The Stepmother was Overturned

Chapter 18: Big drama


This kind of confusion made people palpitate. Zhuo Wenshu didn't think about anything, and she didn't dare to think about it. Shi Jiaojiao boasted that she could drive her arm for half an hour without shaking, breaking the record again.

When the two of them came out of the bathroom after finishing, it was already completely dark. They were both wrapped in bathrobes, and their faces were darker than the other. They sat on each side of the big bed. Shi Jiaojiao rubbed the strained muscles in her thighs, thinking about Zhuo Wenshu in her heart. He cursed thoroughly.

Zhuo Wenshu, on the other hand, had his head lowered, his ears wrapped with gauze, and he had a cigarette in his hand that he hadn't lit yet and was almost crushed.

Just like that, the two of them didn't know how long they would stay in this state. Zhuo Wenshu lowered his head and didn't know what to think. Shi Jiaojiao felt relieved. She checked the space resentment value, and the fire in her heart was temporarily released, and she slowly calmed down. .

"I'm hungry… "

"I'll cook for you!"

They both spoke at the same time.

Looking at each other, they were a little embarrassed. Shi Jiaojiao put down the towel and ran outside. Zhuo Wenshu put the crushed cigarette in his mouth and chewed it. The spicy taste that hit him caused him to twist his face and cover the corners of his mouth. Unaware smile.

Shi Jiaojiao cooked noodles for two people, served them and put them on the table. She asked Zhuo Wenshu to come out and eat.

The two sat facing each other and talked to each other. Shi Jiaojiao ate half of the meal when a reminder sounded in her head—the resentment value dropped by 7% and now remains at 34%.

Shi Jiaojiao bit her cheek and suddenly choked violently.

"Cough cough cough cough-"

Zhuo Wenshu made a gesture of instigation. Seeing that Shi Jiaojiao kept coughing, he stood up and poured her a glass of water.

Shi Jiaojiao held the water cup and poured half of it in one gulp. The temperature was neither cold nor hot, just right for the mouth. It showed that Zhuo Wen Shu had been specially mixed... She raised her eyes and glanced at Zhuo Wen Shu, somewhat understanding what he said.

Men think like big brothers. Is it possible that after a few visits, this man becomes soft-hearted towards her

Zhuo Wenshu continued to eat on the opposite side. Shi Jiaojiao put down the cup, took out a tissue, wiped the water stains from the corner of her mouth, and looked at him with a smile.

Neither of them spoke, but the atmosphere was different from before. Shi Jiaojiao's thoughts were spinning. If Zhuo Wenshu really relented, it wouldn't take long for her to end her mission in this world!

Starting from that night, Shi Jiaojiao completely changed her approach. She would not say anything nonsense, and even tried to avoid looking at Zhuo Wenshu. Her eyes cannot deceive, but her acting skills can.

Every time she approaches Zhuo Wenshu, she pretends to be shy. She sets the alarm clock and pinches herself. She also prepares breakfast and dinner for him. She uses the little golden finger of the modification skill to change a little bit of the plot of Zhuo Wenshu's mother.

His mother saw that her physical condition was getting better and better, and the store Shi Jiaojiao gave him had been renovated and opened, and people with good skills had been recruited.

When Zhuo Wenshu came back from his work every day, Shi Jiaojiao would listen to the voice and stand at the door, like a well-behaved little cat, waiting for her "master".

Zhuo Wenshu looked at her with complicated eyes every time, but he never said a word to her loudly, nor was he deliberately indifferent to her. He even came back twice and brought her midnight snacks.

The days suddenly became intoxicating, as if the unbearable pain of those five years no longer existed, and he was just an ordinary person.

That night, Zhuo Wenshu opened the door, and Shi Jiaojiao was still standing at the door with a gentle smile, giving him a warm hug, bringing him shoes and clothes.

"Mom is already asleep," Shi Jiaojiao pushed Zhuo Wen's book, "Hurry up and wash your hands. The meal is ready. I made your favorite braised pork..."

It was already early winter, and he walked into the house covered with the night chill. From the distance from the door to the sink, the chill had completely dissipated.

Between cold and heat, small bumps even appeared on his arms. Zhuo Wenshu washed his hands, looked up in the mirror, and accidentally saw the subtle curvature of the corner of his mouth, and stopped in surprise.

