The Spoiled Daily Life of the Villain’s Mother

Chapter 37


After returning from vacation, Jing Xuan also started to get busy.

The end of the year is coming soon, and he has to attend many different meetings, and sometimes he needs to fly to other places to talk about some work.

After all, the current Ninglu Media can only rank around ten in the entertainment company, and Jingxuan's Xuanyuan Video is the third place in the video website. It can be said that Xuanyuan and the other two video websites are the most downloaded video apps on people's mobile phones and computers.

Moreover, the traffic of Xuanyuan Video has risen sharply this year, and it almost has the momentum to faintly overshadow the second video website. With such a large resource platform, apart from participating in meetings, Jingxuan will also be drawn to drink because of various people in the circle, in fact, to discuss business.

The upcoming five online dramas and three online variety shows are all talking about platforms. The online drama party naturally communicated with the top five video sites to see if they could choose a suitable platform.

Because the exposure given by each company is different. The best place on the homepage of video websites and apps is naturally the one with the highest exposure rate. There are also small tips in the column, plus the pagination position, etc... Even if it is a thumb away from the mobile phone, the exposure rate that can be obtained is even higher. no the same.

Jiang Shining's variety shows exploded, apart from the high quality, a large part of the reason was that Xuanyuan Video had been pushing it with the best homepage position, not to mention the placement of various advertisements.

Jing Xuan was dragged to various wine bureau banquets by people in the industry, nothing more than hoping that he would give his variety show/net drama a good position in terms of favor. Or hope that he will only promote his own variety shows this season.

He is the most annoying about this kind of thing, but there is no way to deal with people, even if they don't cooperate, they have to give these people face.

On this day, just after Chu Jingxuan had a meeting in Q City, he had to go out to socialize. The boss of the other party directly parked the driver and the car downstairs where he was having a meeting, and the driver took him to the best hotel in the area—magnificent.

As the name suggests, this hotel is full of splendor and splendor. When Jing Xuan walked in, the boss's secretary was waiting by the gate to pick him up.

"Mr. Wang, good evening. The private room we booked is upstairs. Come with me." The secretary smiled while leading the way, "Our boss and several other bosses have been waiting for you. Mr. Wang is busy recently?"

Jing Xuan responded politely and distantly.

I took the elevator and went upstairs. The entire corridor was covered with red and gold-edged corridor carpets. When I walked to one of the rooms, the secretary knocked on the door and pushed it away.

Inside is a huge round table, sitting six or seven men and two women. Jing Xuan probably knew all of these people, some were bosses of companies specializing in filming online dramas, and others had interests related to them.

Jing Xuan also knew these two women. One of them is Baixi, a second-tier actress in online dramas, who occasionally plays tricks in movies and TV dramas. This time the other party is going to talk about the web drama, she is the female number one. The other is a newcomer who has just entered the industry not long ago. He is studying at the acting academy and probably hasn't graduated this year. In this play, it is the third female.

There are too many such banquets and the same form, and Chu Jingxuan knows what they want to say. But there is no way, superficial work has to be done.

"Brother Wang Muze, it's been a long time." The boss with the highest status among them stood up, and he smiled, "You are a big celebrity now, it's not easy to ask you out once."

Jing Xuan nodded slightly, "Sorry, I'm really busy recently."

Everyone shook hands, and when they met the two actresses, there was some difference. Bai Xi, who had debuted a long time ago, smiled at Jing Xuan, "Mr. Wang, long time no see."

And the new actor who didn't graduate from college looked much more shy and cramped.

Just sat down and waited for the food to be served.

Even if everyone clearly knew what the banquet was for, if they talked about business without coming up, it would be another polite meal. Jing Xuan is not so revealing outside, plus this kind of banquet, he usually responds with a light smile, and never starts the topic by himself, so other people have a good chat. One boss told an embarrassing thing about an actor, Everyone laughed loudly.

The waiter acted quickly and brought up all the wine first. One of the bosses unscrewed the lid and said, "Xiaobai, Xiaoxu, pour wine for all the bosses."

Bai Xi smiled sweetly, picked up the wine bottle and shuttled among the crowd, arriving at Jing Xuan's side not long after.

Originally, Jing Xuan was sitting next to the boss, but when he saw her coming, the boss beside him stood up.

"Come and sit with Xiaobai. I haven't seen Boss Wang for a long time. Talk to him more."

Bai Xi then sat down, smiled softly and said, "Mr. Wang, the last time we met was at a small party before. Do you remember me?"

Jing Xuan didn't answer her question. Seeing Bai Xi reaching out to get the cup, he took the first step.

"Sorry, I'm allergic to alcohol," he said, "I don't drink."

"That's right, Boss Wang likes to drink tea." A man said, "You see, we didn't take good care of him."

"I also know something about tea, Mr. Wang, this is for you." Bai Xi took out an iron box of tea from his bag. Jing Xuan glanced at the sign on it, and knew that this vegetable leaf was a famous tea, which was very valuable.

