The Star Light Shines When He Came

Chapter 70: Pick pick me up


Xie Fei took something from the cabinet and went behind Chu Ran. Through the mirror, he saw the little girl in front of him was blushing, her brows were frowning slightly. color.

He raised his eyebrows and vaguely guessed her thoughts. While plugging in the electricity, he leaned into her ear and smiled and said, "What are you thinking, I just want to blow your hair."


Blow your hair... Blow! head! send!

Chu Ran blinked blankly, looking through the mirror to see someone shaking the hair dryer in her hand with a smile on her brows, her face turned even redder, of course she was red with anger, she immediately shook her head and denied, "I don't have anything. Think, yes, it's too hot here, yes, it's too hot, hehe."

As she said that, she laughed awkwardly, fanned with her hands, and cursed to herself in her heart—Chu Ran, what are you thinking about, it’s really embarrassing!

Unexpectedly, Xie Fei nodded solemnly: "Well, I also think this bathroom is a little hot."

Chu Ran's hand paused, her eyes lowered in annoyance, she stretched out her hand to cover Xie Fei's sight, her white teeth bit her lower lip at a loss.

Seeing the little girl, Xie Fei almost covered his face and cried. He smiled silently, shook his head, and pressed the switch to turn on the blower.

The sound of the hair dryer finally eased Chu Ran's embarrassment. The warm wind blew her cheeks and hair. Xie Fei's big palms shuttled gently between her hair. She quietly raised her eyes through the mirror and looked at An Jing behind her. A man blowing his own hair.

He lowered his eyes, his slender and fair fingertips gently stroked his hair, his expression was very serious, as if he was dealing with a precious and unusual baby, Chu Ran couldn't help but stare blankly.

Soon after taking a bath, her little face slowly turned a little blush. It was pink and tender, and it was very beautiful. A pair of big watery eyes suddenly lifted up to peek at the person behind her, and suddenly shyly lowered her lips, and raised her lips. The unconcealed love is beyond words, and the pear vortex at the corner of his mouth is shallow.

About 20 minutes later, the two came out one after the other. As soon as Chu Ran changed his shoes and stood up, Xie Fei took out a hat from the left trouser pocket and buckled it directly on her head, and then touched it from the right trouser pocket. He took out a mask and put it on for her, then held her hand like a thief and quietly opened the door, running all the way towards the back door.

Most of the staff are still busy at the front desk, and some are even outside to appease the restless fans. There is no one in the backstage corridor that is as bright as day except for the two of them and the photographer.

Chu Ran looked around and asked the person in front in a low voice, "There's no one here, so you don't need to be so sneaky, right?"

Xie Fei glanced at her sideways, the corners of his lips curved, and smiled: "Don't you think this is very exciting?"

… to stimulate your big head.

Chu Ran rolled her eyes in her heart. Was she less stimulated tonight

When approaching the back door, Xie Fei suddenly stopped, turned around and stretched out his hand to press her hat, his dark eyes filled with a smile, and whispered, "Are you ready?"

"Ah?" Chu Ran blinked in confusion.

Prepare? what to prepare

Before she could ask, Xie Fei stretched his long arms and took him into his arms, opened the back door with one hand, and strode out.

The clicking sound of the camera was incessant, and the flashing lights came from all directions without interruption, almost blinding Chu Ran's eyes.

It wasn't until she got into the car that Chu Ran came back to her senses in shock. Seeing that there were reporters chasing the car unwillingly, she patted her chest with lingering fears: "Huh—this is really scary."

Xie Fei hooked his lips and smiled: "It's good to get used to it."

Chu Ran was stunned for a moment, and suddenly thought that after returning to school this time, he was being watched by everyone curiously, and some people even skipped class to come to see the real person, and someone would exclaim at any time on the road, "Ah, she is the one with Xie Fei. Married Chu Ran", whether it's eating or taking classes, even going to a library can be searched. Many people will ask to take photos together, sign autographs, etc. after seeing themselves.

