The Stepmother was Overturned

Chapter 93: Who am I? !


Fire-like enthusiasm was of no use. No matter how excited the mood was, it could only be agitated. Shi Jiaojiao felt a little moved and reached out to touch Zhao Pingci's hair. She had the habit of stroking her little friend's hair with her fingers when she was emotional.

But this time it wasn't very nice. She touched Zhao Pingci's head and the eunuch's gauze hat, and she couldn't move at all.

Unable to survive because of her own misfortune, Shi Jiaojiao retracted her hand with a pure heart, and instead hugged Zhao Pingci very freshly.

It felt like it was more than just one person. Of course, the person who felt more fucked up was not Shi Jiaojiao, but Zhao Pingci.

Even if Shi Jiaojiao is as soft as a puddle of autumn water in his arms, no matter how much he wants to love her, he can only hug her tighter, unable to see her truly turning into water for him, which is a kind of indescribable resentment and anger. Nothing can be done.

However, what was even worse than this feeling was that what he was like now was all due to the person in his arms. He couldn't even hate him, so he could only tighten Shi Jiaojiao's bones with such strength that they almost broke apart. Embedding her into his arms.

The relationship between the two is deep... Shi Jiaojiao was addicted to sex. She couldn't slap herself, so she had to put away her messy thoughts and engage in a holy Platonic spiritual love.

"You smell so good today," Zhao Pingci put his head on the side of Shi Jiaojiao's neck and rubbed her ears with the tip of his nose, "What kind of incense did you use?"

"I don't know what it is called," Shi Jiaojiao answered truthfully, "I want the maids to dress according to the scented clothes you often light in your yard. I think you will like it..."

Zhao Pingci said that it smelled familiar, but he didn't know if it was contaminated by rouge or other fragrances. The smell was different from the ones in his hospital.

And after hearing Shi Jiaojiao say such words, Zhao Pingci was stunned and then laughed.

"Who told you what I like?" Zhao Pingci tapped the tip of Shi Jiaojiao's nose, "This spice is distributed to the chamberlains by the chamberlain supervisor."

Zhao Pingci said with a smile, "It has the effect of deodorizing and calming the mind. I smoke it whether I like it or not."

Of course Shi Jiaojiao knew. She did this on purpose and said it on purpose. This was the same as wearing men's clothes and giving him the illusion that this woman belonged to him.

But when she heard what Zhao Pingci said, she acted differently.

She was stunned for a moment in surprise at first, then showed a resentful expression on her face, lowered her head and remained silent.

Seeing her like this, Zhao Pingci smiled, so tenderly, "But the fragrance that I usually smell is the same, but it smells so good when you smell it."

Zhao Pingci didn't know how to use sweet words, he said what he really thought in his heart, and he smelled it closely against Shi Jiaojiao. The smells on their bodies were almost the same. Zhao Pingci didn't know there was such a trick, but when he smelled the smell on Shi Jiaojiao's body, There is indeed an illusion that Shi Jiaojiao belongs to him.

The two of them were chatting with each other in the middle of the night. Shi Jiaojiao finally managed to comfort Zhao Pingci. Within two days, the emperor set off back to the palace. As soon as Shi Jiaojiao returned to the palace, he packed up and moved to the cold palace.

Fortunately, she is not really a guilty concubine. Even though the courtyard is a bit shabby, she is not locked up with other convicted concubines. The food and clothing expenses are even more shabby on the surface, but in fact there is endless food and drink. , Shi Jiaojiao ordered people to send him to Zhen Leng Palace next door.

The concubines who entered here were basically those who committed crimes in the palace on weekdays. No matter how glamorous they were when they were in glory, once they fell from power, the slaves and maids they had treated harshly would be enough for them to drink from.

No one in this cold palace came in simply because the emperor was tired, and no one has ever done something unconscionable.

This is not worthy of mercy, but it is a loss in ancient times. Being thrown into the cold palace is equivalent to being thrown into a prison in modern times. However, prison has a sentence, one can repent, one can perform meritorious service, and there is hope. Throwing him into this cold palace means that Throughout his life he has seen the four-cornered high wall of death, and the companions who are gradually going crazy around him.