"No, I don't drink this kind of tea, thank you." Jing Xuan still said gently. But the meaning of rejection is obvious.

"Old Wang..." Bai Xi wanted to speak again, but the off-the-shoulder top she was wearing shook Jing Xuan's head.

He stretched out his hand to stop Bai Xi's movements. Then he looked at the girl surnamed Xu who sat awkwardly in the seat with her head down after pouring the wine.

"Are you a college student?"

Xiao Xu raised her head and was taken aback. She looked at Shang Jingxuan, then looked away, and nodded slightly.

"Come and sit." Jing Xuan tapped Bai Xi's position with his chin.

Bai Xi's expression froze for a few seconds, she immediately adjusted, and said with a coquettish smile, "It's okay to let me get out of the way, Mr. take a selfie with me and I'll get out of the way. Okay."

Chu Jingxuan's patience was worn out. He looked at the boss with the highest status, frowned and said, "Mr. Zhou, are you treating me to dinner?"

Boss Zhou understood what he meant, and touched his nose a little embarrassingly.

"Mr. Wang, don't be angry, it's normal for a little girl to be coquettish and coquettish." Someone smoothed things over, "Come on, sit here Xiaobai, how about I take a picture with you?"

Of the two companies that came this time, the owner of one had the copyright of a variety show in his hand, and the owner of an online drama in the other. Boss Zhou’s is a web drama, and Circus’ is a variety show boss.

Bai Xi glanced at Jing Xuan several times, and found that the other party really had no intention of keeping him, so he pursed his lips and left his seat. After a while, Xiao Xu walked over slowly, sat beside him, lowered his head, his ears were red.

This incident was dismissed as an episode, and everyone chatted happily again, the food on the table did not move much, but they drank a lot of wine.

Jing Xuan found that these people didn't get into the topic at all, and looked at the time again, it was almost 7:30 in the evening, and it would be a bit late for him to return to P City any later.

"Bosses, I'm in a hurry, so I'll toast you with tea and wine first." Jing Xuan picked up the teacup from the hotel, toasted them, and drank it all in one gulp.

They already knew what Jing Xuan meant, it was urging them to get down to business.

The room gradually fell silent. The boss coughed twice, and then said, "Boss Wang, have you received the sample of our variety show before? What do you think?"

Jing Xuan has seen it naturally, and he personally watched the variety show that he hoped to promote. To be honest, he doesn't like this variety show, it doesn't have any hot spots, and the format is too ordinary.

"I've seen it, it's okay." Jing Xuan said, "But..."

"If you are willing to be the first to promote my variety show in the next three months, we are willing to give you an exclusive license, and the copyright can be less than the contract requires." The boss compared his fingers.

Jing Xuan hooked the corner of his mouth, "Sorry, we have a new variety show to be launched in two months, so three months is unrealistic."

The variety show that will be launched in two months is naturally the celebrity dating variety show that Jiang Shining is going to launch.

"Then..." the boss made up his mind, "If the main push is for a month first, is it okay to put it on the page push later?"

Jing Xuan couldn't help sighing, "Boss understand that we have a set of procedures for our work. You should have received an email reply yesterday, and our suggestion above was decided at our meeting. Even if I am The boss can't make a decision on his own."

"Mr. Wang, you see that you have never worked with Boss Wang before, so it is important to have a good start, right?" Boss Zhou rounded things up, "I think he lowered the copyright price of each episode so much, it's already …”

"Mr. Zhou." Jing Xuan turned his head to look at him, and said calmly, "I have watched about two episodes of your web drama samples, and it should be no problem to push the home page, but the time and advertising investment required by you still need Let's discuss it again."

"Okay, okay!" Boss Zhou was very happy, and he forgot to help others. He said, "Make an appointment next week. We can meet again and discuss the specific contract."

Jing Xuan nodded, he stood up, straightened his suit, and then said, "Then let's meet again next time, I'm really in a hurry this time."

After another burst of politeness, Jing Xuan refused those people to send him off. He looked down at the girl.

"College student, please see me off."

Xiao Xu was taken aback for a moment, and she subconsciously looked at Boss Zhou, who gave her a wink.

Jing Xuan immediately reserved a room, and he didn't turn his head to look at this bewildered girl until he pressed the elevator button.

"Year old?"

"... 19." Xiao Xu whispered.

The two entered the elevator, Jing Xuan calculated the grades, "Are you a sophomore this year?"

Xiao Xu nodded.

"Who asked you to participate in this kind of wine game, Boss Zhou?"

Xiao Xu froze for a moment, then nodded again.

"Why did you agree to him?" Chu Jingxuan asked.

"...Because he's the boss." Xiao Xu said in a mosquito-like voice, "I just signed a contract... Mr. Zhou said he wanted me to know more people."

"There's nothing to know." Chu Jingxuan frowned, "Girls must have the awareness to protect themselves, do you understand? You are a student now, you have to learn acting well, that's enough."

"But Mr. Zhou said..."

