The Stepmother was Overturned

Chapter 75: So delicious


Jian Yi just got off work and came here with a few of his men for a party as a reward for Xintan's new project.

He was still thinking about Shi Jiaojiao, secretly scolding that heartless little guy, and even now he still hasn't said anything about calling him or sending him a message.

Jian Yi planned to order the food and pay the bill before making an excuse to go back. He knew that he was being too naive, but he really couldn't wait and wanted to rub Shi Jiaojiao into his arms.

But when he went upstairs and was still thinking about finding an excuse to leave early, he saw a "young couple" having an affair in the corridor, and Jian Yi subconsciously wanted to laugh.

He didn't bother to do this kind of thing when he was young, but he doesn't dare to do it now. In fact, he is very envious of it.

But when he saw the faces of the "young couple" hugging each other clearly, Jian Yi's half-formed smile froze at the corners of his mouth.

When he first met Shi Jiaojiao's gaze, he was even at a loss.

When he realized what had happened and saw Shi Jiaojiao hurriedly pulling away the boy holding her and looking at him with a somewhat panicked expression, Jian Yi couldn't tell what it was like.

He had never felt this way in his life, as if what was flowing under his skin was no longer blood, but lava.

Since Jian Yi was a child, he was much more mature mentally than other children of the same age because he was dependent on others. From a young age, he felt that using force to solve problems was the most childish thing.

But now he doesn't want to use force, and even wants to hit the child.

Shi Jiaojiao watched Jian Yi's face gradually darken, and deeply felt that she might have had a bad time. What the hell were the chances for such a coincidence to happen, and in such a difficult-to-explain situation

Chu Ping was thrown away and felt that something was wrong in the atmosphere. The group of people coming up from the opposite side slowly stopped because Jian Yi's footsteps were stagnant.

Looking at Jian Yi's ugly face, they looked at each other in confusion.

"Mr. Jian" someone asked in confusion.

Shi Jiaojiao took a step forward, but Jian Yi only lost control briefly and recovered quickly. Although his eyes were still as cold as a thousand miles of ice, he was an adult after all and would not lose control on the spot just because of this matter.

He retracted his gaze from Shi Jiaojiao and called on everyone to continue walking forward.

Shi Jiaojiao shut up and held back what she wanted to say. Compared to Jian Yi's suppression, her panic lasted only for that moment. It was not because she was afraid that Jian Yi would misunderstand, but because she was afraid that her little enemy would cry when she came back and remembered this scene.

She backed away slightly to make way for a group of people. Jian Yi passed by her, covered in frost, and Shi Jiaojiao's lips curled up helplessly.

She now hoped that her little enemy would stop being angry and wait for her to explain clearly, otherwise he would probably cry his head out.

Shi Jiaojiao laughed inappropriately when she thought of how her little enemy might not be able to hold back and please her at the same time.

Chu Ping grabbed her sleeves, and she came back to her senses. She turned to him and said, "I'm done. My uncle just saw you hugging me. Go home and tell my mother that she will beat me to death."

Chu Ping was very innocent, he really believed it, his expression showed panic, "Then"

"Go away quickly. My uncle is manic. He will come out and beat you. I can't hold him back." Shi Jiaojiao pushed Chu Ping down, "Stop thinking all day long. We have only known each other for a few days and you just got distracted." Whether you like it or not, just sleep on it and it will be over."

Chu Ping moved his lips, wanting to say a lot of things, but in the end he didn't say anything. The moment he hugged Shi Jiaojiao, he had exhausted all his courage.

"I didn't think wrong." Chu Ping finally said persistently.

He has been thinking about it for a long time. As he grows up, he has never thought about one thing and one person for so long.

He was so sure that even after pursuing the goddess-like Guan Rubi, he finally decided to give up, even though he knew that even if he gave up, Shi Jiaojiao would not be good to him.

He glanced at Shi Jiaojiao one last time, turned around and left.

Shi Jiaojiao didn't care about the complicated entanglement and reluctance in her eyes. Chu Ping left, but she didn't leave. She stood in the corridor, leaning against the wall, thinking about how to coax the old man.

Jian Yi stayed in the house and never came out. He wanted to take a look to see if Shi Jiaojiao had left, but he didn't dare to come out. If he left, he was afraid that he wouldn't be able to maintain the superficial calm. If he didn't leave, he was afraid that he would Even more uncontrollable.

