The Starry Sky, The Starry Sea

Chapter 37: You can betray me(1)


As long as you can be safe, it doesn't matter whether you exchange me or betray me

It was completely dark, and the wind on the sea was strong and cold, making people feel chills all over.

Wu Julan was wearing a thin white shirt, standing by the railing, looking at the moon rising slowly in the east.

But I was fully armed, a high-necked pullover cashmere sweater, a short thin cashmere coat, thick jeans, and a woolen hat.

I rubbed my hands and said, "It's fine during the day, but it's really cold at night."

Wu Julan turned her head and glanced at me, "After I go into the sea later, you wait for me in the cabin."

"Don't want me to be with you all the time." Last time, Wu Julan was afraid of scaring me, so he only showed me his body from a distance. Once he got close to me, he would hide his lower body in the water. This time, I don't want him to avoid me anymore, I want him to truly feel that I am not only not afraid of him, but also love him in any form.

Wu Julan said: "The sea water is very cold. A normal person will go into shock after soaking in such sea water for an hour. It is impossible for your body to enter the water."

It's the end of October now, and you need to wear a coat to keep out the cold on land. Of course, I understand that I can't go to sea with him.

I pointed to the stern and said, "There is a small life-saving hovercraft hanging behind the yacht. I can sit on the hovercraft and accompany you." That way, although I am on the boat and he is in the water, at least we can hold hands , can clearly see each other.

Wu Julan thought for a while and said, "Okay."

At first, I thought it would take a lot of talking to persuade him, but I didn't expect him to accept my proposal so easily. I was so happy that I almost jumped up, hugged his arm, and said excitedly: "Wu Julan, you are so kind."

Wu Julan shook her head, stretched out her hand, and helped me put the hat on a little bit, "You are very good, very good."

I was a little shy, holding his hand in embarrassment, and walked towards the stern, "Before you can move your legs, help me put the hovercraft into the sea."

Wu Julan pulled out the railing, stepped on the side of the boat, and easily lowered the hovercraft fixed at the stern into the sea.

I was anxious to go down immediately, he said: "Wait"

Wu Julan walked into the cabin and took two cashmere blankets, a hot water bottle and a small bottle of vodka from the cabin.

There was no one there at the moment, and he didn't hide anymore, he tapped his foot, flew over, and jumped into the hovercraft.

I said, "I'm dressed so thickly, I'm sure I won't be able to freeze. Don't just take care of me, but think about what else you need."

Wu Julan lowered her head, while setting up the hovercraft, she said: "Everything I need can be found in the sea, except you."

When he spoke, his expression was natural and flat, as if he said "drink water when thirsty and sleep when sleepy", but my ears were hot, my eyes were sore, and my heart was shaken.

Wu Julan raised her head and said to me, "You can come down now."

I didn't move, just stared at him.

He was very strange, showing a puzzled look of "what happened".

My old antique Wu Julan is so shrewd and stupid. I laughed and couldn't help but say crisply: "Wu Julan, I love you"

Wu Julan's expression became more and more calm and indifferent, but his eyes were a little erratic, avoiding my sight, drooping slightly, and said coldly: "Come down."

It's a pity that I have already seen through his trick of covering up the ups and downs with the ups and downs, and the more he does this, the more it arouses my evil taste, and I really want to tease him.

I smiled and said: "Hey, you don't respond when I say I love you? At least you should look into my eyes affectionately and tell me that I love you too, or just kiss affectionately."

Wu Julan responded to all changes without changing, looked at the direction of the rising moon, and said calmly: "My legs will not be able to move soon."

Uh, even if you are amazing, I didn't dare to dawdle any longer, and immediately grabbed the railing and rolled onto the railing. I muttered in my heart not to look at the water, not to look at the water, but my eyes always looked down at the hovercraft, and I inevitably saw the undulating sea water. Immediately, my body became instinctively afraid, and I couldn’t understand this psychological mechanism. Sitting on the boat, I was fine. As soon as I climbed over the railing, and my feet hadn’t even left the boat, I was so afraid that I wanted to tremble.

Wu Julan stretched out her hand, wanting to hug me down, and I hurriedly said, "I'll do it myself." If the person I love is an ordinary person, it doesn't matter whether I'm afraid of water or not, the worst thing is that I won't go into the sea or swim for the rest of my life. However, Wu Julan regards the sea as his home, so even if I can't be a good swimmer, I must not be afraid of water.

Wu Julan stood aside, looking at me quietly.

