The Star Light Shines When He Came

Chapter 79: From then on the king did not go to court early


Zhang Dezi flicked the whisk in his hand, bowed his body, his face was full of smiles, and his shrill voice was very high-pitched: "Congratulations, congratulations, congratulations, this line of things are all the rewards that the emperor ordered earlier, All of them are carefully selected by the servants, and the nobles are also invited to check them one by one."

"It's time for Eunuch Zhang." Xi Helan nodded with a smile, then turned his head and commanded, "Rou Feng, take someone to inventory and put them in the warehouse."

"Hey!" Rou Feng answered immediately with a smile, and brought the court ladies and eunuchs in the yard to take the tray.

After handing over Zhang Dezi, he took everyone to say goodbye and left. Not long after they left, the whole harem spread about it almost instantly. Everyone knew that the rich reward as flowing water was ordered by the emperor, and all the concubines were because of Xi Lan. The temple suddenly received the reward and remembered that there was such a foreign princess in the palace.

Envy, jealousy, shock or disdain, all kinds of emotions are intertwined in everyone's heart.

Of course, more people are curious about the reason why Lan Guiren was favored, and suddenly she was favored so quietly. It is absolutely impossible to say that there is no reason. After all, there are three thousand beauties in the emperor's harem. Went out of Cloud Nine.

However, because the emperor had issued an oral decree before, she was exempted from greeting her on the grounds that the nobles were not satisfied with the environment, and at the same time gave her the right to thank guests behind closed doors and rest in peace, so countless concubines in the harem could only arrange for their confidants to go with gifts. Check the news to see if you can get something out of the mouth of the palace maid in Xilan Palace.

The hard work pays off, and it was finally found that Xihelan's personal maid, Rou Feng, stopped the holy car at five o'clock today and delivered a letter. Of course, the concubines did not think it was a simple letter, they agreed that it was an expression of love. A love letter of intent.

A love letter can get the emperor's favor and attention, and the concubines and concubines are both envious and jealous, so it doesn't take a while, the matter intensifies. Trendy gossip.

Of course Jiang Zhen also heard about this, but she couldn't make up her mind. After all, the one in Xilan Hall was Xie Fei's favorite. Although she didn't know why Xie Fei suddenly exposed Lan Guiren, she was in her own heart. Before she was pregnant with a child, she didn't want to offend him anyway.

Punishment is not good, and it is not good to not punish. After hesitating, Jiang Zhen quietly sent someone to spread the matter to the ears of Mammy Song, who was serving the Queen Mother. Sure enough, it didn't take long for the Queen Mother's decree to come out. The queen severely punished the chattering maids and eunuchs, corrected the public opinion and atmosphere in the harem, and ordered everyone in Xilan Hall to be suspended for one month, and accused Lan Guiren of misbehaving and ignorant of etiquette, and punished her to copy each of the female precepts and female virtues 20 times.

Mammy Song first read out the decree at the Empress's place, and then led her mighty people to the Xilan Hall.

Born in modern times, Xi Helan has a strong personality and a strong sense of self-esteem. She has never knelt down in the past few months when she came to Daqi, so when Mama Song was about to recite the decree, she refused to kneel and said bluntly. She Xihelan knelt down on her knees to kneel down to her parents, why should she kneel down for a servant who serves people.

Mammy Song turned green with anger when she heard the words. Although she was a servant, no one in this palace would give her three points of face, but this little noble person bluntly insulted her, and she was immediately beaten. She opened her mouth ten times, and then knelt on the ground with her head pressed.

Xi Helan had received such insults there. The disdainful and mocking eyes of those people reminded her of being bullied because of her ugliness in her previous life. In addition, she heard that the Empress Dowager's decree criticized her for being useless. Her face was blue with anger, and her heart was burning. Anger, hatred rushed straight to the forehead.

She wanted to get angry, but she was helplessly pressed by the rough old woman. She wanted to yell and curse, but because of the pain in her mouth, she was trembling and couldn't say a word. Passed out of anger.

