The Stepmother was Overturned

Chapter 6: Why do you want face?


Zhuo Wenshu was hurt all over his body now, and if he exerted such force again, his little face would turn pale in pain.

Shi Jiaojiao was actually very unkind and wanted to laugh, but when she saw that he was so angry at his behavior, she forced herself to hold it in, pursed her lips into a straight line, turned her back and said sadly, "Don't be angry, I'll get you a glass of water..."

Then he stood up and walked to the water dispenser with the water cup in hand. He couldn't help but grabbed the water dispenser and turned himself into vibration mode.

The tears that had been suppressed from laughing came back, and her face turned red. She looked like she was holding back tears. Shi Jiaojiao handed the water to Zhuo Wenshu's mouth. Zhuo Wenshu looked at her sideways, but did not open his mouth.

"Drink some water," Shi Jiaojiao said, "Look at your lips."

Zhuo Wenshu still didn't move and stared at Shi Jiaojiao.

Shi Jiaojiao put the water on the small cabinet beside the bed, raised her index finger and brought it to her mouth to bite lightly.

This is her signature move every time she wants to write about abuse, clean up the family dog, or do bad things.

She gently bit her index finger, then placed one hand on Zhuo Wenshu's pillow, and suddenly leaned down. The two of them were suddenly breathing closely. Shi Jiaojiao did not look into Zhuo Wenshu's eyes, but stared at them. His lips slowly said, "If you don't want to drink water, otherwise I will moisturize you in other ways..."

Zhuo Wenshu raised his intact hand and went to pinch Shi Jiaojiao's neck, but was caught by Shi Jiaojiao. Then she stared into his eyes, pursed her colorful lips, and chirped on the back of his hand.

Zhuo Wenshu stared and tried to struggle, but his body and other hand were tied, and it hurt wherever he moved, and his eyes were red with anger. Shi Jiaojiao only dared to naughty because he was powerless, otherwise she would I was really a little scared, after all, I had been strangled to death by this hand not once or twice.

But she didn't dare to be too harsh, because if she couldn't get the person this time, there was no guarantee that Zhuo Wenshu would recover from her injuries and not kill her again. It wouldn't matter if she could still live after death, but the feeling of death was real. , and it always repeats the same plot, which is really disgusting.

She let go of Zhuo Wenshu's hand and handed the water glass to his lips again.

This time Zhuo Wenshu opened his mouth, but Shi Jiaojiao raised his hand and failed to control the intensity. Zhuo Wenshu couldn't swallow it quickly and choked, and a lot of it flowed down the corner of his mouth and onto the pillow.

"Oops," Shi Jiaojiao quickly put down the cup and reached out to wipe the corner of Zhuo Wenshu's mouth, "I couldn't control it. I didn't mean it."

She said she didn't mean it, but she wasn't sincere at all, and her credibility with Zhuo Wenshu was 0, so even if she didn't mean it, it became intentional.

Zhuo Wenshu's eyes darkened. He had been in prison for a long time, and there was always a lingering darkness about him. It was the numbness and invisibility formed by staying in that hopeless and gloomy place for many years. indifferent.

Shi Jiaojiao wiped Zhuo Wenshu's mouth with a tissue, turned over his pillow, sighed slightly at his expression, stretched out her hand to rub the lines between his eyebrows, "Tsk, I really didn't mean it, don't Can you make it look as if I, a strong woman, fucked you?"

After saying that, she didn't look at Zhuo Wenshu's increasingly ugly face, and walked straight out, went to the nurse's station and asked for a straw, then came back, took the water again, bent the straw, and handed it to Zhuo Wenshu's mouth.

Zhuo Wenshu closed his eyes and pursed his lips. She poked him twice and pursed his lips tighter.

Shi Jiaojiao stared at him for a while, then looked at his tied up virtue, rolled her eyes, took a sip from the cup, then smiled evilly, leaned forward and pressed Zhuo Wenshu's lips.

Zhuo Wenshu really didn't expect that Shi Jiaojiao would dare to do this. He opened his eyes suddenly, but Shi Jiaojiao had already taken advantage of his shock to pry open his teeth and get the water in.

