The Starry Sky, The Starry Sea

Chapter 6: Childhood sweetheart (1)


No matter what the process is, it doesn't matter anymore, the important thing is that we all grow up well, this is the best thing

I had no dreams all night. When I woke up, I looked at my phone in a daze. It was almost nine o'clock.

I closed my eyes and wanted to squint for a while, but Wu Julan's face suddenly appeared in my mind. With a jolt, I stood up abruptly, and looked at the upside-down beer bottle standing upright at the door, like a dedicated guard , reporting to the master that there was absolutely no bad guy trying to break in last night.

Sure enough, I was right about the person? Joy was like bubbles, bubbling from the bottom of my heart, and I couldn't help grinning. While giggling, he lay back on the bed again.

After sleeping for a full ten hours this time, the exhaustion of the past few days was swept away, and even my mood improved a lot.

I stretched my waist, squinted my eyes and thought, did Wu Julan wake up? I don’t know how he rested last night. Just as I was thinking about it, I heard a sound coming from the yard. I jumped up from the bed and ran to the window. , the probe looks down

The sky is blue and the sun is shining brightly. In the yard, the trees are dancing and the flowers are in full bloom. Colorful sheets and quilts are hung on the bamboo poles, fluttering up and down with the sea breeze. Wu Julan, in white clothes and black trousers, stood between the undulating sheets and quilts, hanging up the washed clothes one by one.

Maybe the sky is too blue, the sun is too bright, maybe the trees are too green and the flowers are too red, such a simple and ordinary home scene makes my heart feel soft and warm in an instant. With a smile in my mouth, I have been watching steadily.

The sheets and quilts fluttering in the wind are like undulating waves, sometimes rising and sometimes falling, and Wu Julan's figure is sometimes visible and sometimes hidden. After he hung up the last shirt, he raised his head and looked at me. The golden sun shone around him, making his figure seem clear and blurry. I waved my hand lightly and said loudly, "Good morning."

Wu Julan smiled slightly and said to me: "Good morning."

"Have you had breakfast yet?"


While tying up my hair, I said, "Wait a minute, it will be fine soon."

I rushed to the bathroom, washed up quickly, and then rushed to the kitchen to start making breakfast. It's too late to make porridge at this point, I plan to cook two bowls of dragon beard noodles, fry a plate of tomato eggs, let's eat tomato egg noodles

When I was cooking, Wu Julan stood at the door of the kitchen and watched. I thought that he had already washed the clothes all morning, so I didn't call him anymore.

Wu Julan asked: "Is this kind of stove used for cooking now?"

While watching the noodles in the pot to prevent it from overflowing, I was frying the tomatoes and said, "We use liquefied gas tanks, and cities on the mainland generally use natural gas."

When the meal was ready, the two filled a bowl of noodles, sat under the eaves of the kitchen, and began to eat breakfast.

I secretly looked at Wu Julan, he didn't have any expression on his face, he was eating slowly, but he wasn't picky about his food anymore, he ate everything from tomatoes to eggs.

I couldn't help it for a while, and asked, "How does it taste?"

Wu Julan glanced at me lightly and said nothing.

I understand, but I'm used to his disgust, and I made breakfast in a hurry, and I didn't expect him to be satisfied. I muttered and defended myself: "Although my cooking skills can't compare with the chefs in restaurants, I have been doing housework since I was a child, and I am good at home-cooked dishes. Even Aunt Yang who always picks me wrong also said that I The food is well done, you probably can't get used to our taste."

Wu Julan lowered her head and concentrated on eating noodles without saying a word.

I discovered one of Wu Julan's "virtues" very melancholy. He does not lie, even if everyone thinks it is a small lie that is harmless and used to lubricate interpersonal relationships, he will never tell. Facing such an "upright and upright" guy, I nag a few words resentfully, so I can only forget it.

After the two of them finished their meal, Wu Julan consciously cleaned up the dishes and went to wash the dishes. She had done a good job and didn't need my reminders from time to time like yesterday, so I felt relieved.

