The Star Light Shines When He Came

Chapter 22: Little cutie, come here


Oh, I found you.

Xie Fei slowly raised the corners of his mouth, raised his slender eyebrows slightly, and a faint smile slowly appeared in his deep dark eyes.

Zhou Zhiwei and the others were still chattering, Xie Fei stretched his long legs, stood up slowly, raised his hands lightly, walked towards the opposite side holding the table, and leaned directly behind Su Yin's stool.

Everyone was taken aback, staring straight at this scene with staring eyes, many girls even began to discuss in a low voice, Su Yin also looked back subconsciously, and recognized Xie Fei immediately.

Xie Fei looks handsome, with a bohemian smell all over his body, which is extremely attractive to girls, but he doesn't care about others, and he either skips class or sleeps all day long. In comparison, girls must like Jiang Hui more.

In fact, in the whole No. 1 Middle School, Xie Fei's reputation can be said to be louder than Jiang Hui's, but he is known more for his vicious reputation. It has only been less than a month since school started, even if he is as introverted as Su Yin, he has heard a lot of rumors about Xie Fei. He heard that he has a very good background, and this middle school was funded by his father, so even if his grades are not very good, However, he was directly recommended by the headquarters to enter the first class of senior one. It was even heard that someone saw the dean talking to him respectfully, but he looked impatient.

When they first heard these rumors, everyone only thought that Xie Fei was arrogant. Many people secretly looked down on him, thinking that he only dared to rely on his father's power to play prestige in school.

Until later, once when Xie Fei was fighting with people outside the school, one person picked up a dozen of the other party, and walked into the classroom with scars all over his body, frightening everyone in the room, but he seemed like a normal person Same, fell asleep directly on the table.

From then on, Xie Fei became famous in the first battle and became a well-known school bully in No. 1 Middle School.

Amidst the discussion, Zhou Zhiwei and the others also looked at this scene in shock. Although they were prepared for Fei Ge's thousand-year-old iron tree to bloom, they did not expect that Fei Ge would abandon them for the sake of beauty. A group of brothers who live and die together.

They were very heartbroken, they were very sad, and they all held their chests and muttered—

Break up friendship, break up friendship, what kind of bullshit plastic brotherhood.

Xie Fei didn't care about everyone's gaze, he took out his chair, found a comfortable position and sat down, then lay down on the table with his arms under his pillow, and went back to sleep.

About two or three minutes later, the class bell rang, and the Chinese teacher walked into the classroom on time with a book. At this time, most of the people had not returned to their seats, and they were still talking about what happened just now.

The Chinese teacher stood on the podium with a solemn face. Seeing everyone still laughing and laughing, he grabbed the book and slapped it: "Don't you know after class? If you don't return to your seat within three seconds, give it to me." Stand behind and listen to the class!"

Everyone returned to their seats in a panic, and then she looked around with satisfaction, and her eyes fell on Xie Fei who was in the last row by the door. She raised her finger and frowned and said, "Who is that?" , why are you still sleeping after class?"

The whole class was silent, and Qi Shushu turned his head to look at Xie Fei. He was lying on the table and sleeping soundly, unaware that dozens of pairs of eyes were staring at him.

The Chinese teacher lowered his face in displeasure, and turned to look at Su Yin: "The girl who is second to last in the first row—"

Su Yin raised her head in surprise, and pointed at herself blankly.

"Yes, it's you." The Chinese teacher nodded and said, "Wake up the sleeping classmate behind you."

Su Yin blinked, turned sideways, raised her hand and patted the table, and shouted softly: "Hey, wake up, wake up, class is on."

Xie Fei, who was sleeping on her stomach, snorted unhappily, moved her body, and slowly raised her head. She looked directly at Su Yin with a pair of cold and sleepy eyes, and her heart tightened slightly.

Su Yin lowered her eyes in a panic, avoiding Xie Fei's gaze, her cheeks flushed a little, and she said softly, "Class is over, the teacher asked me to call you."

Her voice was sweet and soft, and the ends of her ponytail hung slightly on her shoulders, covering her palm-sized face. She pinned a few naughty strands of hair behind her ears, and the small earlobes were white. It's red and very cute.

