The Starry Sky, The Starry Sea

Chapter 11: Like the feeling of being alone (1)


The joy of getting along with him every day, the peace of mind when he is by his side, the panic when facing him, and the unwillingness to be ignored by him are all ignored by me intentionally or unintentionally, because I dare not face all the answers at all.

The two guest rooms on the upper floor are the ones that need to be refurbished. Wu Julan has to vacate the rooms before the renovation. Although my room does not need to be decorated, I thought, since I have injured legs and feet, it is inconvenient to go up and down the stairs, and I don't want to smell the pungent decoration smell, so I might as well move to the first floor with Wu Julan.

After discussing with Wu Julan, I made a decision. Wu Julan made do with it and slept on the sofa in the living room for a while. I moved to live in the study on the first floor. My grandfather used it as a bedroom before. It has a bed and a wardrobe, but there is no separate bathroom. I need to share the bathroom in the living room with Wu Julan.

We moved our mouths and hands one by one, and hurriedly moved the house.

At nine o'clock, Wang Tianlin showed up on time with the decoration workers.

After a brief introduction and pleasantries, Wang Tianlin told the workers the things that need to be paid attention to in front of me, and then officially started the decoration.

Renovation is a very trivial and annoying job. Although Wang Tianlin has used his most trusted decoration workers, for the workers, this is just an ordinary business that makes money; for me, it is the only home , there are a lot of things to worry about.

I can't use my right hand at all, and I can't walk a few steps, so I can only rely on Wu Julan to do everything. Fortunately, Wu Julan listened to my words, read a lot of technical posts with high gold content on the Internet, and knew all about the door of decoration, so I was basically relieved to let him keep an eye on it.

However, although Wu Julan is impoverished, his speech, behavior and dealing with people are not at all cautious and tactful as poor people should be, but full of arrogance. He doesn't know how to please people, he doesn't know how to tell harmless lies to lubricate interpersonal relationships, and he never wrongs himself. I was worried that there would be friction between him and the workers, and I reminded him repeatedly that if he saw something that the workers did not do well, he should express it in a tactful manner and not speak too bluntly. If the other party does not make corrections, don't reprimand him. You can call Wang Tianlin and ask him to coordinate.

Unexpectedly, Wu Julan's temper was worse than I imagined.

He has a cold temper, demands perfection in everything, and is used to giving orders. His words were blunt and sharp, and he didn't understand hypocrisy or presumption at all. Almost every sentence seemed to be provocative and insulting, and he looked at others like an idiot without moving. Several workers fell out with him on the first day. If it weren't for the fact that I'm a friend of the boss Wang Tianlin, a girl covered in injuries, it's so pitiful, she probably would have quit.

I recalled the madness I felt when Wu Julan said that my cooking tasted terrible, and I could fully understand the workers' feelings. However, understanding is understanding, I am now with Wu Julan, and I don't think Wu Julan has done anything wrong. Those workers are not doing well enough, they are not doing well enough, and they cannot be said. Although Wu Julan speaks sharply, he is always based on the facts, just like he dislikes my cooking. Compared with him, I am not doing enough. delicious

However, no matter how much I side with Wu Julan in my heart, I dare not say that the decoration workers are poorly skilled. Wu Julan can only play bad face and I play red face.

With a smile on my face, I asked the workers to forgive the "ignorant" Wu Julan. In order to alleviate everyone's anger, I offered to provide lunch for all the workers during the renovation period.

I didn't explain my devious thoughts to Wu Julan. I just handed him the money and told him that I would take care of all the workers for a meal at noon and buy more when I went grocery shopping.

Wu Julan often doesn't look like a wage earner at all, he is more airy than me, but as long as it is about work, he is very serious. I told him to, and he did it without questioning.

As I expected, Wu Julan didn't cut corners just because the food was for the workers, just like making it for me and himself, he made it for everyone seriously. After the workers finished the lunch made by Wu Julan, their hostility towards Wu Julan immediately faded away.