Look at Wu Julan who is doing the dishes carefully, and then look at the yard. The clothes bought for Wu Julan yesterday, the sheets and quilts he changed last night, and the sheets and quilts in the room where his father and stepmother lived were all washed clean and dried in the air. On the bamboo poles, the yard was crowded to the brim.

In today's society, if you are serious about recruiting, you may not be able to find such a diligent person. For the first time, I felt that being a good person deserves good rewards. I made a very wise decision, and I became more and more puzzled. How could such a good-looking and hard-working person end up in rags and fainted at the door of my house

However, my childhood experience made me understand that everyone will have some experiences that are not humane. If he doesn't tell me, I won't spy on him. Don't do to others what you don't want.

I greeted Wu Julan and went to work in the study.

When passing by the bathroom next to the stairs, I stopped suddenly. The bathroom was clean and did not look like it had been used at all. The power indicator light of the washing machine was black, and when I opened the lid to check again, it was dry without a drop of water.

I couldn't calm down anymore, and ran out of the living room in a few steps, "Wu Julan, how did you do your laundry in the morning?"

Wu Julan looked at me through the kitchen window, not understanding what I wanted to ask.

I asked, "Have you used the washing machine?"

Wu Julan shook his head.

Although I have already guessed it, but I can personally confirm it, but I still find it hard to believe. I pointed to the yard and asked in surprise: "You wash so many clothes by hand"

"Isn't it right to wash by hand?" Wu Julan asked back.

"It's not wrong. But, don't your hands hurt? The next time you wash big things, use the washing machine. It's not such a waste of strength."

Wu Julan said blankly, "My hands don't hurt, so this strength is nothing to me."

I was so choked that I didn't know what to say for a while, so I said arrogantly: "Anyway, I will use the washing machine to wash the sheets and quilts next time. I can't buy my washing machine for nothing."

Wu Julan was silent for a moment and said, "Okay."

I turned around and went into the study, sat in front of the computer desk, waited for the computer to turn on, and looked at the sheets and quilts in the yard in amazement, feeling that Wu Julan was so inconceivably diligent.

There are still many people who wash clothes by hand, but there are very few people who wash sheets and quilts by hand.

However, it’s not impossible, just like the neighbor on this street, Granny Li, in order to save water and electricity bills, she has not bought a washing machine at home until now. Of course, Granny Li’s family is one of the poorest families on this street.

Wu Julan's family should also be very poor, so poor that they don't have a washing machine, so they are used to washing sheets and quilts by hand.

After the computer started up, I collected my thoughts and started to work hard.

After going through my mind, I listed the things to do one by one. The first thing, of course, is to apply for a business license and other documents related to running a private inn. I've inquired about it before, and it's not difficult, though a bit cumbersome. Now the island government is vigorously developing tourism, and supports local residents to do some unique small businesses and develop cultural tourism and green tourism. It is only a matter of time before an "indigenous" like me handles these. What worries me is the decoration and future operations.

Although the old house is old, it is quite comfortable to live in. However, living by yourself and letting guests live are two concepts. At least every room needs to be refurbished, with TV and Wi-Fi installed, curtains, bed sheets, quilt covers, bath towels and so on. To prepare new ones.

I have worked in Beijing for three and a half years, saving a total of 120,000 yuan. After resigning and returning home, he spent more than 10,000 yuan one after another, and now there are more than 100,000 yuan left in the bank. This is all my assets except the old house. I have to consider that the inn may not make money at the beginning, so I keep some living expenses and the initial operating expenses of the inn for myself. The money that can be spent on decoration is very limited, so I must plan carefully.

I looked up other people's decoration experience on the Internet, and learned more about it. I can avoid detours, save more money, and supervise the construction to prevent being deceived.

I was watching a video and taking notes when I suddenly saw a white and slender hand reaching out and poking the portrait on the computer screen. A few pokings were not enough, so I picked a few more times. I seemed to be curious why there would be There are people who come alive.

what's the situation

I stayed for a while before twisting

I turned my head and looked at Wu Julan who was standing behind me at some point in a speechless manner.

