The Starry Sky, The Starry Sea

Chapter 41: Absolutely impossible to give up (2)


The scales were like rapidly freezing ice, spreading rapidly upward from his waist, gradually covering the entire back, and continuing upward, covering the shoulders and the back of the neck. The color of the scales fades from a deep Kashmiri sapphire-like blue to a light crystal-like blue. Then, the scales spread from the shoulders down the two arms, gradually covering the entire arm, and the color gradually deepened from crystal-like light blue to sapphire-like dark blue at the wrist. As the scales covered the veined back of the hand, the hand changed, the fingers became elongated, and webs grew between them. The color of the scales has turned blue to almost black when it reaches the fingertips.

I felt that the embrace I was leaning on became as firm as steel, and his two arms were as hard as stone, seemingly invincible.

As his body changed, his face also began to change, with deeper eye sockets, higher browbones, a straighter nose bridge, narrower nose wings, and a more prominent jaw. His eyes and hair, which had been just black with a touch of blue, were now the color of a Kashmiri sapphire, the same color as his tail fin.

Wu Julan saw that I was staring at him intently, then suddenly lowered her head, and almost pressed his face to mine. He deliberately opened his mouth towards me, his sharp white teeth were as sharp as those of a shark, full of frightening power.

Even though I was frozen to the point of losing consciousness, I still couldn't help grinning stiffly. It's not because his sharp teeth are so funny, but, he no longer worried about scaring me, but started to use his sharp fangs to deliberately scare me, which only shows that he knows that he is the one I love, no matter what I love any appearance, so he can be himself at will.

The searchlight on the ship shone on the sea area where we were, and the two of us were shrouded in a white and miserable light.

Wu Julan didn't respond, she still lowered her head, staring at me tenderly, as if saying: It doesn't matter, if you really can't hold on, just go to sleep

I was exhausted, and my eyelids were so heavy that I couldn't hold them open, but I knew that this was definitely not the time to sleep, so I still struggled to hold on.

Wu Julan kissed my eyes lightly, and seemed to give me a promise: don't worry, everything will be resolved

I finally closed my eyes in peace.

In the dimness, I heard the sound of singing like the sounds of nature.

The pronunciation is strange, there are no lyrics, just chanting with indistinguishable meaning, and it is even impossible to tell where the singing is coming from.

Above the dark blue sky, a round of golden full moon shines on the boundless sea, and the sparkling sea water gently rippling with the sea breeze.

The ethereal and melodious singing seems to pour down from the beautiful moon with the bright moonlight, falling gently on people. From the ears, from the eyes, from the nose, from every pore of the skin, it penetrates into the depths of the heart, directly resonating with the soul.

In the depths of everyone's memory ocean, there is an isolated island that collects time but is abandoned by time. There is no wind and rain, no bitterness, and no harm, only all the happiness and warmth are treasured.

On the playground, the little friends chased and shouted together; under the sunset, a dandelion ball passed by my mother; on the weekend morning, my father drove the family out in the car; Smile

The soul has gone too long and gone too far, and has been forgetting to look back. Now it can finally wipe off layers of dust, clear away the confusion, and greet the buried and forgotten self again.

The sea of time is gently rippling, and joy shines charmingly like the moonlight on the sea.

On this isolated island where time is treasured but forgotten by time, take a good rest with your past self

The scalding and irritating liquid fell from my throat into my internal organs, and I gradually became somewhat faintly conscious.

In the haze, both the body and the soul are very tired and weak. The heavy feeling as if I had turned into a rock made me unwilling to think or move. It seemed that it was difficult to even move my little finger, and I just wanted to fall into a deep sleep.

Although every inch of skin and every pore of the body longs for deep sleep, the soul struggles to sleep. Deep in my subconscious mind, I always feel that there is something very important, something very important, something more important than my life

Wu Julan

I suddenly opened my eyes, and saw Wu Julan lying on the ground, holding my head in one hand, and holding a bottle of strong foreign wine in the other hand, pouring wine for me.

Seeing him safe and sound right in front of my eyes, I breathed a sigh of relief.

Wu Julan probably didn't expect that I would wake up suddenly. After he was stunned for a moment, he seemed to understand the reason why I woke up abnormally. His eyes suddenly deepened, and while staring at me, he continued to feed me a drink.

I took a few sips cooperatively, and he put down the bottle after seeing that he was almost done.

The alcohol took effect, and I felt my body gradually warming up from the inside out. I should have passed the danger of frostbite safely.

I tried to sit up, but found that I couldn't move from the neck down, and I was wrapped in layer after layer of blankets, wrapped like a mummy in a museum. This is not important, what is important is that I am naked and naked.

I fully understand the need to do this. Wet and cold clothes will definitely not work on the body. If you want to recover your body temperature quickly and avoid frostbite, you must take off all the wet clothes as soon as possible, dry your body, and warm your limbs. However, thinking that Wu Julan might have stripped me of my clothes, I felt like the blood in my whole body was about to boil.