So when ordering food and other things, his subordinates came out. Jian Yi sat at the main seat. Except for entertaining customers, Jian Yi, who never liked drinking, allowed his subordinates to pour him a full glass.

Shi Jiaojiao had been standing in the corridor for more than an hour, but Jian Yi didn't come out. Her legs were a little sore.

This was the limit. Shi Jiaojiao took out her phone, hesitated for a while, and left without even sending a message.

If the little enemy had come out a long time ago, Shi Jiaojiao would not be willing to ignore him when his little enemy was at odds with him.

Sure enough, his part was not compared with his whole body.

No one recognized the people inside at first, but when they came out more often, some people recognized Shi Jiaojiao as his niece who went to Jian Yi's office a few days ago.

Thinking that Jian Yi was angry with her for falling in love prematurely, the whole room tried to persuade him.

"It's okay at this age. That little kid in our family dared to talk to me about our virginity since elementary school."

"Yes, she is still outside, Mr. Jian, why don't you invite her to come in and have something to eat together."

Jian Yi remained silent because he heard that Shi Jiaojiao had been standing outside and his face had become much better.

However, the old man's self-compliance was frustrated. It seemed to him that Shi Jiaojiao liked him very much. She did such a thing behind his back and was caught on the spot. Of course she had to wait.

His useless pride cost him the opportunity to be coaxed by Shi Jiaojiao. When he finally couldn't stand it any longer and used the excuse of going to the toilet to come out, Shi Jiaojiao was already home.

Jian Yi stood in the corridor of the hotel with a gloomy expression. He took out his cell phone and took a look, but there was not even a message.

He walked into the private room aggressively, said a few words and then went out. He called the driver to pick him up. It was as cold as ice on the way home. The driver in front of him didn't even dare to say something to ask for leave tomorrow.

If there were special effects, he would definitely be glowing from head to toe.

After Shi Jiaojiao washed up, she ran to Jian Yi's room, found a shirt and put it on, then lay on the bed, waiting for Jian Yi to come back.

After thinking about it, explanations may not be as effective as using live ammunition, and it is not a child talking about love, coaxing an old man, this method is more effective.

She was lying in bed, planning to play with her phone for two hours, but only forty minutes later, she heard a "bang" sound from the door to the living room downstairs.

Jian Yi came back so early

Shi Jiaojiao turned off her phone, turned off the lights, closed her eyes and lay down. The sound of Jian Yi coming upstairs was heard, but she did not open the door, but went directly to Shi Jiaojiao's house.

Shi Jiaojiao sat up in surprise and then smiled. She really overestimated Jian Yi and thought he could hold his nerve.

Jian Yi went straight into Shi Jiaojiao's room, but when she opened the door, her heart dropped. There were no lights on in the room, and there was no one on the bed.

He turned on the light and reluctantly searched everywhere, even in the bathroom. When he found it, his blood was so hot that the volcano in his body almost exploded.

In the bathroom, Jian Yi stood in front of the sink, pressing his hands on the sink to calm his breathing.

His glasses were fogged up by his rapid breathing, so Jian Yi simply took them off and held them in his hand.

Without his glasses, his appearance actually lost its sharpness, and his big eyes even looked innocent.

After calming down for a while, Jian Yi walked out of the bathroom in Shi Jiaojiao's house, hooked up her glasses with one hand, took out the phone with the other, and dialed.

Shi Jiaojiao sat in the dark and looked at the phone. As soon as it turned on, she hung up quickly before it rang. The screen lit up and shone on her little face, and her smile was as bad as it was.

Jian Yi hung up the phone.

Once, twice, three times, and finally even shut down directly.

He left Shi Jiaojiao's room and shouted "Ah" briefly. He was so angry and the alcohol effect made the ends of his eyes red, and he almost kicked open the door to his own room.

Shi Jiaojiao huddled in the quilt, trembling with laughter, flattening herself out just like Jian Yi was hiding on her bed. She was much smaller than Jian Yi and could hardly be seen.

Jian Yi threw his glasses and phone on the table, kicked the table again, and then got into the bathroom to wash up.

Whatever, Jian Yi thought, he knew that the words of love coming out of a child's mouth were shallower than quicksand on the fingertips.

Jian Yi is also very capable of self-regulation. No matter how many times she was in danger in the mall, she was still able to control her emotions.

But I don’t know what happened this time. I kept taking deep breaths in the bathroom and felt a little out of breath.