He didn't know how long it had been since he had seen himself look like this, peaceful, warm, and even joyful.

Zhuo Wenshu reached out and touched the corner of his mouth. Shi Jiaojiao came in naturally at this time, hugged his waist from behind, and buried her head in Zhuo Wenshu's back.

"It's time to eat. It will get cold in a while."

Shi Jiaojiao's gentle voice made her shiver twice, and she said coquettishly, "Why didn't you reply to my message during the day..."

Zhuo Wenshu said nothing, glanced sideways behind him, grabbed Shi Jiaojiao's hand, took it off his waist, and walked straight towards the dining table.

I'm actually wondering how long this piranha with its mouth full of fangs can keep pretending.

Halfway through the meal, Shi Jiaojiao put down her bowl and rushed to add more food to Zhuo Wenshu when Zhuo Wenshu suddenly spoke.

"The store was very busy today and I didn't check the phone."

Shi Jiaojiao said "Huh?" and understood that Zhuo Wenshu was answering her previous question. She immediately came closer with a sweet look on her face, hugged his neck from behind, and rubbed her oily mouth all over his body.

"I thought you were ignoring me again..."

Zhuo Wenshu was so strangled by her that he couldn't reach the bowl. He stopped and frowned, "Don't make trouble..."

This sentence was clearly reprimanded, but it was said softly. His voice was originally pleasant, but it was so low, soft and magnetic.

Hearing his tone, Shi Jiaojiao immediately climbed up the pole, sat on Zhuo Wenshu's lap, hugged his neck, and cradled his chin with her head.

Zhuo Wenshu pushed her head, pursed his lips, and said with impatience on his face, "Go down."

Shi Jiaojiao sat motionless, staring at his face.

Zhuo Wenshu couldn't reach the bowl like this, so he raised his head and looked at her. Just when Shi Jiaojiao thought he was going to get angry, he put his arm around her, held her in his arms, calmly picked up the bowl, and drank it. He continued to eat while holding her in his arms.

Shi Jiaojiao, who was ready to meet his anger, was stunned for a moment, but felt that something was wrong, so she didn't sit down anymore.

At night, after washing up, the two of them lay on the bed. Shi Jiaojiao closed her eyes. After a while, she felt the heat source coming closer. Zhuo Wenshu closed his eyes and confidently pulled the quilt from her, and a moment later he pulled her person...

During this time, Shi Jiaojiao fucked the persona of a good girlfriend from the Twenty-four Filial Piety. She was so hot and suffocated by Zhuo Wenshu that she stared at Zhuo Wenshu's scabbed earlobes and wanted to bite out a row of piercings for him, but she could only endure it. Moving and cooperating, the two of them hugged each other neck to neck, just like a couple deeply in love.

However, although Shi Jiaojiao complained about his strange behavior, the falling points comforted her.

Declining her resentment, unlocking skills, revising minor plot details, and pretending to be a good girlfriend, Shi Jiaojiao spent every day measuring how much Zhuo Wenshu treated her.

She even thought that if her resentment continued to decline steadily, she would stop causing trouble, and at worst, she would be gone in two more years with him.

But her thoughts were always too good. As the New Year was approaching, she wished she could kneel down and wash Zhuo Wenshu's feet every day. At night, she was tortured by the increasingly fierce Zhuo Wenshu until she lost consciousness. But for a whole month, it had already been a full month. For a month, the resentment value stayed at 25% and remained motionless.

By the end of the year, due to her continuous modifications, Zhuo Wenshu's mother had changed her medicine three times, and her symptoms were getting better. When she went to the hospital for a check-up, the doctors said that this could be called a miracle, and that there was no need to hire a family doctor or a high-care nurse. , she would tell the nanny when she went to the toilet.

During the New Year, Shi Jiaojiao specially prepared gifts and tied a bow around her neck to please Zhuo Wenshu, hoping to gain some resentment points.

But no, nothing.

The resentment level seemed to have stagnated. There was no movement for two whole months. She was a little frightened when she went to bed at night. Zhuo Wenshu often made her want to die, but he was as tireless as a wild donkey.

Shi Jiaojiao accidentally broke a bowl and scratched her finger with a piece of porcelain. When she saw Zhuo Wenshu treating her wound, she couldn't hide her concern and slowly smiled.

Fuck twenty-four good girlfriends, the heat is up.

