The Spoiled Daily Life of the Villain’s Mother

Chapter 97


Taking advantage of the traffic light, Jing Yuan hurriedly posted this message in the group.

[Jing Yuan: Our mother seems to be urging marriage, have you been married in your previous life?]

[Jing Xuan: I'm your brother, you know what's going on with me.]

[Qiao Huaize: I cultivated immortality in my previous life, so what kind of marriage did I get married?]

[Jing Yuan: Where's Chen Tanliang?]

[Chen Tanliang: No end.]

[Jing Yuan: ...]

[Jing Yuan: As a handsome man, how can you not get married? Don't care about your Chen family?]

[Chen Tanliang: I am a soldier who wants to fight. I am afraid that if I don't come back, I will delay the woman, so it will not be settled.]

Well, after all, none of them are married.

Needless to say, Guoguo, Jing Yuan wanted to ask Chen Ruozhi, but she was jet-lagged and might be busy, so she didn't see the group. At this time, Chen Tanliang sent him a private message.

Chen Tanliang: Ruozhi is not married either.

Jing Yuan replied to him: Then your Chen family...

Chen Tanliang: I have a half-brother who is married. Letting his children inherit all the property can be regarded as making up for the excessive resources I have occupied these years.

Jing Yuan turned off the phone and sighed a little sadly.

"I just asked them, none of them are married." Jing Yuan said depressingly.

"Oh, forget it." Jiang Shining said.

Things like feelings can't be forced, and... it's a good thing.

This administration is also unreliable, there is no certainty about who is reborn and who is not. In case one of them had a true lover in the previous life, but it didn't show up in this life, it would still be a sad thing. I don't have any troubles in this area, and I don't have any grievances when I find true love in the future, which is very good.

"Mom, I want to make a gentleman's agreement with you." Jing Yuan said.

"What do you want to agree on?" Jiang Shining asked with interest.

"I don't urge you to find a partner, and you don't urge me either." Jing Yuan said seriously, "In this day and age, it's not too late for men and women in their 30s and 40s to find a partner."

Jiang Shining was happy, "You are urging me, if I really get married, would you be happy?"

That must definitely not be happy. Parents are happy to see their children getting married, but children are shocked when they see their parents remarrying. These poor cubs, everyone was sad once because of the inexplicably extra brothers. If Jiang Shining really got married, and they didn't like that person, the uncomfortable feeling would definitely multiply.

Jiang Shining also thought about it in the same way. The requirements in her heart were already extremely demanding, and it was basically impossible for this person to get all the children to agree, so she didn't have the heart to find a man, it was unnecessary.

When Jing Yuan heard what Jiang Shining said, he immediately said in horror, "Then you still rush me. Be cautious when you get married!"

"Just kidding you." Jiang Shining said.

Only then did Jing Yuan feel relieved.

When the two arrived home, it was just after get off work. Qiao Huaize also came back today. Except for Chen Ruozhi and Valen, who had not yet been found, the whole family was here.

They passed the dinner time peacefully, Jing Yuan opened the refrigerator, only to find that there were two piles of AD calcium milk and one pile of Wangzai milk in the refrigerator.

There were crooked notes on it, two of which read: Guoguo's. On the other pile of calcium milk is written: brother's.

Jing Yuan scratched his head helplessly, feeling as though he had been comforted by stealing his sister's milk before.

In the evening, when Jiang Shining went to work in the study, Guoguo was playing in his room, and the brothers all went to the activity room on the third floor, which had now become a place for them to meet secretly.

The theme of this meeting is Wei Yan.

Jing Yuan cleared his throat, "Today, I specially—"

Before he could speak, he was stopped by several other people.

"What you want to say has something to do with Wei Yan and you?" Chen Tanliang asked.

Jing Yuan nodded suspiciously.

Qiao Huaize and Chen Tanliang looked at each other, and Chen Tanliang turned back to look at Jing Yuan.

"Then don't talk about the process. If we talk about the process, we will become your accomplices." Chen Tanliang said, "I promised not to hide our mother anymore. It's hard for me to do this."

Qiao Huaize also agreed.

But Jing Xuan said calmly, "Say it or not, it's not me who was beaten anyway."

Jingyuan: ...

These bastards are really good at planning.

"Don't worry, in short, he said that he would definitely not pursue our mother." Jing Yuan said, "He swore that if he couldn't do it, he would be thrown to feed the sharks."

Only then did everyone breathe a sigh of relief.

Don't care if they despise each other in private, but they still feel at ease when Jing Yuan does things.

This matter is considered to be over, and the next morning is another working day.

Jingxuan has been very busy recently. Xuanyuan is cross-industry. His first step is to try to enter the real estate industry, followed by finance and entertainment and so on. There are a lot of people to meet, so it seems busier than the staff.

Qin Qian is his deputy, Jing Xuan is busy and Qin Qian is also busy, so the time to pick up Guoguo and go to kindergarten today is a little earlier.

Everyone said goodbye to Guoguo one by one. Guoguo took Qin Qian's hand and said softly, "Uncle Qin Qian, I'll give you candy."

