The Starting Point of Raising a Husband

Chapter 3


Ya Qing stared blankly at the boy on the tree, the strange feeling in his heart was still lingering.

The young master used to look gloomy, with no light in his eyes, like a pool of stagnant water, without any waves. Sitting in front of the embroidery stand from morning to night every day to embroider peonies repeatedly, the needle will stick to the pulp of the finger when the pain is depressed.

The peonies he embroiders are extraordinarily bright and vivid, he is a rare embroidery genius in the Yun family, Ya Qing thinks it is because the young master's hard work dripped on it.

Jiangnan Yunjia is famous for its fabrics and embroidery, especially its lifelike embroidery.

Everyone knew that when it was the most popular decades ago, all the new embroidery products of the Yun family would always be looted. At that time, the government and the public regarded it as a status to be able to wear the cloth of the Yun family.

It's just that these years, the wealthy juniors are unwilling to endure hardships, the talents of the clan are gradually withering, and the embroidery workers are getting worse from generation to generation. After a long time, the excellent embroidery workers of the Yun family have been forgotten, leaving only replaceable fabrics.

The Yun family in the capital city is a branch of the Yun family in the south of the Yangtze River two mountains away. Although the word "cloud" is on the signboard, the items they sell have nothing to do with the Yun family in the south of the Yangtze River until Yun Zhi was born and grew up with embroidery.

He is a genius who "returns to the ancestors" in the family, and his embroidery skills are outstanding, especially the peony embroidered, which is really "national beauty and heavenly fragrance".

Three years ago, the "flowers bloom" season was famous in Beijing.

However, outstanding people always have some tragic life experiences, such as Yun Zhi desperately embroidering peonies in order to save money for his father's medical treatment.

His father was a servant in the family, and he bought it from the street for two taels of silver, and his status had never been high.

When she was young, she was able to hold Yunca's heart because of her beauty. After giving birth, she was soon forgotten by Mica in the backyard of the mansion, and she didn't even come to visit when she was sick.

Yun Zhi has been taking needles since he was six years old, and now he is sixteen years old. After ten years of cooking oil with a lamp, he still failed to leave behind his father.

After Yun's father passed away, Yun Zhi seemed to have his spine removed, and his whole body lost his tenacity and anger.

Half a year ago, Ya Qing didn't catch a single glance, Yun Zhi fell into the pool in the courtyard, and when he woke up again, he was a different person.

It's like a dead gray-brown old tree pulling out delicate green branches and becoming alive.

I still remember that in the two days when he just woke up, he seemed to be insane, and everything he looked at seemed strange.

Occasionally, I ran into a man with a pregnant belly in the mansion, his eyes widened in shock and gasped, as if he had been greatly shocked and stimulated, he shrank in the room for several days before he recovered.

Ya Qing still remembered that he was sitting cross-legged on the bed at that time, his face was pale, as if he had lost his ability to speak, he used his hand to draw an arc on his stomach, "He, he is sick, right?"

Yaqing was stunned for a moment, "No, he is pregnant, and it should be eight months."

"Hua, child, child?" Her voice trembled.

"That's right, we men are meant to conceive life."

It's just that Yunzhi is in poor health and is worrying about things, so the menstruation has been postponed until now.

The doctor said it was too late for him.

Only menstruation can give birth to a child.

Yun Zhi grasped the bedpost with both hands, knocked his fair forehead on it, his phoenix tail was slightly red, his teeth were clenched on his lower lip, and he tried his best not to cry.

At that time, Yaqing just felt that the young master seemed to have forgotten something, until the first time he saw him climbing a tree.

As light as a cat, she jumped onto the tree trunk with just a little bit of tiptoe, and Ya Qing almost screamed out of shock.

He sat on it like today, looking into the distance, Qingling's eyes seemed to be covered with a layer of mist, and his vision became distant.

He said he didn't want to embroider, he wanted to go to the rivers and lakes.

It was only then that Yaqing realized that the young master had really changed.

He didn't dare to think deeply, after all, what the young master said the most was, "Why was I born in Yun's family? If I change my way of life, I should be more comfortable."

The young master may have changed his way of life.