Tattoo shops are also closed these days after the new year. Zhuo Wenshu stays at home all day except going out for drinks with friends.

When Shi Jiaojiao saw him, her waist and knees were weak, her whole body was weak, her hands and feet were trembling. Zhuo Wenshu's eyes changed a little when he looked at her. Of course Shi Jiaojiao knew what it was. The greater the change, the greater her chance of success.

It's just that this has a not-so-good sequelae, that is, Shi Jiaojiao really can't handle him becoming more and more pestering.

Zhuo Wenshu is also the type who keeps silent and keeps his head down. This kind of pestering method is really a blessing for those with weak kidneys.

On the fifth day of the Lunar New Year, Zhuo Wenshu's mother went to bed as usual at noon. Zhuo Wenshu was sitting in the living room watching TV and the cartoon "Calabash Baby", but as he watched, his eyes slipped to Shi Jiaojiao who was mopping the floor.

Shi Jiaojiao had prepared everything and was just waiting for the call. When she felt his gaze, the skin on the back of her neck felt tight. Oh my god, she was really going to be fucked to death!

Just when Zhuo Wenshu was about to get up, Shi Jiaojiao couldn't wait any longer, threw down the mop, put on the coat that had been prepared and hung at the door, picked up the garbage and went downstairs.

"I'm going to take out the trash!" Shi Jiaojiao quickly went out.

Zhuo Wenshu stared in the direction of the door, and unfortunately sat down again. He reached out and grabbed his longer hair that needed to be repaired, straightened his pants, changed the channel, and watched Breakthrough.

He is only in his twenties this year, and he is full of energy. He has been suppressing it for so many years. When he came out, he was too worried to take care of this aspect. Now everything is going in a good direction. He no longer has any aversion to Shi Jiaojiao. As soon as the gate was opened, the water flow was not large at first, but became stronger and stronger. Sometimes when he watched her eating, he would somehow... want to throw her on the dining table to deal with her.

The main reason is that the relationship between the two of them is not a relationship that requires restraint. Zhuo Wenshu simply lets himself go more and more.

Especially Zhuo Wenshu clearly knew what she was like. He had seen her show her teeth and claws, and watched her pretend. The more Zhuo Wenshu pretended, the more Zhuo Wenshu wanted to see her expression crack, and the harder he bullied her.

It didn't matter if he let it fly, Shi Jiaojiao couldn't hold it anymore, so she carried the garbage and came downstairs. She was still wearing slippers. After throwing away the garbage, she breathed in the cold air of early winter and her heels were frozen, but she didn't dare to go up and change them.

It was inevitable that he would be punished when he went up there, but now that the resentment value was motionless, Shi Jiaojiao was going crazy. Every time he was punished harshly, he wanted to kick Zhuo Wenshu to pieces.

She gathered up her sweater, pulled on her slippers, and headed towards the small shop at the entrance of the community, where she planned to get some food first. She had cast the net in the morning, and it was time for her "good daughter" to bite the hook.

Sure enough, just after entering the store, before she could pick out her favorite snacks, Shi Jiaojiao's phone rang. She took it out of her sweater, checked that it wasn't Zhuo Wenshu, and answered it.

"Hello?" Shi Jiaojiao raised her eyebrows, "We can meet," she rolled her eyes, "Find a hotel, book me the best room, prepare the money, and I can help you find a way to make sure he changes his view of you. "

"Okay, pick me up at the gate of Sanhu Community." After saying this, Shi Jiaojiao hung up. The temper that had been suppressed during this period came to life, and her eyes were bright, shining like searchlights.

As soon as she saw the sad content in Shi Feifei's circle of friends last night, she knew that the cannon fodder arranged next to Shan Qin in the plot must be online.

The male and female protagonists have to go through the "nine-nine and eighty-one difficulties". Shi Jiaojiao knows best how to deal with these people.

In particular, she has unlocked a new skill in her space. Part of the plot view is 0.1. She can view some sub-plots that she can't remember. It's really cool.

Sure enough, not long after chatting privately with Shi Feifei, she called impatiently.

Shi Jiaojiao squatted next to the stone pillar at the gate of the community. Zhuo Wenshu waited at home for a while, glanced at the door, then at the time, and frowned slightly.

Not long after, a black car parked at the gate, the window rolled down, and a beautiful woman wearing sunglasses turned around expressionlessly, "Get in the car."

