The Starry Sky, The Starry Sea

Chapter 32: Will you marry me (1)


Love can never only be sweet, and pain is also a part of love, which allows us to understand ourselves more clearly and also makes us cherish the sweetness we get.

I was having a good dream, and when I was sleeping soundly, the sound of ding ding dong dong music sounded, waking me up from my deep sleep.

In a daze, I covered my ears tightly with the quilt, just wanting to fall asleep again with sleepiness. But the familiar music is like a gentle hand, pulling me persistently, preventing me from falling asleep again.


Suddenly, I realized that the song that has been ringing in my ears and disturbing my dreams is my favorite summer night starry sky sea.

I couldn't help but slowly loosened the quilt and listened carefully.

It should be a piece played on the piano. It is different from the ethereal and quietness of the guqin. There is a little more lightness and joy in the melodious piece, as if a group of beautiful elves are dancing lightly on the sea full of stars, praising the stars under the starry sky. How vast and beautiful the sea is.

Jiang Yisheng can also play a little piano, but this is by no means what he played, it was Wu Julan

He definitely didn't want me to have insomnia at night and sleep during the day, so he played the piano to wake me up.

I hurriedly put on my nightgown, ran out of the bedroom barefoot, stood in front of the railing on the second floor, and looked down at the past

In front of the large floor-to-ceiling windows, the sun was shining brightly. Wu Julan was wearing a white shirt and was sitting in front of the black grand piano, playing a tune. In the thin morning light, his upper body was as perfect as a marble statue in front of an ancient Greek temple. His slender fingers nimbly caressed the black and white keys, and the melodious music flowed out like a clear spring in a mountain stream.

I leaned against the railing and stared at him quietly, staring at the most beautiful scenery this world can give me.

After the song was over, Wu Julan raised his head and looked at me.

Probably my eyes revealed too much emotion that was already overflowing in my heart. He looked at me for a moment, and then said: "I'm ready for breakfast."

I smiled brightly at him and said, "I'm going to wash my face and brush my teeth, and I'll be down right away."

After breakfast, I asked Wu Jingjing about today's arrangements.

Originally, I thought that I would definitely meet Wu Jingjing's boss, but Wu Jingjing said that the boss had something to do and would not see me for the time being.

He sent two lawyers to the apartment, and I signed the contract while drinking the coffee made by Wu Julan. I entrusted the company to sell two stones, and the other party took a 30% commission from the selling price.

After the lawyer left, I asked Wu Jingjing, "Is it because your boss was angry because I didn't go to dinner last night that he didn't want to see me?"

"He's not angry. As for why he doesn't want to see you now?" Wu Jingjing leaned against the bar and spread her hands helplessly, "The old man's thoughts are too weird, and I don't know what the boss is thinking."

"Will it affect my selling stones?"

"Absolutely not, but those two stones didn't sell out so quickly, I'm afraid you have to keep them for a few more days, can you?"

I thought for a while and said, "Okay, we'll be in New York for a few days." I originally planned to go home as soon as possible to accompany Wu Julan, so I didn't make any travel plans, but now that Wu Julan is also in New York, I can change my plan. Just kidding, twenty-odd hours of travel, how can I be worthy of myself if I don’t have a good time

For the next four days, while fighting jet lag, I followed the travel guides on the Internet and went to Central Park, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Statue of Liberty, the Empire State Building, Times Square, and Wall Street.

The Statue of Liberty was completed in 1886, and the Metropolitan Museum was built in 1870, both after Wu Julan left the United States. Like me, it was his first time here. When Wu Julan and I stood in front of these buildings and took photos together, I felt very happy on the one hand. Wu Julan’s first memory of these places was being with me. Come here again, but I will still think of today

We have basically been to all the tourist attractions in New York, only one Broadway is missing. Jiang Yisheng asked several times if he should book a ticket to watch a musical on Broadway. Wu Jingjing and I pretended not to be interested and were unwilling to go, so Jiang Yisheng could only give up resentfully.

In fact, of course, it is not because I am not interested, but because of Wu Julan's words about theaters, which made me pay more attention to Broadway theaters.

