The Stepmother was Overturned

Chapter 92: We have a long way to go


It’s so damn hard!

Shi Jiaojiao sat on the ground with her little face raised. The tears on her face were still wet, but she could no longer suppress the smug smile on her face. Fortunately, it was dark enough that Zhao Pingci couldn't see Shi Jiaojiao's expression clearly.

Shi Jiaojiao hugged the trembling waist of the person in front of her and sighed in her heart. Since ancient times, deep love cannot be retained. Only tricks can win people's hearts. This is really an unchanging truth.

Zhao Pingci seemed to be particularly excited, but he didn't know much about this aspect of things. He was clumsy and enthusiastic, and his dear Shi Jiaojiao was a little out of breath.

After a while, when Zhao Pingci broke away from the excitement and faced Shi Jiaojiao who was very close at hand, he became shy and stammered, "I, I... I..." After a long while, he said No more complete sentences.

Shi Jiaojiao nestled in his arms, finally succeeding, and every cell in her body was relaxed. She was especially looking forward to the time when her little enemy's consciousness returned, he would definitely be very happy, and he would definitely praise her!

She has no desire in this world sha're:n, so she really treats him well.

Of course, necessary means should still be used.

The two hugged each other in the dark for a long time. Zhao Pingci finally straightened his tongue before speaking.

He hugged Shi Jiaojiao, reached out to touch her head, and spoke softly. She was not the same person as the stone in the latrine that was as smelly and hard as before.

"Don't be afraid," Zhao Pingci said, "If you return to the palace, I will take care of you and will never let you suffer in the cold palace."

Shi Jiaojiao was thinking hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha in her heart, and she responded obediently on her face, making the little bird's clinging posture perfect, and she no longer said any nonsense about "you hurry up and leave".

When the two people came out of the grove, they were inseparable on the path.

"Go back quickly." Shi Jiaojiao's face was slightly red, and the look she looked at Zhao Pingci vividly portrayed a little girl who fell in love for the first time.

Zhao Pingci's heart was beating wildly when he saw him. He didn't remember to eat or hit him. He had completely forgotten how Shi Jiaojiao forced him to have sex with her before. Now he automatically added a soft light filter to everything Shi Jiaojiao did. Beautiful but not decent.

Zhao Pingci responded, but did not leave in a hurry. Instead, he stretched out his hand to tidy up Shi Jiaojiao's hair, his eyes as gentle as water.

He was wearing a gauze hat and eunuch uniform. He didn't lower his shoulders as he did in front of others. His back was straight and he looked handsome.

Shi Jiaojiao looked a little high, and her heart was itching. She finally got the person, but when she thought of this appearance, she could only watch. She couldn't eat, and the blood in her head had a tendency to decline.

Hey, why did she write about a eunuch

"What are you looking at..." Zhao Pingci stretched out her hand to cover Shi Jiaojiao and stared directly into his eyes, pursed her lips and tilted her head in embarrassment.

Shi Jiaojiao grabbed his hand and kissed it, "It's not completely safe here. If someone sees it, the consequences will be disastrous. Go back quickly."

Zhao Pingci nodded, "Where is your maid?"

Shi Jiaojiao glanced back, and the maids Jin Zhi and Yu Ye who were hiding behind the rockery came out immediately. Jin Zhi raised his hand, "Don't worry, little Eunuch Zhao, we are all here waiting for the empress!"

Zhao Pingci was stunned for a moment, and then his face turned red. He was so excited just now that he forgot about the maid. He was really dizzy.

When Shi Jiaojiao saw him encountering the two maids, she started to feel at a loss. She was so cautious that she didn't dare to raise her head. She had a silly and naive temperament all over her body, and she couldn't help but laugh again. "Go back quickly..."

Shi Jiaojiao pushed him, "We have a long way to go."

Zhao Pingci nodded indiscriminately and ran away as if running away. His mind was filled with the words "The future is long", which made him dizzy.

As soon as he disappeared, Shi Jiaojiao's appearance as a young girl who was "reluctant to send her lover off" disappeared without a trace.

He stretched out his hand to brush his hair, straightened his collar, turned his head lazily, stretched out his golden branch and quickly helped her up. She was dressed in simple clothes, walking on the path in the dark night, but she gave off the aura of a queen who was in court.