Shi Jiaojiao opened the door and jumped into the car. In the car was Shi Feifei, whom she hadn't seen for a long time.

The car left the road in front of the community, turned around and disappeared. Zhuo Wenshu, dressed in thin home clothes, came down from upstairs, stood in front of the trash can for a while, stretched out his hand to rub his twitching eyelids, and touched Pick up the phone and call Shi Jiaojiao.

When Shi Jiaojiao saw the call, she pressed mute and knocked the phone on the car seat. Shi Feifei saw it in the rearview mirror and couldn't help but speak when the light was red.

"Did you have a quarrel with your little darling?" His tone was mocking.

Shi Jiaojiao closed her eyes in a daze, and raised her eyelids when she heard this, "He quarreled with me? I wish I could, just worry about yourself, you are still worrying about me."

Shi Feifei glared at her angrily and was about to say something when Shi Jiaojiao closed her eyes and spoke slowly, "There must be a little bitch around Shan Qin again." Shi Jiaojiao thought about it for a while. Apart from her vicious female partner who was causing trouble, she Countless obstacles are placed for men and women.

In the early stage, everyone likes the male protagonist, and in the later stage, everyone likes the female protagonist, even the sweeping lady and the old janitor are not spared.

"Is it the long-legged secretary next to him this time?" Shi Jiaojiao opened her eyes and met Shi Feifei's surprised gaze.

"How do you know?" Shi Feifei.

"Why didn't I know? Don't forget, he and I almost got married." Shi Jiaojiao said, picking up the phone, and there were seven Zhuo Wen books on it, as well as text messages and WeChat messages.

She curled her lips and announced silently to the screen that the Decathlon Good Girlfriend love game was completely over. Just wait for the storm!

The room that Shi Feifei rented was a hot spring hotel in the Shi family. Shi Jiaojiao refused to say anything after what she said before. Then the lion opened her mouth and asked Shi Feifei to rent a room for her for a month in one go.

"Did you really get kicked out after a quarrel?" Shi Feifei asked, "If you stay here for a month, you don't want your precious child anymore?"

She was really curious. After all, the eldest lady Shi Jiaojiao gave up and even dumped Shan Qin because of the reform-through-labor prisoner.

Shi Jiaojiao pulled on her slippers and walked around the house twice. She was very satisfied. There was a hot spring in the backyard and the smoke was curling up. It was so refreshing.

Shi Feifei followed behind her. She turned back to look at her and tutted, "Don't mind my business. I'll tell you how to deal with the little secretary. It will definitely work. You can also increase your favorability points, but you have to pay for it."

Shi Feifei also really didn't know how to get close to Shan Qin. He had been avoiding her. This morning, she posted on WeChat Moments of "Shang Chun Bei Qiu", and Shi Jiaojiao commented that he could help her.

Shi Feifei was also a dead horse. After all, she revealed the age and appearance of the little secretary, and as Shi Jiaojiao said, they had been together and almost got married. Maybe she really had something to do.

"How much do you want," Shi Feifei warned to guard against her greed, "I can tell you, I..."

"Don't be stingy. Do you think Shan Qin is the only one who cares about him?" Shi Jiaojiao sat in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows filled with sunlight, threw off her slippers and stretched her waist, "I'll help you deal with one hundred thousand."

Shi Jiaojiao said, "For you, the eldest lady of the Shi family, a new style bag is not enough. How about it? Is it a deal?"

Shi Feifei knew that she should be suspicious, but she didn't know why. Looking at Shi Jiaojiao's face against the sun, she felt that her whole body was shining, and she unconsciously wanted to believe in her, or even rely on her.

But she still hesitated and said, "How do I know whether what you said is true or false..."

"I will provide you with a way. You can find the evidence yourself. If you find it, come to me and I will give you a solution. You pay." Shi Jiaojiao patted her chest, "I promise, I will deal with these monsters. Shan Qinfei loves you." It’s a matter of life and death.”

The whole plot is finished in advance, and of course the male and female protagonists fall in love.

Shi Feifei was still hesitant, but Shi Jiaojiao waved her hand, "Bring me some delicious food on the table. How to deal with the little secretary? I'll give you a way. I'll handle it and you can transfer the money to me, okay?"