"He said that if you are obedient, you will wink and you will have the opportunity to show your face in the future, and other bosses will help you?" Jing Xuan said. Seeing Xiao Xu's acquiescence, he said, "Accompaniment alone is not enough for the opportunity you want."

Xiao Xu didn't understand at first, but when she realized it, her eyes turned red.

"I didn't... I..."

Jing Xuan sighed, and then said, "Call your home and ask them to pick you up."

"They don't mom will scold me..."

"How can you drink with so many men alone at night, and your family doesn't know what happened, and now you are still afraid of your mother scolding you?" Jing Xuan frowned, "You obviously don't like this kind of drinking situation, so don't force it. There is more than one way to become an actor. Do you understand? Fight now, and I will watch you do it."

Xiao Xu pursed her lips, with tears in her eyes, then took out her mobile phone and dialed a number. The other party connected quickly, and Xiao Xu and the other side reported the address of the hotel.

The elevator stopped on the first floor, and Jing Xuan asked her to sit down on the sofa in the lobby. Then he also stood aside when his cell phone rang. He took it out and saw that it was from his mother, and the corner of Jing Xuan's mouth hooked up.

"Hello, Mom."

"Are you coming back for dinner tonight?" Jiang Shining said, "If you don't come back, Jing Yuan will feed your share to Ah Huang who is wandering in the community."

A Huang is a little black cat that is elusive. Jing Yuan insisted on calling him A Huang, and it is said that he hoped that the kitten would be confused about his identity when he grew up.

Jing Xuan couldn't help laughing, "I have to go back later today, there is a lost college student. Let him feed the cat first."

After hanging up the phone, Jing Xuan lowered his head again, and Xiao Xu was already crying.

Only then did she realize that she was a little scared.

"There's nothing to cry about." Jing Xuan slowed down his tone, "Next time, don't listen to him and come to drink with you. You'd rather break the contract than sign a contract with such a company."

"...I'm afraid that my mother will scold me." Xiao Xu wiped his tears and said intermittently, "I'm also afraid that Boss Zhou will block me in the future... If I break the contract, I will have to pay for it."

Chu Jingxuan couldn't help but sighed.

"Don't worry, the world won't collapse. How capable is he as a company that produces web dramas?" Jing Xuan said, "If you encounter problems, you must communicate with your family. Problems that can be solved with money can be scolded by my mother." Things are small things."

Xiao Xu was wiping his tears with his head down, when Jing Xuan saw a middle-aged couple walking in anxiously at the door, looking around the hall, one of the mothers saw Xiao Xu wiping her tears, and immediately ran over, her husband followed her behind.

"Xiaoyuan, who are you drinking with? What kind of boss?" Xu's mother squatted down in front of her, reached out and touched Xiao Xu's cheek, her face turned pale with anxiety, "Why are you crying, it's you That Boss Zhou asked you to accompany him? Why didn't you discuss it with us?"

"Have you been bullied?" Dad Xu was more direct, "I'll go up and beat them up, which room are they in?"

"I didn't, no, nothing happened... Mr. Zhou asked me to drink with me. I was scared and didn't dare to leave. Mr. Wang brought me down and asked us to call you... Eh?" Xiao Xu turned around again, The person standing behind her just now disappeared.

"What a bad boss, you will terminate the contract when you get back, you dare to let my daughter drink with you, what the hell-" Dad Xu was about to scold him, but his mother hurriedly stopped him, and then looked at her daughter.

"You mean that tall, handsome young man just now? Which boss is he?"

"Xuanyuan Video's..."

Xu's parents naturally knew about this video site, and they looked at each other.

"Good man, good boss, this is a good boss!"

"Our family will use Xuanyuan Video from now on, husband, when you go back, hurry up and get all the members on the TV and mobile phones, and recharge it for a few more years."

Jing Xuan didn't know that he had inadvertently taken over the performance of his own company. When he returned to P City, it was almost ten o'clock in the evening.

He drove into the villa complex, and saw a man wearing a turtleneck sweater and slippers, squatting on the edge of the grass opposite his house. When Jing Xuan stopped the car and walked over, he saw Jing Yuan squatting by the street lamp feeding the little black cat named Ah Huang.

While feeding Jing Yuan, he muttered to himself, "... yes, eat them all, you can try my roasted chicken drumstick again, is it delicious? This is called the royal communion, isn't it very stylish?"

Jing Xuan couldn't help raising the corners of his mouth.

"Are you waiting for me?"

Jing Yuan turned his head and gave him a blank look.

"Pretending to be passionate." Jing Yuan said, "Who's waiting for you? I'm feeding the cat."

Jing Xuan laughed lightly.

It's nice to have someone at home.

The author has something to say: I feel that this article will be carried out while urging all kinds of moths to go online...

Think about the Jingyuan brothers, how pitiful, do you have the heart to let them suffer from other moths so quickly? Save the moths!

On the second day after Jing Yuan went online, someone urged other moths. The author is really struggling... 嘤嘤嘤


Second, it may be around midnight_(:з」∠)_