coup, took control of the entire empire in one fell swoop, and converted the planet Agabia from an imperial system to an interstellar federation.

Then, the alliance of supernatural beings was founded by Jiang Shining, also known as Eve, and supernatural beings from different planets and factions can join. The planets can join the federation, and those planets that disagree have been subdued by Aigabiya's army one after another and have to join.

In a flash, Algabia has become more and more powerful, and the threat of the star union of the Interstellar Federation cannot be underestimated.

Another year passed, and Anjiexing went to war with the Interstellar Federation.

The two sides fought for five years, and finally completely exhausted Anjiexing's energy and equipment, ushering in victory.

After that, the civilizations in the universe finally achieved a balance, the technology left by the hero was destroyed, and everything returned to the most peaceful state.

Jiang Shining has completed her task for 20 years, but this world is so different. In those worlds in the past, her children will eventually grow up to be pillars of talent and continue to protect the safety of the world in various industries. But she knew that this world was different.

The universe and countless civilizations are not a country, and the power of a certain person is extremely small. Even if Varen stayed, he wouldn't have a better impact on the world. And most importantly, if her death could inspire the children before, then it is absolutely impossible for Valen to regard Jiang Shining's death as a positive influence.

The spiritual connection between the two sides of the supernatural being is so close, if one of them dies, the other will feel more pain than ordinary people. The most important thing is that if the assailant dies, the collapsed pacifier may have the possibility to return to an ordinary person after being treated, but if the pacifier dies, it will be fatal to the assailant.

The pacifier is the sanity of the attacker. If the pacifier is not there, an attacker will collapse and become brutal.

Valen is too dependent on her mentally, and there is no difference compared to the child back then. Jiang Shining was worried, but he couldn't continue to stay with him.

Moreover, Varen is now very powerful, if he becomes crazy, he may destroy an entire planet. He has become like the world's leading actor. Therefore, from the Administration's point of view, in order to maintain the long-term peace of the universe, Jiang Shining had to leave Valen in order to prevent the birth of a new protagonist.

The solution given by the Administration is to downplay the violent weakness of the attacker in Varen, so that he can have his own way to calm down like ordinary people. Jiang Shining had no choice but to accept it. If he can calm down by himself, maybe there will be a turning point.

In order to give Valen the ability to bear it, Jiang Shining still left the world according to the death of illness. Valen could gradually feel Jiang Shining's weakened body and nerves, but there was nothing he could do. Later, Jiang Shining's spirit was too weak, and Valen had to keep taking inhibitors to control his excessive mental strength, so as to avoid accidentally swallowing Jiang Shining's spirit.

He searched the entire galaxy but couldn't find a way to treat Jiang Shining, because the Administration was forcibly removing her, so treatment in a single world was useless.

They had moved to a remote planet devoid of advanced life while she was ill.

On a gloomy rainy day, Jiang Shining passed away.

Sure enough, as she expected, Valen collapsed immediately. He destroyed half of the planet, but in the end, he was still angry, suffering, and wronged like a human being, and finally his consciousness returned to clarity. Varen would rather go berserk or lose his mind, because the feeling of reason is too uncomfortable.

One month after Jiang Shining left, Valen whimpered in front of her grave like a small animal, and finally chose to commit suicide.

One of Jiang Shining's tasks is to let his heirs bring a better future after his death, but for this world, only the disappearance of a bug like Valen who is as powerful as the protagonist will lead to a better future .

Therefore, his suicide also represented that Jiang Shining had completed the task completely. It is the best result for the two of them to leave a universe that returns to normal, and then be wiped out of existence.

The Chuanshu Administration is like an AI with no emotions, it perfectly completes the task of protecting the progress of the world, and does not care about the life and death of a single person. However, in order to let Jiang Shining complete the last world with peace of mind, they will not reveal the ending of any world after she leaves.

However, after Jiang Shining completed all the tasks, in order to repay her and make up for those affected characters, the Administration let them all have life again in the same low-level world. After all, the consummation of those worlds also has their credit.

So Valen and all have a second life again.

This is also the story of Jiang Shining's last son.

Valen is a person who has saved the world in the true sense. But now it seems that how to live in peace with the brothers seems to be more difficult than saving the universe...

Sitting in front of the desk, Varen pulled his head out of the exercise book with a blank face, wanting to beat Jing Yuan violently for the nth time in his heart.

The author has something to say: After writing 13,000, my head is dizzy_(:з」∠)_Go out to get some air first, if there are bugs, please forgive me

The outline of the interstellar is too big, I reduced it to 20,000 words and wrote it in two days. I really tried my best. In fact, many side branches were cut off. For example, Valen controls the Interstellar Federation, and Ning is always the only one who can 'visit' other appeasement He is a person who is a supernatural being, so he is called the leader of supernatural beings. Humans and supernatural beings cooperated internally and externally to kill the boss An Jiexing~

In short, this is probably the reason why Warren is so sticky, and Mr. Ning actually dotes on him very much. Too many moths are really difficult to deal with~

I wish everyone a happy Lantern Festival! ! I wish you and your family good health!