"Young master."

Yaqing put her hands around her mouth and called him in a low voice, "Come down quickly, and be careful to be seen."

Yun Zhi put away the hanging leg, and squatted on the branch of the tree with his unmasculine legs apart, "Yuqing, did you get something?"

"I got it." Ya Qing was afraid that Yun Zhi would be seen like this, "Come down quickly."

Yun Zhi smiled, "Okay."

This smile is like a flower blooming in the morning, fresh and clean, with the cool dew in the morning, making people's eyes slightly bright.

Yunzhi is like a light blue pear tree leaf, with the wind spreading its arms and falling lightly from the tree branch.

Ya Qing raised his heart, and he was not relieved until he saw his body lightly landed on the ground with his toes on his toes.

"A man's clothes can't be tucked into his belt, it's so indecent." Ya Qing trotted out, bent down and stretched out his hand to arrange the clothes hem lifted up by Yun Zhi and put it down.

Yun Zhi didn't care about these details at all, and reached out to take the black box, his eyes sparkling.

He was finally on the verge of being free.

The box contained nothing else but... pot bottom ash.

Born into a family of martial arts, Yun Zhi is a rare martial arts prodigy who can only be seen in a hundred years. Since he was a child, he has longed to hold a sword like his father.

However, in the year he was born, a fortune teller came to his door to give his fortune, saying that before he was sixteen years old, there would be a catastrophe, as long as he avoided it, his life would be smooth and smooth.

The Yun family's parents only had this precious son, but the fortune teller said that Yun Zhi had never been allowed to go out alone since he was a child, let alone wandering the rivers and lakes. The furthest place he could wander was the chicken coop in the backyard of his house.

Yun Zhikong has a strong martial arts that can only be used to kill chickens every day, and he feels buried.

The fortune-teller's words may be alarmist and should not be true.

Yunzhi's patience broke out on the day his parents went away, and he secretly packed two clothes and slipped out of the house over the wall.

He stood on the wall of his own courtyard, looked into the distance, opened his arms and closed his eyes to enjoy, feeling the breath of the rivers and lakes rushing towards his face.

Yun Zhi jumped, and when he woke up again, he was fished out of the pond.


Not only did he fail to go to the rivers and lakes, he was actually told by the fortune teller that he fell into a world that was completely opposite to the place he used to live in.

In the two days since he woke up, Yun Zhi's three views were washed back and forth, and now he is numb.

He originally wanted to raise his body in the Yun family for a while longer, but the master of the Yun family who put on makeup always forced him to embroider peonies.

It's too much!

Yunzhi made some calculations, it was time to run away.

He had learned some quack skills from the servants in his family before, and today he was going to climb over the wall and go out to earn some running money.

Shi Qing was driven out of the yard by the old man wielding a cane.

How uneducated!

After eating a plate of red bean cakes, I was full, and I just went out to Babao Pavilion to get a custom-made hairpin.

The bustle of the street is still there, and the morning market has already opened, and the smell of fireworks in this world is particularly soothing.

If in the past, Shi Qing just found it novel and interesting, but now every time he looks at the past, he is full of reluctance.

She really hasn't lived enough, and she likes this different world very much.

Why can't she be given a chance to live...

She just wants to live, why is it so difficult.

When Shi Qing walked halfway, he suddenly stopped.

She saw a divination stand.

When there is no way out, people believe in their fate, and they will humbly and sincerely pray to the gods and Buddhas in heaven.

The stall in front of her just came out, and the stall owner dressed as a Taoist priest was not very old, but his face was painted black, and there was a little apprentice who snuggled up to him.

It looks unprofessional.

Shi Qing put away his clothes and squatted in front of him to look at the lottery.

When Yun Zhi opened for the first time today, an unusually dressed guest came, and he was a little nervous for a while.

On the contrary, Yaqing beside him secretly pulled his sleeve, implying that it was a fat sheep.

As long as they kill a lot, they will have money.

At that time, you can go to the rivers and lakes in a sedan chair.

Yaqing has little experience and doesn't know which place "Jianghu" is, but since the young master fell into the water and woke up, apart from the insanity that he didn't recognize his relatives at the beginning, the most frequent thing he talked about later was that he wanted to walk the rivers and lakes.

