The Stepmother was Overturned

Chapter 101: A slight stab


There was a chirping sound in my ears and in my head, familiar yet unfamiliar, distant yet close at hand.

Shi Jiaojiao sat up from the bed, reached out to push her hair away from her forehead, fumbled for her glasses on the bedside table and put them on, then grabbed the alarm clock and took a look.

The current time is six o'clock in the morning.

Shi Jiaojiao sat on the bed and was in a daze for a while. She smiled and thought about the few years of life in her dream, and her heart felt sweet.

She got up and washed as usual, refused her mother to bring food into the room, and went out to sit with the family for breakfast.

She did not act as urgently as last time, making the whole family think she was abnormal. Instead, she stayed within the "normal" range and stayed in the living room for a while longer, looking at her family a few more times.

The morning sun shone in along the balcony. Shi Jiaojiao was sitting on the sofa, wondering if her little friend would be panicked when she woke up and found that she was missing.

Shi Jiaojiao guessed not, because one time when she got up early in the morning to go to the bathroom, Zhao Pingci woke up and thought she was gone. When Shi Jiaojiao went back, she saw him holding the medicine bottle and preparing to take the poison.

Shi Jiaojiao always advised him not to use such an extreme method of death. It was too tragic. Whenever this happened, he would look at her with a smile and say nothing.

She will be speechless. There is no way to die in this world that is not miserable.

She also hopes to see Zhao Pingci sooner. After all, one night is too short. According to this world, a dream only lasts a few years. If they meet sooner, they can spend more time together.

It's just a pain for my little enemy, because Shi Jiaojiao has tasted the taste of death, and it's really uncomfortable.

In the next world, she will definitely love him well and let him wake up early.

As Shi Jiaojiao thought about it, a smile appeared on her lips. The family members sitting opposite her and beside her who had been silent were suddenly shocked and speechless.

After a long while, her mother tried to speak, "Jiaojiao... the sunshine is quite nice. Do you want... do you want to go for a walk outside?"

Shi Jiaojiao moved her gaze away from the wanton sunshine, fell on her mother's face, and curled her lips in an arc that would not scare her.

Nodding slowly, "Okay."

Her mother, who has always been gentle and gentle all her life, almost jumped up when she heard this.

The brother beside her, who had been dragging her away from work, acted very calmly, but there was no trace of tremor in his pupils.

He took out his cell phone and silently messaged his heart doctor friend like crazy.

Shi Jiaojiao had a fulfilling day. She followed her mother downstairs and walked around the park. In the evening, she and her mother went to a vegetable market.

The whole family was calm on the surface. Her mother secretly wiped away her tears several times. Shi Jiaojiao tried her best to act normal. She resisted not bargaining with the pork seller at the vegetable market or revealing that he had adulterated the hind leg meat while her mother was not paying attention. Pork belly.

In the evening, she had a pleasant dinner with her family and even watched TV for a while. It was around eight o'clock that she returned to her room.

She went straight back to the house without saying hello. She had to behave like herself, because she had scared her family enough today.

She wants to tell her family that she can communicate with others freely, can perceive various emotions and feelings, and even knows what love is.

But in the dream, countless hours passed, but in reality it was only two nights. She didn't want to panic her family, so she had to do everything slowly, and they would always know that she was healed.

Shi Jiaojiao finished everything, closed the door, sat in front of the computer, and roughly flipped through the more than thirty books she had written one by one, confirming the books in which the little friends appeared, and excluding the ones that had already traveled through time.

Finally, I settled on two books and read the outline carefully. It took a long time to read the detailed plot, and it was unnecessary, because after she traveled through time, the plot would change accordingly.

After taking a look at the comment area, the latest serials were all clamoring for updates. Most readers found that she was frantically revising previous articles, leaving comments and other comments.

The article was changed beyond recognition, and she knew the plot she had followed, and it was all a dirty trick.

Shi Jiaojiao grabbed her hair and hesitated for a moment, not daring to actually click on which book to read the reviews.

"I love you so much..." Shi Jiaojiao muttered to herself in front of the computer. After a pause, she posted on Weibo.

—Singles’ night lover will not be updated, and his return date is uncertain. Dear readers, please allow me a holiday.

There was a reply immediately below, but Shi Jiaojiao didn't look at it and closed the computer.

As she lay on the bed, she put her hands flat and smiled.

Not long after I closed my eyes, I fell asleep.

This time she was very familiar with it, and when she opened her eyes and saw the darkness around her, she was very calm.

