The Stepmother was Overturned

Chapter 94: is that true……


After comforting Zhao Pingci and coaxing him to sleep again, Shi Jiaojiao did not rest, but paced slowly in the room.

The person who harmed Zhao Pingci was the prince. Shi Jiaojiao believed that Zhao Pingci would not be wrong. Moreover, if he had the direction, he could find out if it was true or false.

While Shi Jiaojiao asked people to investigate, she was thinking about how to deal with the prince after it was confirmed.

Although the emperor already has some estrangement towards the prince, the prince is one of the few princes he has grown up with. The princes she mentioned earlier are interested in the seat under his buttocks. The emperor does look ugly and is wary, but the emperor Just out of fear, he did not deal with the prince as vigorously as he did other ministers, but suppressed him gently. It is not difficult to see the emperor's attitude.

Therefore, the matter of taking care of the prince cannot be left to the emperor. No matter how novel she makes the emperor and the emperor desires everything she has predicted, it will not be as good as his own child.

Shi Jiaojiao would never let go of her little enemy who bullied her to this extent. However, she was now very weak. Without the golden fingers of the system, she only had a few available people left by her original concubine. Is it difficult to go? Assassinate the prince

Even if the prince's side is not as airtight as the emperor's side, it is not something ordinary assassins can get close to. There are a few good martial arts people around Shi Jiaojiao, but two or three kittens are really not enough.

The only way is... to borrow a knife sha're:n.

This is the first time Shi Jiaojiao has really planned to sha're:n and dared to trap her little enemy like this. Shi Jiaojiao really doesn't have such a good temper.

The most powerful sword in the world is of course in the hands of the emperor. To kill the dragon, you must use the dragon-slaying sword.

Shi Jiaojiao began to be busy, and went in and out of the emperor's palace more frequently. Zhao Pingci's injuries were not healed slowly. After all, various medicinal materials were being used in various ways to make medicinal meals for Zhao Pingci.

When he was recuperating, he was so depressed that he almost didn't say a word all day long, but he didn't lose weight.

Shi Jiaojiao didn't spend much time with Zhao Pingci every day, especially after a few days, when she thoroughly found out why the prince killed Zhao Pingci's family who had taken refuge in him, Shi Jiaojiao was a little afraid to face Zhao Pingci.

Damn it was a nightmare. She didn't even dare to write such a bloody thing. The prince killed Zhao Pingci's whole family because of her.

Regarding Concubine Jiao, there was a hidden plot previously. Shi Jiaojiao mentioned it briefly at the beginning, without recalling the details of the plot, so she just forgot about this plot point.

The prince's biological mother is not the current queen, but the queen's best friend when she was a child. The two entered the palace together to be favored, and the sisterhood was not damaged because of the emperor's favor.

But the prince's biological mother and the queen are cowardly and stupid. In this harem, the queen can still rely on her mother's family to be huge and no one dares to go too far. The prince's biological mother is just a concubine, and her support is not strong enough. Concubine Shen Jiao was killed.

After the death of the crown prince, he adopted the queen who had nothing to do, and then became the crown prince. In his heart, he also hated the concubine, and he kept a low profile and never forgot his hatred.

Originally, this had nothing to do with Zhao Pingci. He was just the leader of the eunuchs in the palace, and the prince didn't even pay much attention to him.

However, after Shi Jiaojiao traveled through time, she found out that Zhao Pingci was her little enemy, and they entangled her many times, even blatantly. A few days ago, the two of them were entangled together. This kind of thing, for those who have many capable people, they want to explore it. It's really easy to reveal the "adultery" between the two.

Knowing that one of his subordinates was actually involved with his enemy, the prince was already biased and thought that Zhao Pingci was sent to him by Shi Jiaojiao. He did not take Zhao Pingci, a young eunuch, into his eyes at all, so he just waved his hand. between.

Zhao Pingci watched his family members die at the hands of the master he was loyal to. While he was shocked and shocked, someone put a stick into his hand, and he was convicted of killing the Holy Father with a stick.

The prince wanted to scare the monkeys, and wanted to alert the concubine behind Zhao Pingci. If she dared to have any thoughts on his side, this would be the end of her family being exterminated.

Shi Jiaojiao knew the truth and was speechless for a long time. Her heart was weaker than her kidneys. She didn't dare to tell Zhao Pingci the reason clearly, and she didn't dare to look at Zhao Pingci's lost and overstimulated face.