Song Mammy snorted coldly, handed the decree to the palace maid beside her, and left with her. When she returned to the Empress Dowager's Palace, she inevitably took some eye drops. The Empress Dowager was angry and felt that foreigners were uneducated. , So soon, the queen mother assigned two aunts to go to Xilan Palace. Of course, before these two aunts went, they were well explained by Song Ma.

In the next month, Xi Helan was in unbearable misery, and what made her even more upset was that after this incident, the concubines and concubines in the harem had more or less ill feelings towards her, although these ill feelings were also systematic As part of the mission, she also obtained "Snowy Skin Like Jade Skin" and "Slim Straight Legs", but this also means that she has moved from behind the scenes to the front, and she needs to endure a lot of pressure and persecution.

However, these things did not affect Jiang Zhen at all. This month, she seemed to have returned to the time when she was newly married. Xie Fei had to go to her Kunning Palace to sleep every night, completely disregarding the high-ranking concubines set by the ancestors who had a fixed number of sleeping days. According to the rules, only the queen is favored alone, which makes the concubines in the harem complain.

Finally, a concubine who had not been favored for a long time expressed her dissatisfaction. Who knew that it reached the emperor's ears. After a while, she was demoted to agreeing because of disrespecting the queen and the following crimes, and she was imprisoned in the Lengcui Palace for the rest of her life. , Since then, no matter how much dissatisfaction people have, they dare not say anything.

In Changle Palace.

Concubine Gao picked up a pastel-colored ceramic vase and slammed it on the ground. It smashed into pieces with a bang, and Xiangtan and Xiangyun, who were beside them with fans, knelt down with their legs soft.

"I'm so pissed at this palace, I'm really pissed off at this palace! The emperor spoiled that fox all day long, what's so good about her, she actually stayed with her for a whole month, making this palace the laughing stock of everyone in the harem, Everyone sees me as a joke!" Gao Baoxi said fiercely, clutching the handkerchief.

Aunt Luo came in from the outside and saw the debris all over the ground at a glance. Concubine Gao Guifei was sitting on the soft couch with a gloomy face, her breathing was rapid, and her head full of bead hairpins swayed.

"My good lady, who made you angry again?" Aunt Luo hurried forward to Gao Baoxi's side, quietly winked at Xiangtan and the two, and the two retreated knowingly.

Gao Baoxi snorted coldly: "In the entire palace, no one dares to provoke me except Jiang Zhen."

She pursed her lips and continued, "Bengong really doesn't understand, why is the emperor suddenly uncharacteristically pampering Jiang Zhen every day? Although since entering the palace, she has always been the most favored in the harem, but every month the emperor is the most favored. He will come to me several times every so often, and sometimes even flip through the green cards of other concubines, but for more than a month, the emperor stayed in Kunning Palace every night. Whoever dared to be dissatisfied with the concubines was reprimanded and demoted. , making everyone dare not speak out!"

"Niangniang, others dare not to you, but you are different. Niangniang has a noble status. If you take the lead in admonishing the emperor, it will be effective." Aunt Luo said softly.

"Do you think Ben Gong doesn't want to?" Gao Baoxi glanced at Aunt Luo, and said coldly, "But Ben Gong's father was taken away, and my mother went to the palace to tell me to stay calm and not to cause trouble."

Aunt Luo's face darkened, then her eyes flashed, and she smiled slowly with her lips hooked: "Niangniang, this servant thinks of a way..."

As she spoke, she leaned into Gao Baoxi's ear and whispered. After a while, Gao Baoxi rolled her eyes, raised her eyebrows and smiled.

Two days later, during dinner in the evening, Xie Fei arrived at Kunning Palace on time as usual. Jiang Zhen was holding a bowl and sipping chopsticks between her lips.