The remaining two worlds are not normal. Fortunately, Zhao Pingci, her enemy in the last world, did not tell her until later that her abilities have not disappeared, but she can do whatever she wants. As long as she dares to think, she can achieve it.

It was pitch black all around. Shi Jiaojiao squinted her eyes to look around. There was a wind blowing, and Shi Jiaojiao shivered greatly.

Why is it so cold!

Shi Jiaojiao immediately squatted down, it didn't matter if he hugged her, why the hell did it still work! No wonder it’s so cold…

I was frantically searching for plots in my mind, but it seemed that in those two books, there was no plot about Guo Ben, and there were no protagonists or supporting characters!

Shi Jiaojiao was heartbroken, fearing that she would not be able to choose who she would be if she had traveled through time as a filler character in the world. The main reason was that she had not used her abilities before entering the dreamland.

Shi Jiaojiao squatted on the ground and groped around her body in panic. After all, when things like "fruit" happen to girls, they always give people bad suspicions.

But with this touch, she found that she was not naked, but there were still two pieces of... plush on her body

I'm in a hurry!

Shi Jiaojiao was shocked again. With such a small amount of fabric and plush, couldn't it be sexy clothes? !

But then she quickly calmed down and remembered that the remaining two worlds, one of orcs and one of cultivation, did not have this advanced "interest".

Shi Jiaojiao pulled the fabric on her body twice more, and it felt like animal skin. This should be the world of orcs. After all, her three-point virtue cannot be the cultivation of fluttering clothes.

This article can be considered very early, an article written before she had formed her own writing style.

The specific content is the story of the Priestess Mary Sue and the tribal leader, who fell in love and killed each other in an ups and downs. It was mixed with various male and female partners, and each one died more miserably than the last.

There are three types of people in this world: orcs who can transform into beasts in battle, half-orcs who can only partially transform into beasts, and pure humans who can only maintain their human form and cannot transform into beasts.

These three types of people are also divided into three levels. Orcs who can hunt and fight are of course the most noble, followed by half-orcs who can assist, and the lowest ones can usually only be used as slaves, or even What no one wants even as a slave is a pure human being who is completely unable to transform into a beast.

After roughly recalling the plot, Shi Jiaojiao began to explore around again. It seemed to be a cage. She touched rough wood, one by one, and she could reach the top by raising her hand.

She has a bad guess...

Shi Jiaojiao squatted down and started groping for the ground again. This time, she touched something fleshy and hairy, which frightened Shi Jiaojiao and subconsciously screamed out.


But it was fucked. The next moment, she was kicked on the back of her heart. She fell into a standard forward position and ate a mouthful of dirt.

"Don't fucking make any noise!" The hoarse voice was very forceful.

Shi Jiaojiao spit out the sand in her mouth, turned around and wanted to get angry, but it was so dark here that she couldn't figure out what was going on. Was it a human being or an animal who kicked her, one person or several? His eyes went dark.

If the other party had an accomplice, or was simply an orc, Shi Jiaojiao felt that her body had little strength. Even if she was an orc, she would not be able to transform into an animal, and might be beaten, so she suppressed her anger.

Thinking of what Zhao Pingci told her, as long as she really wanted to do something, she would be able to achieve it, Shi Jiaojiao silently thought about kicking the shit out of her...

She thought about it for a while, then stopped thinking about it. She kicked him until she figured out the situation. She would definitely return it, but just go and die.

As the creator, Shi Jiaojiao did not notice the changes in herself. From the previous world, she would no longer kill at will.

She silently spit out the sand in her mouth, hugged herself into a ball to keep herself as warm as possible, and continued to try her best to identify the surrounding situation through the extremely dim sky.

But he really couldn't see anything clearly, so Shi Jiaojiao had no choice but to shrink back and not move any more to avoid being harassed again.

It's so cold.

Shi Jiaojiao thought of what her little friend said. All she wanted to do was...

Start reciting longingly silently in your heart, neither cold nor cold nor cold nor cold.

It's very warm, the cold sand on the ground is very warm.

Shi Jiaojiao began to miss her high fever skills very much. A few more sets would make her feel warmer.

After chanting silently for a while, he didn't know whether it was really taking effect or it was just a mental effect. Shi Jiaojiao fell to the ground and really didn't feel the cold.

It was so dark all around, and there was only the sound of the wind, and a very strange and distant sound, like an insect, but not quite like it.

