The Star Light Shines When He Came

Chapter 36: If you love me, just kiss me


Xie Fei and Su Yin held their wedding shortly after their senior year. The wedding was grand and grand. All the people who received the invitation came to participate.

Until that day, everyone knew how strong Xie Fei's background was. His grandfather was the founding father of China. As he got older, his body became more and more ill, so after handing over the power to several sons, he took the most important His eldest grandson returned to his hometown, while recuperating physically and mentally, he nurtured Xie Fei to become his successor.

Xie Fei lived up to expectations, and soon took over the Xie family and became the leader of the new generation of the Xie family.

In this life, Xie Fei has a good and bad reputation. He treats friends with justice and affection, but he is ruthless and ruthless toward enemies. However, the world's most praised him is indeed his loyalty and love to his wife.

The two walked hand in hand to their old age. When Su Yin was dying, Xie Fei waited day and night, vowing to capture the soul that was not captured in the previous life, to find out who she was and why she was inexplicably familiar when she saw her. The feeling of her, why her calm heartstrings can be easily touched by him, why they can only meet in this situation, and why she can't recognize herself...

Too many questions lingered in his heart, Xie Fei held Su Yin's hand firmly, his cold eyes showed unprecedented seriousness and seriousness, and when he saw that the soul was about to float out of Su Yin's body, However, Xie Fei suddenly felt a strong pulling force that instantly sucked it away.

What did he feel at that moment

There is still such a powerful force in the mortal world. Although it is not comparable to his body, it is still more than enough for him who is now restricted.

It seems that there are still many unknown things in this mission, and he needs to go back to the underworld to investigate.

When Xie Fei returned to the underworld, he wanted to go directly to the library, but when he passed the Nether Bridge, he saw Judge Cui respectfully waiting at the door of the soul pawnshop from a distance. His footsteps stopped and he turned.

"Lord Ksitigarbha." Judge Cui leaned over and gave a salute.

"Get up." Xie Fei nodded, pushed open the door and walked straight to the beauty's couch to lie down, patted his pristine sleeves and asked lightly, "Tell me, what are you doing here?"

Judge Cui waved his right hand, and a phonograph appeared instantly. He held it in both hands and presented it, saying, "The Queen Mother asked me to give it to you."

Xie Fei took it lightly, and then Tu Jiaoman's voice rang in the room: "Xiao Feifei, sister, I walked around the world and picked up a poor little girl for you, sister, I am really distressed to death. Now, Xiao Feifei, you are wise and martial, romantic and suave, and the jade tree faces the wind..."

"What does she mean?" Hou Tu had not finished speaking, but Xie Fei couldn't stand her anymore. With a slender hand, he instantly shattered the phonograph stone, turned to Judge Cui, and rubbed his forehead. Asked: "You tell me."

"Before you came back, Empress Houtu brought back a girl from somewhere..."

Having said this, Judge Cui paused, handed the Li Soul Book to Xie Fei, and continued: "The Queen Mother Houtu heard her background and felt pity for her, so she asked her to sign her name and make a deal, just waiting for you to come back. You can go."

Xie Fei sighed helplessly. This Houtu has a very good personal relationship with his master, and she has a lively and playful temperament. He really can't do anything about her. I think she won't listen to anyone in this world except her master. .

Thinking like this, he opened the booklet, and what he saw was a beautiful and beautiful handwriting. Xie Fei's fingertips gently slid over her name, and a tortured inhuman female soul slowly appeared in his mind. Express your unhappiness.

This girl's name is Xu Jiaru. She is an orphan. She was quietly left at the door of the orphanage at night just a few days after she was born. The next day, the dean's mother found her when she opened the door and took her back to the orphanage. She has since spent the first twenty years of her life there.

As an orphan, she naturally has no name, not just her, more than half of the children in the orphanage do not have a name, so they all follow the dean's mother's surname Xu, and she ranks seventeenth, so everyone calls her Xu seventeen.

It was not until she went to school that she changed her name to Xu Jiaru.

There are many children in the orphanage, but the income is only a small amount allocated by the government, which is not enough to spend. Therefore, their life is very difficult, and they often do not have enough food and clothing.

Therefore, the dean's mother divided these children into two groups. The larger group had to do all kinds of rough work with herself to reduce expenses, and the younger children were led by another mother to play games. The faction became more and more unwilling, so they secretly oppressed the children of the younger faction, robbed them of food and clothing, and threatened them not to sue, otherwise the punishment would be doubled.

Xu Jiaru happened to be on the weaker side. Things from their side were robbed. At first, everyone held a group to keep warm. However, it didn't take long for infighting to break out. Several stronger children teamed up to snatch the weakest child's things. to make up for their losses.

It's not hard, because Xu Jiaru can't please others, and she is petite and weak, and she has become one of the targets of bullying.