When I went to the Empress Dowager to greet the Empress Dowager today at Cining Palace, the Empress Dowager said a few words to herself, with a bit of blaming herself for her exclusive favor: "After a country, you should be virtuous, generous, dignified and gentle, and you must Get rid of selfish desires and jealousy. When the emperor only favors one person, he should persuade the emperor to soak it in the rain and dew, so that the harem can be peaceful and stable, and the royal heirs can be extended. Otherwise, the harem will be full of grievances, how can the emperor be content with government affairs, and how to open up for the royal family. Branches and leaves?"

Thinking about it, Jiang Zhen didn't even hear Xie Fei calling her a few times, or Aunt Jiang quietly poked Jiang Zhen's back, and she suddenly raised her head to look at Xie Fei, blinking blankly: "Your Majesty, you call me a minister. concubine?"

Xie Fei glanced at her lightly, and asked lightly, "The queen seems to like being in a daze?"

Jiang Zhen pursed her lips and opened her mouth as if she wanted to say something. After a few breaths, she closed her lips and shook her head to eat silently.

"What's the matter, do you have something to say to me?" Xie Fei looked over with a smile on his face, a slight smile appeared in his eyes, and the corner of his mouth curved into a smile, "Well, I'm listening carefully."

Jiang Zhen hesitantly put down the bowl and chopsticks, and after waiting for a while, she said softly, "Is the emperor going to rest at the place of other concubines? I have been serving the emperor for more than a month, and the concubines are really tired and tired."

Halfway through the words, Xie Fei's gaze towards her has gradually become cold and dim, Jiang Zhen's heart skipped a beat, bit her lip and lowered her eyes, avoiding his gaze, and said the words biting her head.

For a while, the whole room was silent, and the atmosphere was a little weird.

After a long silence, Xie Fei suddenly sneered and said coldly, "The queen is really virtuous and generous."

Jiang Zhen smiled helplessly: "Thank you for your praise."

Immediately after hearing Xie Fei snorted coldly, he got up and walked away. For some reason, Jiang Zhen felt anguish in her heart, and her nose was slightly sore.

She was still lost in her heart, but she suddenly heard Eunuch Zhang's shrill voice coming from the gate of the palace, which seemed a little deafening in the silent night: "Place driving Changle Palace—"

It was such a simple sound, but it was like a heavy hammer slammed into Jiang Zhen's heart. Her chest was so tight that she couldn't breathe. Tears filled her eyes unknowingly, dripping like pearls. On the back of his hand, it was scorching hot.

Aunt Jiang sighed, and while signaling the little maids to remove the dishes, she and Gui Zhi helped Jiang Zhen back to the bedroom. Gui Xun brought warm water from outside the house, and Gui Zhi and Gui Zhi carefully groomed her. She went to bed to rest.

In the empty bedroom, two candles were burning, Jiang Zhen closed her eyes tightly, but she couldn't fall asleep, tears rolled down from the corners of her eyes, she couldn't help crying out.

It was uncomfortable, especially uncomfortable. She didn't know why she was so sad. Her heart was like a big stone. But in just a month, how could he not be like himself.

What about her sanity

Why can't I stop thinking about whether he would kiss Gao Baoxi as tenderly and lingeringly as he did for himself, whether he would tell her the love words he told her, and whether he would touch her with that big palm with a thin callus? Will her waist...

The more she thought about her, the more uneasy she became, and a feeling called jealousy gradually filled her heart. Jiang Zhen frowned and turned over, but saw an empty space beside her, like her heart, as if a piece was missing.

Habits are really scary things, but I have been inseparable from him for more than a month.

Jiang Zhen gently caressed the pillow beside her, sighed faintly, and hugged herself with one unpleasant hand, secretly admonishing herself—Jiang Zhen, don't fall, you are just for having children.

Over and over again, as if hypnotizing myself.

The author has something to say: Jiang Zhen: Let's go.

Jaffe: OJBK~

Jiang Zhen: QAQ~~