The Spoiled Daily Life of the Villain’s Mother

Chapter 43


When I woke up in the morning, light snow covered P city.

Last Christmas night, Jing Yuan dragged Jing Xuan to have a good meal and drink. Even though Jing Xuan has a good capacity for alcohol, he was still dizzy when he woke up today.

Jiang Shining finished changing and went downstairs to put on her boots. Just as she was bending over, she felt a weight on her shoulders. It was Jing Yuan who covered her with a big black down jacket, the fabric was very thick.

"It's snowing outside, wear more clothes." Jing Yuan said.

Jiang Shining took off the down jacket and looked at it, then said with disgust, "It's too unfashionable. I'm the boss of an entertainment company, so I need to dress more stylishly."

"You look stylish in whatever you wear, put it on."

Jing Yuan was carrying his down jacket, whispering into Jiang Shining's ear like a little wife.

Jiang Shining pretended not to hear anything, she put on her fashionable plaid trench coat, and was very satisfied with the match in the mirror.

Well, I have to dress myself with the concept of being photographed on the street every day!

She was beautiful for a while, only to feel that Xiaoxue was in a good mood.

"I'll see you tonight. You can work hard on your company." Jiang Shining said happily to Jing Yuan. Then he picked up his small bag of the same color.

When she opened the door, she suddenly felt that a down jacket had been put on her shoulders again, and Jing Yuan said, "See you tonight!"

Then quickly closed the door.

Jiang Shining: ...

Could this son of hers be an idiot who forgot she had the key

Forget it, don't bother with children. Jiang Shining had no choice but to put on a down jacket and go to the garage to get the car. In fact, this short distance is a bit cold, but Jiang Shining's physique is amazing, and he doesn't catch a cold at all. That's why I still wear it in autumn in winter.

Getting into the driver's seat, Jiang Shining threw the down jacket on the co-pilot, drove out of the community, and went to the company.

At home, another ten minutes later, Jing Xuan was about to leave for work. He put on his suit neatly, as if he was looking for something, but he couldn't find it.

"Jing Yuan, have you seen where my down jacket has gone?"

"You are such a big man, you only need to get in the car for a short time, what kind of down jacket do you use?" Jing Yuan held the teacup in his hands, and double-marked, "It's healthier to be colder."

Jing Xuan was speechless for a while, and he quickly realized, "You are really a real brother!"

Then went to work too.

Jing Yuan sat on the sofa drinking tea, um, it was so comfortable.

On the other side, when Jiang Shining arrived at the company, she went up directly from the underground parking lot, which meant entering through the back door. She was standing in front of the elevator door waiting for the elevator, when she heard hurried footsteps, it was the front desk lady trotting over.

"Boss, you are finally here!" The lady at the front desk seemed a little anxious.

"What's wrong?"

"Since last night, there has been a person standing in front of our company, and was chased away by the guards. But just now I saw that he seemed to be coming again... Could it be that we are being targeted by someone?"

Jiang Shining raised his eyebrows.

"Is there such an interesting thing?"

Uh... Interesting? The front desk lady stiffened.

For Jiang Shining, this was indeed the case. Anyway, her force value was adjusted very high, and her life was so smooth, this sudden incident sounded much more fun.

"I'll go ahead and have a look."

"Boss, call the security guards, you..."

Jiang Shining waved his hand to stop her from continuing, and then walked towards the front door.

The lady at the front desk was heartbroken. When she saw that Jiang Shining's coat was just a windbreaker and was about to go out, she became anxious again, "You, you, you, put on more!"

Because Jiang Shining was too generous to the employees, the relationship between the upper and lower classes was very friendly.

It's just that Jiang Shining doesn't care much about these things, after all, she has a good physique and won't catch a cold.

Jiang Shining walked out from the front, stopped in front of the gate, and looked around. Except for the employees who were busy going to work in various companies, there seemed to be no one staying.

She walked slowly into the snow and shuttled among the office workers.

After walking another few hundred meters, Jiang Shining saw a figure squatting next to the altar of a big tree in the distance.

Because this area is a company area, the road in the middle is very ornamental and designed. The big tree and tree altar are in the middle of the road for decoration. Sometimes the employees of any company will wait beside the big tree to pick up the express delivery or wait for someone. It can be seen how conspicuous the tree is, and it is too obvious to squat under it.

The branches were covered with snow. The man squatted under the tree with his head down. Occasionally, when the wind blew over, the snowflakes on the branches would rustle down.

Not knowing what was going on, Jiang Shining walked towards the big tree involuntarily. When she came to her senses, she had already stopped in front of the flower bed, and she stared at the man squatting on the edge of the jar.

"... hello?" she said.

The back of the man with his head bowed seemed to tremble, as if he had been taken aback. He raised his head slowly, and the moment their eyes met, both of them froze.

It seems that even time has stopped, only the snowflakes are still floating down eloquently.

The corners of Chen Tanliang's eyes were red, and he pursed his lips.

"...Mom." He called hoarsely and with a trill.

Jiang Shining stared at him blankly, until Chen Tanliang reached out and gently wrapped his arms around her waist. He was still squatting on the altar at this moment, as if he was a little boy, and slowly rested his head on Jiang Shining's lower abdomen.

In the silent snow, she heard the young man choking in a low voice.

Jiang Shining stretched out his hand tremblingly, and stroked Chen Tanliang's hair, but met with cold snow.

"You... why are you squatting here?" Jiang Shining finally found her voice, and she took Chen Tanliang's shoulder, "Why didn't you go in and find me, why didn't you call the company directly?"