It seems like a moment, she is really not an ordinary person.

All these changes were brought about by the man beside her, but she was not happy at all. Now that she is more famous, if there is no result with him in the future, you can imagine what kind of pressure she will bear.

Chu Ran looked at the rapidly flashing streetlights outside the window and murmured in a low voice, "Yeah, I'm going to start getting used to it..."

Get used to living under the media, get used to the chaos on the Internet, and get used to... Maybe days without him.

Feeling the loneliness in her tone, Xie Fei tilted her head slightly, looked at her lightly, and asked, "What's wrong?"

Chu Ran shook his head: "Nothing."

Xie Fei was stunned for a while. After a while, he stretched out a hand to touch her head, and said slowly: "Actually, it doesn't matter if you don't need to get used to it. I will always be by your side and protect you well."

Chu Ran's heartbeat was flustered. She lowered her eyes and saw the shining ring on her hand. She was thinking about everything that happened tonight, and she wanted to ask him whether he loved her or not, whether it was his intention or a gimmick of the show team. Even whether the meaning of this ring is really what she thought... There were so many questions, but she didn't dare to ask, because she was afraid that the answer she heard was not what she wanted to hear. "Oh."

In the tumult of emotions, a pair of warm palms covered Chu Ran's cheeks, turned her head gently, and then rubbed her forehead against her forehead, her voice low and solemn: "Chu Of course, I'm serious."

After a pause, he continued in a soft voice, "Let's get married."

"Ah?" Chu Ran was a little stunned. She thought she had hallucinated and said incredulously, "What did you say?"

As he spoke, he couldn't help reaching out to dig his ears.

Xie Fei took her hand, dumbfounded, and knocked on her forehead: "You heard right, I said let's get married, okay?"

Chu Ran was covering the place where she was knocked, and it was a little painful, but she smiled happily, the tears in the corners of her eyes seemed to be smiling, she nodded heavily: "Yes!"

Xie Fei smiled, gently wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, and said, "Stupid."

Hearing this, Chu Ran laughed even more happily. Seeing her appearance, Xie Fei couldn't help laughing along with him. The driver, manager, cameraman and others who had been paying attention to the two in the car also laughed along.

The two are full of warmth here, and they have no idea that Weibo has been "paralyzed" again because of the two of them. Although Xie Fei's concert was also very popular in the past, it has never been so scary. The concert is not over yet, all The topic of the two has occupied more than half of the hot search headlines at a very fast speed.

Among them, there are two most popular videos, one is Xie Fei calling Chu Ran "baby" and "wife", and the other is the hot dance and marriage proposal ending of the two. It was broadcasted thousands of times in less than two hours. 10,000 times.

At about one o'clock in the morning, the group finally returned to Xie Fei's temporary resting place here.

As soon as the door was opened, the dark room instantly lit up.

"Happy Newlyweds!!"

Accompanied by the cheering sound of blessings from several people, at the same time, Chu Ran heard the sound of "bang bang bang", and colorful confetti and streamers fell all over her body.

Chu Ran was so frightened that she stared blankly at the few stars in the room who were neither unfamiliar nor unfamiliar, but she couldn't get angry at all. After all, it was for her and Xie Fei. Blessings.

Xie Fei calmly glanced at a few people, took Chu Ran's hand and walked in, and said lightly: "Come on, have you brought takeout?"

"Hey, hey, don't be so indifferent, I came here from afar." The man followed the backs of the two to the living room.

The five people sat around the coffee table, which was full of supper—a large pot of fragrant crayfish, two boxes of fragrant and oily grilled skewers, as well as sixties, edamame and other items.

Chu Ran sat next to Xie Fei, but his eyes were shining brightly at the food on the table, and he swallowed without a trace.

Xie Fei pointed to the three people on the opposite side and introduced: "Yu Zirui, Rongheng, Yanan, my three very good friends."

Chu Ran happily waved to the three of them: "Hello, I'm Chu Ran."