I laughed secretly, no wonder one of the fine traditions of my ancestors is to talk about things at the dinner table. When you eat a table of hand-made meals, you can easily feel the chef's thoughts from the ingredients to the taste. No matter how cold and harsh Wu Julan is on the surface, he has always been open and frank in his dealings with others. These workers who go from house to house to do business, have a lot of high and low eyebrows, and they have their own way of judging people and judging things.

Although the workers no longer hated Wu Julan, they couldn't say they liked Wu Julan either. However, seeing the sumptuous and delicious meal at noon, no matter what Wu Julan said, they all listened calmly. Soon they discovered that Wu Julan didn't deliberately pick on mistakes, they were all reasonable, and even some of his improvement suggestions were more professional than their experts.

They complained that easier said than done, Wu Julan immediately demonstrated it himself, completely shocked them. The workers felt admiration, they worked meticulously, and the decoration went very smoothly, so I was completely relieved.

The way the workers look at Wu Julan has completely changed, and they praise Wu Julan in front of me from time to time, and I always have an expression of "it should be". But in fact, I was no less surprised than them. It can also be said that Wu Julan saw it from the Internet, but it can be done so easily, how should I explain it

The only explanation is that he has done it before.

Knowing how to do laundry, cooking, medical skills, and building laundry is all it takes. Cooking is better than a chef in a five-star hotel. The diagnosis and first aid of trauma are no worse than professional doctors. Masonry and carpentry are better than a few. The ten-year old master is more exquisite, I can't help but think, what else can he do

Although only the second floor of the whole house was being renovated, the first floor was also restless, with rumbles and bangs for a while. Fortunately, the kitchen was a separate big room, so I hid in the spacious kitchen.

One window of the kitchen faces the courtyard, and the other faces the courtyard wall, facing a large area of bougainvillea blooming brightly and movingly. Move a comfortable chair and sit by the window. You won’t feel uncomfortable for a long time .

I wear earphones, listen to 3, and read the Tang Poetry Appreciation Dictionary of Shanghai Dictionary Publishing House. This is my grandfather's collection of books. When I came to my grandfather's house, it was already in my grandfather's bookcase, and he was a more senior resident than me.

There was a time when, after dinner every day, my grandfather would ask me to recite a poem and recite one a week. At the beginning, I just took it as a task and did it with a little reluctance. But over the years, gradually, I tasted it, and I really understood what my grandfather said, "a book that I can never finish reading in a lifetime". Each poem is accompanied by the author's life experience, the social background when the poem was written, and the source of the dictionary's allusions. If you read it carefully, it is a story that is either soul-stirring or lingering.

When I am free, I often turn to a page at random and read slowly one poem after another. Right and wrong, success and failure, joys and sorrows, life and death, are the same in ancient and modern times. If you read more, you will naturally feel refreshed and free from falsehood.

When I finished reading a page and was trying to turn it awkwardly, a hand turned the page for me. I turned my head and saw Wu Julan quietly sitting next to me at some point.

I took off one earphone and said, "It's okay, I can do it myself."

Wu Julan looked at the book and said casually, "It's okay, I'm reading it too."

I reacted for a moment before I understood the meaning of his words, "You mean, you want to read a book with me"


If this is a martial arts novel or fantasy novel, I can still understand it, but this is Tang poetry, which even many college graduates would not use as recreational reading. I couldn't help but look at Wu Julan suspiciously. He was staring at the book intently, with melancholy in his eyes and a sigh on his lips. He should have felt something in his heart and really read it.

I scolded myself, "Dog's eyes see people as inferior", Nobel laureate Mo Yan has not yet graduated from elementary school. I pushed the book in the direction of Wu Julan, and looked down. It was Wang Wei's song of pine trees in Qin County:

The pine on the green mountain,

See you again today after a few miles.

I don't see you,

remember each other,

This heart should be known to you.

For the king, the color is high and leisurely,

The pavilions come out of the clouds.

After reading a poem, Wu Julan didn't turn the page for a long time. I secretly glanced at him several times, but he didn't notice, and kept staring at the page in a daze.

