The Star Light Shines When He Came

Chapter 38: If you love me, just kiss me


Xu Jiaru died, she obviously got her wish, but she was very unwilling after her death. She didn't understand why the woman named Gu Shanshan treated her so cruelly, was it because she was jealous of being Zhao Tiancheng's woman, or was she disgusted with herself Give birth to a child to Zhao Tiansheng

But she is also a victim. Whether it is being insulted by Zhao Tiancheng or giving birth to him, these are not what she wants. It is too late for her to hide from their family. It is impossible to compete with her for Zhao Tiansheng. To be so cruel to her

Why did she go through so much pain and suffering without doing anything wrong? Could it be that she was an orphan with no background, so she could be abducted by traffickers and bullied by these high-ranking bigwigs!

Xu Jiaru was full of resentment, she had a bright future, all because they were destroyed, even if they turned into a ghost, even if they could not survive forever, she would have to pay the price of those who had insulted her several times, and let them know that, No matter how humble and low-level people are, they shouldn't be the playthings of these mentally distorted people!

"Mr. Xie, I'm in?"

Xie Fei was in a daze, and the knock on the door rang twice, followed by a respectful male voice softly coming in. Xie Fei shook his head subconsciously, rubbed his forehead and slowly opened his eyes, and entered. The eye is a spacious and bright office, he is sitting at the desk, there are dense documents and materials on the table.

Xu Shi didn't hear the answer, and the voice asked again: "...Mr. Xie, are you there?"

Xie Fei's mind has quickly recovered, he cleared his throat, and said lightly: "Come in."

After the words were finished, a man in a suit and leather shoes pushed the door and walked in with a stack of documents. He came to Xie Fei's desk and stood still. He looked at Xie Fei, who was sitting on the chair in a neat white shirt and was flipping through the table. Handsome teenager on file.

Yes, boy.

Xie Fei has only just turned sixteen this year, but he has already completed his graduate studies in business administration, and returned home from overseas with a Ph.D.

Such an excellent grandson, in which family is not holding it, but the old man of the Xie family is different. He gave Xie Fei a more difficult task as an experience. Only by passing the task can he successfully inherit the family business. The fate of the family abandoned.

The Xie family is the largest enterprise in China. It has countless industrial chains and branches all over the world. However, this is only known to outsiders. What they don’t know is that the Xie family also has countless small companies. These are specially established. As the eldest grandson of the Lilian family, Xie Fei's task is more difficult than anyone in the family - that is to let him develop the small company of Lilian to a level comparable to the head office within two years. , during this period, you must not show your identity as a family member.

Today is Xie Fei's first day to take office, and this man in a suit is Li Ting, the secretary assistant sent by Mr. Xie to Xie Fei.

Xie Fei has long been accustomed to the eyes of everyone, but he still doesn't like it. He frowned, and his cool voice sounded in the office: "Secretary Li, what's the matter with you?"

Li Ting returned to his senses, put the documents in his hand on the table, and said respectfully, "Mr. Xie, this is the information you asked for, and it's all here."

Xie Fei didn't lift his head, he answered lightly as an answer, and a pair of cold eyes stared at the information in his hand.

Li Ting paused and asked for instructions: "Mr. Xie, if you have nothing to do, I will go down first."

Xie Fei made a sound of "uh", his hand while flipping through the information paused, he pondered thoughtfully for a moment, then put down the information and looked at Li Ting: "Help me check an orphan called 'Xu You Warm Home'. In the hospital, the dean's name is Xu Shuzhen, and then arrange an itinerary for me, I want to go there as soon as possible."

Li Ting was stunned and blurted out, "Orphanage?"

"Is there any problem?" Xie Fei raised his eyes and glanced at Li Ting with a cold and indifferent expression.

Li Ting shook his head, Xie Fei lowered his head and continued to read the documents. He hesitated for a while, and said, "Mr. Xie, your schedule is already full, and the nearest free period will be in the middle of next month..."

"Then re-arrange the itinerary, and all the behavior of the orphanage is the most important." Xie Fei interrupted him and ordered, "Understand?"

Hearing the impatience in Xie Fei's voice, Li Ting nodded quickly and said, "Yes, I'll make arrangements now."

Having said that, Li Ting left the office and hurried to inquire about the orphanage's information and rearrange the itinerary.

Early the next morning, Xie Fei was still eating breakfast when Li Ting called. He had already found the address of the orphanage and asked Xie Fei if it was convenient for him to go to the orphanage today. If possible, he would come to pick him up now. He sets off.

Xie Fei nodded with satisfaction. He had to say that he was indeed a person cultivated by a family. The efficiency of this action is high efficiency.