The three also greeted warmly, Yan Nan said happily: "Sister Chu Ran, I like you so much—"

"Sister-in-law, she's my wife, that's your sister-in-law." She was interrupted by Xie Fei before she could finish speaking, and she was quite proud.

Yan Nan behaved like a liu: "Sister-in-law, you are so beautiful, I like it so much—"

"This is my wife, you are not allowed to like it." Xie Fei took Chu Ran's shoulders and interrupted again.

Yan Nan rolled his eyes and leaned on Yu Zi Rui's shoulder beside him, pretending to be coquettish: "Brother, look at Brother Fei, he bullied me and didn't have a wife!"

Yu Zirui was accustomed to smoothing his hair and said with a smile, "You didn't have one, didn't you?"

Yan Nan stared, and shouted loudly: "Brother!"

"Okay, don't make trouble, darling." Rong Heng patted Yanan's shoulder with a smile, and said to everyone, "How about we chat while eating, you two must be tired and hungry after strenuous exercise? ?"

Chu Ran likes Rong Heng's proposal very much, if he ignores his playful smile and the words "vigorous exercise" that he deliberately emphasizes.

Of course, she wouldn't take this kind of joke seriously, but she couldn't help blushing and beating.

After eating for a while, Yan Nan rolled his eyes and couldn't help but smile, "Sister-in-law, I know many little secrets of Brother Fei, do you want to know?"

Chu Ran, who was sipping crayfish, heard someone calling her, she raised her head blankly, and shook her head blankly after a while: "I don't want to."

She wants to eat crayfish more than Little Secret.

Xie Fei looked at her with a doting smile, but Yan Nan was furious. He reluctantly said, "Sister-in-law, you say you want to know, say it!"

Chu Ran reluctantly glanced at the crayfish, took off the disposable plastic gloves, wiped his mouth with a piece of paper, and nodded helplessly: "Okay, I really want to know."

"Then I'll tell you." Yan Nan excitedly clapped his hands, pulled Chu Ran and started chatting, nothing more than the various scandals that Xie Fei had been jealous of when he first debuted. Chu Ran knew all these, but what he said There is something special, which makes Chu Ran listen with relish.

After a while, Yu Zirui also joined the gossip center of the two. Rong Heng saw that they were chatting happily, and quietly pulled Xie Fei, who was concentrating on peeling the shrimp shell for Chu Ran, raised his chin and pointed to the balcony outside. .

Rong Heng leaned his elbows on the balcony railings, looked up at the night sky, heard the sound of the sliding door opening and closing, and said with emotion, "I never imagined that you would also have a day when someone would peel shrimp shells. Life is really amazing."

Xie Fei nodded, and the dark eyes reflected the stars: "I didn't expect it either."

"It's really her?" Rong Heng turned his head to look at him, and then looked at Chu Ran, who was smiling happily with the two in the room, "I remember that the ring was passed down by your grandmother to your mother?"

"Well, your eyes are good." Xie Fei said lightly.

This is really confirmed, Rong Heng smiled and asked enthusiastically: "When will you bring it home to Aunt Rong to see, she has been talking about it for a long time."

"Come on, just these two days, it happens that my house is here." Xie Fei smiled slightly at the urging of his mother.

"Father-in-law's test is not easy. Be prepared. If you don't know anything, please feel free to ask me." Rong Heng patted Xie Fei on the shoulder and teased.

Thinking that when he got married, he was ruined by his father-in-law. Of course, it was also because his father-in-law was a soldier, and his body was really iron.

"She can only be mine." Xie Fei smiled lightly.

Rong Heng was stunned for a moment, and he couldn't help laughing at his confident look. He said sincerely, "Meeting the right person is not easy, congratulations."

Xie Fei frowned and turned to look at the people in the room, with a doting expression and no words.

The author has something to say:

Xie Fei: I recognize you, Chu Ran.

The world will probably end tomorrow.