I felt curious, so I couldn't help reading it again carefully. I felt emotional and sighed: "This poem seems to be loose, but it should actually be about people, just like Qu Yuan's writing about gentlemen with vanilla. It's just that Wang Weimiao is recorded in historical records. Young and white, graceful and beautiful, with a good rhythm and a wonderful ability to play the pipa, such a person of literary talent even praises another person as a gentleman. "

Wu Julan smiled slightly and said: "

You should seriously pursue Mojie’s exaggerated words.”

I always felt that what he said was a bit strange, but I couldn't tell what was wrong. Wu Julan also looked a bit strange, not as cold and sharp as he was used to, sliding his fingers across the pages, smiling lightly, and sighing softly, with a feeling of "everything in the ages, all in silence".

His sigh made me feel inexplicably sad, I couldn't help but eagerly wanted to erase the melancholy between his brows and eyes, and asked flatteringly, "Would you like to listen to music?"

"Music" Wu Julan froze for a moment, then looked at the 3 in my hand calmly.

At the beginning, his expressionless and calm look could still scare me, but now I took a look at him and immediately understood that this guy who I dare not underestimate all the time will definitely not use 3.

I handed an earphone to Wu Julan and motioned him to put it on.

Wu Julan held it in his hand and played with it for a while before slowly putting it into his ear. For the first time, he showed a surprised and joyful expression.

I asked softly, "Does it sound good?"

Wu Julan nodded with a smile, and I said, "The name of the song is Xiaye Xingkonghai, a piece I like very much."

The two sat side by side under the kitchen window, each with an earphone, listening to music and reading a book together. The sound of decoration outside is noisy and harsh, but the small world inside is sunny and warm, flowers are in full bloom, and the years are quiet.

In the evening, after the workers finished their work, the house was quiet again.

Wu Julan and I, one with mobility issues and the other unfamiliar with the place, sat on the sofa and watched TV together after eating and taking a shower.

I handed the remote control to Wu Julan and asked him to choose. Finding that Wu Julan was only interested in animal and nature programs, he checked the channels and started watching Animal World.

I seldom watch animal programs, and I take it for granted that such programs about animals must be boring, but after I actually watch them, I realize that not only are they not boring, but they are actually very interesting. The struggle between creatures and nature, between predators and prey, is bloody, cruel and merciless, yet thrilling and touching.

This issue of Animal World is about the battle between lions and elephants on the African grasslands. According to the narrator, lions actually rarely attack elephants, because elephants are not weak zebras or antelopes, and it takes a huge price to attack them, and elephant meat is almost harder to swallow than zebra or antelope meat, Therefore, lions and elephants can say that well water does not violate river water.

But this time, due to lack of food, the hungry lion group on the verge of death decided to hunt the elephant group, and the target was the baby elephant in the elephant group. In order to protect the young elephants, the adult elephants walk outside and use their bodies to resist the sharp claws of the lions. Although the lions are cunning and ferocious enough, the elephants are not weak. The lions failed in the previous two hunts, and some lions were even seriously injured. But, faced with death, the lions had to attack again. According to their physical strength, this will be their last attack. If they fail to succeed, in the African grassland, an environment that relies entirely on their strength to survive, they will not be able to launch another hunt, and can only wait quietly for death.

Thousands of miles of pursuit, several days and nights of raiding, no one side can withdraw, because withdrawing is death. I was very worried when I saw it. I didn't know who to hope to win. If the elephant doesn't die, the lion will die. Both sides are admirable and strong, fighting for survival.

In the last attack, after endless brutal fighting, the lions not only successfully culled a baby elephant, but also brought down an adult elephant, and the group left with a howling cry.

After eating their flesh and blood, the living lions squatted on the ground calmly, watching the rising sun indifferently. Their ears stood up vigilantly, their bodies lay lazily, and there was neither the pain of existence nor the joy of victory in their eyes, just another day naturally.

I was shocked, because their eyes and gestures resembled Wu Julan's fearless and indifferent indifference; vigilance and laziness, ferocity and leisure, all intertwined in a weird and harmonious way.