Back at the Buddhist hall, when Shi Jiaojiao was taking a bath, she felt uncomfortable lying in the bucket.

But just as he was drifting off to sleep, an uninvited guest came.

It's a pity that the emperor just came to see a guilty concubine, so he came secretly in the middle of the night, because Shi Jiaojiao didn't allow him to wander here at all during the day.

After the maid made the announcement, Shi Jiaojiao put on her clothes and came out with wet hair. She saw that the emperor's nose was neither a nose nor a face.

"I didn't mean to come by yourself. Why did you bring someone with you? Are you afraid that others won't know?" Shi Jiaojiao finally managed to fool Zhao Pingci. If he knew that the emperor came to her in the middle of the night, she would not be able to explain her eight mouths. clear.

In just a short time, the emperor had been trained by Shi Jiaojiao to become a standard doormat.

Standing at the door, he turned around and glanced at his personal eunuch. He actually smiled and explained. He completely lost the domineering aura of an emperor and had quite a bitchish temperament.

"I have something to discuss with you. He insisted on following you. Don't worry, we were very careful when we came here," the emperor said, turning his head to scold the eunuch beside him, "Waiting outside!"

The old eunuch bowed his head in agreement, not surprised by this situation.

The first time I saw it, I was really shocked. After all, it was today, and it was no joke that the thunder fell to death thousands of miles away in a rage.

But since he condemned Concubine Jiao, the emperor somehow shrunk in front of Concubine Jiao, almost like a little naughty boy. He agreed to whatever Concubine Jiao said and did whatever Concubine asked him to do. He came ten times, and there were Eight times to be reprimanded.

No matter how majestic he was outside, he couldn't show off here. The old eunuch didn't know why the emperor was afraid of the convicted concubine, but the emperor didn't dare to show off his majesty, and he didn't dare to have any attitude. Stand.

"What's wrong?" Shi Jiaojiao was really a little impatient with the emperor, and the words "insatiable" were very appropriate when placed on his head.

In this period of time, the emperor, with the help of Shi Jiaojiao, dealt with almost all dissidents in the court.

The emperor understood Shi Jiaojiao's bad temper and said directly, "I want to know, the Prime Minister of the DPRK..."

Shi Jiaojiao raised her hand to interrupt him, "Your Majesty, I wonder if you know a saying, if the water is clear, there will be no fish."

The emperor frowned slightly, and Shi Jiaojiao sighed, "The prime minister is a veteran of three dynasties, and the late emperor Tuogu, do you actually have doubts about him?"

The emperor remained silent and lowered his head. He didn't know what he was thinking about. Shi Jiaojiao understood him. No matter who met someone who could understand everything, whether it was the great fortune of the world or the number of moles on the courtiers, whoever Would you like to look through them one by one

Who doesn’t want to know who is the most loyal around them, and who is being obedient and unfaithful

But there are so many Bao Qingtians in this world. If they reach a high position, no one can do anything shady under them.

"That's all, I'll tell you everything. You are the emperor and you can think about it yourself."

Shi Jiaojiao sat at the table, took the cloth from the maid's hand, sent her away, and gently wiped her hair while saying to the emperor, "The Prime Minister has a confidante in Chunjiang Garden in the city, and has been with her for more than thirty years. , there is a son between the two of them.”

"The Prime Minister's wife doesn't accept it. This confidante has now become a madam, and she doesn't want to go into the Prime Minister's back house and suffer. Therefore, she raised the child by herself. She has always been nameless and has no status. She doesn't ask for anything from the Prime Minister, but instead Let the Prime Minister miss you."

"This son was raised in a prison and learned a lot of bad habits. He killed someone when he was a teenager, and then he was sent to Songshan to study. The prime minister settled the matter of sha're:n."

The prime minister has been upright throughout his life, and he is the kind of veteran minister who dares to point out the emperor's mistakes directly, and responds to everything in the court. The emperor never expected that he...had a son with me, and because of this son of his, he wasted no time on human life.

Shi Jiaojiao had seen enough of the emperor's shocked face, and waved her hand away, "Go, go back to your own yard to think about it."

There is no need to tie one's hands when dealing with the Prime Minister and the Emperor. No matter what decisions are made in the future, no one will dare to raise objections, because there is only one elder left in the court.