Shi Jiaojiao stared in the darkness, thinking about the plot, her friends in the last world, and imagining what he would be like in this world. She didn't know when she fell asleep.

When I woke up again, I was splashed with cold water!


She was the only one who screamed. Shi Jiaojiao got angry when she got up. She sat up angrily and reached out to wipe the water on her face, but when she wiped it... it turned to mud.

She looked at her dirty hands dripping with mud and felt itchy all over. This was so dirty that both humans and gods were angry.

She woke up and thought that she had traveled through time and was not on the kangtou of her home, so she blinked hard twice and looked around.

The place she was in was really a cage. The cage was surrounded by rough wood. There were many women and men around her who were almost naked like her. All of them looked numb after being splashed with water. Sitting up, no one was as shocked as she was.

Not far from the cage, a group of people gathered together, howling and yelling, not knowing what they were doing. Shi Jiaojiao was about to look away when suddenly the crowd dispersed with shouts. In the middle, there was a person riding on a huge wild boar, holding on to it with both hands. The stick-like thing was twisted around the wild boar's neck, as if it was competing with the wild boar.

Everyone around was booing, and even the people in the cage looked over. There was a little sparkle in their dull eyes, which was the desire for food.

Shi Jiaojiao saw the man riding on the wild boar, like a bullfight in an amusement park. No matter how hard he swung the wild boar back and forth, he could not escape his grip.

As the wild boar kept roaring, accompanied by the ear-piercing howl, and the blood splattered down its neck, Shi Jiaojiao discovered that the man riding it was holding a long stick-like stick in his hand. The thing is not clamping it, but stabbing it in the neck with a knife!

The blood spurted out and splashed on the people around. Someone immediately licked it and splashed on the ground. With the breeze, a strong smell rolled up from the air. The people behind Shi Jiaojiao swallowed their saliva, but Shi Jiaojiao subconsciously Retching.

The wild boar seemed to be in severe pain and became more and more manic. It almost hit the people around it several times. The man on the back of the wild boar had long hair disheveled and kept flying up following the wild boar's struggling movements.

There were people around with stick-like objects, but they didn't go to help. Instead, they gathered around and yelled.

This primitive and wild picture was so eye-catching that Shi Jiaojiao could not look away for a moment, especially the long-haired man. When he and the wild boar turned in her direction, Shi Jiaojiao could clearly see the messy man on top of the wild boar. His face when his hair flew up - he couldn't take his eyes away.

The man was shirtless in the early morning sun, his body covered with a beeswax sheen that was stained with sweat and mud. His brows were fierce, because he was trying his best, so his brows were ferocious.

But Shi Jiaojiao could still tell at a glance who this was if he wasn't her little friend!

So damn saucy!

Although her facial features have changed a bit, and her body looks a bit bigger than in the previous world, there is no doubt that this is her little enemy!

She was originally only attracted by the bloody and barbaric scenes, but now she was completely interested. She stood up like other slaves, leaned on the wooden railing, and looked out excitedly.

But as soon as she got close to the railing, a hand suddenly reached into the railing, grabbed Shi Jiaojiao's hair, and forced her to lean back.

"You have become a slave, and you still dare to care about Gray Blue?" Shi Jiaojiao cried out in pain and turned her head. The first thing that caught her eye was a pair of invincible giant... waves, trembling, Shi Jiaojiao swallowed her saliva, she had never seen such a big wave in her life. , and it is so unobstructed, which has a great visual impact.

Then he went up and saw the culprit who was holding her. She was too tall and strong. He said she was an African woman. She didn't look like a foreigner. He said she was of the same race as him. Shi Jiaojiao didn't see her. Too long for such a big woman.

The greatness in all aspects can destroy the greatness of her two.

The voice was deafening, and he pulled Shi Jiaojiao's hair, as if he was trying to rip off her scalp.

Shi Jiaojiao didn't know what kind of "love-hate entanglement" she had with her identity, but it was obvious that she was in the cage and she was outside. According to her words, she had become a slave, and she looked like she should be an orc!

The book was written by Shi Jiaojiao herself, and she knew the difference was like a chasm. Even if the orc really ripped off her scalp, no one would care!

Looking at the look in this woman's eyes, it was not as simple as just pulling her scalp. Shi Jiaojiao suddenly panicked and looked at the container at her feet that was still glistening with water. It was the same girl who poured water on her while she was sleeping just now!