I huddled under the blanket and asked with a little luck: "Let helped me take off my clothes."

Wu Julan shook his head.

I blushed, "It's you"

Wu Julan nodded.

He and I were a little afraid to look at each other, and hurriedly looked away.

Suddenly, I found that the room we were in was a little familiar. It was, it was the old man's room. Because I was lying flat on the ground, the angle of sight was very different from the angle I stood when I came in last time, so I didn't recognize it immediately.

I couldn't care less about being shy anymore, and asked in horror: "We've been caught"

Wu Julan shook his head.

I suddenly realized something, and hurriedly asked: "Why don't you speak what time is it now?"

Wu Julan didn't answer me.

I didn't need his answer either, because I pulled out a hand abruptly, lifted the blanket that blocked my sight, and clearly saw that his lower body was still a dark blue fishtail.

The color of the fishtail is no longer crystal clear like Kashmir sapphires, but like old blue satin that has been wrinkled in the sun. There were scars on his chest, lower abdomen, and hands, and the long fish tail was scraped by something, almost covered with cuts and bruises, and blood oozes out from many of the scales.

I struggled to sit up and said angrily, "You haven't turned back into a human body, how dare you go ashore? When have you ever seen dolphins and whales come to land?"

Wu Julan didn't make a sound, she propped herself on the ground with one hand and supported me with the other, and sat up with difficulty.

His fish tail was so elegant and beautiful in the water, and his movements were quick, but now it seemed bulky and huge, and it was difficult for him to move. Even a simple movement of helping me to sit up took him to exert all his strength, and it was hard to maintain his balance.

I glanced around and found that the floor-to-ceiling window facing the deck was broken, and the ground was in a mess. I could tell that Wu Julan had entered the room from there. However, I can't imagine how he took me into the boat with only two hands, how he broke the glass window, dragged a long fish tail, and brought me into the house.

He has no legs, only relying on two hands, crawling on the ground, helping me find a warm blanket, helping me get the liquor.

Tears rolled in my eyes.

Wu Julan pointed at his fishtail and shook his head at me. I understood what he meant, he said: the wound has begun to heal, this little injury is nothing to him, don’t worry

I leaned down to look at his fishtail.

In order to keep me warm, the air conditioner in the room was turned on to the maximum, and the warm and dry hot wind was blowing. It was good for me, but it was obviously not good for a mermaid who needed water and left it.

The fish scales are like dried pine cones, becoming dry and warped, which is very ugly. There are also several places where it should have been scraped while crawling on the ground. The scales have all fallen off, revealing the scratched tender meat inside, which looks a bit scary.

When I stroked his wounded place with my hand, thinking that the pain of pulling out fish scales was to him like the pain of peeling off our human skin, my tears rolled down like broken pearls, dripping on the on his tail.

Wu Julan helped me up. In order to divert my attention, he smiled and pointed to the blanket wrapped around my body, indicating that the blanket was about to slip under my chest. Instead of taking the blanket, I reached out and hugged him violently. Wu Julan hurriedly helped me hold down the slipped blanket.

He is the fishtail, and I am the person wrapped in the blanket. Both of them have limited mobility, and they hug each other and fall to the ground.

My tears still kept falling, Wu Julan kissed me comfortingly, and wiped away the tears on my cheeks one by one with her lips.

Perhaps it is true as he said, the long years have forged him to be very strong, he will not be injured or vulnerable, let alone the feeling of being wronged. However, I still feel wronged for him.

He is a strong man in this world, obviously he doesn't have to wrong himself so much. But, because of me, that's how he wronged himself for me, went to land for me, suffered unnecessary injuries for me, and became clumsy

I whimpered and said: "I'm fine now, you go back to the sea quickly"

Wu Julan glanced out the window, smiled and nodded.

I propped myself on the ground, wanted to get up, and said sobbingly, "I'll help you."

He shook his head, pointed at me, and made a strenuous look, indicating that I was heavy. When going back now, it is easy for him without my dragging.

I was dumbfounded by him, "I'm just at the right weight, so I'm not fat."

Wu Julan motioned me to turn my head away and not to look at him.

I know, he is afraid that I will feel uncomfortable when I see him dragging his long fish tail and crawling awkwardly across the floor. He is so proud that he does not want such an embarrassing picture to be seen by my own eyes.

I smiled at him, turned around obediently, and turned my back to him.

Hearing the heavy rubbing sound behind me, I couldn't help but started to cry again, but I didn't want him to know. I tried to hold my breath and let the tears flow quietly.

After a while, there was a "plop" sound of falling into the water.

I looked back immediately and saw that he was no longer there.

However, I know he is overboard, still with me.

I had something to rely on, and I was so courageous that I grabbed the blanket and stood up. I ran out of old man Zhou's room and went to another room to find clothes to wear.