But if the prime minister is brought down, the court will inevitably be in turmoil. If he is not careful, it is easy to form factional members. At least the prime minister is dedicated to the country and is on the side of the emperor. If the emperor disposes of the prime minister, it will breed another party. A "tiger", that's not something to question his decision-making.

Raising a tiger is a recipe for disaster, and it might come back to bite him at some point.

But these things are not things that Shi Jiaojiao needs to worry about. The country is not her country, and the world is not her world. There is only one person in the whole world who is the reason for her to continue to exist.

After the emperor left, Shi Jiaojiao happily ate her midnight snack and went to bed early.

After this day, if Zhao Pingci sent someone to deliver something, Shi Jiaojiao would quietly accept it. Notes conveying love could easily be caught by others, so both of them were very cautious, and all they gave was some food.

Shi Jiaojiao opened the food box sent by Zhao Pingci. There was no food on the first floor, but it was filled with flowers.

Jin Zhi took a breath next to her, and Yu Ye'er also held her little face in her hands, her eyes shining brightly.

Shi Jiaojiao smiled, "You two are almost done. This isn't the first time. It's too fake to be surprised every time."

"How could it be so? It seems that these flowers were picked by Little Eunuch Zhao himself. They are full of his love for the queen." Jin Zhi said the sweetest, with envy on his face. "If there is a person who gets up early every morning, it will be for Jin Zhi." I picked so many flowers..."

"You were scared away a long time ago," Shi Jiaojiao pointed out, "I think if someone gave you so many gold leaves every day, you would love him to death."

Yu Ye smiled naively beside her, and Jin Zhi pretended to hammer Shi Jiaojiao, "I hate it!"

Shi Jiaojiao reached out and plucked the flowers, "Find a way to raise them so that you can live a few more days."

Yuye responded, took down the upper food box, and went to find a vase to arrange flowers.

Jin Zhi looked at the pastries on the bottom of the food box and clicked his tongue repeatedly, "This is not something from the palace dining room today!"

The little girl was a foodie, so she wandered towards the dining room when she had nothing to do, and had an affair with the fat chef in order to get something to eat, but she was very smart and didn't let the fat man take advantage of her.

In fact, if Shi Jiaojiao was really a convicted concubine, she wouldn't have to worry about food at all. She would be able to eat well and drink spicy food just by relying on this little girl's exquisite appearance.

She has been to the dining room so many times that she can tell at a glance whether the food is produced there.

"Did Little Eunuch Zhao do this himself?" Jin Zhi held his face in his hands, "If someone would do it for me every day..."

"Get out of here..." Shi Jiaojiao laughed and scolded.

She reached out and grabbed an unknown pastry. It was made very delicately, not much bigger than a thumb cap. It fit in the mouth without falling crumbs. She took great care.

I don’t know what the ingredients are, but it should be made with hawthorn. It’s hard to find hawthorn at this time, so it has to be stock that hasn’t been put away last year.

It was sour and sweet, just right for Shi Jiaojiao's taste, and it didn't stick to her teeth. Shi Jiaojiao ate the whole plate and didn't finish a single bite of the lunch meal.

When Shi Jiaojiao ordered people to send the plate back, Shi Jiaojiao had the plate washed clean, and then she applied lipstick layer by layer until it was thick enough. Then she made a bright red lipstick mark on the plate and handed it to her. He picked up the golden branch and said, "Go and send it back to him. He must pick it up with his own hands."

No matter how much Jin Zhi could talk, she was still just a little girl. Shi Jiaojiao was really dazzled by Shi Jiaojiao's endless tricks day after day.

There were only a few leftover cakes delivered the day before yesterday, which she arranged in a heart shape.

After drinking the sweet soup delivered yesterday, what was sent back was a folded handkerchief... Red Fruit Beauty.

Today this is again…

Jin Zhi took the plate and looked at the bright red lip marks on it, his face turned red inexplicably.

It was clear that she had nothing to do with him, but this was the first time she had seen someone flirting with her like this. I don't know if Little Eunuch Zhao is still alive in the past few days.

Shi Jiaojiao wiped off the lipstick on her lips, turned around and saw Jin Zhi'er holding a plate with a red face, and immediately became happy, "Hey, why are you blushing?"

Jin Zhier's eyes blinked rapidly, "Who among the men in this world can escape from the hands of the empress..."

"Stop flattering," Shi Jiaojiao stretched out his foot and kicked her ankle, "Send it quickly. If someone wants to check it on the way, the plate will break."