Shi Feifei had no choice but to believe in Shi Jiaojiao for the time being. After all, even if it didn't work out, as Shi Jiaojiao said, this little money wouldn't be enough for her to buy a bag.

Besides, if she dares to play tricks on herself, Shi Feifei is not a vegetarian.

There was a table full of good food. Shi Jiaojiao ate with satisfaction. Shi Feifei looked at it and moved her hands. As soon as the two of them finished eating, someone came in to clean up everything. From the hair to the back of the feet, every cell was covered. They are all so comfortable.

Shi Jiaojiao was born to be loved by her family and grew up. Her brothers took turns cleaning the house, buying groceries and cooking for her. During this time, she followed Zhuo Wenshu and suffered the death penalty.

No woman likes to hang around the pot, waiting for a man to come home, serve his mother, and have to serve him in the middle of the night

Some people may like it, but Shi Jiaojiao really doesn't like it!

"Eat it, eat it," Shi Feifei sat next to Shi Jiaojiao. She couldn't control her hand and patted her round belly.

"It's time for you to tell me, if you dare to lie to me, just wait!" After Shi Feifei said this, she felt a little stiff. The distance between the two of them was too close, even beyond the safe distance between ordinary friends.

She and this sister have never been close. After all, this is evidence that her father betrayed her mother.

But in the past two times, for some reason, Shi Feifei always felt that Shi Jiaojiao was different from the submissive and sinister person she used to be. She was also bad and unabashedly bad. But she didn't know why, but it made her less disgusted.

Shi Jiaojiao lay paralyzed on the sinking sofa and touched her round belly and laughed.

He was in a very good mood at this moment. He stretched out his hand and took Shi Feifei's hand naturally, pulling her down and lying next to him. He smiled sideways at her, "Why are you so anxious? That man is yours, no one can take it away from you. ." I personally made it for you as your "mom", so what are you afraid of

Shi Feifei was stunned, looking at Shi Jiaojiao's smile up close, she actually felt that it was very close. She had not been with her mother since she was a child, so she had almost no memory. Her father was busy at work, and she had an illegitimate sister who she never dealt with, and there was nothing very close to her. Female friends…

She didn't know what she was thinking, so she didn't move for a while.

The setting sun in the afternoon shone through the floor-to-ceiling windows and filled the house. The two girls, who had eaten and drank enough, fell asleep unknowingly without saying anything.

It was already dark when I woke up, and the lights were on in the room. The two little girls hugged each other. Shi Feifei woke up first and stumbled on Shi Jiaojiao to turn on the lights in the room.

"Wake up," Shi Feifei sat on the coffee table and kicked the stone with her feet, feeling very strange.

She was always tense. Looking at other people's best friends, she wished she could carry her away. She didn't understand.

But at this moment, she didn't know if it was because she had slept too comfortably, but she actually understood a little bit why a girl could be so good if she wanted to get better.

Shi Jiaojiao woke up after being kicked. She got up and saw Shi Feifei in a daze. She ruined the warm atmosphere by saying, "Why haven't you left yet?"

Shi Feifei kicked her, and Shi Jiaojiao hid and smiled, "Oh, I know, you start following that little secretary tomorrow. She has a little boyfriend who is a money eater and a gambler. She is close to Shan Qin. Just to get money for her little boyfriend."

"How did you know?" Shi Feifei adjusted her hair and couldn't help but ask.

"I..." Shi Jiaojiao got up, stretched her waist, and said lazily, "I know everything."

As she spoke, she walked barefoot to the floor-to-ceiling window, stood above thousands of neon lights, slowly opened her arms, and spoke in an extremely arrogant tone, "Because I am the king who created this world."

Shi Feifei: "... If you have mental problems, I have a friend who can introduce you to a doctor."

Shi Feifei stood up and walked out. Shi Jiaojiao didn't look back. She clicked her tongue, retracted her arms, shrugged and whispered, "You still don't believe me..."

"But I do need you to introduce me to a friend. I remember that you have a godbrother named Zhong Xiuran, the young master of the Zhong family."

"What do you want to do?" Shi Feifei stood at the door and frowned, "He hasn't graduated from college yet, so don't mess with him. Don't you have your lover in the labor camp?"

Shi Jiaojiao turned around, folded her arms, and tilted her head slightly to look at Shi Feifei, "What are you afraid of? Are you afraid that I will eat him? His daughter Zhong Xiuran is more valuable than the rich lady, are you afraid that he will fall in love with me?"