Wu Julan looked at me blankly, calmly, even with a kind of superior indifference. If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I would definitely feel that the bastard poking and digging at the computer screen just now is definitely not the one in front of me.

I couldn't help asking: "Haven't you ever used a computer? Did you have to send home the money you used to work?" Although computers have become popular in modern society, in many poor places, color TVs, let alone computers, are still unusable. rise. Based on my judgment of Wu Julan's family situation, it is normal for him not to have a computer, but even if the family cannot afford a computer, there is still a place called "Internet Cafe". Many wage earners who can’t afford a computer can still play games and chat on QQ, unless they, like me, need to save money and cut off all consumption activities.

I made up a lot of brains in a flash, and even came up with the touching plot of "Wu Julan's parents are terminally ill, Wu Julan has to mail all the money from part-time jobs home".

Wu Julan didn't answer my question, but just looked at me with disdain, and said coldly: "You think too much, not because you can't afford it, but because you don't need it." After speaking, he turned around and left, with a straight back Show: Grandpa is not rare

I looked at his back, and ten thousand grass and mud horses galloped past in my heart, which was both funny and uncomfortable. This arrogant man, even if his self-esteem was hurt, he would not lie that he had used a computer, but would simply cover himself with disdain and indifference. I thought of myself when I was a child. I was six years old that year, and my parents were arguing and fighting for divorce. No one cared about me, and no one even noticed that my pants were short. The mother of the children who were playing with me noticed my embarrassment and kindly bought me two pairs of pants, but I was not grateful at the first time because I was sensitive, but was embarrassed by being poked at the sore spot, and refused to accept the pair of pants. He also emphasized over and over again that my mother bought me a lot of new pants, but I don't like to wear new clothes, but I like to wear old clothes.

I jumped up, ran over a few steps, and stopped Wu Julan, "The dishes are finished."

"finished Wash."

I pushed Wu Julan towards the computer desk, "I still have something for you to do, come here"

Wu Julan looked at me without moving. It's like I'm pushing a big mountain, no matter how hard I try, it won't budge.

I was annoyed, and looked at him, "I'm the boss, don't I tell you what to do?"

Wu Julan followed me to the computer desk.

After I sat down, I pulled a stool and motioned for Wu Julan to sit down too, with a businesslike look, "I'm studying how to decorate the inn, and you have to learn it too. This is something we will live on in the future. We want to eat and drink well." Well, you have to be careful."

I opened the web browser and demonstrated how to use the search function. As long as you learn to use search, everything else will gradually learn. I deliberately slowed down, Wu Julan sat beside me, watching silently.

It suddenly occurred to me that he had never used a computer before, so he might not know how to type on a keyboard.

Wu Julan thought for a moment before saying, "Writing."

I immediately downloaded a Wubi input method tutorial, and after a brief demonstration, I said to Wu Julan: "As long as you memorize the roots of this thing, you can get started after practicing for a while."

The book that my grandfather used to teach himself computer is still there. I pulled it out from the bookshelf and put it in front of Wu Julan, letting him learn from the book.

Wu Julan picked up the book and flipped through it quietly. I stood beside him and glanced across the yard inadvertently. When I saw the sheets and quilts fluttering in the wind, a thought suddenly appeared in my mind: Wu Julan didn’t use a washing machine, so it wouldn’t be Because he can't use it at all.

I was stunned by this thought, but I thought it was very possible, where did he come from? Some remote area where electric appliances in old villages in the deep mountains have not yet been popularized. No wonder he had such a strange accent when he first spoke.

Although I am a bit curious, I have no intention of developing Wu Julan into a boyfriend. I will not be responsible for the second half of his life, and I am not interested in exploring the first half of his life. The important thing is to solve the immediate problems.

There are air conditioners, microwave ovens, refrigerators, rice cookers, TVs, and DVD players in the home. I don't know what he has used or not.