Shi Jiaojiao will ask people to send things over. They are actually a group of sisters who live next door. The teacher usually likes to play and sing, which is not bad. After all, he has served the emperor, who is a idle person

The tune and lyrics were too sad, almost like a funeral song, which was fine during the day. She fell asleep with this tune every night, and Shi Jiaojiao was afraid that she would be sent away by the "funeral team" next door if she was not careful.

Shi Jiaojiao sent someone to deliver things, and they stopped.

With nothing to do, Shi Jiaojiao even thought about the location of her private meeting with Zhao Pingci in her palace after he returned.

She also reached a tacit understanding with the girl next door. When Zhao Pingci returns to the palace, she and Zhao Pingci will go on a date at the pavilion in the corner of the yard. The sisters next door will play some songs. It's so romantic.

It was a beautiful thought, but Shi Jiaojiao waited and waited, and before Zhao Pingci came back, she got the news of his conviction.

The crime was that Bang's biological father was already in prison. Shi Jiaojiao went to find the emperor that night. The emperor and Cui Mei were doing something good, but Shi Jiaojiao interrupted him midway. His face was blue when he came out.

"I didn't tell you to use the jade token I gave you to use like this!" The emperor smacked the table angrily, and Shi Jiaojiao's face remained unchanged as she said directly, "There will be a flood in the Huangwan River next year. After the flood, diseases will be rampant, and people will go along the river. In the end, a large number of Huangwanguan soldiers died of illness, and the Five Qiang Kingdoms took the opportunity to seize the city with their troops."

The emperor held his loose hands and paused. The Huangwan River is located on the border between the two countries. If it is true as Shi Jiaojiao said...

Seeing the suspicion on the emperor's face, Shi Jiaojiao added, "The Thousand Miles Embankment was destroyed in an ant nest. The newly appointed Huangwan River Hedu married the daughter of the chief ceremonial officer of the Five Qiang Kingdoms."

The emperor's face was stern. He knew about this person and this matter. In addition, everything Shi Jiaojiao said before was never wrong. He believed him to the ninety-nine points. The irritability on his face that was interrupted by life slowly disappeared.

Shi Jiaojiao was anxious, but she knew that she must not show too much urgency in front of him at this time, and she paced slowly in the emperor's palace.

Waiting for the eunuch to help the emperor finish dressing, the emperor came out of the room with a solemn face, stood in front of Shi Jiaojiao, and asked in a deep voice, "Why are you here late at night?"

Both of them were sweethearts. Shi Jiaojiao didn't speak first, but talked about the river embankment first. This was because she would be in a disadvantageous position if she spoke first, and it was extremely easy for the old fox to take advantage of her.

The emperor was obviously very anxious. He didn't mention the river embankment first, but asked Shi Jiaojiao why she broke into the emperor's chamber late at night.

Shi Jiaojiao is really anxious. Is the prison a place for people to enter? Zhao Pingci is thin-skinned and tender, with not even a muscle on his body. He is still in the role of cannon fodder. If he is delayed for a moment, he is in danger of dying.

At this moment, Shi Jiaojiao stopped beating around the bush and said directly, "My concubine has been convicted and imprisoned. His skin and tender flesh are too tender to bear. Your Majesty, please help me fish him out."

The emperor's eyebrows were raised high. He knew that Shi Jiaojiao was involved with a young eunuch. He had seen that eunuch, and he was indeed somewhat handsome.

But the emperor only thought that she was teasing the little eunuch. Shi Jiaojiao did not avoid the emperor when doing things, because she couldn't avoid it even if she wanted to. After all, everyone around the emperor was within his control.

The emperor knew what kind of means she used to deceive the little eunuch, and he was also curious why she didn't deceive a guard, but instead deceived a eunuch who had no roots at all.

Could it be that this is still for real

The emperor has been in power for a long time, and Shi Jiaojiao acted arrogantly in front of him, which he was not willing to tolerate. However, this woman, who is said to be a god from the lower world, has no way to handle it. Everything she knows is the emperor's. Extremely eager.

For a while, she led him by the nose, and he became more and more indulgent.

It felt really bad to be ridden on the neck and shit. When the emperor heard Shi Jiaojiao say this, his eyes lit up for a moment.

If this can be used as a handle...

"Actually, it's okay if we don't save him," Shi Jiaojiao suddenly lost all seriousness on her face and looked casually at Cui Mei, who was looking around.