Shi Feifei's expression actually relaxed when she heard this, "Then what do you see when you see him? Bringing humiliation to yourself?"

Shi Jiaojiao smiled and leaned against the window behind her, "What do you care about this? Just introduce us. I can tell you a little secret about Shan Qin, the kind that can open up his heart."

Shi Feifei stood at the door, her expression unclear. After a while, she opened the door and said, "Okay, I'll see what you do."

Shi Feifei was really a little confused. People like Zhong Xiuran, with eyes in the sky, would recognize her as their god sister because she saved him when she was a child. What could Shi Jiaojiao do

Shi Jiaojiao didn't want to do anything but find someone who was completely opposite to Zhuo Wenshu in terms of family conditions and life experiences to give him a severe stimulation.

The quiet years are so boring, and the resentment value still needs to cause trouble, so it goes down quickly.

Zhuo Wenshu didn't know that his newly settled life would be turned upside down by that annoying woman. He couldn't find Shi Jiaojiao, didn't answer calls, and didn't reply to messages. He was restless and restless at home. I went to the gate of the community again and asked the security guard carefully, only to find out that she took the initiative to get into a woman's car.

If he left by himself, he was not in danger. Zhuo Wenshu wanted to stabilize himself, but he was uneasy even while eating.

There is still a nameless anger in my heart that is constantly rising. Even if I go out with someone, can't I say something? !

There was no one to cook at night, and the aunt was always responsible for his mother. Zhuo Wenshu bought a stuffed pancake at the door. The ham sausage was sour, which made him feel disgusting, so he threw away half of it.

He kicked the trash can hard, his anger had nowhere to vent, and the veins on his forehead popped out from the suffocation.

Not answering the phone or replying to messages, he had a bad feeling.

Until midnight, Zhuo Wenshu was still sitting in the living room, his back was numb. He didn't know why he didn't sleep. The hour hand was ticking every minute and his fists on the table were clenched tighter and tighter.

At twelve o'clock in the middle of the night, he finally got up and prepared to go to bed, but he was furious in his heart. He thought that when she came back later, he would deal with her severely!

He went into the bathroom to take a shower. In the middle of the shower, he suddenly heard his cell phone ding. Zhuo Wenshu rushed out, covered in foam and still holding on to the soap. He fell onto his back when he walked out of the door, his calf hitting the bedside table.

He stood up with a grin on his face. He didn't even have time to rub his painful calf. He grabbed his phone and saw that it was a text message from Shi Jiaojiao.

—I won’t go back.

Zhuo Wenshu stared at the four words on the screen, his teeth clenched, and the soap he was holding in his hands became deformed.

Here Shi Jiaojiao was paralyzed on the big bed, watching a movie on the huge remote-controlled TV, throwing away the phone, and her legs were shaking. She didn't know how happy she was.

Zhuo Wen was so bookish that he didn't sleep all night. The next day and the third day, Shi Jiaojiao didn't come back, and there was only one message every day that she cherished her words like gold, and she wouldn't go back.

With just these four words, Zhuo Wenshu's heart and lungs were scorched, and his face was extremely gloomy for several days.

He had been staying in there for a long time, and his temperament was usually very sinister. When he became really sinister, no one in the store dared to speak loudly, and the atmosphere was low.

But he didn't expect that not going home would be just the beginning. During the days when he couldn't even find anyone, Shi Jiaojiao never answered a single call.

Zhuo Wenshu probably guessed what she meant, but when he actually met her in a bar where he was going out to relax, and saw her smiling like a flower leaning in the arms of a pretty boy, Zhuo Wenshu still couldn't control himself and crushed the girl in his hand. Goblet, the whole person exploded in an instant——

The sound of broken bottles was particularly difficult to distinguish in a bar with loud music, but the man carrying the broken bottles, his hands dripping with blood, rushed to the booth with great momentum, which quickly attracted the attention of some people.

However, the fights among the people here are not normal. After all, under the influence of alcohol, adrenaline surges, and people always appear to be extra impulsive.

But with such a murderous look all over his body, there is no doubt that he is going to kill people, and the bar owner is afraid to death.

So when Zhuo Wenshu walked to the card table carrying the wine bottle, the music in the room suddenly stopped. A group of people were confused at first, but soon saw the excitement at the card table. The manager jumped all the way from the third floor and spoke in a bad tone.

