The Spoilt Wife’s Happy Life with the Commander

Chapter 23: If you don't behave well, I'll put you in solitary confinement


After reading the text message, Lin Qing felt relaxed.

It was almost time to get off work, and Lin Qing started to pack her things. Although she didn't know many people in the company, she still had good relationships with a few. At this time, those people moved to her position.

"Lin Qing, we have a party tonight, do you want to come?" The person who spoke was a staff member Lin Qing often interacted with at work, named Lu Xiao.

Lin Qing never participated in these, so he shook his head.

"We are all from the company, let's go together. You don't show up often, and your relationship with everyone is also a lot stranger." Lu Xiao said with emotion, but this statement was a bit false.

But Lin Qing thought about it and agreed.

Along the way, Lu Xiao was chatting with Lin Qing. Lin Qing kept chatting with her, a little absent-mindedly.

Lu Xiao said that they were going to a restaurant for a party. When they arrived, Lin Qing found that the car was parked in front of a famous club.

Lin Qing had heard of this club. The environment inside is...a bit messy.

"Let's go." After getting off the car, Lu Xiao took Lin Qing's arm and walked towards the gate.

Lin Qing looked up at the club's sign before entering the door.

She felt that after a while everyone would stop playing and no one would notice her anymore, so it wouldn't be too late for her to leave. This shouldn’t dampen everyone’s interest at this time.

It's just that Lin Qing made a miscalculation. This party was completely held with Lin Qing as the protagonist.

Fortunately, Lu Xiao didn't lie to Lin Qing at all. Everyone present was a company employee.

Lin Qing thought to herself that she probably wouldn't be able to go back today. Simply find an inconspicuous place to sit down, and after the others have done enough on the surface, they will go about their business in the usual way.

Lu Xiao was quite thoughtful and was always around Lin Qing. Firstly, he wanted to watch Lin Qing and prevent her from slipping away early. Secondly, he also wanted Lin Qing to have a different impression of him.

It's just that Lu Xiao ignored one thing. Lin Qing is not the type who will easily find someone around him.

So the whole time Lu Xiao was lurking around Lin Qing, Lin Qing didn't notice her presence and just kept in a daze.

Probably Lu Xiao also discovered this problem later, and was a little disappointed, but he didn't give up.

She sat next to Lin Qing, a little drunk from a few glasses of wine.

"Lin Qing, you are really amazing." Lu Xiao looked at Lin Qing carefully, his vision still a little blurry.

"Lu Xiao, you seem to be drunk." Lin Qing reminded him when he smelled the smell of alcohol on Lu Xiao's body.

"I'm fine, it's nothing." Lu Xiao looked a bit drunk, and pointed at Lin Qing, "As for you, why don't you drink and just sit here all the time?"

Lin Qing was a little embarrassed and bit her lip: "Um... my drinking capacity is too small. I will get drunk when I drink."

She feels that she is a person with a long memory.

Lu Xiao was not convinced and put his arm on Lin Qing: "Then let me ask you, are you waiting for Mu Li?"

"Eh?" Lin Qing was stunned.

"Aren't you his wife? Aren't you waiting for him to take you back now?" Lu Xiao chased after her.

"I'm not waiting for him." Lin Qing shook his head.

For some reason, she felt a little sad when she said this. Thoughts are twisting in my mind, I can't sort them out, and I don't understand.

"Then, your marriage to him is fake?" Lu Xiao lowered his voice in Lin Qing's ear.

Lin Qing denied it.

Lu Xiao didn't say anything more, but picked up Lin Qing and walked outside.

"Lu Xiao, what's wrong with you?" Lin Qing, who was almost dragged away, asked several times behind Lu Xiao, but to no avail.

Earlier, Mu Li finished handling the matters at hand and walked on the way to Lin Qing's company.

Called Lin Qing's phone number, but no one answered.

After dialing three or four times in a row, Mu Li became a little uneasy.

Although Lin Qing's brain circuit was different from others, she had never not answered his call.

With this thought, he stepped on the accelerator further and arrived at the company in a short while.

It was past the off-duty time, and most of the employees had left the company. There were only a few employees working overtime on the empty floor, and Lin Qing was nowhere to be seen.

Mu Li felt a chill pass through his heart.

He didn't know that this was because he was nervous about Lin Qing's safety.

At this moment, he had no time to judge his mood and dialed his subordinate's phone number.

"Go find out where Lin Qing is now. Immediately." His tone was cold and shocking.

Ten minutes later, a text message came in.

Mu Li looked at it.

It is the address of a hero club.

He frowned.

Lin Qing was dragged to the hall by Lu Xiao. There were all kinds of wine on the table everywhere.

"Lin Qing, drink with me." Lu Xiao brought two goblets from nowhere, filled with dark red liquid.

Lin Qing caught the wine glass, but hesitated to move.

Lu Xiao still knew a thing or two about Lin Qing's temperament, so he didn't say anything when he saw her look, and drank all the wine in his glass.

She was actually angry with Lin Qing. Why was Lin Qing, an ordinary clerk, meeting Mu Li, while she was still the ordinary Lu Xiao.

Lu Xiao drank several glasses in a row, but Lin Qing's wine did not touch a drop.

"Why don't you drink?" Lu Xiao said angrily, "Do you think the quality of the wine is not high enough, or do you think my quality is not high enough?"

"No." Lin Qing shook his head, but didn't explain much.

This made Lu Xiao, who was even more drunk, even more depressed.