While holding on to the railing tightly, I said silently in my heart: "With Wu Julan here, I am not afraid that you can do it."

Suddenly, the mobile phone rang "Ding Ding Dong Dong", and it was my mobile phone.

I should get down in the hovercraft as soon as possible so I can answer the phone, but my hands are gripping the railing so tightly that I can't let go. "叮叮咚咚" The non-stop ringing of the mobile phone is like a non-stop urging. The more anxious I am, the more scared I become.

"Don't push yourself so hard." Wu Julan suddenly picked me up and put me on the hovercraft.

I am very frustrated, how can such a simple thing not be done

Wu Julan said: "First answer the phone"

I pulled myself together, answered the phone, "Hi"

"Shen snail?"

The voice sounded familiar, but I couldn't remember who it was, so I said, "I'm Shen Luo, who are you?"

"I am Shen Yanghui"

Before I could react, Shen Yanghui began to curse: "Shen Luo, you bastard, rotten egg, rotten duck, why don't you die because of you, you broom star, I will never let you go"

Shen Yanghui was crying while scolding. I listened to him scolding for three minutes, but I still didn't know what happened. I just felt that something bad happened. However, I haven't seen them for several months, and I haven't even got through the phone. How could I become a broom star and go to harm them

Shen Yanghui was still cursing me over and over again: "Shen Luo is all your fault, if it wasn't for you, mom wouldn't quarrel with dad at all. My mom is right, you are a bitch"

I said: "I am a bitch, you and I have half the same blood, you are half a bitch and even worse than a bitch"

"smelly shit"

"One-half of your stinky shit has gone into your brain and the remaining half has gone into your brain. People have water in their brains, and shit in your brains."


Shen Yanghui and I scolded each other back and forth. Their words can be said to have gathered the dross of Chinese language and culture. I glanced at Wu Julan worriedly, and found him standing aside, listening quietly, cursing me as a bitch. Look very calm. I felt relieved and continued to scold fiercely.

Shen Yanghui was dumbfounded by my scolding, and finally calmed down. He stopped barking like a mad dog and could talk normally.

I said: "What exactly happened, please tell me clearly, otherwise, I will hang up immediately"

"You are so cold-blooded"

"Are you passionate about me? Shen Yanghui, when your mother scolded me, she didn't avoid you at all, which proves that she never planned to make you and me a sibling. What do you think of me?"

Shen Yanghui fell silent, and sobs came from the phone. Then, he began to talk incoherently about what happened, and I gradually sorted out the ins and outs of what happened.

The cause was the bronze mirror that was taken away by the stepmother. Someone approached the stepmother and wanted to buy the bronze mirror. At first, the stepmother refused to sell it, considering that Shen Yanghui's surname was Shen, and that it could be regarded as a souvenir passed down by the Shen family for several generations. But the other party raised the bid and promised one million, the stepmother was tempted and decided to sell the mirror.

However, no one expected that the always cowardly father was very determined this time. No matter whether the stepmother was pretending to be pitiful and begging, or crying and scolding madly, he would not agree with the stepmother selling the mirror. The stepmother was used to doing whatever she wanted at home, so naturally she couldn't let it go, and the two of them kept arguing about the bronze mirror.

This morning, my father drove Shen Yanghui to school, and by the way, he planned to put his stepmother at the entrance of the subway station so that she could go to work conveniently. Along the way, the family of three enjoyed themselves happily, but the stepmother received another call from someone who bought mirrors. Dad only found out that because the other party promised to pay 1.2 million, the stepmother had already agreed to sell the mirror, and secretly brought the mirror out, planning to give the mirror to the other party later.

The two began to quarrel over whether to sell the mirror again. No matter what the stepmother said, the father would not agree. After the quarrel, the stepmother lost control of her emotions and beat her father even though her father was driving, which caused a car accident.

Dad sat in the driver's seat, stepmother sat in the co-pilot seat, and Shen Yanghui sat behind the stepmother. At the moment of the car accident, in order to protect his wife and children, his father turned the steering wheel to the right desperately, so that the side he was sitting on faced the collision. car.

In the end, Shen Yanghui was only slightly scratched. The stepmother suffered a fracture. Although the injury was serious, it was not life-threatening. But my father had a massive hemorrhage in his spleen. He is currently undergoing emergency surgery, and his life and death are unpredictable.