But Wu Julan didn't respond at all, even when the subtitles came out, he turned off the phone, ready to go to sleep.

I asked persuasively, "What do you think after watching the movie?"

Wu Julan glanced at me indifferently and said, "I don't feel it."

Suddenly, I really understood Wu Julan's awkward character.

He never bothered to deal with interpersonal relationships, and a harmless little lie could make others happy, but he didn't tell it at all. At first I thought he didn’t understand or know how to do it, but later I found out that he didn’t understand or know how to hunt elephants. Like those lions, it’s not that he doesn’t know how to hunt elephants, but when the food is plentiful, is it necessary? If it is necessary, it will naturally not be done, and when it is really necessary, it will naturally be done. This is the most ruthless act after analyzing the gains and losses most rationally and calmly. Wu Julan will not tell lies to make me happy, nor will he use euphemistic words to make the workers feel comfortable, because our reactions are irrelevant and he cannot be troubled. But he will tell Jiang Yisheng that he is my cousin, because a lie can save countless troubles.

I looked at Wu Julan with complicated eyes. What has he experienced that made him become such an African grassland in the human world

Wu Julan said blankly: "It's getting late, you should rest."

I know very well that he didn't miss my strange look, but he didn't care at all. I couldn't explain what I was feeling, so I stood up angrily, with a cold face, and said "it's not your turn to dictate my affairs", and went back to the study.

I lay on the bed, tossing and turning, unable to fall asleep, always feeling very angry and unwilling. I thought that although we hadn't known each other for long, our relationship turned out to be in Wu Julan's eyes, and I was insignificant and nothing.

Gasping, I slowly calmed down.

Is Wu Julan obliged to take my emotions into account

I have no obligation, even my own parents can't take care of my emotions, why should I ask Wu Julan

Wu Julan treats everyone the same, and doesn't treat me worse. I am the boss, he came to work, did he not do well in any part of his duties

There is no laundry, cooking, or cleaning, all of which are better than expected, and it is not even his job. Supervising the decoration and taking care of me, who is physically handicapped, did not make any mistakes.

Then what am I dissatisfied with

shouldn't have

As a boss, I should only care about what Wu Julan does, not his character.

I analyzed it rationally, and I was no longer angry. I regretted that I gave Wu Julan a face inexplicably just now. As for the unwillingness in my heart, I chose to ignore it.

I gently opened the door of the study, looking across the long aisle to the side of the sofa. It was pitch black, without any sound, and it was impossible to tell whether Wu Julan was asleep or not.

While hesitating, Wu Julan's voice came from the darkness, "Why don't you sleep?"

I took a few steps forward and narrowed the distance between us, but considering that he was sleeping, I didn't get too close, "I have something to tell you."

The blinds were not fully closed, and strands of moonlight fell from the gaps between the window leaves, cutting the darkness into strands after strands. I happened to be standing in the interlaced light and shadow of a ray of darkness and a ray of moonlight, and felt that the whole world seemed to be blurred and confusing.

I heard my own voice sounding softly in the darkness, sometimes clear, sometimes blurred, also interlaced, strand by strand, much like my complicated state of mind at this time.

"I'm sorry just now. I was a little confused, please forgive me. I shouldn't have disturbed your sleep, but grandpa has always taught me, never get angry overnight, hurt your body, and be sad." As I spoke, I tried to look at the other side of the sofa . But in the dark, I was in the light, and he was in the dark. I could only vaguely see that he hadn't moved. If he hadn't just spoken, I would have suspected that he was actually sleeping.

My voice fell behind, and Wu Julan didn't answer.

Silence filled the darkness, and when I felt more and more embarrassed, Wu Julan's voice finally came again, "I forgive you."

Very cold, just like his usual expressionless face, but faintly, there seemed to be something more. I said "thank you"

I waited and waited, seeing that Wu Julan had nothing to say, cheered up, smiled and said, "Good night, have a good dream."

Two weeks later, the renovation was completed on schedule, plus the TV, tables and chairs for the house, and the repair of some aging and damaged places, a total of more than 47,000 yuan was spent.