Looking at Su Yin's earlobe fixedly, Xie Fei felt a little itchy in his heart. He couldn't help rubbing his hand on the table twice. At this moment, the Chinese teacher's voice sounded a little surprised: "Xie Fei ? How did you sit there?"

Xie Fei straightened up lazily, shrugged and said, "It's too sunny over there, it's not convenient to sleep."

At that moment, the Chinese teacher's face was cloudy and uncertain, and finally he held back his anger and lowered his head helplessly: "Students, turn to the ninth page of the textbook, we will study today..."

In this way, another week passed. On this day, the class teacher Tang Xuehui brought the belated transfer student into the classroom. On the podium, Wei Xiaoqin was wearing two beautiful princess braids, wearing a tutu skirt, smiling sweetly: "Hi students, my name is Wei Xiaoqin."

As she spoke, she turned around and picked up chalk to write on the blackboard one by one, and then continued: "I have been resting for a month because of a heart attack, so I just went back to school to report today. I have many hobbies, such as listening to music and Reading is a relatively quiet hobby. Well... Actually, I also like sports, but I can't do it because of heart disease. I hope that in the next three years of study and life, I can get along with everyone happily, thank you."

The students sitting below started discussing when they heard the word 'heart disease'. After Wei Xiaoqin finished speaking for a while, there were sparse applause from below.

Tang Xuehui stood next to him and scanned the classroom, pointed at Su Yin, and said to Wei Xiaoqin, "Wei Xiaoqin, you can sit next to Su Yin for the time being, and after the test next week, you can re-select your seat according to your results. "

As he said that, he turned his head to look at Su Yin again, and ordered: "Su Yin, I will leave the new classmate to you. If there is anything she doesn't understand, you can help her. You can also lend me the notes and homework from the previous class. Let her see."

Su Yin nodded, and said "En", Wei Xiaoqin also went to the seat and sat down. She took off her schoolbag and hung it on the back of the chair, and then took out a pencil case and notebook from the schoolbag.

Wei Xiaoqin took a peek at her deskmate and saw that she was concentrating on listening to the class. After hesitating for a while, she reached out to touch Su Yin's arm and said in a low voice, "Your name is Su Yin, right?"

Su Yin's writing hand paused, she nodded without making a sound, and then continued to take notes.

Wei Xiaoqin didn't care about Su Yin's attitude, she pursed her lips and smiled, and said happily: "My name is Wei Xiaoqin, I'm small, I'm the piano, Wei Xiaoqin."

As she spoke, she stretched out her left hand and handed it to Su Yin: "It's a pleasure to be at the same table with you, and I hope we can become good friends."

Su Yin raised her eyes, just in time to see Wei Xiaoqin's bright smiling face, she hesitated, put down the pen in her hand, stretched out her hand to hold her hand, and there was a tingling feeling in the palms of the two touching.

Wei Xiaoqin's hands were warm and delicate, just like her smile, which made Su Yin involuntarily laugh: "My name is Su Yin, Su Shi's Su, the sound of music."

"Wow, we are very destined." Wei Xiaoqin said in surprise.

Su Yin blinked in confusion, not knowing where it came from.

"I, the piano." Wei Xiaoqin pointed to himself and Su Yin excitedly, "You, the music."

Su Yin smiled as if suddenly realized, and echoed with a dry smile: "It's really a fate."

In fact, she didn't understand Wei Xiaoqin's excitement, nor did she understand the logic of this sentence, but this did not prevent her from liking her, this lively and cheerful girl, she was really warm when she smiled.

Xie Fei woke up when he heard the word "Wei Xiaoqin". He propped his chin with one hand and listened to the boring conversation in front of him.

There is indeed a fate, but it is all a sinful fate.

Seeing the two happily talking in front of him, Xie Fei's thoughts gradually drifted away. In fact, Su Yin didn't know that after she committed suicide by jumping off a building, Wei Xiaoqin went crazy.

On the night of Su Yin's death, when Wei Xiaoqin was helping her organize her belongings in Su Yin's dormitory, through the window, she suddenly saw a rickety figure coming downstairs covered in blood, and she stood in front of the dormitory door On the stone steps, and then slowly raised his head to look at himself, both hands stretched out towards himself, muttering desperately: "Xiaoqin... die together, Xiaoqin... die together..."