Zhuo Wenshu slapped him, but Shi Jiaojiao had already stepped back, and took two steps back very tactfully. She stood next to the spare cabinet, wiping her mouth and smiling, with a pair of peach blossom eyes shining brightly, as if she had eaten something secretly. Fish kitten.

Zhuo Wen was extremely bookish, with a mouthful of water in his mouth. He neither swallowed nor spit. He turned his head and glared at the fishy culprit. He didn't even care about his injuries. He turned around forcefully and grabbed the bag on the spare cabinet. The teacup was thrown directly at Shi Jiaojiao.

Shi Jiaojiao saw that he couldn't move her hand, but she didn't expect that he would not even care about the injury. When she saw the cup flying over, she originally wanted to duck and avoid it, but after taking a look at Zhuo Wenshu, she gritted her teeth and did not hide. .

The cup was a very thin glass. Zhuo Wenshu was injured and the force he used was not too great, but it still exploded when it hit Shi Jiaojiao's forehead. Shi Jiaojiao staggered two steps and covered his forehead to support him. The wall, a thin line of blood dripped down her cheek, she bit her back molar, and cursed ten thousand times to fuck her ancestors in her heart. She was completely convinced by this idiot who didn't want his life, but she still walked to the bed, The nurse bell rang.

Probably because the blood on Shi Jiaojiao's face calmed him down, or maybe because his body was really hurting, Zhuo Wenshu didn't show any aggression anymore. He didn't know when he swallowed the water in his mouth, and now he was vomiting to death. , with a pale and angry face, just stared at Shi Jiaojiao.

"Why do you look at me like this? You've ruined your appearance for me all of a sudden. I don't dare to mess with you anymore." Shi Jiaojiao has died several times, and she doesn't care about this little pain. She faces Zhuo Wen. Shu also forced out a smile, with a hint of gritted teeth, but unfortunately she couldn't see it herself, and thought she was weak and pitiful.

"Don't move, the nurse will be here soon." As soon as Shi Jiaojiao finished speaking, the nurse came in.

"He moved around just now, and he probably touched the bone again..." Shi Jiaojiao explained the situation. The nurse wanted to get angry and ask her how she took care of her, but when she saw the cut on Shi Jiaojiao's forehead, she swallowed her words and turned around to find the doctor.

During this interval, Shi Jiaojiao stood beside the bed and Zhuo Wenshu suddenly felt that he could not waste a good opportunity like this, so he knelt down neatly beside the bed.

Got gold at your knees? No, Gouji's gold, she just wants to get out of this plot as soon as possible, face? If you want to eat it, can you save your life

Shi Jiaojiao is now shameless in every sense of the word. She leaned close to the pillow of Zhuo Wenshu, who was sweating from the pain, showed the wound on her forehead up close, lowered her voice to the lowest level, and said in a guilty tone, "I know you hate me, Wen Shu, I'm sorry. "

Shi Jiaojiao said, "I really didn't mean to lose our mother." I just wrote a few words at that time, just to increase the hatred value and highlight your misery.

Zhuo Wenshu closed his eyes and did not look at her. Shi Jiaojiao came closer again, this time with a bit of sincerity, "I know I was wrong, and I will make up for it. Really, my father and I have broken away from the father-son relationship." , there are no relatives in this world. From now on, your mother is my mother. I will never make a mistake again. Can you just trust me once?"

She has no relatives in the real world. She is just a picked-up local dog. No matter how she is taught, she poops all over the floor all day long. Her teeth are sore after saying these "infatuated" words, and she swears in her heart that she will never be blind when writing in the future. Pull the hatred.

"Wen Shu," Shi Jiaojiao's beautiful eyes filled with tears, half of which were painful and half of which were squeezed. "I'm sorry for you. You can do whatever you want, but don't drive me away. Wait until you recover." You can hit or scold me, but don’t kill me, at least give me some breathing space.”

Zhuo Wenshu suddenly sneered and looked sideways at Shi Jiaojiao, his face full of sarcasm. He asked how could her temperament suddenly change? It turned out that he was afraid of death.