"If you don't drink, I will drink all the wine on this table. Lin Qing, if anything happens to me, it will be your fault." Lu Xiao threatened drunkenly.

Lin Qing looked at the not too small wine table in front of her. There were at least dozens of glasses of wine. Her fingers holding the wine glass moved.

"Lu Xiao..." Lin Qing looked hesitant, "Can you really drink so much wine?"

She was worried about Lu Xiao, but her words changed a little.

Lu Xiao was depressed, picked up a glass of wine and drank it down.

Lin Qing stopped Lu Xiao who was about to raise his glass again: "As long as I drink, will you stop?"

Lu Xiao smiled.

Lin Qing finished the wine in the glass.

She does this for a reason. About half a year ago, Lu Xiao had done her a big favor, and he was one of the rare people willing to help her in that matter.

Lin Qing feels that people should repay kindness.

Perhaps because of this glass of wine, most of Lu Xiao's complaints against Lin Qing disappeared. Between women, it is actually very quick to resolve the past feud.

Sometimes almost as fast as light.

When Lin Qing felt that it was getting late and it was time to go home, Lu Xiao looked around for the bathroom. She wanted to vomit, so she asked Lin Qing to wait in the room and leave together later.

However, Lin Qing failed to return to the room. On the way there, she was stared at by a strange man.

"Hey, where's the girl? It's the first time I've seen her!" The person who spoke was a pretty good-looking man. He looked Lin Qing up and down, and unconsciously stretched out his hand to grab Lin Qing.

Lin Qing took a step back and let the man catch him.

"You still have a temper!" The man laughed under the influence of alcohol, "It's interesting!"

Lin Qing said nothing, lowered her head and turned to leave.

Unexpectedly, he was stopped by the man.

"Where are you going? I'm talking to you!" He smelled of alcohol, which made Lin Qing feel a little dizzy.

That man was probably a young master from someone's family. He was used to being a young man, so he thought that he would be open-minded about women who appeared in the club. Seeing Lin Qingmei's delicate features was a novelty, so he wanted to strike up a conversation with her.

The more Lin Qing dodges, the more interested this young man becomes.

"What's your name? Do you come here often?" the man asked, getting closer to Lin Qing.

Lin Qing was very uncomfortable with this distance and took another small step back.

"You have the wrong person." Only then did Lin Qing speak and looked at the man.

"Admit your mistake?" The man was stunned and smiled, "I didn't admit my mistake, I just wanted to get to know you."

He said that he wanted to touch Lin Qing without any scruples.

Lin Qing didn't hide this time, and stared at the man for a while: "But, I don't know you."

Her tone was so serious that the young man was stunned.

There was no doubt that Lin Qing aroused his interest.

Riding on his drunkenness, the young master approached Lin Qing step by step and blocked her in front of a wall. When Lin Qing took another step back, she realized that she had no way to retreat.

"Um... you seem to have admitted the wrong person." Lin Qingfu reminded again.

Of course it's all in vain.

Seeing Lin Qing's charming expression, the young master was so excited that he wanted to be rude to Lin Qing.

At this time, the originally noisy hall suddenly became silent.

"Let her go." Someone at the end of the crowd shouted.

There was a chill in that voice.

The young master let go of Lin Qing before he could react. At this time, his friend came from the private room.

The hall was originally crowded with people, but now they all lined up on both sides to make way for a handsome man in a suit. The man exuded a touch of coldness and arrogance, making everyone on both sides dare not raise their heads.

Behind the man, there were several soldiers in military uniforms.

This formation took the breath away of everyone present.

The man at the front looks young but very aura, so he must have a very high status, and I heard that there is indeed a man in his early thirties who is a military commander, so it is not difficult to imagine this.

Commander Mu of the First Military District, who was said to be resolute, fierce and decisive, was the cold but charming man in front of him.

Others speculated, Commander Mu, what is he doing here

And at the end of this road that was given away, standing was Lin Qing, who had almost been taken advantage of.

Mu Li walked up to Lin Qing, took off his coat and put it on Lin Qing's body.

Then, he straightened Lin Qing's hair on his forehead.

When he spoke, he had already taken Lin Qing into his arms.

"Apologise." A cold voice came from his mouth. These words were said to the young master who had just teased Lin Qing.

"Who are you?" The young man was drunk and the light was not good, so he did not recognize Mu Li.

Mu Li's face was stern.

One of the men following him replied: "This is Mu Li, commander of the First Group Army of the B City Military Region."

This sentence has a real ring to it and shows the true nature of a soldier.

"Commander? Mu Li?" The young master then looked at Mu Li carefully again, with an expression of recognition on his face.

Although this young master came from a famous family, he was still shocked when he heard Mu Li's name.

"I didn't know, she turned out to be your woman?" Young Master said with a strange tone, or to be precise, he was shocked.

Rumor has it that Mu Li is not a womanizer, and a woman he likes has never appeared.

And looking at Lin Qing at this moment... The young master was in awe and said nothing more.

At this time, Lin Qing felt dizzy. She leaned in Mu Li's arms and vaguely heard the word "commander", but she didn't realize that it was Mu Li who said it.

"Remember, not all women can move." Mu Li's voice came from above her head again.

Raising her head slightly, Lin Qing happened to see Mu Li's sharp outline. He was indeed very good-looking, and he looked even more handsome this way.

Moreover, being protected like this... Lin Qing was very satisfied.

She moved in Mu Li's arms.

The little face was red from suppressing it, and the blurred eyes were obviously drunk.

"How much did you drink?" Mu Li frowned.

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