When Xie Fei came back to his senses, Wei Xiaoqin was pulling Su Yin's school uniform sleeve and whispering, "Su Yin, let's have lunch together at noon today, shall we?"

"Okay." Su Yin turned to look at her, smiled and nodded.

Wei Xiaoqin smiled contentedly, and after a while, she turned her head and asked again: "What kind of food do you like? I eat lightly, because my heart..."

Xie Fei felt that Wei Xiaoqin was really annoying, so he stopped talking for two minutes and started talking again. He stretched out his long legs, and kicked Wei Xiaoqin's chair leg with "duang".

Wei Xiaoqin was so frightened that her heart was pounding. She covered her heart and turned her head. She was stunned for a moment when she saw Xie Fei's very eye-catching appearance.

Her cheeks turned red unconsciously, and she slowly tightened her hand covering her heart, and said softly, "Why did you kick my stool?"

Xie Fei leaned back in the chair, raised her eyebrows and raised her eyes to look at her, and said lightly: "You are so noisy, you have disturbed my class."

Wei Xiaoqin was taken aback, her face suddenly became hot, she glanced at the phone on his desk, the screen was impressively showing the game interface of Xiaoxiaole, she pursed her lips, and retorted: "You didn't attend the class—"

"How do you know I didn't listen?" Xie Fei asked with a sneer.

Su Yin heard the conversation between the two, and Xie Fei's clear and cold voice carried a hint of chill. She quickly stretched out her hand to pull Wei Xiaoqin, wanting to remind her that Xie Fei is a famous school bully, but Wei Xiaoqin, who was spoiled by her parents, was proud She raised her neck and said not to be outdone, "You, your book didn't come out, and..."

As she said that, she looked at Xie Fei's mobile phone, and said a little aggrieved, "And you are obviously playing a game."

"Don't be a fool, are you?" Xie Fei frowned slightly, his eyebrows were open, "Who told you that you must use books to listen to lectures, and I like to use my ears, can't I?"

Wei Xiaoqin was really pissed off now, her eyes were red, she opened her mouth to speak, but Tang Xuehui's voice sounded: "Wei Xiaoqin, the blackboard is in front, what are you doing looking behind?"

"I..." Wei Xiaoqin turned her head and stood up slowly, watching the students around her looking at her in unison, her proud self-esteem was a little unbearable, her small face was burning, and she just opened her mouth to say a word , hot tears gushed out of his eyes.

Tang Xuehui couldn't bear to see her like this. In his opinion, Wei Xiaoqin was very delicate, like a crystal doll that would break if touched. He waved his hand helplessly: "Sit down, you are already a month behind the class, and you can go to class later. Be serious, or I’m afraid you won’t be able to keep up with the progress.”

After Wei Xiaoqin sat down, she lay down on the table with her face pillowed on her arms, and began to cry silently.

Actually bullying girls.

Although the two have just met, Su Yin has already regarded Wei Xiaoqin as a friend. Although it is true that they were at odds in the first place, Xie Fei's words were a bit too much, and now that Wei Xiaoqin is crying again, Su Yin of course chooses to stand by her friend this side.

It's just that although she was displeased with Xie Fei's attitude, she didn't dare to turn her head and stare at him. After thinking for a while, in the end she only thought of dragging her stool forward to show her attitude, then she patted Wei Xiaoqin's back lightly, comforting her softly.

After class, Su Yin took Wei Xiaoqin with red eyes and left the classroom. After the two of them had lunch, Su Yin took Wei Xiaoqin to the top floor of the teaching building, turned the doorknob skillfully, and stepped onto the roof.

The blue sky was cloudless, and the warm sunshine shone on the two of them. They sat with their heads leaning against the railing, and the gentle wind caressed their ears back and forth.

Wei Xiaoqin was on the rooftop for the first time, she squinted slightly and looked at the sky in a daze, and exclaimed: "It's so good."

"Well, I always come here when I'm in a bad mood." Su Yin turned her head and said to Wei Xiaoqin, "How is it, do you feel better now?"

"It's much better, but that boy is too annoying, he's clearly looking for faults..." Wei Xiaoqin grumbled dissatisfiedly.