"Are you looking for trouble?" His eyes were very poisonous. After being around for a long time, he could tell at a glance that Zhuo Wenshu was not dressed as a wealthy person at all. That work clothes cost fifty yuan a set in the wholesale market.

The person sitting on the card table was wearing a famous brand from head to toe. Although he didn't look familiar, he must be a rich young man who could afford such high-end clothes.

"You don't even open your eyes. You know whose property this is, so you dare to act wild here." The manager is not tall and only reaches Zhuo Wenshu's shoulders. He sees Zhuo Wenshu's appearance up close and is ready to teach people a lesson with his own hands. His rolled-up sleeves slid down again, and the two security guards following him were also stunned by Zhuo Wenshu's appearance.


This is the way everyone sees Zhuo Wenshu clearly, and they silently label him in their hearts.

There are two kinds of people in this world that you cannot mess with, one is the powerful, and the other is the outlaw.

The manager frowned and looked at Zhuo Wenshu, judging him as a tough idea in his heart, and motioned to a waiter behind him with his eyes.

The waiter understood and immediately ran to the security room to find more security guards.

Everyone was staring at Zhuo Wenshu warily, wary of the broken wine bottle in his hand hurting anyone at the next moment.

But for a while, Zhuo Wenshu just stood on the card table, standing opposite Shi Jiaojiao to be exact, looking at her with dark eyes and at the pretty boy sitting next to her.

To be honest, Shi Jiaojiao had a psychological shadow on Zhuo Wenshu. The way Zhuo Wenshu came over so aggressively, she almost stood up and ran away in fright.

Zhong Xiuran, who was beside Zhuo Wenshu, had also been held in the palm of his family for so long. It was the first time he was facing "unknown harm" at such a close distance. Not only did he fail to remove his hand from Shi Jiaojiao's shoulder, but he tightened it unconsciously.

This was the same as the driver who was so frightened that he slammed the accelerator, and Shi Jiaojiao simply admired this young man. He was so courageous that he dared to hug her hard in front of this murderous god.

"Is this the reason why you don't go home?" Zhuo Wenshu's voice was low, and the double blades of wind and snow were wrapped in the wind and snow, and they struck towards Shi Jiaojiao as if they were real.

Shi Jiaojiao shivered subconsciously, but quickly stabilized herself. She even pretended not to care. She slowly drew circles on the wine glass in front of her with one finger, not even raising her eyes to look at him.

Zhong Xiuran next to him finally understood why Shi Jiaojiao told him to hold tight and not give in.

He looked at the man who had been "caught and raped", his hands were still dripping with blood, but he didn't care at all, staring at them both with a very penetrating look.

The lights in the bar were dim, and he only saw the purple patch under one of Zhuo Wenshu's eyes as oozing blood. Seeing that Zhuo Wenshu might suddenly stab him to death at any time, he regretted agreeing to Shi Jiaojiao to accompany her. Do this show.

This bar, this card table, and this scene were all predicted by Shi Jiaojiao in advance.

This is not difficult, after all, Zhuo Wenshu and his buddies come here often, and every time they sit at the place with relatively few people at the door. What they look at is not the stage, but the card table.

So today her people reported that Zhuo Wenshu and his buddies had come out and were heading towards the bar, so she pulled Zhong Xiuran over, and she caught up with them as expected.

"You're kidding me." Zhuo Wenshu spoke again, his eyes no longer looking at Zhong Xiuran next to him, but all on Shi Jiaojiao. If his eyes could be transformed into reality, Shi Jiaojiao would have been cut into pieces by a thousand cuts.

Shi Jiaojiao was so frightened that the hairs on her back stood up. Zhuo Wenshu hadn't spoken to her like this for a long time, but she couldn't be cowardly at this time, she had to be steady, steady...

She had to dig out all the hatred in his heart before completely uprooting it. She really didn't have the patience to play house with him, and she was definitely not the material to be a good girlfriend with twenty-four filial piety!

So Shi Jiaojiao forced herself to relax her body, leaned in the direction of Zhong Xiuran, picked up the wine glass in front of her and took a slow sip, then raised her eyes to look at Zhuo Wenshu.

"What a coincidence?" Shi Jiaojiao glanced at the few buddies following him. The fat man in the lead had always been very polite to her, but now he looked at her with a sad expression on his face.