According to the information on the Internet, Broadway's first theater, park theater, was built in 1810, and the second theater, the broadway, was built in 1821. Undoubtedly, when Wu Julan was in New York, many theaters on Broadway were already open. He had seen plays in them and left many good memories, so this is the place that impressed him the most.

I checked the information. From 1838 to 1865, the most popular musical on Broadway has not yet been born. It was the golden age of opera at that time. Around 1850, Verdi launched three handed down classic operas that are popular all over the world: Rigoletto and Troubadour and La Traviata. I believe that these three operas must be frequently performed in theaters in New York, given the admiration and pursuit of European culture by Americans at that time. Wu Julan lives in New York and likes to go to the theater, so he must have seen it.

I didn’t know what the first two operas were about until I looked up the information. I’ve read the novels and movies about the latter one. I’m familiar with the story, so I chose it.

I quietly consulted with Wu Jingjing, hoping that she could find a way to arrange an opera performance in the park theater or the broadway. The performance would be La Traviata, in the style of the Verdi period, and I would pay for all the expenses.

Wu Jingjing knew that I was not a person who spent money recklessly, and said in surprise: "It takes a lot of money to save on actor fees. Anyway, there are many talented young actors in New York, but the venue rental fee will not be cheap. I'm afraid It costs tens of thousands of dollars."

Thinking of the one-to-six exchange rate, I gritted my teeth and said, "I'm mentally prepared, you can deduct it from the money I sell the stone. But remember to keep it secret, don't let Wu Julan know, I want to give him a surprise."

Wu Jingjing stared at me for a moment, and promised, "I will help you arrange it and guarantee you an authentic nineteenth-century opera."

I gratefully say: "Thank you"

Wu Jingjing shook her head, "My grandma said that love is the most magical witchcraft in the world. It can make the selfish people selfless, the timid brave, the greedy kind, and the cunning dull. It's all because of your witchcraft."

I feel embarrassed, it's not as amazing as she said, it's just that I don't want to be reconciled to Wu Julan's previous time without me, trying to use money to reshape a past time and engrave it in his memory.

Under Wu Jingjing's arrangement, La Traviata's opera performance was scheduled for the afternoon before the full moon in October.

The tradition of watching an opera is to wear formal clothes, and Wu Julan naturally wears a simple white shirt and black suit. I put on the dress I bought specially, a sea blue long gauze dress, very elegant and fluffy, like the sea in a summer afternoon. The first time I saw this dress, I thought Wu Julan would like it. When I meandered down the spiral staircase, the moment he saw me, from his eyes, I felt that my judgment was correct, and he really liked it.

Because it was a private theater, when we arrived at the theater, the theater was deserted, and there were only four of us. I took Wu Julan and chose the middle seat, and Jiang Yisheng and Wu Jingjing sat two rows in front of us.

The lights gradually dimmed, and Jiang Yisheng and Wu Jingjing in front of us were touching each other and whispering, while Wu Julan and I sat silently. I keenly felt that he seemed to be in a bad mood, and he kept looking at the empty seats around him with deep eyes and thoughtful thoughts.

I'm suddenly a little scared, will it be self-defeating

The curtain slowly opened, the stage set was very retro, and the music was also very classical, which quickly brought people to Europe in the 19th century.

The first act is the Paris apartment of La Traviata. A group of high-society men showed their courtesies around the most beautiful courtesan in Paris at that time. The hero Amon was introduced to Marguerite the La Traviata. He eagerly expressed his love, but was rejected by La Traviata.

Looking at the cumbersome and elegantly dressed men and women on the stage, I vaguely remembered that the La Traviata novel was published in 1848, and the La Traviata opera was premiered in 1853, which described the love of that era. I self-righteously pulled Wu Julan to sit beside me to watch an old love story, but I forgot to think about who was sitting next to him when he watched La Traviata

I try to use money to participate in a long-gone time, but perhaps, I let the past time participate in my present time. Wu Julan is sitting next to me, but he is obviously thinking like me, I am thinking about him, who is he thinking about

A hundred years ago, the person who accompanied him to see La Traviata has disappeared; decades later, I will disappear too; a hundred years later, will there be a girl unwillingly trying to participate in the past time

I also know that it is meaningless for me to think so. The past and the future are outside my time. In fact, I do not exist at all. It can be said that it has nothing to do with me. But at this moment, I am so sad and greedy , not only want to have the present, but also jealous of the past and the future.