"His Majesty is so beautiful and carefree and happy. It was so easy for me to fall in love with this little one, but I don't know who tricked him in the end." Shi Jiaojiao said, "If the executioner ruined that face... Tsk tsk, I heard that His Majesty personally approved it with his own pen. He is the top scholar in the Imperial City, and is said to be... after the great Confucian scholar of the previous dynasty?"

The emperor tensed up when he heard this. This witch wanted to ruin his favorite courtiers!

His hair suddenly exploded, and he raised his hand to interrupt Shi Jiaojiao's words. Without any ink marks, he directly called the eunuch beside him and handed over the dragon-patterned jade pendant.

With one hand, he pressed the veins popping out of his head, and with the other he pointed at Shi Jiaojiao, "Follow what she said, go and get the person out quickly!"

Even if the little eunuch was really heinous, it would be enough to make up for it if his future pillars were not ruined.

The emperor didn't even ask him what crime he had committed. He just wanted to stop thinking about Shi Jiaojiao as soon as possible. Nawen was the number one scholar, but he was a candidate for the prince's consort. Today, the prince's consort can also hold important positions in the court. The emperor was afraid that Shi Jiaojiao would really care about him.

The emperor sighed when he saw this witch's tricks. If she really meant it, and he couldn't stop it with all his strength because of her ability to foresee, wouldn't a young man with a simple mind, simply called a stupid boy, be easy to catch

After hearing the emperor's order, Shi Jiaojiao made up her mind. Her face remained calm, but she didn't mention anything about the number one scholar. She just stood up slowly and followed the old eunuch out.

The old eunuch led Shi Jiaojiao into a eunuch uniform, took the dragon jade pendant directly out of the palace, and took the carriage to the prison overnight.

There were a total of four prisons in the imperial city, and the prisoners held were determined by the degree of their crimes. The prison where Shi Jiaojiao came was the death penalty prison. In this era, killing one's biological father with a stick was a capital crime.

After entering, what came out of the shop was blood and a faint musty smell. The prison was gloomy. Even if the respectful jailer was carrying a lantern, the small firelight could only illuminate a small area under the feet. .

Unlike what you see in all TV dramas, as soon as you enter, someone reaches out from the cell, shouting to get out.

The place is very infiltrating, the smell of decay is permeated, and except for the constant chirping of crickets, it is like a tomb.

Shi Jiaojiao followed the old eunuch with her head lowered. Behind her was a young eunuch who was dressed the same as her. They all looked down at the footsteps of their companions without squinting.

Shi Jiaojiao couldn't help but squint as she walked down the steps. She only saw a figure lying in the dark corner of the cage next to him, but he was motionless, as if he was dead.

She looked away, and soon followed the group of people to the door of a cell. Shi Jiaojiao couldn't see clearly inside, but her heart was beating wildly.

The cell door opened. The old eunuch was very sensible and deliberately turned sideways to let Shi Jiaojiao go forward. Shi Jiaojiao walked in quickly. When she saw the person huddled in the corner, her breathing trembled.

She was mentally prepared when she heard that she was sent to death row, but when she saw Zhao Pingci being tortured like this, something still gripped Shi Jiaojiao's heart.

"Who did it?" Shi Jiaojiao asked as she went to help Zhao Pingci.

There was no hint of anger in the voice, but in this prison filled with misery, it was actually terrifying.

The jailer quickly replied, "Just follow the normal procedures..."

"Follow the normal procedure." Shi Jiaojiao repeated, her hands shaking a little. The anger about to burst out in her heart made her chest hurt, and her eyes were faintly glowing with abnormal red light.

Under the dancing firelight, no one saw anything strange about Shi Jiaojiao. Seeing her silence, the old eunuch quickly leaned closer and said, "Little Eunuch Zhao's injury needs urgent treatment. I have ordered a doctor to be called. The Marquis is outside."

Shi Jiaojiao reluctantly suppressed and nodded. Several young eunuchs following behind him quickly stepped forward, gently lifted Zhao Pingci, and walked quickly outside.

Shi Jiaojiao followed the others and got on the carriage. She did not go back to the palace directly, but first went to a house two streets away. The old eunuch was very thorough. When they arrived, the doctor was already there. Shi Jiaojiao took a look. There was actually a familiar imperial doctor in the palace.