Shi Jiaojiao was about to say something more, but then the door of the ward suddenly opened, and the attending doctor came in with two nurses to examine Zhuo Wenshu.

Shi Jiaojiao swallowed back the rest of her words and stood up from the ground. She didn't feel the slightest shame of kneeling down and begging to be seen. She had already lost her life several times, so this was nothing.

The doctor is most annoyed by disobedient patients. After checking Zhuo Wenshu, he found that fortunately there was no second fracture. He also wanted to scold the two of them, but one of them closed his eyes in pain and his face was covered in cold sweat, and the other's head was opened. At first glance, it looked like the young couple were having a fight.

He had seen this kind of thing so many times that he couldn't say anything. Finally, he saw Shi Jiaojiao standing by the wall with her face covered in blood. She had just knelt down to the man on the bed. He was so pitiful that he called her out to bandage the wound. .

Shi Jiaojiao came back very quickly. Because she was a girl, girls were particularly concerned about their faces. The doctor personally treated the wounds with great care. He also gave her a stitch and told her to eat less, so as not to leave too heavy wounds in the future. scar.

Shi Jiaojiao listened indifferently. The appearance of her body was an upgrade based on her original appearance. Her skin was better than her real appearance, and her lips were more protruding and her lips were red and her teeth were white. But after all, she was not the real her, to be honest. , Shi Jiaojiao doesn’t cherish it very much.

Disfigurement is disfigurement. If disfigurement can eliminate Zhuo Wenshu's resentment, then she can do it herself. Destroy wherever Zhuo Wenshu says, just let her get out of this fucking plot quickly.

After being bandaged and returned to the ward, Shi Jiaojiao pulled up a stool and sat on the edge of the hospital bed, remaining silent with Zhuo Wenshu, who had his eyes closed.

This is almost a dead end.

Changing places, to be fair, if she were Zhuo Wenshu and was sent to prison in her prime, she would definitely fight to the death with that person after she came out!

Of course, Zhuo Wenshu had strangled her to death several times. It was not easy for her to survive this time.

If this continues, it will take years and months to eliminate Zhuo Wenshu's resentment. She will have to add more ingredients, and she will have to use drastic measures.

Shi Jiaojiao bit her fingers and thought, Zhuo Wenshu closed his eyes in silence. He didn't know how long it had been like this. The veins on Zhuo Wenshu's forehead bulged. He opened his eyes and looked at Shi Jiaojiao, who had kept biting his hands for a long time without moving, and closed them again angrily. His eyes were blind, but his bladder was bulging, making him hate the people around him.

The bones in his leg were not broken, but there were injuries, but not enough to insert a urinary catheter, but for convenience, someone needed help. But now he would rather suffocate to death than say a word to Shi Jiaojiao.

It's just that people have three urgent needs. No matter how strong his willpower is, he can't bear it. When he couldn't help but open his eyes for the second time, he met Shi Jiaojiao's eyes.

Zhuo Wenshu's eyes were filled with murderous intent. Shi Jiaojiao looked at him as if he was having a hard time. At first, she thought he was in pain, but as soon as she met his eyes, Shi Jiaojiao knew that it was not pain.

She has not written about the prison in detail, but it is conceivable that with the appearance of Zhuo Wenshu, it is self-evident what a nineteen-year-old young man will encounter when he goes in. Shi Jiaojiao had already been in Zhuo Wenshu's coma. At that time, I saw scars all over his body and his blind eyes...

It is not difficult to imagine that in that kind of place, a young boy like Juncheng would have no choice but to risk his life if he did not want to be abused.

How could someone who has been risking his life for several years not be able to bear this pain

Shi Jiaojiao thought for a moment and tried to make her voice gentle, "You have to go to the bathroom, right?"

She stood up, slowly rocked the bed up a little, then took out a plastic urinal from under the bed, and said very naturally, "Are you a large or a small? Don't move the small one, just go to the bed and deal with it."

As he spoke, he reached out to lift the quilt.