The Star Light Shines When He Came

Chapter 101: The honey fruit that brings back time


After an unknown amount of time, Xie Fei finally let go of her.

Ye Jing felt that he had slightly loosened the arms that bound her waist, but she had been restrained so badly before, and now she felt her waist become sore when she moved, her hands subconsciously clinging to his shoulders, and she leaned weakly against his arms. inside.

Her low breathing was urgent, and it sounded softly in Xie Fei's ear, like a good aphrodisiac/medicine, destroying the only trace of reason he had left, and the burning desire/thought was overturning the river in his heart and chest. rushing like.

The hand he wrapped around Ye Jing's waist unconsciously tightened, and he gently kneaded it ambiguous and charming.

The scorching heat in the palm of his hand was as if a hot soldering iron had left an indelible mark on his body.

Ye Jing's body froze suddenly, and after a while, she rubbed on his leg uneasy. Through Xie Fei's thin school pants, she could clearly feel her inner thigh rubbing against his firm and strong thigh.

At this moment, both of them suddenly tensed up, and even their breathing became a lot heavier.

Ye Jing's pale cheeks were red and hot. She opened her eyes full of steam and looked down quietly. Only then did she realize that she didn't know when she had split her legs, hanging on either side of Xie Fei's legs, and clipping his thin waist. in the middle.

This pose made people think, and coupled with her unconscious dawdling before, Ye Jing couldn't guess at all. At this time, Xie Fei, who was calm and calm, had no idea how many images that were not suitable for children had been drawn in his mind.

Xie Fei couldn't bear it in his heart, but he didn't show it at all. If it wasn't for his Adam's apple swallowing quietly, it would be really serious.

There were only the two of them in Nuoda's classroom, but both of them were a little absent-minded. The classroom was surprisingly quiet for a while, and the charming atmosphere gradually filled the surroundings.

Xie Fei's hands were gently touching her back, and Ye Jing's hands on his shoulders gradually changed to hook around his neck.

The lips are getting closer.

At this moment, the bell to urge the students to dismiss from school suddenly rang in the classroom.

Xie Fei put a fist on his lips and coughed, suppressing his restless mind, pretending to be calm and looking aside, but his breath was still chaotic.

Silence, silence, both held their breaths, waiting for the other to speak first.

Xie Fei pursed his thin lips slightly, looked down at the shy girl, remembered her previous question, and said slowly, "Your heart and body are telling me that you like me."

Ye Jing was stunned for a while, she opened her lips and wanted to defend herself, but she didn't know how to refute.

Jaffe raised her chin with her index finger and looked at each other.

He looked at her with Chicheng and warm eyes, and after a long time, he said solemnly: "Ye Jing, I like you, I like you very much. I like the way you smile, the way you are shy, and the way you are jealous for me, I like the way you stare at me angrily... I like every aspect and every aspect of you."

Ye Jing looked at him in a trance.

"Even if you didn't kiss me that night, I couldn't help kissing you, because at that moment I thought about it for a long time, and thinking about it made my heart hurt." Xie Fei squeezed her hand and put it on his heart, Holding her face in one hand, he pecked at the corner of her lips, "So, don't reject me anymore, don't hide from me anymore, okay, eh?"

Aow, how could her little heart stand without such affection

Ye Jing blushed and clenched the clothes on his chest tightly, her curled eyelashes drooping slightly, covering up the shimmering water in her bright eyes.

Listening to his words, Ye Jing felt that she really seemed to be the same as what Liu Xiaowei said, too cowardly!

Should she be brave too

Thinking like this, she pursed her lips, slowly raised her eyes to look directly at him, nodded slowly and solemnly, and hummed "En" as a response.

The corners of Xie Fei's lips lifted, and she lowered her head and rubbed her nose. The two hugged each other for a while, and then cooperated to clean the classroom swiftly.

The two walked to the dormitory building hand in hand. There were only a few dim lights in the trees by the roadside. There were still twos and threes of classmates walking and chatting on the playground. "If you want to laugh, laugh. With such a good boyfriend as me, there is no reason not to laugh."

Ye Jing wrinkled her nose when she heard the words, and hummed, "You should be snickering. With my beautiful and smart girlfriend, I don't know how much better the genes of the children in the future will be!"

"Yes, yes, I can wake up laughing from a dream." Xie Fei leaned over to her face, with a narrow and ambiguous smile between his eyebrows, "After all, you said you wanted to have a baby for me."

Ye Jing then realized what she had said, raised her hand and hammered him in shame, then broke free of his hand and strode forward.

Xie Fei shook his head, laughed softly and chased after her, holding her hand no matter what, Ye Jing just let him go.

After a while, Xie Fei rubbed her arm again and asked in a low voice, "Hey, do you like me?"