Seeing the doctor busy around Zhao Pingci, Shi Jiaojiao's anger was finally suppressed. She sat outside and drank a cup of tea. She thought about it carefully. The jailers who carried out the punishment were indeed just following procedures.

As for the person who put Zhao Pingci on death row, she will definitely find out and deal with it properly.

Shi Jiaojiao was certain that Zhao Pingci was framed. After so many lives, Shi Jiaojiao knew very well what kind of person his little enemy was.

He has been burdened by his family all his life, and he is an extremely affectionate person. Killing his biological father? He would never do it.

Shi Jiaojiao was sitting outside, thinking about how to round up and flatten the people behind the scenes. Zhao Pingci treated the more urgent injuries and fed him two decoctions, but she still fell asleep quietly.

After so much trouble, the horizon has turned white. Zhao Pingci's injuries are not serious, thanks to the short time he went in. The most fortunate thing is that there are no serious injuries to his internal organs, they are all flesh injuries. One of his broken arms has been repaired.

As the sky turned bright, a group of people took a carriage, entered from the hidden h0u'me:n behind the palace, and sent Zhao Pingci directly to the stone cold palace.

"Mother, my father-in-law Zhao's injury is not serious. As long as he is taken good care of, he will recover in a month or so."

Before leaving, the old eunuch comforted Shi Jiaojiao, and Shi Jiaojiao stuffed him with a bag of gold leaves as a token of thanks for his age and the trouble he had endured all night.

After a thrilling night, Zhao Pingci was rescued. Shi Jiaojiao looked at the sleeping person on the bed, and after being exhausted, she simply washed herself and lay down next to him.

Shi Jiaojiao didn't fall asleep until dawn and was asleep for most of the day. Zhao Pingci was also asleep for most of the day.

Shi Jiaojiao was woken up by Zhao Pingci's vague murmurs in her sleep. She sat up from the bed and saw that Zhao Pingci's cheeks were red. He stretched out his hand and touched his whole body. He was holding the quilt with both hands and his feet were still kicking.

"Mom... run... quickly!"



Shi Jiaojiao quickly held down his injured hand and shouted outside, "Someone, go and call the imperial doctor!"

Zhao Pingci used so much force that he was in a coma, but his whole body was shaking uncontrollably. Shi Jiaojiao had sent people to check, but no one had responded yet, so she didn't know what Zhao Pingci had gone through.

He tried his best to hold Zhao Pingci's broken arm to prevent him from breaking the fixed hand again, but Zhao Pingci's strength was too great. The maid outside heard the sound and came in to help her. Several people worked together to suppress it, and then they managed to hold it back. Zhao Pingci stopped him.

Shi Jiaojiao tried to wake him up, but Zhao Pingci seemed to be haunted by a terrible dream and could not wake him up no matter how he screamed.

It was not until the imperial doctor came and pricked a few silver needles that Zhao Pingci stopped. Shi Jiaojiao was washed and washed by the maid. When she came back to see her again, Zhao Pingci had calmed down and fell asleep.

"Little Eunuch Zhao must have suffered too much stimulation. I added two tranquilizers to it. He should be able to wake up around night."

"Excuse me, doctor," Shi Jiaojiao ordered his maid to escort the doctor out.

Shi Jiaojiao sat on the edge of the bed, wiped the sweat from Zhao Pingci's forehead with a towel, and pricked the acupuncture points with silver needles. The fever had gone down a bit.

After making the soup and feeding it to him, Shi Jiaojiao has been waiting for him to wake up.

When it was almost dark, the people sent out to investigate also responded. Something happened at Zhao Pingci's home. A dozen members of the family died overnight, including his father and mother.

I don’t know who did it, because the new concubine screamed too loudly, which alerted the guards patrolling the street. When they rushed in, people were dead on the ground. Zhao Pingci was holding a stick in his hand, which was covered in blood, while his father was lying in a pool of blood with his skull collapsed.

Zhao Pingci was arrested on the spot and couldn't explain anything. Except for Zhao Pingci's father, everyone else died from sword wounds. However, the murderer did it cleanly and ran very fast, leaving no trace at the scene. So far, sha're:n's fate We still have no idea who they are.