The time was set, and after about half an hour, Li Ting arrived at the gate of the villa, and when Xie Fei got in the car, he found a cardboard box on the carpet in the back seat, full of toys, snacks, Books, clothes, etc. miscellaneous things.

Li Ting sat in the co-pilot and saw from the rearview mirror that Xie Fei's eyes were fixed on the cardboard box, he smiled and said: "Since I'm going to the orphanage to visit the children, I think it's not good to go empty-handed, so I prepare some gifts without authorization. ."

"Thank you for your hard work." Xie Fei nodded and said lightly.

Li Ting was a little flattered. The eldest young master of the Xie family, who looked very indifferent and indifferent, turned out to be so approachable, and his favorability to Xie Fei instantly increased a lot.

The orphanage wasn't too far away, but it wasn't too close either. After more than four hours' journey, they finally reached their destination.

After Li Ting explained the purpose of his visit, Dean Xu was very surprised. It was not her fault. After all, they were very remote here. Even if someone came to condolences or sex, they were people from ordinary families, far inferior to those in front of them. Children of rich families.

Although he thought so, Dean Xu eagerly led everyone into the courtyard.

This is a very simple yard. The yard is not big. Half of it is used as a field and some vegetables are planted. The other half of the yard has a big banyan tree in the middle. Under the tree is another mother with a smaller one. Children are playing games.

Behind the tree is a row of three-storey houses, and next to it is a small tile-roofed house with blue walls and grey tiles, and dilapidated doors and windows. In the tile-roofed house, a few children can be vaguely seen chopping firewood and boiling water.

Dean Xu welcomed everyone into the room for guests and sat down. He walked to the door and shouted at the tile-roofed house, "Liu, Xiao Ba, wash a few cups quickly."

After a while, two girls in their teens came over each holding two cups. They put the cups on the table and looked curiously at these four well-dressed and noble men.

While making tea for the four of them, Dean Xu said a little embarrassedly: "Don't dislike your distinguished guests, this cup is clean, please use it with confidence."

Xie Fei nodded, and when he raised his eyes, he saw seven or eight children clinging to the door. They all looked curiously at the cardboard box beside Li Ting. Li Ting also found it. He smiled and put the box on the table. Mom said, "Mum Xu, I brought some presents for the children. Can I call them all?"

Xu's mother responded, turned her head and instructed Xiaoliu and Xiaoba to call the others. The two girls reluctantly retracted their gazes and walked away one step at a time.

After a while, twenty or so children flooded into the room. They all looked at a few people with their curious and bright eyes. The older children stood in front with their heads held high, and the younger children held hands to hide from each other. In the back, they are all thin and thin, with yellow faces and thin muscles. Some of the children are even disabled, and the clothes they wear are not known to have many patches.

Such pure eyes, Li Ting sighed inwardly in his heart, and then greeted them with a smile: "Come here, children, uncle will send you gifts."

The older children glanced at each other without a trace, took a step back tacitly, and the younger children were pushed to the front. One of the boys smiled gently: "Let the younger brothers and sisters choose first."

Li Ting glanced at the older children with admiration, and then he waved to the children: "Come and see, take whatever you like, don't be shy."

The children shoved to the table, looked back subconsciously when they took the gift, but was held down by another child beside him, and shook his head gently at him, the movement was minimal , no one in the whole room except Xie Fei found it.

Xie Fei looked around and didn't see anyone he wanted to see, so he gave Li Ting a wink and got up and went out.

In the afternoon, the sun was a bit dazzling, and the front of the house was unobstructed. Except for the other mother in front of the tiled house, there was no one else. After thinking about it, Xie Fei raised his feet and walked to the left, bypassing the fields and the back room. A small bamboo forest.

Under the bamboo forest, a little girl of about four or five years old was squatting on the ground. She had short mushroom hair and a small body curled up together. She was wearing some old and white clothes that she washed. I thought it was a little mushroom.

She held a thin bamboo in her hand and wrote something on the ground, stroke by stroke, Xie Fei approached quietly with some curiosity, and then she saw that there were rows of twisted numbers on the ground, and her hand On it was written her name—Seventeen.

A shadow cast a shadow over his head to block the sunlight. Seventeen raised his head, a thin and yellow face with a pair of bright eyes like jewels, a little sweat under the hair on his forehead, a small and round nose, and slightly pursed lips. He was a little pale, and there were a few black finger prints on his cheeks.

She is not very good-looking like this, but Xie Fei likes it inexplicably. Although she has a different face and completely unfamiliar eyes, he is sure that this is the person he is looking for.

Xie Fei bent the corner of his lower lip unconsciously, squatted down/ looked straight at her, his voice was clear and pleasant: "Little mushroom, what are you doing here?"