"Xiaoqin, you should stop competing with him in the future. He is a well-known school bully in the No. 1 middle school. This school is owned by his family. You will only be the one who will suffer in the end if you compete with him."

"School bully?" Wei Xiaoqin stared blankly at Su Yin, her face turned green and pale for a while, and it took her a long time to hold back a sentence, "No wonder, it turns out that he is a poor student."

Her tone was full of disdain, Su Yin was taken aback, opened her mouth to say something, but finally stopped.

I don't know when it started, poor grades seem to be synonymous with bad students. As long as their grades are poor, bad things must be done by them, such as fighting, skipping classes, cheating, lying... Many people often don't ask indiscriminately, and take it for granted that they are wrong.

But people with good grades must have never done it, they must be standard triple-excellent students, is everything right

How can the quality of grades become the standard for judging a person's moral character

Su Yin didn't know, but she knew in her heart that Xie Fei was right about today's incident. She and Wei Xiaoqin had been talking all the time in class, which indeed affected others. It was their fault. She just didn't like Xie Fei's arrogant swearing. , but it does not mean that she denies Xie Fei.

Hearing that Wei Xiaoqin was still chattering about poor students, Su Yin felt a little upset. She leaned against Wei Xiaoqin's head and quietly turned to the other side. At that moment, she felt a little panicked.

For the next few days, Wei Xiaoqin avoided Xie Fei from a distance, and stopped pulling Su Yin to talk in class, and passed notes instead. Xie Fei wanted to interrupt the emotional exchange between the two, but he couldn't think of a way for a while, he could only watch helplessly as the two became more and more acquainted, eating together, leaving school together, and even going to the toilet hand in hand.

The only good thing is that he and Su Yin also talked a few times, although the specific situation is like this—

One morning during self-study, seeing Su Yin and Wei Xiaoqin walking in talking and laughing, Xie Fei was so angry that her liver hurt. After she sat down, Xie Fei immediately reached out to poke Su Yin's back, and had nothing to say: "Lend me your homework to copy."

Su Yin was startled at first, and after hearing this, she thought about it silently, then moved her stool forward, and ignored him.

Xie Fei followed her forward and stabbed her several times. Su Yin was finally defeated by his perseverance, and put her homework on his desk without looking back, without saying a word to him.

After this time, every time Xie Fei poked Su Yin, she would consciously hand him homework, but she never said a word to Xie Fei, but she and Wei Xiaoqin passed notes more and more frequently, Xie Fei was anxious. He almost got angry, but he also knew that this matter should not be rushed, otherwise he would just push Su Yin closer to Wei Xiaoqin.

Things soon took a turn for the better. That night before self-study and class, Zhou Zhiwei and the others walked over slapping basketballs, and laughed happily: "Brother Fei, let's go and play."

Xie Fei was depressed and didn't know how to destroy the relationship between Su Yin and Wei Xiaoqin. He was in a very bad mood. With the idea of out of sight and out of mind, he nodded at a few people, put his mobile phone into his trouser pocket, lifted his long legs, and stood up flexibly. Body: "Let's go."

When the voices of several people gradually faded away, Wei Xiaoqin, who hadn't spoken for almost a whole day, finally let out a long sigh of relief, and complained while shaking his right wrist: "Finally left, my hands are sore from writing, I have never written so many words in my notes.”

Su Yin smiled when he heard this, stared at the books on the table, and did not speak.

Wei Xiaoqin saw that Su Yin was serious about reading, and she also knew that Su Yin's family was not well-off and needed the scholarship, so she lay down on the table and looked around boredly.

There was a boy sitting in the second row obliquely in front. He was a little thin, but his ugly school uniform gave off a clean and clear atmosphere. At this time, he was writing his homework with his head slightly lowered, and his slightly exposed side face was very beautiful, with a high nose bridge, thick eyebrows and handsome eyes, and his thin lips were slightly raised.

Wei Xiaoqin knows him. His name is Jiang Hui. He is a well-known man in the school. He has excellent grades, is valued by his teachers, and is very friendly to his classmates. He will patiently answer everyone who asks him questions. Such an excellent Jiang Hui is very popular among girls, and many girls in the class secretly like him.

And she is also one of the girls, unlike Xie Fei who is always unruly and unruly, Jiang Hui does not have that kind of impetuousness and indifference, but that kind of gentle and steady mature charm. Wei Xiaoqin fell in love with her at first sight. He has a different feeling.