Jian Yi couldn't believe it himself. He was just a little girl. He really didn't need to be like this. He only slept with her a few times. What's the big deal

But there is no other way. The more he thinks about it, the more he becomes upset. The more he gets upset, the more he thinks about it. If Jian Yi swears to be good to someone, he will really be good to that person. He has already thought about giving Shi Jiaojiao something real, and even asked him to give her something real. People have made a contract

At that time, I thought very loudly that the two of them might not be able to go on together in the future, and a fight with him would not let the little girl suffer.

Jian Yi is so great that he doesn't want to go to the end, so he gets her something to keep with her, so that even if she gets married in the future, it won't depend on anyone else's face.

But at that time, he thought so freely and thoroughly, and when he was caught off guard and saw the little girl he had only hugged a few times, being hugged tightly by a boy, he went to Xiao, and he was left stupid.

Jian Yi washed up, took a deep breath like a pregnant woman about to give birth, dried her hair, sat in front of the desk and turned on the computer, but after a while she closed it angrily.

After blowing her hair randomly a few times, Jian Yi looked at the time and prepared to go to bed while she was still drunk.

In fact, he really wanted to find it. Shi Jiaojiao's traces were not difficult to find. So what would happen if she turned off her phone? She was still too naive.

But Jian Yi really didn't want to look for it. The price was too low, and he wouldn't make himself a joke just for a little girl.

After turning off the light, she got into bed. As soon as she lifted the quilt, she was suddenly hugged into her thigh. Jian Yi almost jumped from the bed to the ground with an "ouch".

After being drunk, my brain, which was a little groggy, suddenly sobered up to the point where it was buzzing.

He touched his heart, which was beating faster than normal, turned on the light, and picked up the golf clubs in the glass cabinet.

After gathering up her slightly unkempt bathrobe, Jian Yi saw a movement in the quilt on the bed. She walked over with the club in hand and tapped it lightly, "Come out."

Shi Jiaojiao encouraged her twice and timidly stretched out a small white hand, "It's my uncle, don't hit me."

Shi Jiaojiao came out, Jian Yi's hand holding the club tightened, his expression changed instantly, he sighed and put the club back, opened the door and stood at the door with a cold face, and said to Shi Jiaojiao with a cold face, "Get out."

Shi Jiaojiao's heart trembled at the cuteness of his violent appearance, but on the surface she looked like she had done something wrong. She lowered her head in fear and explained the matter quickly and accurately, "He likes me, I don't like him, I'm going there today." To be clear, if I left and he chased me out, I didn’t know he would hug me, let alone let you see him by chance.”

Shi Jiaojiao lowered her head and wrapped Jian Yi's quilt completely around her body, like a giant silkworm baby, walking towards the door very pitifully and cumbersomely.

Jian Yi's expression didn't look moved, but his heart was roaring.


who believes

Think of me as a three-year-old child

Hugging me so tightly, you still said you didn’t know

I don’t know why you were panicking at that time

If you don't answer the phone, you really want to annoy me to death. You're such a bad boy.

Shi Jiaojiao walked to the door barefoot, but because the quilt was too big, it got stuck in the door and couldn't get out.

He deliberately tried several times but couldn't get out, so he looked at Jian Yi with some fear.

Jian Yi squinted his eyes to see her expression clearly, his face as dark as night, but seeing that she didn't go out several times, it was obvious that she didn't want to leave, and she used such a stupid method, which made her feel a little cute out of control.

Bah, bah, bah, isn’t it cute

Jian Yi became cold-hearted again and pulled open the quilt that Shi Jiaojiao was wrapped in, "Why don't you go out now?"

Halfway through his words, the quilt he was holding fell to the ground.

Shi Jiaojiao flinched and wanted to run away, but Jian Yi grabbed her by the waist. At the same time, she closed the door very neatly and pressed the little person who wanted to huddle against the door.

"Whose clothes are you wearing? They look familiar to me." Jian Yi's voice was still cold, but now it was intentional.

Shi Jiaojiao looked like she was about to cry, grabbing Jian Yi's bathrobe, "Little uncle, don't be angry, I"

"Why are you wearing my clothes?" Jian Yi said in a dangerous voice, "You are trying to seduce me."

"No." Shi Jiaojiao had already sensed Jian Yi's enthusiasm. She wanted to laugh at his still pretending to be indifferent, and thought it was funny, so she simply cooperated with him, acting more flustered, and even shed tears.