If I don't kill Boren, Boren will die because of me. Shi Jiaojiao knows that if Zhao Pingci knows the truth, the relationship between the two of them is not a deep friendship, it can only be regarded as a relationship that has just begun, and I am afraid it will completely disappear.

She wanted her men to keep silent and destroy all traces, fearing that Zhao Pingci would know about it, and she would not dare to face him. Even though Shi Jiaojiao knew that Zhao Pingci's relatives were all created by her, she was the one who was truly closest to him, but Zhao Pingci did not Knowing that he cared so much about his family in this world, Shi Jiaojiao didn't dare to gamble.

Shi Jiaojiao didn't dare to bet on her status in his heart as a little enemy who had not yet awakened.

While she was covering up this matter and hiding from Zhao Pingci, she was really angry and made plans secretly to kill the prince to smooth over the matter.

In the blink of an eye, half a month later, Zhao Pingci's injury was almost healed. He was walking freely in the cold palace, holding his arms, listening to the playing and singing next door every day, waiting for Shi Jiaojiao to come back.

He felt desolate and helpless, painful and sad, and wanted to take revenge, but Shi Jiaojiao tied him up with love, so that he could not risk it, nor could he step out of here. He lived like a trapped beast, just waiting for his master to come back. , a moment of comfort can barely survive.

But at this critical moment when he needed to be comforted, Shi Jiaojiao became busier day by day. She stayed with the emperor all day long and tried her best. She even brought a false declaration of allegiance to deceive the emperor that there was a living Buddha coming to the world in the Xifeng Temple and taking a physical body. Sitting is when you become a Buddha. If you receive the Buddha's illumination, it will not only prolong your life, but also help a lot in the destiny of the country. Shi Jiaojiao did not say death, but in words, she said that she had obtained the relics of the sitting Buddha. You can live forever.

What he said was too mysterious, and the matter itself was too mysterious. It could be called a lie to deceive the public.

But Shi Jiaojiao half-convinced the emperor with her own existence and foreknowledge of everything. In addition, she was sure that since ancient times, all emperors who were obsessed with power would not want to live forever.

In order to help Zhao Pingci settle his knot as soon as possible and to conceal the prince's true purpose, Shi Jiaojiao showed no mercy in cheating her "own son".

Finally, the emperor was completely convinced by her sharp tongue and her ability to talk nonsense, and planned to go to the mountain secretly during the Mid-Autumn Festival when the Living Buddha of Xifeng came into the world.

Of course, you can't go there blatantly. People in this era are inherently superstitious. There are countless folk temples, but they can't alleviate the suffering of the people. No matter what happens, it will become evil.

The emperor has been making plans for rectification in private for a long time. If people knew that he also went to the mountain to pray to gods and worship Buddha, he would probably make the world laugh at him, and it would even encourage this unhealthy trend.

So he was moved and believed it, but he only dared to touch it quietly without making any publicity.

Shi Jiaojiao just wanted him to be sneaky. If he was really blatant, he wouldn't be able to make the knife in her hand.

She knew that the prince had always hated her and was waiting for an opportunity to get rid of her. Before leaving, she asked the emperor to restore her favor with great fanfare. Although her status was only a noble person, it was equivalent to telling everyone that she was making a comeback again.

The reason given to the emperor is very simple. You go to seek immortality and find a living Buddha, and I will act as a shield for you.

Although the emperor was full of suspicion, this was undoubtedly an excellent excuse. If something happened, he would push her and say that she was praying for the country, which was just a blessing for the country. She returned to the cold palace.

The emperor was full of expectations for the "living Buddha" Shi Jiaojiao called, but he didn't know that this was a trap set by Shi Jiaojiao's "son".

Therefore, the carriages that go up the mountain on the Mid-Autumn Festival are the carriages of delicate people who feel regret and ask for blessings for the country.

No one knows that there are not only delicate people in that carriage, but also today's emperor.

Even if the emperor travels in a low-key manner, he still brings enough secret guards with him. But now, the way Shi Jiaojiao in the carriage looked at the emperor didn't look like he was looking at a person, it looked like he was looking at a knife. .

Knife for her use.

She had already revealed her whereabouts, and was about to tell the world. The prince had been ruthless and cruel to Concubine Jiao for so many years. She had been planning a dirty trick after her fall, and there was no way she would miss such an opportunity.

Previously, it was just because she was in the palace that it was inconvenient to do things. Moreover, the emperor often went to the cold palace. The prince did not dare to determine the reason. He had endured it for so many years and was not in a hurry. He had enough patience to wait for an opportunity. , he needed to find a way to leave no trace and let her die quietly.