Wu Julan gradually returned to normal. He noticed my abnormality and asked softly, "What's wrong?"

I stared at the stage and shook my head, not knowing what I could say.

Wu Ju

Lan held my hand, "You don't like watching this"

I tried to smile and said, "I want to see what you've seen. It should be very popular to watch opera at that time."

Wu Julan understood why there was this opera performance with only the four of us, he said: "You specially arranged it for me"

I nod.

Wu Julan pulled me to stand up, "Let's leave"

I didn't bother to say hello to Jiang Yisheng and Wu Jingjing, and I was dragged out of the theater by him in a daze.

After leaving that closed and dark environment, and not having to appreciate the love of the past, my mood suddenly became much easier.

Wu Julan took off his thin cashmere coat and put it on my shoulders. I knew he had a unique body and was not afraid of the cold, so he was not humble.

His coat had his unique cool smell, I smiled and closed it tighter, a thought suddenly flashed in my mind a hundred years ago, a thousand years ago, did someone use his coat to warm him in the bleak autumn wind? remember her now

Wu Julan led me to avoid the streets full of tourists, and walked towards the nearby park. The further I walked, the wider the view became. It is the golden autumn season in October, and the colors on the streets of New York are strong and bright, like oil paintings full of color.

Autumn is refreshing, the sky is blue and the clouds are white. On the long tree-lined road, there are tall trees, some are golden and gorgeous, some are crimson and eye-catching. The ground is covered with a thin layer of fallen leaves. Various colors are mixed. We are like walking on a gorgeous brocade.

I was looking at the scenery in a trance, and suddenly heard Wu Julan say: "I don't like theaters. My sense of hearing and smell are more sensitive than human beings. The sound in the theater is noisy, and a large group of people sits densely, which is harmful to my ears and nose." A torture."

I was dumbfounded, "But you said you were most impressed by the theater, I thought you liked the theater."

Looking at the blue sky in the distance, Wu Julan said: "I told you, back then, I wanted to live in New York for a while longer, but because of a sudden accident, I had to leave New York early and return to the sea. Then The sudden accident was that my real identity was discovered and I was caught by the design."

I let out an "ah" and almost cried out in shock. I knew that Wu Julan was standing in front of me perfectly, but I still felt scared and nervous. Regardless of the East or the West, the cruelty and bloodshed of human beings to "non-my race" are exactly the same. I couldn't help asking: "Why are you so careless?"

Wu Julan said lightly: "The Civil War broke out in 1861. As the war situation worsened, more and more men either voluntarily or were forced to join the war. Because I was the most suitable age on the certificate, I and several All my friends were drafted into the army. One of my friends’ lovers was my good friend. Before I left, I promised her that I would try my best to save her lover’s life. There were too many uncontrollable accidents on the battlefield. In order to save this friend’s life , I had to reveal my extraordinary power. He didn't show any abnormalities at the time, pretending not to notice my peculiarity. In 1865, the South announced its surrender and the Civil War ended. On the night we celebrated the end of the war , He put poison in the food I ate, and designed to catch me."

Another story about betrayal and betrayal, which has been repeated since the day of human existence, so that I was not surprised at all, but felt very heartbroken, "What happened later?"

"They put me in a special glass tank and wanted to show it in the theater and make me famous. I tell you I was impressed by the New York theater because I was on the stage, through the glass tank, Watching them staring at me excitedly, while greedily discussing various plans after the exhibition is successful."

I held my breath and asked, "What happened next?"

"On July 13, 1865, the day before the official exhibition, my people set fire to the beu theater and took advantage of the chaos to rescue me."

"Ah beu, when I searched the history of Broadway, I saw this news. It was a big event back then." The document emphasized that this is a large entertainment center transformed from a four-story building, located at the southwest corner of Broadway Street, with a It destroyed the most popular American pop culture at that time, but unfortunately it was burned to ashes overnight. I also regret that it was burned down the year Wu Julan left, otherwise I could arrange the opera to be staged there.