"I just want to make my uncle happy"

"You are hugging other boys, why do you think wearing my clothes will make me happy?"

Jian Yi leaned in as close as possible, as if he was going to kiss her at the next moment, but only her breath sprayed on Shi Jiaojiao's face.

Shi Jiaojiao turned red in embarrassment, "I didn't mean it."

"I didn't mean to wear my clothes on purpose." Jian Yi's mischievous joke came out, and his excited eyes were filled with tiny bloodshot eyes.

His lips were close to the corner of Shi Jiaojiao's eyes, sucking in a drop of the tear that she would never shed.

Bah, bah, bah, it's obviously salty, but he thinks it's sweet.

In fact, the moment Shi Jiaojiao appeared in Jian Yi's bed, this silly Baitian who was so easy to coax was no longer angry.

"How dare you cry?" Jian Yi said with a straight face, grabbing Shi Jiaojiao's collar, "Where did you learn these tricks at such a young age?"

Shi Jiaojiao shrank, but did not step back. Instead, she crawled into Jian Yi's arms. She sobbed pitifully and couldn't say anything, "I, I"

Jian Yi's evil taste was greatly satisfied, but he didn't know that he was also satisfying Shi Jiaojiao's evil taste by being like this.

"Do you think I will believe what you say?" Jian Yi pinched Shi Jiaojiao's face, "I already said at that time, if you get involved with others, don't expect me to be good to you."

Shi Jiaojiao's tears were caused by suppressing her laughter. Jian Yi pretended not to feel pity and still stretched out her hand to wipe them away.

"You did that thing and now you're wearing my clothes to seduce me in my room. Do you want me to forgive you?"

Jian Yi looked at Shi Jiaojiao. No matter how big his clothes were, and no matter how petite Shi Jiaojiao was, wearing only a shirt would only cover a very limited part of her.

He looked at Shi Jiaojiao's slender and trembling appearance. Her nosebleed was about to flow out, but she was still holding on.

"Then what should I do?" Shi Jiaojiao lowered his head, revealing the fragile white back of his neck, "I really don't have it, little uncle, you believe me."

With tears in her eyes, Shi Jiaojiao carefully grabbed Jian Yi's sleeves with her fingertips, like a little rabbit trying to survive under the claws of a beast.

She grasped Jian Yi's cuteness very well and knew what this kind of old man liked. Jian Yi lowered his head and glanced at her. Her tearful eyes were sparkling with pleading, and her breath was suffocated.

His Adam's apple rolled down, and the drunkenness he had just been awakened from seemed to come back, gathering in all directions to an unspeakable place. He unconsciously tightened his grip on Shi Jiaojiao's shoulders.

"If you want me to believe you, first tell me why you are wearing my clothes. Do you want to seduce me into hugging you so that you can erase your betrayal of me?"

Shi Jiaojiao shook her head and said in a panic, "No, no."

Her face turned red. She didn't know whether she was nervous or shy, "I didn't betray you. I wore my uncle's clothes because I wanted to tell him that I am yours."

is yours.

Jian Yi's mind was shaken by these three words. This practice of wearing men's clothes basically has no other meaning except to seduce a lover.

Jian Yi didn't like to play these years, but it wasn't like he didn't understand. He always thought that his lack of interest was because he disliked trouble, and he had to break his muscles a lot when dealing with his lover.

But now Jian Yi realizes that he has never met anyone to his liking, and he has never met anyone who can't help himself as much as the little one in his arms.

Even this little thing was a not-so-nice surprise.

If someone had told Jian Yi in the past that he would be with Shi Jiaojiao due to an accident and found that he especially liked this kind of relationship, Jian Yi would not believe anything he said.

He didn't forget how bad Shi Jiaojiao was in the past because of how well-behaved she was now. He knew that if the two of them couldn't make it to the end in the future, it would be inevitable for them to suffer serious injuries.

Shi Jiaojiao didn't cause him any pain now, but she already gave him a headache. But Jian Yi actually thought it was okay, even a small misunderstanding like this. Seeing Shi Jiaojiao's flattering look, his interest became even stronger.

He held the side of Shi Jiaojiao's face with one hand and squeezed it, "I accept this reason, but I'm still very angry."