Now she is back in the prince's favor as expected, but now she is just a little nobleman, and she dares to leave the city openly. Can she really think that the years have worn away all the hatred, and now she can sit back and relax

The prince would not let go of this opportunity. When he learned the news, he laughed, and laughed loudly. In the reincarnation of heaven, he finally had the opportunity to kill the demon concubine.

Yes, he wants a hand blade.

Shi Jiaojiao closed her eyes, everything was going on in an orderly manner according to her plan.

But there was a little accident this morning...

Zhao Pingci knew that she was back in his favor. No matter how Shi Jiaojiao explained that she had nothing to do with the emperor that night, Zhao Pingci refused to believe it as if he was crazy.

Even when Shi Jiaojiao revealed her plan, he had red eyes and refused to believe her anymore, claiming that she wanted revenge. Shi Jiaojiao had no choice but to have someone beat him unconscious and lock him up.

When things here are settled, Shi Jiaojiao will explain to him carefully, and Shi Jiaojiao is ready to take him away.

Shi Jiaojiao was a little worried about Zhao Pingci, blaming her for being surrounded by this incident during this period. It was not difficult to deceive two people, but it was difficult to deceive an emperor and a prince at the same time.

They all have trypophobia that scares them to death. Fortunately, Shi Jiaojiao still has the advantage of being a creator and can control their temperaments, so she can take advantage of them.

But without a golden finger, it was too difficult. Shi Jiaojiao was also a little afraid of seeing Zhao Pingci's sad face, so she didn't spare much time to accompany him. When he needed company the most, Shi Jiaojiao failed to accompany him and help him sort out his knot. Thinking of this, Shi Jiaojiao felt that after this incident, it would probably be a headache to coax people back.

"What's wrong with you?" The emperor asked aloud as he saw Shi Jiaojiao rubbing her head.

Shi Jiaojiao really felt pain in her head, but the way she acted was just pretending and had planned it in advance.

Under the bumps of the carriage, her figure was shaky, and she smiled at the emperor with an ugly face, "I pushed off the quilt when I went to bed last night, and I felt a little uncomfortable when I woke up this morning." Shi Jiaojiao frowned and rubbed her nose, "I'm afraid. It’s a bit chilly.”

The emperor frowned slightly, and Shi Jiaojiao added, "In this way, I will go to the little carriage at the back, so as not to expose the emperor to her illness."

During this period of time, Shi Jiaojiao was very polite in front of the emperor. She no longer regarded you as my concubine, and honestly called herself a concubine. The emperor was quite satisfied with this change, but at the same time, he also had some doubts. He didn't know why Shi Jiaojiao suddenly suddenly Transitioned.

Shi Jiaojiao stopped the car and when she stood up to leave, the emperor grabbed her arm.

The emperor's vigilance had developed a physiological reaction after being away for many years. He grabbed Shi Jiaojiao's arm and frowned tightly, hating Shi Jiaojiao for being so cold.

But he always felt a little uneasy. Xu had never been out like this. Even if he brought more guards than usual in the palace, he still felt uneasy. Looking at Shi Jiaojiao's red nose, the emperor felt disgusted, but still He said coldly, "Just stay here."

Shi Jiaojiao knew that it was not that easy to deceive this old fox, so she was appropriately stunned when she heard this.

Then he lowered his eyebrows and said, "Yes, Your Majesty." He obediently sat back down next to the emperor.

The carriage stopped briefly and then started to walk slowly towards the mountain again. Shi Jiaojiao was not as obedient as she appeared. She crushed a small cloth bag inside her sleeve with her fingers, rubbed it under her nose, and then started to put it on one after another. The sneezing seemed to be getting worse.

The emperor's brows were so furrowed that they could kill a fly. Shi Jiaojiao turned her head to meet the emperor's gaze and sneezed very rudely at him.

This big sneeze completely made the emperor's face darken. He stared at Shi Jiaojiao and knocked on the wall of the car, driving Shi Jiaojiao to the small car behind.

Just right.

After Shi Jiaojiao got on the carriage, she rubbed her fingertips with her sleeves and wiped off the medicine on her hands, and then she looked out of the carriage window.

We are almost there. Shi Jiaojiao has already ordered people to explore the road. On the way to Xifeng Temple, there are not many suitable places to get started. The incense in the temple is not bad. On days like this for family reunions, there are not many people going up the mountain. .