She suddenly became angry and full of hatred. She raised her hand, which was extremely slender compared to a woman, stretched out the cage, and scratched the woman's creaking hole -

The woman probably didn't expect Shi Jiaojiao to use such a despicable trick. After being stunned for a moment, she couldn't help but let go after her itchy flesh was scratched.

Shi Jiaojiao took the opportunity to break free and quickly hid in the cage.

The woman's hands were empty, her face darkened, and looking at Shi Jiaojiao's sinister and dangerous eyes, she opened the door of the cage and bent down to grab Shi Jiaojiao.

Shi Jiaojiao felt like shit in her heart, feeling that something was going to happen. She jumped up and down, but was still dragged out like a little chicken.

"If you look at Gray Blue one more time, I'll gouge your eyes out!" The woman dragged Shi Jiaojiao out as she walked out. Shi Jiaojiao thought silently in her heart to get rid of this bitch who bullied her, and she grinned as she hugged the cage and was pulled away. Don't let go.

The woman was angry. She didn't expect that she would dare to resist today. She picked up a water container made of stones from the ground and was about to smash it on Shi Jiaojiao's head.

Shi Jiaojiao was chanting crazily in her heart. From the corner of her eye, she saw her lifting that thing, but she couldn't break free, and her head was raised in fear.

At this critical moment, the wild boar not far away, which was already on the verge of death and kneeling on its front hooves, suddenly "reflected on the light" and ran towards Shi Jiaojiao!

Damn it, meditating silently is life-saving! Or should I think of myself to death?—

The wild boar was like a tank, rushing towards this side. Everyone dispersed in a hurry. The slaves in the cage squatted on the ground and hugged their heads. Even if the cage was open, no one dared to run out.

The woman holding Shi Jiaojiao was also anxious and hurriedly avoided it, but when she avoided it, she didn't forget to hold Shi Jiaojiao along with her!

Shi Jiaojiao's small body was pulled up and tossed up by her tyrannical strength like a kite.

The wild boar seemed to have specifically identified this woman, and Shi Jiaojiao couldn't tell whether it was her silent chanting that took effect, or whether the wild boar had some grudge against the woman.

Seeing the woman pulling Shi Jiaojiao back to a large boiling stone pot, the wild boar was already approaching, unable to retreat, and opened its bloody mouth.

After all, the woman was an orc. She turned into a beast in times of crisis and turned into a golden python, as tall as two people. She quickly raised her upper body and jumped over the boiling cauldron, but the snake's tail still fell into it and was hot on the ground. Roll.

At the same time, she had no hands to grab Shi Jiaojiao and threw her out in the air.

When Shi Jiaojiao went to heaven, her heart was in despair.

Is it possible that he will die before leaving the army

In front of her was the wild boar's bloody mouth, and behind her was a boiling pot. No matter which one she fell into, she would die.

She closed her eyes in despair... No!

The wild boar shut up, and Shi Jiaojiao watched as it suddenly climbed onto the boiling pot. With its strong strength, although it did not tip over the pot, it moved forward.

In this way, Shi Jiaojiao fell from the air and fell directly on the wild boar's body instead of its mouth!

She didn't fall lightly, but her survival instinct caused her to grab something with her hands in a panic.

A slight stab—

Shi Jiaojiao slid down the wild boar's butt and fell to the ground.

The wild boar finally ran out of gas and hit the ground with a "bang".

Shi Jiaojiao didn't have time to hide, and the wild boar was less than half a step away from hitting her.

Dust was everywhere, and nothing could be seen. Shi Jiaojiao coughed, and when he finally stopped with runny noses and tears, he heard the cheers of everyone.

Shi Jiaojiao knew that they were cheering for the wild boar's death.

But just as she was about to get up, she saw the man who had been riding on the back of the wild boar and fighting with it. He fell down from under the wild boar, his chest was full of blood, his eyes were murderous and accompanied by the lingering smoke, he was walking towards her menacingly. come over.

Surrounded by smoke and dust, Shi Jiaojiao seemed to see her lover walking on colorful... Bah, dust, coming to save her!

However, when the person walked in, Shi Jiaojiao realized that there seemed to be something wrong with the person she loved. Looking down, Shi Jiaojiao suddenly realized that he stopped right in front of her with a startling surprise.

Shi Jiaojiao swallowed again, unable to move her eyes away, and slowly opened her mouth.

It was a shock.

Oh my god... Wasn't this the case in the previous world? In this world, it was as big as a rolling pin

The author has something to say: Shi Jiaojiao: Jie Niang doesn’t look like a good person!

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