Shi Jiaojiao raised her eyes in panic and hugged Jian Yi, "Uncle, don't be angry with me. I know I was wrong and I will never go out to eat with anyone again."

Jian Yi smiled. He couldn't see Shi Jiaojiao's face and didn't know that Shi Jiaojiao's smile was stronger than his.

"You want me to forgive you?" Jian Yi whispered into the ear of the little beauty in her arms.

Shi Jiaojiao shrank her shoulders and nodded in Jian Yi's arms, thinking that this line was really bad, but hearing it from Jian Yi's mouth wasn't too shocking, it was quite fun.

Jian Yi took Shi Jiaojiao to the bedside and asked Shi Jiaojiao to stand. He sat on the bed and then touched Shi Jiaojiao's face with the back of his hand.

"Be obedient and I won't care." Jian Yi pulled her to sit on his lap.

Shi Jiaojiao shyly lowered her head, burying it in Jian Yi's chest, and said a trembling "Yeah"

The two of them had a hearty meal. In the end, Shi Jiaojiao was hugged by Jian Yi to wash herself. She tucked her into the quilt and fell asleep with her head tilted. She was a little tired.

Jian Yi was full of energy. She hugged Shi Jiaojiao for a while and then got up again. Wearing a bathrobe and glasses, she started working in the middle of the night.

After a while, he looked at the sleeping Shi Jiaojiao who was sleeping on the bed, recalling that the little one was so shy just now that he was trying to please himself, and his eyes were red from crying, but he listened to everything he said.

So delicious.

Jian Yi was extremely satisfied both physically and mentally. Looking at Shi Jiaojiao's sleeping face, her eyes were almost filled with honey.

Shi Jiaojiao also slept soundly. When she woke up the next morning, she opened her eyes and was hugged, kissing her forehead and cheeks.

"Good morning, little baby." Jian Yi's voice was low and gentle.

Shi Jiaojiao slept well and was fed well last night. She was in a good mood. The little bird snuggled up to Jian Yi, pretending to be worried, "Little uncle, have you forgive me?"

"I really couldn't hold on last night, or else now" Jian Yi chuckled. He had already put on his clothes, and Shi Jiaojiao teased him like this, which made him think that he would have to be late for work today.

He couldn't mess around like this. He still had a little bit of self-control. He deliberately stretched Shi Jiaojiao and said after a moment of hesitation, "You performed well last night. Let's see how you perform in the future."

Shi Jiaojiao immediately said that she would perform well. Jian Yi pinched her nose and carried her out of bed, "Get dressed and wash up. I'll wait for you downstairs to eat."

When Shi Jiaojiao was washing up, she went back to her room. While brushing her teeth, she couldn't help but smile in front of the mirror. She was still thinking that her uncle was so funny.

But during the meal, the uncle was no longer having fun. Shi Jiaojiao was halfway through eating when he started talking about school.

It was obvious that Jian Yi had fully understood it. He and Shi Jiaojiao analyzed her current performance status in detail, including which subjects she would pass, how to improve her performance, etc.

Shi Jiaojiao bit into half of the bun, remembering the fear of being dominated by Teacher Lu Feilu in the last world.

Jian Yi's appearance was exactly the same as Lu Fei's at that time, and his tone of voice was the same as that of someone who hated iron but could not make steel.

Shi Jiaojiao didn't eat the last half of the bun. What kind of evil did she do? Each world learns different things. Is it possible that she has to learn it again every time? This is too confusing.

My little enemy, come back soon

"From now on in the evening, if you don't know anything, just come and ask me." Jian Yi smiled lightly, "Any subject will do."

Shi Jiaojiao smiled stiffly, looking at Jian Yi's temperament that belonged to a damn academic, she felt the urge to run away from home.

Finally, before Jian Yi went to work, Shi Jiaojiao was forced to go to school by him. He took out some medicine that would cause an attack at any time, but it didn't work. Jian Yi said with reason, "I didn't feed you enough last night." "

"What about you?" Shi Jiaojiao almost blurted out, what should I do if you have an attack

But she quickly woke up and changed the subject naturally. "Are you going to work? Is your secretary fired?"

Jian Yi smiled and said, "Why are you always staring at my secretary? I told you that you have nothing to do with her."

The car parked in front of the school. Jian Yi couldn't see inside, pinching Shi Jiaojiao's nose, "I handed in so much public food last night, what are you afraid of? Otherwise, I will come find you at noon."