Shen Yanghui was confused, flustered and frightened, so he blamed me. If it weren't for me, my father would not be so persistent in not selling mirrors; if my father agreed to sell mirrors, stepmother and father would never quarrel, there would be no car accident, stepmother would not be seriously injured, and father would not be in doubt.

Shen Yanghui called, not to ask me for comfort and help, but purely to vent, he started to scold me again while talking.

I one

While listening to his cursing and crying, I vaguely remembered the promise my father made to me when he left the island, "Xiao Luo, I know what you are worried about. You are not the only one whose surname is Shen. Don't worry, I will let Yang Hui take good care of that mirror." , will never sell”

From childhood to adulthood, my father has always been kind and weak without principles, like sticky dough, without any edges and corners, anyone can knead it, so he always contradicts his promises habitually, and has no manly responsibility. My mother is not only capable, but also beautiful. She had an extramarital affair with her colleagues and got divorced. Although outsiders like to criticize her, I was disappointed and cold-hearted towards her, but I never hated her for divorce, because a man like Dad is really Make women desperate.

Only this time, I never expected that my father could keep his promise so persistently, nor did I expect that he would be able to resolutely give up the chance of life to his wife and children in a critical moment. Of course, I didn't even think that Dad would stick to his promise with such difficulty, and this would result in such a result.

I asked with a heavy heart: "How long will the operation take?"

"This is a big operation. The doctor said that the time is not certain, and it will take at least two or three hours."

"Who's looking after you now"

"I don't need anyone to take care of me"

For a rebellious teenager, I changed the phrase, "Which relative is in the hospital now?"

"My aunt, she keeps cursing, saying it's all my dad's fault, and asking me how much money I inherited from my grandpa, I don't bother to talk to her"

The Yang family really has a strong family style, but fortunately, Shen Yanghui has also inherited this, so he won't be at a disadvantage. I asked, "Do you have enough money?" Although they inherited grandpa's savings, they probably already spent seven to eighty-eight dollars to pay off the mortgage and buy a car.

Shen Yanghui sneered: "So what if it's not enough? Are you still planning to give me and my mother money?"

I ignored his harshness and said calmly: "I have a sum of money on hand now, I can call you. How much do you need?"

Shen Yanghui fell silent for a while.

I said impatiently: "Hey, talk to you."

Shen Yanghui sniffed, and said: "Who cares about your poor money? The person who wanted to buy a mirror called his mother again, and she was still in a coma, so I answered the phone and sold the mirror to Shen Luo. Let me tell you, I hate that broken mirror, I hate the Shen family's grandpa and grandma, it's none of my business."

"Shen Yanghui, you..." I want to say, you think it's me that caused your father and your mother to quarrel, but you don't want to think about it, if it wasn't for this mirror buyer who keeps tempting your mother, would your mother quarrel with your father? Do you think so? He did it to take revenge on me, but he didn't expect that he would take advantage of the enemy? However, thinking of his mother unconscious and his father's life or death uncertain, I swallowed all the words that came to my mouth.

I said: "Since it has been sold, you should take care of the money. Your aunt must like money more than your nephew. After your mother wakes up, you avoid your aunt and whisper this matter to your mother." .”

Shen Yanghui said disdainfully: "You think I'm stupid, of course I know the truth that people's hearts are hidden and money is not revealed."

I said: "After Dad's operation is successful, can you call me again?"

Shen Yanghui sniffed, and asked in a nasal voice: "Do you think the operation will be successful?"

I comforted him and myself, "The universe has a law of attraction. If we think this way, things will develop in the direction we think."

Shen Yanghui said: "The operation is successful, I will call you."

"Okay, I'll wait for your call."

Shen Yanghui said viciously: "If I tell you, I won't let you go." After he finished speaking, he immediately hung up the phone.

I held the phone in a daze, feeling complicated in my heart.

When arguing with my father, it's not that I didn't have a cruel heart, and I pretended that I didn't have a father, but when something happened, it was connected by blood, and I was panicked and afraid. However, there is nothing I can do now except wait. Across the vast Pacific Ocean, even if you rush back immediately, it will take more than ten hours, and the operation has already been completed.

A cold hand held mine, and like a frightened child who suddenly saw an adult, I immediately grabbed his hand tightly. It's really strange, obviously the temperature of his hand is much lower than mine, but every time I hold his hand, I feel the warmest.

Wu Julan said: "I have already sent a message to Let, she will contact her colleagues in Shanghai and try her best to rescue your father."

I don't know how much it can help, but I feel a little better.