Such an excellent boy is worthy of her liking.

Thinking of this, Wei Xiaoqin couldn't help but glanced at Jiang Hui several times. She couldn't help but want to know him more. She turned her head and bit her lip slyly. Pulling Suyin's sleeve, he asked shyly, "Susu, how much do you know about Jiang Hui?"

"Jiang Hui?" Su Yin raised his head in surprise, glanced at Jiang Hui's back and said, "I don't know much. I heard that he has a good family background, excellent grades, and the provincial champion in the high school entrance examination..."

"Oh, that's not what I asked." Wei Xiaoqin hurriedly interrupted Su Yin, moved closer and said with some embarrassment, "I... I want to ask if he has a girlfriend. You have been in school for a month. Yes, you should have heard of it."

Su Yin frowned and thought for a while: "Probably not, I haven't heard anyone say that he has a girlfriend."

"That's good." Wei Xiaoqin breathed a sigh of relief, pursed his lips and smiled softly, covering his slightly hot face embarrassingly.

Su Yin looked at Wei Xiaoqin with almond eyes and a smile in doubt, shook her head incomprehension and continued to study.

Just after reading the question, Wei Xiaoqin came up again, looked at Su Yin nervously and curiously, and said with a serious face: "Susu, I ask you a question, you have to answer me honestly."

Su Yin nodded: "Okay."

"You, do you like Jiang Hui?" When Wei Xiaoqin asked this question, his hands were quietly clenched under the table, and his eyes were fixed on Su Yin without blinking.

It's no wonder she was nervous. It's because Su Yin is so good-looking. Although her family background is not good, don't boys and girls of fifteen or sixteen years old like the beautiful appearance and excellent grades of the opposite sex? Besides her family background, she was inferior to Su Yin in other two aspects, and she didn't even have a healthy body. Thinking of this, she couldn't help feeling a little sore in her heart.

Su Yin took a serious look at Wei Xiaoqin, her expression was very nervous, she even breathed carefully, her almond eyes were full of anticipation, and her small face was powdery, clearly the appearance of a young girl Huaichun.

"I don't like him, I just like to study." Su Yin shook her head and said.

Wei Xiaoqin laughed all of a sudden, and excitedly took Su Yin's hand: "Really, Susu?"

Su Yin nodded, and Wei Xiaoqin smiled even more happily: "That's really great, Susu, actually I... I like Jiang Hui, since you said you don't like him, then you have to remember what you said, and you can't go back on your word , otherwise I will never talk to you again."

Su Yin's eyes widened in surprise. She didn't understand the direct relationship between Wei Xiaoqin's liking for Jiang Hui and ignoring her, but hearing her say that made her feel a little uncomfortable. A friendship that was very precious to her Wei Xiaoqin couldn't compare to Wei Xiaoqin's love for Jiang Hui, which made her a little suspicious of this friendship.

After this evening self-study get out of class, in the corridor to go to the toilet, Su Yin did not shake Wei Xiaoqin's hand for the first time, and Wei Xiaoqin was immersed in his own thoughts, so he didn't notice any strangeness.

The next day was Friday, and when the last class meeting was about to end, Tang Xuehui told everyone in a loud voice: "When you come back next Monday, you will have a test. You must study hard when you go home on the weekend, and don't indulge in fun!"

Everyone responded in a perfunctory manner, but the speed of their hands was not slow. They were brushing and tidying up their things. When the get out of class bell rang, they swarmed out.

The two-day vacation is too short. On the evening self-study on the day of returning to school on Sunday, everyone is either rushing to catch up with their homework, or cramming to review their homework, except for one person.

Xie Fei was sitting in the last row playing games, Zhou Zhiwei ran to him and squatted down beside him after copying his homework: "Brother Fei, you are still playing games, the exam is tomorrow." He was mysterious as he spoke Secretly moved closer, "Shitou and I have already copied the cheat sheet, Brother Fei, would you like a copy?"

"I still need a cheat sheet for my IQ?" Xie Fei lowered his eyes and glanced at Zhou Zhiwei, "Can you kill you in seconds?"