Jin Zhi responded and walked towards Zhao Pingci's residence with the food box, still sighing at Shi Jiaojiao's ingenuity.

These things are really hot when used to express love, but they are all things that leave no trace.

If someone comes to inspect the pastries arranged in a heart shape on the street, all the evidence will be gone is as long as the person holding the food box flicks their wrist.

Later Bu Meiren, as well as today's hickey plates, can be easily destroyed without causing anyone to suspect anything.

In the past, Jin Zhi only knew that the empress had many ways to please the emperor. From time to time she would perform a dance or learn a new piece of music, always with a variety of tricks to keep it fresh.

As Concubine Jiao's personal maid, Jin Zhi didn't know what happened, but the Concubine fell in love with the eunuch of Sanqiansuo overnight. What shocked them the most was that after His Majesty found out, he only acted superficially. Derogatory, secretly and secretly, and even supported what the empress did...

Jin Zhi shook his head quickly. The scene was really unsightly. She didn't understand the relationship. She only knew that the empress was fine.

She and Yu Ye have been with the empress since childhood. As long as the empress likes her and her life is good, they don't care about anything else.

The food box was handed to Zhao Pingci personally. Jin Zhi had always been lively. Although he didn't say anything, his eyes revealed a lot.

When Zhao Pingci was forced to go to Yongyi Palace by Shi Jiaojiao, he always showed no expression on his face. When facing the people in Shi Jiaojiao's palace, he only regarded them as thugs who were colluding with Concubine Jiao at that time.

But now it's completely different from before. He has...

Zhao Pingci's face felt hot even thinking about it. Although the two of them had not seen each other these days, every item Shi Jiaojiao sent could make him feel hot.

After Jin Zhi disappeared, Zhao Pingci returned to his room with the food box, closed the door tightly, and then opened the box.

Even though he was mentally prepared, Zhao Pingci's hands trembled when he opened the box and saw the bright red lip marks on the white plate. His face instantly turned red, as if the lip marks were densely covered by it.

All the pastries on the plate were eaten cleanly, and Zhao Pingci blushed and smiled very sweetly.

Hiding in the empty room, he touched the lip print on the plate with trembling fingers. For the first time in his life, he felt what it meant to be worried.

Even if two people are in the same palace, even if they can't see each other, they can still "reciprocate politely" every day, but Zhao Pingci just feels...missing her.

It would be great if we could see each other every day...

It's just that he doesn't know that people's greed starts from "if they can".

The two of them exchanged love for each other through the air, and the days flew by quickly, and in a blink of an eye, it was time to return to the palace.

Zhao Pingci couldn't follow him back immediately. He invited himself to the palace, and he had to wait until everything in the palace was finished before he could go back.

But as soon as Shi Jiaojiao returned, he was about to be thrown into the cold palace. Zhao Pingci thought about this matter every day without thinking about food and drinks. He was worried about letting anyone take care of him. He was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot.

Shi Jiaojiao had no feelings about moving to the cold palace, and was even a little happy. After moving to the cold palace, she asked the emperor to withdraw the guards so that she could have a private meeting with Zhao Pingci!

But you can't tell Zhao Pingci Ming about this kind of thing. He hinted several times that Zhao Pingci didn't understand at all and was worried. He was so anxious that he could even see the snacks he made for Shi Jiaojiao.

"It's all blurry today..." Jin Zhi opened the snack box and frowned when he saw the snacks inside that looked like they were rolling in the fire.

Shi Jiaojiao's face didn't change. She picked it up and put it in her mouth. After chewing it twice, she retched.

I couldn't eat it anymore, so I asked him to put it away. "I will send the things back to him as they are today," Shi Jiaojiao told Jin Zhi. "Tell him directly to come over in the evening and come to the corridor behind the Buddhist hall. Tell him that I have something important to say to him." He said."

Jin Zhi nodded and collected his things, carrying the food box to Zhao Pingci's yard.

In the evening, Shi Jiaojiao washed up, scented her clothes, dressed up beautifully, and went to the corridor behind the Buddhist hall to wait.

Zhao Pingci was extremely anxious. After receiving the news from Jin Zhi, he had been circling the house since it was dark. Almost as soon as the appointed time came, he had already appeared at the appointed place.