Of course, if the prince wants to take action, he cannot do it in a place where people are passing by, so the most suitable places are only those two places.

One is a place similar to a canyon, but in fact the mountains on both sides are not very high, but the trees are lush and green, and the branches are thrown down diagonally, which makes it feel like it is blocking the sky and the sun.

The other road is a winding mountain road. This mountain road is not narrow, but you need to be very careful when driving. Shi Jiaojiao uses himself to save others, and guesses that the easiest place to start is on the mountain road.

As long as the car is pushed down the mountain, even if it is just a slow slope, the person will lose all mobility after rolling down, and then he will be at the mercy of others.

But now that she was about to reach the mountain road, Shi Jiaojiao finally successfully got off the frame of "Jiaoguiren".

Next, she just waited for how the prince would stab her own father frantically, and how the emperor would be frightened and angry. In addition, Shi Jiaojiao had taught the prince over the past few days that he was rebellious. Even if the prince did not die, he would probably end up in the end. A fate of life imprisonment.

After all, even the prince would never be lenient with the crime of seriously injuring the emperor.

Seeing that the road ahead was approaching, Shi Jiaojiao moved the mechanism in her pony carriage.

This was made together with the bed last time. There is nothing special about it. It cannot be invulnerable. However, it does have a wonderful thing. No matter from the inside or the outside, both sides are flat. If it is not specially made to make mechanisms, When people observe it, they can't see the mystery at all.

After the mechanism was removed, Shi Jiaojiao curled up and got into the box.

The carriage was covered again inside, and Shi Jiaojiao lay peacefully in the box. There was not much space, but there were extremely soft and thick inner walls everywhere. Even if she really rolled down the mountain with the carriage, Shi Jiaojiao was confident that she could survive.

After doing all this, Shi Jiaojiao clutched the ring on her hand, closed her eyes and waited.

But it was different from what she expected. After passing through the winding road, the prince's people did not take action.

Shi Jiaojiao didn't believe that he would miss such an opportunity. She lay in the carriage and chuckled. If she didn't take action here, it would be easier for the emperor's people to fight back in the canyon, so her safety would be better guaranteed.

Has her wish-granting skill returned? Shi Jiaojiao closed her eyes and thought happily.

It didn't take long for the carriage to reach the place where Shi Jiaojiao guessed the second perfect move, but for a long time he didn't hear any strange movement.

She felt a little uneasy. When the vehicle was almost out of the valley, and it was about to hit the wide and flat road, Shi Jiaojiao became a little anxious.

Is it possible that the prince doesn't even want such an opportunity

The car had completely driven out of the canyon, and there was a wide and flat road ahead. Shi Jiaojiao was about to move the machine and sit up when she suddenly heard a whistle from outside.

Then the horses stopped suddenly, the carriage horse neighed and raised its front hooves, then dropped them heavily.

Shi Jiaojiao slowly laughed in the bumpy vehicle.

Next, she closed her eyes and listened to the clash of swords outside, and the arrows that were densely nailed to the wall of the car like raindrops.

In the panic, a sharp voice shouted, "Escort!"

But no one stopped for a moment because of his voice. The outside was already red-eyed. The prince was dressed in black, armed from head to toe, holding a long sword, and landed lightly beside the carriage.

His subordinates around him had already cleared a path for him. He slowly leaned over, lightly knocked on the wall of the car, and said, "The debt you owe can be repaid now. When you are in hell, you must remember to pay your respects." My mother-in-law bows her head and pleads guilty."

Inside, the emperor was frightened when he heard the sound of fighting coming from outside. However, he never expected that the people he brought failed to guard the side of the car. And after listening carefully to the sounds of people talking outside, the emperor felt even more frightened. Lightning strike.

In an instant, Shi Jiaojiao's various insinuations and words he said to him seemed to have turned into a heavy hammer, hitting the emperor's heart and shattering his thin father-son relationship.

He was immediately furious, but before he could speak, he suddenly felt a chill in his chest.

The prince didn't even move the curtain of the car, and couldn't even wait to take a look at the person inside. The long sword penetrated the gap in the car and penetrated the person's body in an instant.

The white knife went in and the red knife came out. A ferocious smile appeared on the prince's face. The people around him were still fighting. This time he led his men out in full force. In fact, it was far from necessary to deal with a concubine, but for the prince It's a ritual.