Shi Jiaojiao shyly pushed him, got out of the car and ran away, leaving behind the words "hooligan"

Jian Yi drove away with a smile and went to the company with a happy face. When he was about to start a day's work, the detective he hired called him.

"What did you say?" Jian Yi couldn't believe it.

"Can you confirm? Just talking won't do." Jian Yi frowned, not believing this statement, and said in a bad tone, "You can say this again after you get the evidence. Even if you are private and don't have proof, you can't do it." Please be professional."

Jian Yi hung up the phone and sneered. The private detective said that there was an old lady who was squatting on the road selling tea eggs. That day she saw a little girl hiring two passers-by with a few red tickets.

The detective suspected that this "little girl" was from Jian Yi's side, and also suggested that she might be someone close to him.

Jian Yi felt ridiculous when he heard this. Could the person close to him be Zhu Huan

How should Zhu Huan dress up to look like a little girl

After tapping her fingers quickly on the keyboard a few times, Jian Yi's fingers suddenly slipped and pressed out a series of letters.

A person who was more in line with the image of a "little girl" flashed through his mind, but he shook his head quickly to get rid of this person. In his heart, this person was Zhu Huan more than the person who tricked him, and he couldn't believe it. .

Shi Jiaojiao spent the whole day at school today and was not happy at all. Jian Yi said that she would ask her questions in the evening, so she took all the classes. Most of them could not understand and she took notes honestly. It was simply better than taking the college entrance examination. At that time, I was still miserable, like an eggplant beaten by frost.

However, during the lunch break, Guan Rubi and her met in the corridor. Shi Jiaojiao thought she was going to cause trouble, but before she could say anything, her face turned red like a tomato and she turned around and ran away.

He ran down the stairs and staggered into her arms, knocking Shi Jiaojiao against the wall, causing her to squeal.

Such a bloody "throwing yourself into someone's arms" scene was even witnessed by Tang Hanchi, who was returning from playing basketball.

When Tang Hanchi saw the expressions of the two people, it was simply indescribable.

Shi Jiaojiao quickly pushed the switch on Rubi and raised her hands to show that she didn't touch his girl.

Tang Hanchi glanced at Guan Rubi, who was covering her face, and left with a look on her face.

Shi Jiaojiao was about to leave, but Guan Rubichu was blocking the way.

This little girl was a bit funny, her hostility towards him was completely gone, and there was an inexplicable aura of shyness. Because she was the heroine, Shi Jiaojiao suppressed the idea of teasing her and avoided her to leave.

"Thank you" Guan Rubi said softly.

Shi Jiaojiao raised her eyebrows and smiled like a flower, "Thank me for what?"

"Thank you for catching me just now." Guan Rubi's eyes flashed wildly.

"Oh," Shi Jiaojiao said, "Then I misunderstood. I didn't throw myself into my arms just now."

Guan Rubi raised her head and glared at her, "What do you mean, so and so is crazy?"

Speaking of taking small steps up the stairs, Shi Jiaojiao held on to the handle and said, deliberately lowering her voice, "You better not do it on purpose. Be careful not to bump into my arms next time. I don't have good concentration. I will kill you directly next time." Mopping the utility room is done."

Guan Rubi covered her ears and her face was red with blood. After going up the stairs, she disappeared in a flash.

Shi Jiaojiao clicked her tongue, blaming herself for not being able to hold back and being teasing. She turned around and was about to go downstairs, but she ran into Chu Ping who was going upstairs with a book in his arms.

Chu Ping glanced at her and then lowered his head, running faster than Guan Rubi.

Shi Jiaojiao curled her lips and finally made it to the end of school. She ate some spicy skewers at a small stall at the school gate. Jian Yi saw it when he came to pick her up. She got in the car and was given a persuasive education.

"It's not hygienic. If you want to eat it, go home and ask Auntie to cook it for you." Jian Yi ruthlessly threw the three uneaten sticks that Shi Jiaojiao had left into the trash can.

Shi Jiaojiao ""She is not here to live a long life. She is afraid of being in bad health if she eats some spicy skewers.

Forget it, Shi Jiaojiao doesn't care about the "old man".

The car started and just after going through a traffic light, Jian Yi started to say again, "Besides, try to eat as little food as possible that is very heavy in oil and salt. It is very bad for your skin and figure. Isn't that what you girls care about the most."

Shi Jiaojiao said, "I'm not fat." She pinched her sunken belly.