"I don't like it." Ye Jing raised her eyebrows.

Xie Fei squeezed her face angrily and pretended to be annoyed: "Little liar."

"I'm a little liar, so what are you?" Ye Jing slapped his hand away, raised her head and looked at him in disapproval.

Xie Fei leaned over and quickly stole a kiss on her mouth, then smiled slowly: "I'm a big pervert..."

"..." Ye Jing's face suddenly turned red, she gave him a charming look, covered her hot cheeks, turned and ran towards the dormitory.

Xie Fei watched her back gradually disappear into the building, and then turned to go home with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

The relationship between the two was exposed very quickly, because someone did not know how to restrain.

Originally, the head teacher and the teachers of various subjects would try their best to stop the good students and the poor students from falling in love, but after seeing the two fall in love, not only did Ye Jing's grades not drop, but Xie Fei became more obedient, Wei Hong thought for his own interests , Seeing that the two of them were not too much, she opened one eye and closed the other after beating them a little.

This Friday night for self-study, Ye Jing was doing five or three when the phone vibrated lightly and turned it on to take a look.

Ning Yi: Don't go home this week. Let's go on a date. You have six days of study a week, so give me one day.

Looking at this sentence, Ye Jing could think of Ning Yi's grievance and resentment. It has been almost half a month since the two fell in love, but she was busy studying at school, and she only had lunch at noon and self-study at night. It was only after class that she could get along for a while, and on weekends she went home to accompany her parents, and it seemed that she hadn't had a good life with him.

After thinking for a while, Ye Jing made a decision and gave him a "good" past.

Early in the morning on the weekend, the two went shopping holding hands.

As the Chinese New Year is approaching, people come and go on the streets, there is constant traffic on the roads, and various shops on the streets are very lively. Ye Jing took Xie Fei into a small jewelry store on the side of the road and looked at the gadgets with great interest.

Xie Fei was talking and laughing with Ye Jing, but out of the corner of his eyes, he looked at a black car parked on the sidewalk through the items in the store.

Not long after he left the school today, he realized something was wrong. The car had been following the two of them all morning, and it was obviously monitoring them. Don't think about it, Ye Shimian was the only one who could do such a thing.

With a conjecture in his heart, Xie Fei quickly came up with an idea. In the next trip, his interaction with Ye Jing became more intimate. From time to time, he would come for a hug and then a kiss.

Ye Shimian, who was sitting in the car, looked at the two of them holding hands and hugging. The dazzling smile and sweetness on Ye Jing's face when talking to the man made his brows jump with anger, and he could hardly contain the anger in his heart. , the more he looked at him, the more annoyed he became, the hands holding the steering wheel were tightly squeezed into a ball at some point, and the blue veins on the back of the hands protruded.

Seeing the man's hand kneading recklessly around Ye Jing's waist, Ye Shimian's eyes flashed a scorching spark, he knocked on the steering wheel violently, and before the fire could go out, he opened the door and got out of the car , Who knew that when he raised his eyes, he saw his terrifying appearance of catching an adulterer reflected on the car window.

His hands froze abruptly, he closed the door again with a livid face, and leaned against the back of the chair with his eyes closed.

No, I can't let Jing'er see me like this, otherwise his ten years of careful disguise will be torn apart. Now is not the time. I can't just ruin such a perfect plan. Calm down, don't panic, Jing. It's just curiosity, she will find out later that she is the only one who loves her the most in this world, she just wants to play, as long as it's not too hot, let her play, anyway, it's not far from her eighteen years old...

As long as she is eighteen years old, she will belong to him forever, and he doesn't need to pretend anymore!

Just over eighteen!

Ye Shimian laughed lowly with a weird expression, as if he had thought of something wonderful.

When he opened his eyes again, he had returned to normal, but it didn't take long for the anger he managed to suppress surged back into his heart.

Not far in front of his car, Xie Fei and Ye Jing were kissing affectionately and lingeringly.

Ye Shimian was afraid of his dazzling eyes, he shook his hands and rolled down the window, then stared at the two with blood-red eyes, his eyes were fierce like beasts, as if he was going to devour them in the next moment.


Seeing the dazzling scene clearly, Ye Shimian's forehead burst out with blue veins, and the anger in his heart burned like flames. He gritted his teeth hard, and the muscles on his cheeks shook violently uncontrollably.

Ye Jing is his! is his!

This damn disgusting man, how dare he tarnish the flowers he has cared for for so long!

He has been pampering for so many years, the pure and beautiful angel-like people just fell into the dust, they all deserve to die, they all deserve to die!

What made him most resentful was that his most perfect work actually betrayed him, Ye Jing, how could you be so arrogant and shameless, how could you treat your master like this!

Ye Shimian's chest heaved up and down rapidly, his hands clenched into fists and slammed into the steering wheel.