In order to see Zhao Pingci, Shi Jiaojiao had already asked people to send all the guards in this area to other places. Zhao Pingci did not encounter any guards all the way here and thought that God was helping him.

It was completely dark, but Shi Jiaojiao held a bright and dim lamp in her hand.

She stood on the corridor, her long skirt touching the floor. When she heard Zhao Pingci's footsteps, she raised the lamp a little higher and slowly turned her head.

She dressed up deliberately today. She must dress up for a date. She was not at all like the dying person she was a few days ago.

When Zhao Pingci saw Shi Jiaojiao turning around, he took a breath, staggered, and almost fell to the ground.

Shi Jiaojiao deliberately dressed herself in a feminine direction. It was neither the way she usually saw the emperor nor the way a concubine would look in ordinary clothes.

Instead, she simply looks like a rich girl, the kind who has not yet left the palace. Her long hair is disheveled. There are no complicated and gorgeous pearls on the top of her head, only fluttering hair ribbons and embellished hairpins.

If you go out with this look, it is no exaggeration. It is indeed the kind that men will like. It is said to be hibiscus from clear water, but it has a charming smell. It is said to be charming, but there is something between the eyebrows. The inaccessible and cold feeling makes the charm looming, seducing people from three souls to seven souls.

Shi Jiaojiao saw Zhao Pingci staggering, and the corners of her mouth slowly raised.

People looked even more beautiful under the lamp. Shi Jiaojiao stood there dimly, as if she had stepped down from the painting. When she smiled like this again, Zhao Pingci completely forgot to breathe.

Shi Jiaojiao saw him standing straight and motionless not far away, but she didn't know that it was her appearance that stopped him.

Shi Jiaojiao knew that she looked pretty good, but she had never thought that she was a fairy-like beauty who could mesmerize people.

Her little friend never showed how obsessed she was with her face, so Shi Jiaojiao didn't expect that she had already fascinated Zhao Pingci just by her appearance.

In the past, when Shi Jiaojiao was a concubine, Zhao Pingci knew that she was beautiful, but he could not appreciate that kind of beauty because he knew that her beauty belonged to the emperor.

But it was different now. This woman belonged to him. She dressed up and dressed up for herself, and the person she was waiting for was also him.

Zhao Pingci had never had this feeling of owning a person before. The first time he had one, he was intoxicated.

Shi Jiaojiao walked towards him slowly with a lamp in hand, and when she walked in front of him, Zhao Pingci still looked at her blankly.

"What's wrong with you?" Shi Jiaojiao held the lamp in one hand and waved it in front of his eyes, "You're stupid..."

Zhao Pingci looked at Shi Jiaojiao and grabbed her hand that was waving in front of him.

"Can I call you Jiaojiao?" Zhao Pingci asked softly.

Shi Jiaojiao smiled, "Of course, you can call me whatever you want."

Zhao Pingci closed her eyes and tried her best to suppress the surging thoughts in her heart. She brought Shi Jiaojiao's hand to her lips and kissed her gently, her brows filled with intoxication.

He never knew what it felt like to like someone.

Shi Jiaojiao blinked her eyes and wanted to pounce on him when she saw him like this, but she still obediently fucked her shy and careless ladylike figure and stood still.

Zhao Pingci grabbed her hand and kissed her. Just when Shi Jiaojiao thought he would open his eyes and become shy again, he grabbed Shi Jiaojiao's hand and pushed her hard, pulling her whole body into his arms.

"Ah!" Shi Jiaojiao exclaimed in surprise.

The lantern in his hand failed to catch and fell to the ground, and it quickly burned. Zhao Pingci hugged Shi Jiaojiao's waist tightly, lowered his head and stared at her. The firelight of the lantern reflected in his eyes, making Shi Jiaojiao couldn't help but feel heart palpitations. For a moment.

"Jiaojiao..." Zhao Pingci touched the side of her face with his fingers.

"Yes." Shi Jiaojiao raised her face to meet his gaze and responded softly.

"Jiaojiao..." Zhao Pingci called out again.

Shi Jiaojiao was about to respond, but she was caught off guard and Zhao Pingci suddenly lowered his head, blocking her response in his throat.

Lips touched and the lantern went out.

The surroundings returned to darkness, and Zhao Pingci closed his eyes. Shi Jiaojiao couldn't see his eyes and expression, but she could really feel his fire-like enthusiasm.