Wei Xiaoqin is not here today, because she has a heart condition, the school specially approved her not to go to evening self-study, so Su Yin listened to the conversation between the two behind, and then couldn't hold back a soft smile.

Zhou Zhiwei looked up and saw Su Yin, with an expression of enlightenment on his face, and persuaded in a softer voice: "Brother Fei, if you want to be handsome, don't step on the corpses of your brothers. We are shouldering the expectations of our parents. The future of the family is even death. It is impossible to trust you."

"Trust?" Xie Fei glanced at him, and said calmly, "I don't even want you to be trustees, it's an insult to my IQ."

"Brother Fei, please speak up, otherwise I will tell Jiezi and them, and you will be slapped in the face." Zhou Zhiwei became unhappy, and threatened Xie Fei with the school bully from the school bully group.

"Get out, stay wherever it's cool, don't disturb my study." Xie Fei stared at the phone screen without looking up.

"Using study as an excuse again." Zhou Zhiwei gave him a contemptuous glance, then slipped back to his seat, and explained the matter to several people. Yang Jie and Luo Jiang immediately quit. This is being severely despised, a group of people came to Xie Fei's desk aggressively after class was over, and snapped a photo of Grandpa Zhang Mao: "Brother Fei, do you dare to gamble."

"No gambling." Xie Fei said, "As the successors of socialism, we should respond to the call of the country and reject pornography, gambling and drugs, understand?"

Yang Jie and the others felt dazed for a while, and they couldn't believe that this was what they, the school bully, said.

They were still noisy here, and soon Tang Xuehui finished the meeting. As soon as he entered the classroom, he immediately mobilized the whole class to arrange the examination room, and the whole floor suddenly wailed: "Ah, I haven't finished my review yet!"

In the next two days, the high school was unprecedentedly quiet, and everyone was struggling to answer the test papers.

After the exam, the big stone in everyone's heart finally fell to the ground, and people in twos and threes gathered together in the classroom to check the answers.

Zhou Zhiwei squatted on the table bitterly, lifeless: "Stone, you, Brother Wei, may live in dire straits for the next month, and I depend entirely on you for my board and lodging."

Liu Yan patted his chest very righteously: "No problem, I've already ordered a box of instant noodles online, half for each of us."

Zhou Zhiwei: "..."

At this time, Xie Fei strode over with his hands in his pockets, with obvious joy on his body, stretched out his feet and hooked the stool, and sat down at a comfortable angle.

Liu Yan asked bluntly: "Brother Fei is in a good mood, did the exam go well?"

The corner of Xie Fei's mouth curled up, and he said with a smile, "Heh, I'll beat you all up."

Just as Zhou Zhiwei was about to speak, there was a burst of exclamation in the classroom: "Wow, Jiang Hui, you are so good, you have finished all the difficult questions!"

"Yeah, I basically only did the first small question on the big question, and I was not sure about at least three or four multiple-choice questions."

"This time the first place must be yours. Hey, I only hope that it will be good to be in the top ten of the grade."

Everyone turned their gazes to that side, and saw that Jiang Hui was surrounded by the crowd like stars and the moon, waving his hands modestly, while Xie Fei had an imperceptible smile in his eyes, and his eyes were faint. He looked at Wei Xiaoqin and Su Yin who had just entered the door.

Wei Xiaoqin's eyes sparkled as she looked at Jiang Hui, and her little face flushed slightly. Seeing her flustered look, Xie Fei knew that his chance had come.

Sure enough, at the class meeting on Friday, Tang Xuehui came in with the grade list, but before analyzing the grades, there was one more important thing to do.

Tang Xuehui stood on the podium and looked at the crowd, and said slowly: "The results of the test are out. Now everyone goes to the corridor and lines up in two lines. Whoever I call by name will come in and choose a seat."

There was an uproar in the classroom, and everyone began to confirm the seat selection with their friends, Wei Xiaoqin and Su Yin were no exception.

Tang Xuehui was urging everyone on the podium, Wei Xiaoqin took Su Yin's hand, and hurriedly said: "Susu, you must be better than me in the exam, you must not abandon me, let's not change seats, okay?"

"Okay." Su Yin nodded with a smile.

Although for Su Yin, it doesn't matter where she sits, if she can sit in the front, she is definitely willing to sit in the front. After all, the rows in the back are very noisy during evening self-study, and there are often instant noodles. The alluring smell really distracted her attention.