After Shi Jiaojiao heard this, she thought about how Zhao Pingci had fallen into a nightmare before, and suddenly felt heartbroken.

She didn't know how to eat at night, so she only ate a little dinner and stayed by Zhao Pingci's side until it got completely dark and Zhao Pingci woke up.

The man woke up, but his expression was a little dull and his eyes were unfocused. Shi Jiaojiao called him several times, and then he suddenly jumped up and turned his attention to Shi Jiaojiao.

His eyes were fixed on Shi Jiaojiao's face. Shi Jiaojiao grabbed his hand and squeezed it very gently, "You're awake, are you hungry?"

Shi Jiaojiao turned around and told the maid, "Bring the rice porridge here."

The little maid answered and went to get the rice porridge that had been kept warm for the past two days. Zhao Pingci was still looking at Shi Jiaojiao intently.

After a while, he blinked, and at that moment, tears burst out from his eyes.

Shi Jiaojiao sighed, leaned over Zhao Pingci, gently put her arms around his neck, and kissed the bruised area on his face carefully.

"Don't be's okay." Shi Jiaojiao's voice was as gentle as water.

However, Zhao Pingci shed more tears and even choked out in the end. Shi Jiaojiao kept comforting him with gentle words. After a long while, Zhao Pingci finally cried out, "My mother is dead..."

Shi Jiaojiao was a little at a loss, holding his face and pouting her lips, sucking his tears.

"My father is also dead..." Zhao Pingci's voice was hoarse, "My brother is also..."

The Zhao family is really completely wiped out.

Shi Jiaojiao felt extremely distressed. She already knew these things, but she still hasn't found out who did it.

Zhao Ping was heartbroken and hugged Shi Jiaojiao tightly with his unbroken arm, crying for a long time.

His parents are dead, his young brother is gone, and the Zhao family is almost wiped out.

Zhao Pingci had already guessed who did all this, but he didn't know why that person did it, and why he did it so brilliantly!

Seeing that Zhao Pingci was too excited, Shi Jiaojiao did not ask about the situation at that time, but after Zhao Pingci finished crying, she said hoarsely, "It's the prince."

Zhao Pingci was trembling all over, staring at Shi Jiaojiao with red eyes, "It's the prince! I didn't kill my father! It's the prince!"

Shi Jiaojiao actually had some guesses, but when Zhao Pingci confirmed them, her heart suddenly thumped, and she had some not-so-good guesses.

Zhao Pingci grabbed Shi Jiaojiao's shoulders, "I want to kill him! I must kill him!"

He was so emotional that his whole body was shaking to the point of almost convulsing. Tears were running wildly down his face, his hair was messy and he looked sad.

Shi Jiaojiao hugged him distressedly, "Kill, if you want to kill him, he will definitely not survive. Calm down, you have to take good care of yourself first..."

"What do I want with this body? My family is gone, my parents are both dead, what do I want with this body that is neither male nor female? I'm going to kill him now!"

Zhao Pingci actually wanted to get off the ground as he spoke. Shi Jiaojiao pressed his shoulders, but she couldn't hold them down. She sent the maids out of the door. No one dared to come in without orders.

Shi Jiaojiao saw that Zhao Pingci was getting more and more enthusiastic with his persuasion, so she had to raise her voice and yell at him, "Your family is gone, your parents are gone, and your body is gone. What about me?"

Shi Jiaojiao held Zhao Pingci's face, looked at him closely, and asked sternly, "What about me?! Who am I?! Your home is gone, and you don't want me anymore..."

Zhao Pingci's whole body was trembling, and tears rolled down his red eyes. He looked at Shi Jiaojiao intently, and his lips trembled for a long time, wanting to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything.

You do not belong to me.

Shi Jiaojiao read this from his eyes, and she almost laughed in anger.

But the two of them had only known each other for a short time. Without those memories of past and present lives, she was indeed not as important as Zhao Pingci's relatives in his heart.

Shi Jiaojiao sighed slightly, approached Zhao Pingci, hugged him, "You still have me."

"I belong to you," Shi Jiaojiao whispered in his ear, "I will always belong to you."

Zhao Pingci was stunned for a moment, his eyelashes trembled, and big tears fell. He sobbed and hugged Shi Jiaojiao tightly.

be mine.

I still have you.

Zhao Pingci followed his eyes.