Shi Jiaojiao raised her hand to say hello, then turned her attention to Zhuo Wenshu, stared at his hand and said, "Look at you, what happened to your hand?"

If Zhuo Wenshu had even a slight injury on his body, Shi Jiaojiao would scold him in an anxious tone, and then hold the medicine box to clean and apply medicine on him without making a fuss.

But at this moment, Zhuo Wenshu had a big cut on his hand. Shi Jiaojiao saw it, and her tone remained the same, but after she finished speaking, she looked at Zhuo Wenshu with a half-smile, without moving, and even leaned close to Zhong Xiuran and blew a breath into her ear.

She said coquettishly, "I must have scared you, baby..."

Zhong Xiuran: "..." It's you who scares me!

Zhuo Wenshu felt a stinging pain. He didn't know where it was. He only knew that it hurt. It was so painful that he couldn't even feel the wound on his hand.

Zhuo Wenshu hadn't recovered from the pain, and Shi Jiaojiao said again, "Don't look like you can't afford to play, isn't it fun when you play?"

Shi Jiaojiao leaned on Zhong Xiuran's stiff shoulders and looked at Zhuo Wenshu with a smile, "I thought you understood the rules before I played with you. Why did you act like that?"

These words were like two knives, cutting through Zhuo Wenshu's heart and lungs. The people behind Zhuo Wenshu couldn't help but rush forward. Shi Jiaojiao saw the security guards coming over from the corner of her eye, and she felt even more confident.

He simply stood up, walked to Zhuo Wenshu, and said provocatively, "You haven't been back for a few days. Do you think I can't bear it anymore?"

Zhuo Wenshu grabbed Shi Jiaojiao's neck, and the force he used was absolutely deadly. Shi Jiaojiao quickly stretched out his own hand to block it, trembling a little with fright, but the smile on his face did not change.

The sound was weird when his neck was stuck, but he still said, "Mom... did you mention me?"

This was Zhuo Wenshu's fatal weakness. Shi Jiaojiao stabbed it with a knife and opened up Zhuo Wenshu's deepest fear with blood dripping from it. As expected, Zhuo Wenshu's red eyes flashed and the strength of his hand relaxed.

Shi Jiaojiao quickly took two steps back, still feeling that the heat was not enough. She stared at Zhuo Wenshu with contempt and said, "I just wanted to talk to you. Since we met today, let's make it clear."

Zhuo Wenshu didn't want to stay here for another minute. If he heard Shi Jiaojiao say another word, he doubted that he would spit it out.

After throwing away the broken bottle and turning to go downstairs, Shi Jiaojiao refused to give up and said behind him, "I'm tired of playing with you. I won't play with you anymore. You're too rough and I don't like it. Just take what I gave you." Don’t look for me again.”

Zhuo Wenshu paused and felt his head buzzing.

"Fuck. Your mother! Your female cousin!" The fat man next to him became anxious. He grabbed a stool and was about to throw it at Shi Jiaojiao, but he was quickly stopped by the security guard, who was panting like a cow and swearing.

Shi Jiaojiao stared at Zhuo Wenshu and saw that Zhuo Wenshu only stood for a moment before continuing to walk. She measured the resentment value of the system and gritted her teeth to make another cruel move.

"Xiuran baby, I really regret the bet I made with you now," Shi Jiaojiao circled Zhong Xiuran's neck, pressed her fingers on the side of his neck, and kissed her fingers obsessively.

"You said that I can make people who hate me fall in love with me and stay with me. Now that I have succeeded and dumped him, you can't go back on your word..."

Zhuo Wenshu staggered. Veins bulged on the back of the hand holding the handrail of the stairs. His eyes were bloodshot and red.

The author has something to say: Just update more today so that you can enjoy it! Tomorrow's portion is here too!

Important reminder: There will be no update tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow, which is the night of the 1st, there will be an update around 11 o'clock, with ten chapters as the base!

Everything is for my 1,000-word earnings list the day after tomorrow. After all, I also have to make it right. This is very important to me. Once I pass this list, my normal update volume is three chapters a day, with 9,000 to 10,000 words. All my regular readers know this! No need to fatten up, you are getting fatter every day!

In order to express my apology for the unstable update, I will give you a red envelope by leaving a message in this chapter. I love you so much! Bow thanks for subscribing.


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