But as Wei Xiaoqin said, although her grades are not bad, they are still far behind Su Yin. If Su Yin moves to the front, it is very likely that the two of them will not be able to sit at the same table.

In this class, and even in the whole school, Wei Xiaoqin was her only friend, so of course she would agree without hesitation.

However, Su Yin never expected that she didn't change seats, but Wei Xiaoqin did.

Wei Xiaoqin actually didn't expect that when she stepped into the classroom, the first thing she saw was not Su Yin, but Jiang Hui. The young man was sitting there alone, with the sun shining slightly on his face. At that moment, his brows were soft. It made her heart tremble, and she walked over to him and sat down beside him.

When she came to her senses, she could no longer change positions.

Wei Xiaoqin quickly turned her head to look at Su Yin who was sitting in the back. Seeing her lonely face, she was actually a little guilty, but in her heart she was more joyful and excited.

She, Wei Xiaoqin, was sitting at the same table with her male god, she was so happy that she wanted to pass out.

Half of the students had already gone in and selected their seats, those standing outside leaned against the window and looked in hard, Zhou Zhiwei and the others stood at the back of the line to bet, guessing the ranking of the school bully members.

At this moment, after Tang Xuehui's voice paused, he read slowly: "Xie Fei, the twenty-seventh place."

Everyone: "..."

In the silence of the audience, Xie Fei stepped out of the team with long legs.

Zhou Zhiwei asked belatedly: "I don't have auditory hallucinations, did I read Brother Fei just now?"

The upright kid Liu Yan looked at Xie Fei's back with glowing eyes: "Boss is really amazing!"

Yang Jie stroked his chin, and said thoughtfully: "Could it be that Brother Fei has been lying to us?"

"Well, I didn't expect him to be so secretive. It seems that I underestimated him." Luo Jiang echoed.

Zhou Zhiwei suddenly shook his head in pain: "It's insidious, it's too insidious, Brother Fei actually deceived my young heart, it's still been three years!"

Amidst the surprised eyes and the sound of crusade, Xie Fei walked into the classroom. After looking around, he went straight to his original position. After a pause, he turned around and sat next to Su Yin.

Su Yin was in a daze with her hair lowered, when suddenly there was a faint fragrance of green bamboo around her, which was fresh and pleasant. She raised her head involuntarily and looked over, just in time to meet Xie Fei's gaze. He had warm brows, a faint smile on his face, and a pair of cold eyes focused on her.

Turning her head to avoid the scorching gaze, Su Yin's cheeks were pink, her ears were red and she lowered her head. In the past two weeks of getting along, Su Yin actually knew that Xie Fei was not as cruel and unkind as the rumors outside. On the contrary, he is actually very cute many times. He gets sleepy when he is in class. He likes to play puzzle games the most. He gets along with friends naturally and casually. He is not at all as arrogant and expensive as in the legend.

I thought that his grades were not good, but now it seems that he is pretty good, but I don't know why he sits next to her, and I don't have much communication with him, his appearance really makes her think wildly.

The members of the school bully group were also called in one by one. Almost everyone was shocked when they saw Xie Fei sitting next to Su Yin, and then ran around Xie Fei to find a place to sit down.

Zhou Zhiwei and Liu Yan sat in front of Xie Fei. As soon as they sat down, Zhou Zhiwei looked at Xie Fei with a serious face: "You are too insidious to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger. Fortunately, we didn't bet with you, otherwise I lost all my pants."

"Brother Wei is not afraid, I have a lot of pants, I can lend them to you." Liu Yan answered very generously.

"Go, go, I'm talking about underwear."

"I don't mind panties either—"

"I mind!" Zhou Zhiwei slapped Liu Yan on the back of the head with his big hand, and said angrily, "Wearing underwear in a partnership is the same as having sex, my sexual orientation is fucking normal, okay?"

There are a few people here making noise, Su Yin, who was not in a good mood, couldn't help being amused by the people, she smiled and saw the noise of the people, and saw Wei Xiaoqin's back diagonally in front of her in the blink of an eye, remembering every little thing about the two of them getting along Di, a trace of doubt suddenly appeared in my heart—is the friendship between her and Wei Xiaoqin really as deep as I imagined

Or is it just because both of them happen to be lonely, so they hug each other to keep warm

Maybe whether it's her or Wei Xiaoqin, they can eat with another person, bite their ears together, go to and from school together, and go to the bathroom hand in hand...