I thought about it, rummaged through the cabinet, took out the manuals of all the electrical appliances at the bottom of the cabinet, and put them on a corner of the desk, "Here are the manuals of all the electrical appliances in the house, you can read them when you have time." Afraid of hurting his self-esteem, I hastily added another sentence, "Different brands of electrical appliances and products produced in different years have different usage methods. You can take a look to save you from taking things for granted based on previous experience and ruining my things."

Fortunately, Wu Julan is not as sensitive and perverted as I was when I was a child. After listening to my orders, she simply replied: "Okay."

I took my ID card, household registration booklet and other documents that I thought might be useful, and went out to apply for a document license to operate a private hotel.

Originally, I thought that it would not take much time for such a small matter, but I didn't expect that the procedures would be quite cumbersome. Sometimes I want photos, and sometimes I want a recent medical certificate. Fortunately, I am an "indigenous" islander. No matter where I go, I can always meet my classmates, or classmates of classmates, which saves me a lot of time. But just like that, I ran around and tossed and tossed for a whole day before I got it all done.

At almost six o'clock, I returned home exhausted with a watermelon I bought along the way. Weakly yelling "I'm home", he collapsed on the wicker chair.

Wu Julan glanced at me, and without saying a word, brought the watermelon into the kitchen.

After a while, he came out with a fruit plate of peeled and cubed watermelons, and a fruit fork was thoughtfully placed on the edge of the plate.

I'm a little surprised. His behavior this morning doesn't look like a person who knows how to use a fruit plate and a fruit fork, but the food is currently too lazy to delve into it. I happily forked a piece of watermelon with a fork, "Thank you"

After eating half a plate of watermelon slowly, I felt recovered and said to Wu Julan: "I have an appointment with the decorator. He will come to see the house tomorrow afternoon and estimate the renovation price. You must clean the house tomorrow morning to save money." A little money is a little money."

Wu Julan gave a "hmm" to express his understanding.

It was already dinner time, and I was thinking about cooking some noodles to make up for it, when there was a sudden "bang bang" knock on the door.

I stood up and asked, "Who?"

"it's me"

The voice of Jiang Yisheng, my old neighbor, the two of them grew up together and were childhood sweethearts. Because I have a very high IQ since I was a child, I still got the first place in my grade even if I didn’t take classes, killing me and other mortals in seconds. When I was young, I was nicknamed "Miracle Doctor", and now I am the chief surgeon of Haidao People's Hospital. "Yi Sheng" and "doctor" are homophonic, even if it is called "Jiang Yisheng", it sounds like "Doctor Jiang", so everyone simply screamed.

Normally, I would have already run to open the door, but now I stopped, saying "here we come" and looked at Wu Julan hesitantly.

Wu Julan was very keen, and immediately noticed my doubts, turned around and was about to evade into the house. I stopped him and made up my mind in a split second, I was doing business and hiring people aboveboard, and I had nothing to hide.

I whispered to Wu Julan: "My good friend, he is a very nice person. I will introduce you to each other later." After speaking, I ran to open the door in a few steps.

"Little Luo, don't cook, go out to eat tonight." Jiang Yisheng walked into the door while talking.

There are two people behind him, a young woman in a dress with long hair, a slender figure, and a beautiful face; a man wearing glasses, with a gentle temperament and a polite manner, turned out to be the lawyer Zhou Buwen I met yesterday.

I froze for a moment, and politely greeted Zhou Buwen first: "Lawyer Zhou, hello."

Jiang Yisheng laughed loudly, put Zhou Buwen's shoulders on his shoulders and said, "It's so pitiful, I really don't know him, Xiaoluo, take a closer look, I really don't know him anymore."

Zhou Buwen looked at me with a smile, completely different from yesterday's distant and polite professional smile, his smile was full of real joy, even a bit of nervous anticipation. I was full of confusion and wished I could kick Jiang Yisheng who was playing tricks, but I was used to putting on airs and politely said with a smile: "Lawyer Zhou, we just met yesterday, how could we not know each other?"

Jiang Yisheng sighed in a strange voice, and just about to speak out, Zhou Buwen pulled Jiang Yisheng's arm to stop him from speaking. Zhou Buwen stared at me, smiled and said, "Little Luo, it's me, Big Head."