Wu Julan smiled comfortingly at me, "It happened more than a hundred years ago, and it's all over."

Yeah, it's all over, he's by my side now I'm relieved, and then I'm very guilty of my own self-assertion, "I didn't know you felt sorry for the theater"

Wu Julan half-jokingly said: "You tell me what you were sad about just now, and I will forgive you."

"How do you know I'm sad"

Wu Julan walked slowly while holding my hand, glanced at me, and said lightly: "Your emotions are very strong, and my feelings are not dull."

I bit my lip and said, "I'm thinking of the girl you liked before."

Wu Julan stopped suddenly and turned to look at me.

I didn't dare to look at him, lowered my head, and said embarrassedly: "Actually, it's normal to have a few ex-girlfriends and even get married. I just think about it casually. Don't worry, I can understand."

Wu Julan held my chin with her hands, raised my head, and forced me to look at him, "No."

"No, no" I must have looked like a fool at the moment.

"No one, you are the only one."

If other men said this, I would just laugh it off as hypocritical sweet talk, but it was Wu Julan who said it. Although his expression was flat and his tone was flat, he was just stating a fact that he didn't want me to misunderstand, but that was the long time of a thousand years. I know that I am shallow, petty, selfish, and boring, but knowing that no woman has ever held his cold hand, no woman has enjoyed his care and care, and knowing that there is no shadow of anyone in his heart, my surprise is so powerful and intense, I couldn't help the tears welling up in my eyelashes.

"You" Wu Julan bent her finger, and gently printed the teardrops on my eyelashes with the cold back of her finger, as if she really didn't know what to do with me.

I turned my head in embarrassment, and like every girl who knows that she is loved, she asked for more with a pretentious unreasonableness, "It's been such a long time, there is no one, I don't believe that even if you haven't liked others, There must be someone else who likes you.”

Wu Julan must have seen that I was arrogant because of being spoiled. He pinched my cheek and said with a half-smile: "Do you think that every woman will be as thick-skinned as you are, thicker than a turtle's shell?"

I was really ashamed and annoyed all of a sudden, and said unreasonably: "I don't have a thick skin, you are thick-skinned."

He smiled and said, "Okay, I have a thick skin and my Shen Luo's skin is tenderer than oyster meat."

I was so amused by his words "my family's snails" that my heart was straightened, and I couldn't keep my face anymore, so I beat his chest lightly with my fist, and muttered: "I'm thick-skinned because you forced me out"

He stopped laughing and said softly, "I'm sorry"

I froze for a moment, smiled and shook my head. I'm not sorry, everything is my will. As Gibran said, love can never be only sweet, and pain is also a part of love. It allows us to understand ourselves more clearly and also makes us cherish the sweetness we get.

Wu Julan stared into my eyes and said, "Before I met you, I never considered looking for a human partner. In the final analysis, in the eyes of humans, I am an alien monster. When they don't know my true identity, they may There will be good feelings, but no one will really choose a monster as a partner."

I immediately said, "You are not a monster."

"Then what am I?" Wu Julan looked at me with a smile, she didn't seem to care much about my answer, but she also had a faint expectation.

I hugged his waist and said clearly: "You are my lover, my lifelong companion."

Wu Julan stood quietly for a moment, folded her arms, hugged me tightly, lowered her head, and kissed my hair lightly.

When Wu Julan and I returned to the apartment, it was past six o'clock.

Jiang Yisheng was playing with a tablet computer, and Wu Jingjing was watching TV, both of them looked bored.

I apologized to Wu Jingjing and Jiang Yisheng, "I'm sorry, we left halfway."

Wu Jingjing was not interested in pursuing what had happened, and said to me: "The two stones have been sold. As I guessed, the boss bought both stones. The total price is 3.5 million. You paid more than 1.9 million yuan in the end.”

I'm happy with the windfall, "Thank you, and thank you boss."

Wu Jingjing said: "I accept the first sentence. You can tell the boss yourself about the second sentence. My grandma arranged a reception for you to meet the boss formally."



Surprised, I said, "You're only telling me now tonight"