Chen Tanliang raised his head, pursed his thin lips, and then said in a low voice, "I'm afraid... I'm afraid that my hope will be lost again, so..."

That's why I squatted in the snow all night alone, constantly torturing myself.

" silly boy, what should you do if you catch a cold after staying outside for so long?" Jiang Shining said distressedly, "Stop talking, and follow me into the company."

She pulled Chen Tanliang's arm, but Chen Tanliang didn't move. His dark eyes looked at her moistly.

"I miss you so much," he said.

Jiang Shining was heartbroken. She was afraid that Chen Tanliang would catch a cold, so she said in a low voice, "Follow me into the company first!"

She turned her head and walked towards the company. Sure enough, Chen Tanliang obediently stood up behind her and followed behind her.

As soon as Jiang Shining entered the door of Ninglu Media Company, the anxious front desk lady immediately handed him hot water. She has been blaming herself just now. She shouldn't let the boss worry about this kind of thing in person. What should I do if something happens

At the same time, a tall man came in behind Jiang Shining, and the sister at the front desk was taken aback. Isn't this the sneaky guy

"It's all a misunderstanding." Jiang Shining comforted her, "This is a relative from my natal family who came to look for me."

The sister at the front desk was relieved.

In fact, in detail, it was a bit inappropriate for Chen Tanliang to walk in with her swaggeringly. In fact, everything just now was too easy to be photographed. But Jiang Shining couldn't care about those extraneous things anymore. When she turned her head, she saw that Chen Tanliang had put on a mask at some point to prevent others from seeing him.

Jiang Shining felt helpless and distressed, so she hurriedly took him to the elevator, and gave him the cup of hot water on the way.

"You drink." Chen Tanliang didn't answer.

"Drink it up." Jiang Shining frowned slightly.

Chen Tanliang just took the water glass and drank it silently.

In fact, he has been in the army for so many years, and his physique is very good, but it is really impossible for him to stay outdoors at night on a snowy day in winter, so it is really impossible for him to not feel completely.

After entering Jiang Shining's office, Jiang Shining went directly to the closet in his office to search for clothes, but found nothing. As soon as she looked up, she saw Chen Tanliang standing by the door with his head down. He looked extremely confused, but his military posture was still upright, as if he was guarding the door.

Jiang Shining sighed, she pressed the call bell on the table, and then said to the phone, "Find me a set of men's clothing, height 187, standard figure."

Fortunately, Ninglu Media also trains trainees, and also has its own studio, and has a lot of clothes.

After a while, clothes were delivered from below, and Jiang Shining took them at the door, and then closed the door. As soon as she raised her head, Chen Tanliang changed to guard inside the room, standing upright, but refused to look at her.

Jiang Shining walked over, reached out and grabbed Chen Tanliang, letting him sit on the sofa. He picked up the towel he had just found and wiped his hair. Chen Tanliang lowered his head and let her fiddle with it.

Jiang Shining stood, rubbed gently, and then said, "Why don't you talk?"

Chen Tanliang raised his head, still pursing his lips, his eyes were red. In addition to being an excellent general, he was also a good boy. At this moment, his hair was messed up, and it was neatly placed on his forehead, and he seemed to be holding back his grievances and pursing his lips, which was a bit of a childhood shadow.

"I haven't reacted yet." He said in a hoarse and soft voice.

Looking at Jiang Shining's eyes, they started to light up.

Jiang Shining frowned, she dried his hair for him, and then gave him the clothes.

"Put it on, your clothes are all wet."

"Not wet, waterproof."

Even though he said this, Chen Tanliang lowered his head and took off his coat, and began to change clothes. Jiang Shining picked it up, touched it, it was waterproof, it was soaked inside and out, and it was cold. She sighed silently, walked to her desk, took out a cup of instant milk tea that Lin Qingqing gave her, and made it with hot water.

When he came back again, Chen Tanliang had already changed into a set of black overalls that trainees wore for photos. Chen Tanliang is a very upright person, it seems that this kind of person is suitable for all kinds of formal attire. But wearing the recently popular work clothes and trousers, there is a feeling of a male model with a cold face.

A handsome person, sitting casually, seems to move just right for taking pictures.

Jiang Shining handed him the milk tea, but thought in her heart, if it weren't for being popular, it would be troublesome, she really wanted to drag all her sons to take pictures, how much labor costs would be saved!

"I'm sorry." Jiang Shining was thinking wildly when he heard Chen Tanliang whisper.

"What?" Jiang Shining looked at him.

Holding the cup with his slender fingers, Chen Tanliang lowered his head.

"If I are you, then I would definitely not guard outside and let you find out." He said dryly.

What Chen Tanliang meant was that he was apologizing for his behavior of staying all night in the snowy night, because it made her feel bad.

Jiang Shining sighed softly, "What is there to apologize for? I'm very happy that you can show up."

Chen Tanliang seemed to let go of his worries and finished the rest of the milk tea.

It was like walking into a warm house from the cold outside. After Chen Tanliang recovered, he raised his head, narrowed his eyes and smiled gently at Jiang Shining.

Jiang Shining also laughed along with him, and she reached out to play with Chen Tanliang's hair, "Where's your sister?"

The corners of Chen Tanliang's mouth froze.

Oops, he was so happy that he forgot to tell Chen Ruozhi who was still waiting in the hotel.

The author has something to say: Congratulations to the official launch of the young marshal~~~~

Young handsome is actually a good boy

Ran goose

I'm going home with Mama...