Whether you are going to Jianghu or Jianghai, you always have money in your hand.

With money, they can hire a sedan chair and sit there, how tiring it is to walk.

If it was before, the young master would still have some private money by relying on his good peony embroidery skills.

After falling into the water half a year ago, he fell into a mad disease. Except for the medical treatment of the old master, the rest of the money saved before was used by him to hire a doctor. Now there are only a few copper coins left in the money box.

The two of them came out secretly today, and the young master asked him to get some ashes, saying that he had the skills to make money and could make a lot of money.

Ya Qing thought about it, no matter how good the peony embroidery is, the big money belongs to the master, and only the small money is left in the hands of the young master.

If there is no middleman like the lord, wouldn't they be able to make a lot of money!

It's just that Ya Qing didn't expect that the young master's craft is to come out to fortune-telling.

But the two of them were lucky, the first guest to open their business was well dressed and looked good.

The decent Shi Qing did live up to expectations, turned around and reached out to let Mihe take his purse.

Heavy one.

She has nothing else but money.

"Mihe, do you believe in fate?"

Although Shi Qing hid the transparent panel in front of him, just because he couldn't see it didn't mean it wasn't there.

Mihe squatted next to Shiqing, and was taken aback when he heard this, as if he had never thought about this question.

If the plot hadn't been activated, Shi Qing wouldn't have thought about it.

She looked at the lottery and said, "I'm quite trusting in fate."

Shi Qing took out a gold ingot, looked at the two "master and apprentice" opposite, "Is this signing correct? No, I won't give you the money."

From the moment the gold was taken out, Yun Zhi's master and servant's eyes were all on Shi Qing's hands.

Some people really have a lot of money!

No matter how dark Yun Zhi's face was, it couldn't hide the light in his eyes after seeing the gold.

He looked at Shi Qing without hesitation, "Quite!"

Shi Qing weighed the gold ingot and smiled, "I just like you who are confident."

Yun Zhi picked up the lottery, "I'll shake one for you."

Shi Qing clasped his hands together and looked at the lottery in the opponent's hand devoutly.

Yun Zhi stared straight at the ingot of gold in her hand.

He is so short of money.

If he escaped from the Yun family without the money, sooner or later his inability to embroider peonies would be revealed, and he might be burned to death if his identity was found out.

In the past two days, the master of the Yun family who was wearing rouge and gouache had already given him an ultimatum:

"If you're still lazy and refuse to embroider, I'll marry you off, so you don't have to eat rice at home!"

Let Yun Zhi carve with a sword, but let him embroider with a needle, you are making things difficult for me, Young Xia Yun.

At this moment, Yun Zhi felt his aching conscience and secretly made up his mind:

Just cheat this time!

Count yourself as sorry for her.

There is a trick to making money in fortune-telling, which is known to almost all "experts" in the industry.

That is, at the beginning, the opponent must not be able to draw a good lottery, otherwise, who is willing to spend money to eliminate disasters.

You have to first say that she has bad luck, is surrounded by villains or has a family disaster, and the other party is afraid and flustered when she hears it, so she is naturally willing to spend money to solve it.

The richer people believe in this thing.

Yun Zhi shook the lottery.

"Crack." The sign fell to the ground.

Shi Qing picked it up and looked at it.

[Signed words: Mingjiu competes for the magpie's nest, and the guests and hosts are uncomfortable with the difference; Manling is surrounded by pine and radish, and guess what the poetry is like. ]

Signing down means that everything is not going well.

Shi Qing was silent.

Yun Zhi is ready to move.

He stared at the piece of gold, and before he could say "I have a way to crack it", he saw the other party throw the lottery back to him.


Shi Qing remained expressionless, refusing to accept the result, "No, count it again."


How can there be such a sign!

Yun Zhi frowned, his dark face couldn't hide the clear surprise.

He looked bewildered, "In asking for a lottery, you should pay attention to sincerity and spirit."

"I'm too sincere." Shi Qing put the gold back into the purse, and exchanged it for a piece of silver.