Gradually, Xu Jiaru, who used to be cheerful and lively, became more and more silent and less gregarious. She began to hide in a corner by herself and count ants, and when she talked to her, she ignored others and became a freak in the eyes of everyone.

This period of oppression didn't last long. Because of her good performance, they were all adopted one after another. Only Xu Jiaru, no one was willing to adopt her. Many orphans who came in later than her left, and she remained in the orphanage.

Twenty years have passed. Although Xu Jiaru doesn't like to communicate, she studies very well. With the scholarship and part-time job, she successfully entered the university. During the summer vacation when she was a junior and a senior, she was introduced by her classmates to interview the accounting assistant. Knowing that the company is selling dog meat with sheep’s head, it is a serious small company on the surface, but secretly it was specially set up by the village chief of the village surnamed Zhao who lives in the mountains to traffic people.

Xu Jiaru was knocked unconscious and taken to the depths of the mountain, and sold to a family in the village as his wife.

This family is very famous in the village. The reason is that the son of this family, Zhao Tiansheng, is the only intellectual in the village who went to high school, and because of this, Zhao Tiansheng doesn't look down on the women in the village, and he still hasn't married a wife at nearly 30 years old. His parents had no choice but to entrust the village chief to find a well-educated and good-looking woman as his wife for his son.

Xu Jiaru was pressed by several women that night, and Zhao Tiansheng was raped. She cried and cried hoarsely, but no one helped her. With tears in her eyes, she could only see the faces of the women who pressed her. It was an inhumane expression, and they were tired of being yelled at by her. They immediately slapped her with their hands and slapped her hard, making Xu Jiaru feel fishy in her mouth, dazed in her head, and passed out as soon as her eyes were closed.

When she woke up, it was already dawn. When Xu Jiaru tried to get up, she found that her hands and feet were tied to the bed with iron chains. She struggled several times, and when her hands were about to break, she began to cry weakly and silently. .

She was locked in bed during the day and forced to drink the remedies for pregnancy. At night, she was repeatedly tossed by a beast like Zhao Tiancheng. Soon Xu Jiaru became pregnant with a child. After she became pregnant, Zhao Tiancheng's parents were very happy and they treated her a lot better, and they no longer acted rashly. Either hit or scold.

Xu Jiaru saw all of this in her eyes, she knew that her chance had come - eat and sleep obediently, stop crying, chat with Zhao Tiansheng's parents, and finally hinted that she wanted to go out for a walk every day in order to have a good baby.

Her obedience and obedience made Zhao Tiansheng's parents gradually relax their guard against her, and finally gave her freedom two months later. Xu Jiaru walked around every day to observe the escape route, inquired with the neighbors about the situation here, and escaped in order to take care of herself. , eat half a bowl more every time you eat...

After making adequate preparations, Xu Jiaru implemented her own escape plan a month later - but she didn't know that this was not an escape plan at all, but a game of cat and mouse.

Xu Jiaru carefully arrived at the entrance of the village along the way, and was about to flee the village. As a result, the next door neighbor Zhao Si'er's daughter-in-law suddenly appeared in front of her. The woman smiled and said to accompany her for a walk.

The plan is over.

Soon, Xu Jiaru started the second escape plan, and at almost the same place, she was helped back by Zhao Tiansheng.

Xu Jiaru, who was in a hurry to escape, didn't notice anything wrong, not even the sarcastic smile in Zhao Tiansheng's eyes. She firmly believed that these people had already believed that she had obeyed her fate, and she regarded escaping as her only belief. Her friendliness gave her no doubt that something was wrong.

It wasn't until the third, fourth, fifth... Every time she was stopped by someone, she finally realized that something was wrong, and after being caught for the last time, these people lost the patience to play with her, and they surrounded her. With Xu Jiaru laughing at her, mocking her—

"Hahaha, do you think we don't know that you want to escape? It's just to play with you, how about it, isn't it particularly fun?"

"What a fool. I thought we were cheated. These tricks are all played by us, stinky bitch."

"It's a good day, but I think about running away every day, and I gave you a chance not to, so don't blame us for being cruel!"

"Bitch, open your eyes and take a good look, these women were all kidnapped, and they didn't escape, would you be willing to escape!"

"Tell you the good news. The police in this area are the rascals in our village. Do you want to call the police? I'll call him over for you..."

Then, in a trance, Xu Jiaru had his legs broken and locked back to the bed.

Since she was still pregnant, these people did not brutally beat her for the time being. However, the good times did not last long. When she gave birth to a child six months later, her life seemed to be in purgatory. Will take her breath away, her body is full of scars and bruises, nothing is good.

They said it was her punishment for running away, and the punishment would go on indefinitely.

Xu Jiaru was tortured to the point of going crazy. Even though her will was firm, her mental and physical torture made her lose her will to run away. She accepted her fate like other abducted women and waited desperately for death in the deep mountains. .