He couldn't make any mistakes, and he couldn't let this incident have another chance of survival. The reason why he brought these people here was because these people were all his confidants, his most capable men, and they would also make him His sword will be invincible in the future, and today he will use the blood of this woman to sacrifice the sword.

But now the prince looked at the drops of blood dripping down from the long sword, and he was so excited that he couldn't help himself.

The excessive excitement made him lose his mind. He didn't even think carefully about how a concubine went up the mountain to pray for blessings and brought so many elites and masters with her.

In the prince's vague memory, the emperor seemed to be too fond of the demon concubine, and the things he gave to the demon concubine were always many times better than those given by his mother.

With such an extreme thought, it is not surprising that even if he is in the cold palace, he can regain his favor again, and let the dead soldiers around him be driven by this demon concubine.

Seeing that the man he had brought gradually showed signs of decline, the prince frowned slightly, swung his long sword to lift the curtain of the carriage, and prepared to use two more swords to make a quick decision.

As a result, when the curtain of the car was opened, what the prince faced was not the frightened woman who turned pale and vomited blood, but the emperor, who was holding his hand on Hula La's bleeding chest and staring at him with eyes wide open.

The prince was stunned outside the car, subconsciously clenching the sword tightly, his lips trembling for a long time, but he couldn't call out his father. He didn't believe that the scene in front of him was real!

He was not awake, but the emperor was more awake than ever. He was so awake that his bones were cold and he was penetrated by a long sword, and the person holding the sword was his son, his prince!

"You are so impatient!" The emperor roared like a beast, spraying blood foam in his mouth on the prince's face. The hot smell hit his nose and completely woke him up.

The sound of swords stopped amidst the panicked shouts of the prince. All the people who were scarred, those who had strong murderous intentions, or those who had been beheaded to the ground fell silent. There was a deathly silence in the air, only the emperor was blowing the bellows. There was a gasping sound and a trembling hand pointing at the prince.

No one noticed that at this time, they were frightened to the bottom of the carriage in the distance. The mechanism was quietly opened, and a girl quietly landed on the ground. She crawled out from under the horse's belly, rolled with a grunt, and rolled to the side. In the grass.

Shi Jiaojiao rolled all the way down the hillside, and then started to run towards the way she came from. The people who were ready to rescue her were waiting at the foot of the mountain. She described how she arrived in a panic. She already had many bruises on her body, but she didn't care about it at all. I climbed onto a carriage that had been waiting there for a long time.

In the car was the little friend she had longed for. Although her hands and feet were still locked and the look she was staring at was particularly scary, Jiaojiao smiled, so wildly and unruly.

There was only one driver on the carriage. After Shi Jiaojiao got on the carriage, the carriage started running non-stop along the road.

During the jolt, Shi Jiaojiao knelt down in front of Zhao Pingci, held his face, and kissed him randomly on the face a few times.

Then she pulled off the cloth stuffed in Zhao Pingci's middle, and before Zhao Pingci could speak, she leaned over and kissed him.

Zhao Pingci stared with tears streaming down his face. He was really aggrieved, shocked, and didn't know what to do.

After a brief kiss, Shi Jiaojiao took out the key and unlocked his hands and feet. While doing so, she said, "It's done! The plan I told you is done! I've avenged you, and the prince is dead!"

The sword pierced the emperor's chest. He could not justify committing such a heinous crime even if he had eleven thousand reasons.

Zhao Pingci was about to ask Shi Jiaojiao why he locked him, but he was stunned after hearing what Shi Jiaojiao said. After Shi Jiaojiao untied his hands and feet, she grabbed his hands and put them on her face, smiling brightly.

"He will never be able to escape the crime of regicide!"

Zhao Pingci didn't respond for a long time, just stunned, looking a little dazed as the car shook.

Shi Jiaojiao hugged his neck and kissed the side of his face. "The grudge is over, let's leave now. From now on, it will be just me and you in the end of the world."

Zhao Pingci was still stunned. He could see all the tiny injuries on Shi Jiaojiao's body. After a long while, he said in a vague voice, "Is it true..."

The prince committed regicide, is this true

That plan came true, is it true

"Yes." Shi Jiaojiao looked into his eyes and nodded to confirm, "It's true."

Zhao Pingci reached out and held Shi Jiaojiao's face, her lips moved a few times, but tears fell first, and she murmured, "From now on..."

Shi Jiaojiao laughed and nodded, tears sliding down her face and falling on Zhao Pingci's hand.

She took the words, her eyes firm, and repeated again, "To the end of the world, it's just you and me."

To the end of the world, only you and me.