The two of them are not the only one in each other's life, but the only one at this moment. After all, they are just passers-by.

Su Yin was sorting out his thoughts here, but Wei Xiaoqin over there was having a hard time.

Before changing positions, Jiang Hui's deskmate was a boy who played well with him. The girls in the class who had a crush on Jiang Hui would not have much hostility. It was agreed that no one could sit around Jiang Hui, and they could only compete by ability during recess, evening self-study and physical education.

However, now there is someone who broke this balance, of course the girls will not be in a good mood, almost every girl looks at Wei Xiaoqin with chills and jealousy.

Stared at by countless sharp eyes, how could Wei Xiaoqin not realize that she is suffering in her heart now, she never thought that just sitting next to Jiang Hui would provoke so much hatred.

At the same time, she was very happy and proud in her heart. The man Wei Xiaoqin fell in love with was indeed the best. The more people were jealous of her, the more it showed how good Jiang Hui was. And she would never let go of such an excellent man.

It's just that the girls in the class are definitely more reluctant to play with her now. Sure enough, only Su Yin, only Su Yin is her bosom friend.

Thinking this way, Wei Xiaoqin decided to go to Su Yin to explain immediately after class. Su Yin is so understanding, she believed that she would understand her difficulties and forgive her for missing the appointment this time.

After changing seats, Tang Xuehui began to distribute the test papers. Amidst the shouts, no one noticed that Jiang Hui tilted his head, his face was gloomy, and he looked at Xie Fei sitting next to Su Yin like a sharp knife in his eyes.

Only Xie Fei felt this dangerous breath, but this danger was only for others. With a faint smile on his lips, he slowly raised his head and looked directly at Jiang Hui's eyes, with disdain and provocation. She raised her eyebrows: Come on, let's play with you.

Jiang Hui's face became darker, her thin lips were tightly pressed into a line, and she raised her hand and gestured "You can't do it" to Xie Fei without a trace.

Xie Fei smiled even more happily, and no one noticed the subtle change in the atmosphere between the two.

The students handing out the papers all handed out the papers to the first row, and then passed them one by one to the back. Zhou Zhiwei sat in front of Xie Fei and took Xie Fei's test papers as a matter of course. He couldn't wait to unfold the papers and start looking.

Zhou Zhiwei explained what it means to be fearless without knowing it.

Before he saw Xie Fei's test paper, he could still comfort himself—maybe Fei Ge guessed the multiple-choice questions correctly, resulting in a sharp increase in the score.

However, the reality gave him a slap in the face. Xie Fei's test paper was not only all the multiple-choice questions correct, but all the damn questions he did got full marks, and the rest of the questions that didn't score were blank, and he didn't write anything.

Trembling, Zhou Zhiwei held the paper in front of Xie Fei with both hands, and now he was convinced, this fucking scumbag, he is simply the best of the best - the god of learning.


Xie Fei was playing games with his mobile phone in his hands, and he couldn't get any free time. He nodded indifferently, and motioned Zhou Zhiwei to throw the papers on the table, but he piously arranged them one by one on the table. Those who knew thought he was selling RMB.

Su Yin was attracted by Zhou Zhiwei's actions. She couldn't help but sneak a glance, and was also taken aback. She asked the question in her heart in a daze: "Xie Fei, why don't you answer these questions? The big questions of politics, history, and geography all have routines, and you can score points if you write a little bit."

"I know." Xie Fei raised his head to look at Su Yin, and said lightly, "There are too many words, I don't want to write."

Su Yin was startled, not knowing what to say for a while, so she continued to read in silence.

Zhou Zhiwei was also taken aback by these words. He thought Xie Fei would not be able to do these questions before, but now it seems that he is still too young.

Covering his swollen face quietly in his heart, Zhou Zhiwei sighed and said, "I'm so fucking awesome!"

Brother Liu Yan, Xie Fei's loyal fan, opened his eyes again and answered, "As expected of my boss, the idea is really unique!"