I belatedly noticed that while I was sitting on the hovercraft, Wu Julan's legs were stiff and he couldn't bend his knees. He could only bend down in a strange posture and hold my hand.

I hurriedly stood up and asked embarrassedly: "Is your leg going to disappear?"

Wu Julan said reassuringly, "It doesn't matter, I can hold on for a while longer."

I said, "Go to the sea quickly"

Wu Julan said: "You are in a bad mood now, you should go back to the boat to rest and wait for Shen Yanghui's call by the way, don't worry about me"

I shook my head, "I want to be with you just because I feel bad, I know you can take care of yourself, you don't need me, but I need you"

Whether in body or spirit, Wu Julan is much stronger than me. All along, I need him more than he needs me.

Wu Julan stopped persuading me, stared at me and said, "I need you too"

I smiled and was about to speak when Wu Julan suddenly made a silent gesture to me, signaling me to keep quiet.

He listened intently for a moment, then said to me: "There is a ship approaching us."

I didn't hear any sound, but Wu Julan said there must be. I frowned and said complainingly: "Such a big sea should pass by the place where we are moored."

Wu Julan said calmly, "Maybe he wasn't passing by."

I was stunned. I didn't pass by, but I came here on purpose. I hurriedly said: "Because of my business, it has been delayed for a long time. Go to the sea quickly. No matter who comes, I will deal with it."

Wu Julan ignored my suggestion and said, "You get on the boat first, go to the bilge and stay with Wu Jingjing."

I held his hand tightly to show that if he didn't go to sea, he would never want me to go aboard.

Wu Julan took a deep look at me and said nothing.

I saw the mobile phone hanging on my chest, and after a second thought, I stuffed the mobile phone into the turtleneck sweater, hiding it tightly.

Wu Julan and I stood on the hovercraft hand in hand, looking quietly into the depths of the night.

Gradually, I heard the roar of the engine, and two assault boats flew towards us at a very fast speed. It seemed that I was afraid that we would escape, and even used a left and right outflanking formation, obviously not coming with good intentions, and a little luck in my heart was also lost.

I looked at the rising moon and said anxiously to Wu Julan: "You jump into the sea first, no matter what the purpose of these people is, I will talk to them well. Anyway, you are not good at communicating with people, and you often make people irritated, there is no point in staying"

Wu Julan didn't say anything, and didn't move.

I understand his feelings, he doesn't want me to face the danger alone, but I really can't let him stay, I can only use his weakness to force him. I begged softly: "If I let them see you, I will become really dangerous. Human greed will drive them crazy"

Wu Julan lowered his head suddenly and kissed me on the lips. I was blindsided and stared at him blankly.

He stared me in the eyes and said, "For me, the most important thing is your life. No matter what they ask, you will cooperate. As long as you live well, nothing else matters, including my secret and me."

What is he saying is that I can betray him? I stare at him, "you make me betray you"

Wu Julan said: "It's not a betrayal, it's an exchange. If necessary, you can trade me for your safety, and I can guarantee my own safety."

What was he talking about? I said depressedly: "Isn't it betraying you to trade you for my safety?"

Wu Julan got impatient and entangled with me, and said firmly: "As long as you can be safe, it doesn't matter whether you exchange me or betray me."

At this moment, a blinding light hit us.

I had to give up the question of "betray him" first, and squinted at the two assault boats.

A group of big men with live ammunition stood on the assault boat, and two rows of black guns pointed at Wu Julan and me. Even with Wu Julan's inhuman physique, if he was shot by two rows of guns, he might not be able to survive.

Except for shooting targets in military training in college, I have never seen a real gun in my life, and I always feel a sense of absurd unreality. However, the United States is a country where private ownership of firearms is legal. An ordinary housewife can carry a legal gun in her handbag. What's more, the group of people here are obviously not ordinary people.

"Shen Luo, how do you feel when your legs and feet go limp from fright?"

After hearing the sound and looking around, I realized that Zhou Buyan and Zhou Buwen were standing in the middle of the assault boat, and I breathed a sigh of relief. Even in the face of two rows of guns that could smash me into a sieve in an instant, because I knew that they were not aimed at Wu Julan, but at me, I felt relaxed and happy, which was not what Zhou Buyan imagined. The feeling of being frightened and weak in the legs.

However, a man who knows current affairs is a hero, so I don't want to provoke her at this time. I looked at Zhou Buyan pitifully, "What do you want to do to kill someone? It's against the law."