After she finished speaking, the room fell silent, and Qin Qianhan almost came down. He is Jing Xuan and Jing Yuan's subordinates, and their younger sisters call him uncle, which invisibly takes advantage of the two brothers. Forget about modern people, the ancient people still paid the most attention to these things. The two didn't say anything, Qin Qian already lowered his head helplessly, not knowing what to do.

"Send Guoguo to class." Jing Xuan broke the silence, "We'll be busy all day, we can't delay."

Qin Qian nodded immediately, and left quickly with Guoguo.

Qin Qian heaved a sigh of relief when he got into the car. He started the car and Guoguo sat in the child seat at the back.

Qin Qian said, "Guoguo, just call me by my name."

"That can't be done!" Guoguo said seriously, "The teacher said we should be good and polite babies."

Qin Qian thought for a while, and felt that he had to follow the way of a child, so he followed the guidance, "What the teacher taught is not necessarily correct. You see, you call them brother and sister because you are a family. No, so you can just call me by my name."

"No, you and we are a family." Guoguo also said seriously, "So Guoguo is right to call you uncle."

"Then do you think I'm your uncle or your friend?" Qin Qian changed his approach again, "Good friends don't need to be called honorifics, right?"

Guoguo thought for a long time, and felt that what Qin Qian said was very reasonable.

"Okay, we are good friends." Guoguo said, "Then you are Qin Qian, not Uncle Qin Qian!"

Qin Qian breathed a sigh of relief.

He sent Guoguo to the kindergarten in the community. Because the kindergarten is located in a high-end villa community, the decoration and teachers are also top-notch.

Four teachers stood at the door, three of them were foreigners from different countries, chatting with the children who came to school, high-fiving them, and welcoming them.

Qin Qian feels that the children are becoming more and more scary now. He is an ordinary family in this life, and the children around him are still doing their jobs step by step. Until he sends Guoguo to the kindergarten, he will definitely occasionally chat with other pick-up children when he is waiting for the class to finish. , I found that there are almost no parents here, only nannies and servants.

Moreover, these children from wealthy families have already started to learn music and bilingualism before graduating from kindergarten, and some are very good, and they can speak three foreign languages at a young age.

Compared with these children raised with the goal of being elites, Guoguo is the most like an ordinary child. In her previous life, she could not learn anything in the apocalypse, but she has a strong ability to survive in the wild and respond to danger. A little, but far inferior to these children.

But what can that do? Based on Guoguo's family background, she is actually standing on a higher level than these elite children. Her life is destined to surpass 99% of people in the world.

Guoguo waved to him and ran into the kindergarten.

Guoguo didn't understand so much, she was just happy to come to class again. The children in the kindergarten are very friendly, and Guoguo gets along well with everyone.

Although she does not study well and has no aura, she is one of the most popular children in the kindergarten.

Some boys think Guoguo is cute, with big eyes and white skin, she is as delicate and beautiful as a doll.

On the other hand, it is because Guoguo’s character is different from ordinary little girls. One time, a boy in the middle class badly teased Jiaojiao, a little girl in the same class, and bullied her to tears. —She just beat the boy to tears. Since then, she has become the most powerful friend in the hearts of little girls.

The little boy didn't dare to tell his parents that he was a little ashamed to be beaten and cried by a little girl like a porcelain doll.

Jiaojiao is Guoguo's good friend who went to stay at the hotel before. Before class, the girls sat together and played house, with a doll in one hand and a bunch of small toys in front of them.

"Today is summer, let's go swimming!" said the 'mother' Jiaojiao held, "Go to DF Island!"

"But I want to go to the beach in BAA City." Another little girl held 'Daddy'. "Mother Jiaojiao, let everyone vote."

The girls were playing and playing, and the children of these wealthy families had already traveled around the world in a few words. When it's 'tired from playing' and it's time to eat, let the babysitter doll cook.

Guoguo watched with interest. She didn't intervene because she didn't know much about these places.

Jiaojiao saw her and shook her arm, "Guoguo Guoguo, let's play together, shall we?"

"Okay, but I won't play with you."

"Can we change to something else," said another little girl, "What do you want to play?"

So, after ten minutes, the teachers came over and saw the girls playing house and little boys squatting outside.

Guoguo said, "There are ten seconds left, and the zombies will appear! Anyone who is found will be eaten!"

The girls shrieked as they stuffed the dolls into different toys, and the little boy behind them gave advice: "Hide it on the refrigerator, the zombies will never find it!"

Then, Guoguo walked in with a doll representing a zombie, and explained the plot.

"The zombie walked into the kitchen, it smelled a smell, and then—" She pushed the doll violently, "It found Jiaojiao under the table! Jiaojiao, you only have two seconds to react, you have to do what?"

"I, I, I—" Jiaojiao was frightened, holding her mouth and crying, "I want my mother!"

"Although this is very important, you can only rely on yourself now!" Guoguo said, "You have been eaten by zombies!"

Then, she reached out and pulled off Jiaojiao Doll's head.

"No!" To Jiaojiao, the doll was like a living friend, and she burst into tears.

"Crying is useless, only the weak cry." Guoguo said seriously, "Remember, what you should do is to pick up the knife and fight back!"

Teachers who have seen it all: …

Shouldn't they get a psychiatrist to check this kid out

The author has something to say: Guoguo may be the most like Ningning's child when she grows up (/≧▽≦)/