Party A is ready to divest, and puts forward a new request, "Calculate again."

She couldn't say for sure.

Yun Zhi felt sorry for the piece of gold, and reluctantly waved another lot.

"Crack." The sign fell off.

Shi Qing picked it up and looked at it.

[Signature: Let the boat return to the beach in the rush water, what do you want to do when the wind and waves make waves; if you want to be safe and quiet, wait for the waves to calm down. ]

Winning the lottery means that she can't do anything right now, it's best to be quiet.

Oh, wait quietly to die

Shi Qing looked at Yun Zhi, suspecting that he was an undercover agent sent by the hostess.

Yun Zhi's eyelids twitched, and as expected, he heard her say, "Forget it."

If she can't find a lottery that satisfies her today, Shi Qing has no intention of leaving.

She exchanged the whole piece of silver for scrap silver, and the next exchange should be copper plates.

Ya Qing was stunned, and hurriedly pulled Yun's sleeve.

People always count more and more money, but why do they count less and less money.

Looking at the few copper plates on the ground, Yun Zhi almost knelt down for her.

Met her today... I was unlucky.

Yun Zhi accepted the lottery.

There were only one or two sticks in the lottery holder, and Yunzhi couldn’t control himself when he was doing business for the first time. After shaking it five times, he broke out in a fine sweat. He stretched out his hand and wiped the pot dust off his sleeve. .

At this moment, Qing was still not satisfied.

The original gold turned into silver, the silver turned into broken silver, and the broken silver turned into a handful of copper plates, and now only two of the copper plates were kept by her.

Seeing Shi Qing reaching out to pick up one of them, Yun Zhi's eyelids twitched, and he patted the back of her hand lightly with a hasty sign.

Stay alive, sister...


The tone was rather helpless.

Not to mention Yunzhi, even the Buddha can be mad at such a devout "believer".

Shi Qing took it over to take a look.

[Signature: If you are close to Tai Tai, you will be a gentleman from the mountain; if you encounter good news from a tiger and a rabbit, it will not be difficult to make up your mind while you are busy. ]

Signed on the top, whether it is a blessing in disguise or a blessing in disguise, no matter what you do, you will turn evil into good fortune.

Shi Qing raised his eyebrows, and finally showed a genuine smile on his face, showing off with restraint, "Oh, I knew my fate was good."

"... Heh." Yun Zhi hotly pulled his collar and fanned the wind, his good upbringing restrained his urge to roll his eyes and swear.

You wouldn't say that when you looked down at the wooden stick under your feet.

The pot ash on his neck had been smeared to the collarbone, so carelessly, the white jade-like skin under the skirt was too conspicuous.

Yaqing reacted quickly, stretched out her hand to wrap up Yunzhi's skirt, and winked at him.

Yun Zhi's expression froze for a moment, and he withdrew his hand embarrassingly.

He forgot what kind of bullshit "women's society" this is.

Shi Qing and Mi He, who were facing the movements of the master and servant, didn't notice at all, they only had wooden sticks in their eyes.

In the face of survival, men are nothing!

Even when he was naked, Shi Qing didn't hesitate to take a look.

Mihe asked in a low voice, "Little master, didn't you say you believe in fate?"

Not to mention Yunzhi's master and servant, even Mihe was dumbfounded by Shi Qing's operation.

She looked at the seven or eight wooden sticks on the ground.

This is called letter, fate

Which one do you trust

Shi Qing flicked the copper plate into Yun Zhi's hand, stood up holding the signature.

The sun had just risen, shining brightly behind her.

Shi Qing's eyes, which looked like peach blossom petals, curled up, and the red dress made that already flamboyant face even more radiant, "Trust me, I only believe in what I want."

Even if it's self-comforting, it's good to be happy for a while.

Shi Qing was happy, but Yun Zhi felt that he was being tricked.

He looked up at Shiqing's money bag hanging on his waist, his eyes flickered.

After working for a long time today, although he only earned one copper coin, Shi Qing taught him a truth.

That is, people cannot talk about their conscience.

Money is artificial.

Yun Zhi decided to climb over the wall and steal her house tonight!

Her conscience won't hurt, so why would she!