Jian Yi stopped talking and turned around and said, "Are you not taking any supplements? My friend's child has been taking a supplement brought back from China since he was a child. It is said to be very good for development and the brain." Good thing, wait until I ask tonight."

Shi Jiaojiao looked confused, "Uncle, I'm already eighteen years old and I'm basically underdeveloped."

Jian Yi didn't say anything anymore, and it was quiet along the way. But after returning home, Shi Jiaojiao sent him to the study room to do his homework for more than two hours.

Teacher Jian was very patient, but Shi Jiaojiao didn't know anything about this world, so she was tortured to the point of death.

At night, Jian Yi kissed her forehead like a child. Shi Jiaojiao failed to seduce her. Jian Yi said that she had read a book today and that such things happened too often and were not good for developing girls.

Shi Jiaojiao argued, "I have stopped growing."

"Nonsense," Jian Yi said, "Girls have to grow until they are twenty-three."

Shi Jiaojiao had a bad premonition.

Then this premonition came true in the following days. The taboo and exciting love she finally obtained disappeared and turned into the mode of an old father raising his daughter.

Jian Yi really just had to tie her pigtails in the morning. Although she could feel that his feelings were really increasing, this increase made Shi Jiaojiao not feel sweet at all. She really didn't lack a father.

Fortunately, Shi Jiaojiao could still feel Jian Yi's surging ejaculation during nighttime activities.

Although Jian Yi restrained himself solemnly every time and wanted to refuse no more than three days a week, it was a pity that his self-control was really bad.

Now he has completely transformed into a polite and ascetic person who puts on clothes, but takes off the words of a polite and scum person with a disdainful and upright appearance.

Shi Jiaojiao didn't adapt to it at first, and she felt a little upset when she was forced to do her homework and take nutritional pills. But Jian Yi didn't know if it was because of the blooming of the iron tree, but she was becoming more and more attractive recently.

Shi Jiaojiao is not blind. Who doesn’t love Teacher Jian who has a mature demeanor off the bed and an old wolfdog in bed

Such days passed in a blink of an eye for more than a month. Shi Jiaojiao didn't feel bored at all, and she also gained some sense of self-management after being led by Jian Yi.

It was rare that Shi Jiaojiao was quite satisfied with this personality and did not cause any more trouble. She helped Jian Jing say good things about Jian Yi, instilled in Jian Yi that Jian could not live without him and she could not live without him, and slowly led his life. Guidance towards the right track.

During the Mid-Autumn Festival, Jian Jing and Shi Jiaojiao's father came back, and the family of four found a restaurant for a reunion dinner. It was Shi Jiaojiao's brainwashing that made it rare for the family to be so harmonious.

Jian Yi had rarely felt the warmth of family since she was a child, and she was particularly happy that day. Jian Jing didn't say any nonsense, and even his brother-in-law's attitude towards him had changed a lot.

Jian Yi knew that all of this was Shi Jiaojiao's fault, and he almost wanted to hold her in his arms.

But he had to endure it. Jian Jing and his brother-in-law didn't know anything about their affairs. If they knew about it, it would definitely be a bomb.

After the meal was over, Shi Jiaojiao and Jian Yi carried the shopping to the car first. Jian Yi finally couldn't help it and squeezed Shi Jiaojiao's hand.

It was very short, but the lights were bright. At this moment, he really wanted to talk to Jian Jing regardless.

It’s not that I fucked your daughter, it’s that I want to marry your daughter.

Shi Jiaojiao also pinched him and smiled back. Jian Yi sighed, planning to wait until Jian Jing left and talk to her about the future in a gentle way without scaring the little one.

However, plans never change quickly. When Jian Jing comes back, Shi Jiaojiao will of course take her parents' car. The Yuanyangs are separated, and Jian Yi drives home by herself.

On the way, I received a phone call and pictures sent from my phone.

When Jian Yi was approaching the villa, he parked the car on the side of the road. After getting out of the car, he stared at his phone, the screen shining in his eyes red.

When she clicked on the audio, the male voice spoke very fast, like a blow to the head in the night, smashing the dream that Jian Yi had just had for a lifetime.

"It's this girl. I confirmed it with the girl who booked the room in the hotel. I also paid for the surveillance camera and sent it to you. You can take a look."

Jian Yi took a deep breath, the cold air entered his lungs, and he shivered all over.