The Story of Hua Yan

Chapter 105: (one more)


Marquis Wuwei came to the main hall, stepped into the door, Huayan saw him, and understood why Liu Fuxiang abandoned the young Su Zizhan to embrace his father.

Marquis Wuwei is wearing a black brocade robe, his appearance is first-class, his whole body is like a sword that has been polished and sealed up, his aura is hidden but not exposed, when people see his appearance, they will be shocked three times.

She has also heard about the reputation of Marquis Wuwei.

Like Duke Jing, he leads troops to fight and kills decisively. Although it is a peaceful and prosperous age now, the heroic appearance of that year has not been buried. He is more formidable than Jing Guogong, not only can lead troops to fight, but also proficient in the art of being an official.

Therefore, if it is said that Zhao Zaifu's foundation is huge and his disciples are everywhere, then Wuwei Hou's foundation is not shallow.

In particular, his mother is also the emperor's aunt, not to mention that he and the emperor are cousins, and he has become brother-in-law with the emperor. The Marquis of Wuwei can be said to be closely tied to the imperial power. It is the most prominent mansion other than the East Palace. .

When Yun Chi saw him, he would give way to him three points, especially since Marquis Wuwei had military power in his hands.

Southern Chu's military power was divided into four, and the emperor took one share. After Yunchi supervised the country, that share of military power was given to Yunchi. Marquis Wuwei held one, Duke Jing held one, and King Anyang held the other.

King Anyang was not a general, but a civil servant, but because of the trust of Taizu, he was in charge of a military force.

When Liu Fuxiang saw Marquis Wuwei, she went to the door first, "Master Hou, you have come back and invited the princess to the mansion as a guest, which is unthinkable." She said, looking at Huayan, the meaning was self-evident.

Since Marquis Wuwei returned to his residence, he naturally knew what happened in the Xiangshui River, so he nodded and looked at Huayan.

Huayan stood up slowly, blessed with a blessing, and said with a slight smile, "I have long admired the name of Lord Hou, and I came to the mansion to bother you today."

Marquis Wuwei looked at Hua Yan, a woman in her twenties and eight years of age, with a beautiful appearance and unparalleled beauty, she was wearing a light blue brocade silk long skirt, the skirt was wrapped with branches and begonias were lifelike, without too many jewelry decorations around her body, she had a simple and elegant look However, her appearance is extremely eye-catching and bright, so she also properly conceals some plainness, which makes people see it without being thick or light, just pleasing to the eye.

He nodded with gloomy eyebrows, and said in a deep voice, "The Crown Princess' visit to the mansion is something that makes the Hou Mansion flourish. There is no need to be polite."

Huayan nodded with a smile, and sat down again.

The Fifth Prince, the Eleventh Prince and others stood up to greet Marquis Wuwei.

Marquis Wuwei glanced at everyone and nodded one by one. After a short exchange of pleasantries, Liu Fuxiang couldn't help going straight to the point, and couldn't wait to talk about Dr. Sun's symptoms of Lin'an Huayan.

After hearing this, Marquis Wuwei let out an "Oh" and seemed very surprised, "There is such a thing"

Liu Fuxiang said softly, "Master Hou doesn't believe me, you can ask Dr. Sun, he is right here."

Dr. Sun hurriedly stepped forward to reply, "Back to Lord Hou, I dare not lie to you. The Crown Princess has this disease. It seems that she was born with it from her mother's womb."

Marquis Wuwei looked at Huayan when he heard the words.

Huayan nodded, "That's right, this disease has been present since birth, but after I was born, I was as normal as a normal person and never noticed it. Three years ago, I met someone from Miracle Doctor Valley by chance. Little typhoid, he took my pulse and found out that there is such a disease hidden in my body without thinking, and there is no way to cure it."

"Since I learned about it three years ago, why I was included in the roster of concubines is logically not optional." Marquis Wuwei asked in a deep voice.

Huayan smiled, "When Lord Hou didn't return to the mansion earlier, I had already explained this matter to everyone. The queen mother's order is difficult to do, even if the Hua family said that I have something to hide, I still can't get around the imperial power above my head. Regardless of this, I only know how to follow orders. And this is not a glorious disease, the Hua family doesn't want to spread it to the world, and I didn't expect His Highness the Crown Prince to choose me. After the election, it will be too late."

Marquis Wuwei stared at her, "His Royal Highness knows it"

Huayan said shallowly, "His Royal Highness naturally knows."

The dark color in Marquis Wuwei's eyes deepened, "Since His Royal Highness knows about it, there is nothing to say." After saying that, he stood up, as if he was about to leave.

Liu Fuxiang and everyone were startled.

"Wait a minute, Lord Hou" Hua Yan hurriedly stopped him, she took advantage of Liu Fuxiang's trick today

Teng was nothing more than trying to drag Marquis Wuwei to take advantage of the situation, but this person actually said that he didn't want to take care of it after he found out, so she couldn't let him take care of her.

Marquis Wuwei stopped in his tracks, "What advice does the Crown Princess have?"

Hua Yan said earnestly, "Master Hou is loyal to the Holy One and the Southern Chu River. His heart can be learned from the world, and the sun and the moon can show it. Now that he knows about this matter, he probably won't ignore it."

Marquis Wuwei didn't speak when he heard the words.

Huayan continued, "His Royal Highness insists on marrying me. Although I don't want to put gold on my face, it is true. Think of me as a man with no virtue, no talent, no manners, no understanding of rules, stubborn and barren. A short-lived person with severe disease really has nothing to recommend him, and he is really unworthy of being a princess. Therefore, I have always resisted. However, His Royal Highness insists on going his own way. Lord Wanwang meets Lord Wanwang and decides."

Marquis Wuwei stared at Huayan, with a touch of deep thought in his dark brows, "This Marquis cannot be the master of His Royal Highness' affairs."

Huayan smiled lightly, "The matter of His Royal Highness is not a matter of one person, but of the court, the society, and the dawn of the country. Lord Hou is an official in the court, eats the king's salary, and is loyal to the king. It's fine if you don't encounter it. Now that we have met, how can Lord Hou stand still and ignore that His Royal Highness is the crown prince, who is connected to all peoples of the country, and he dares to recommend it is not only a matter of Yushitai, but also a matter of Lord Hou and all civil and military officials."

Marquis Wuwei narrowed his eyes, the darkness in his eyes turned into sharp knives, stabbing straight at Huayan, his whole body was full of aura in an instant, everyone felt that there was not enough air in vain, and some couldn't breathe.

Huayan is not afraid of this aura, all she wants is the result, facing the sharpness of his sword that is no longer concealed, she smiled faintly, "As a minister, speak out and dare to recommend, loyal words are harsh, and you will never hesitate to die. Marquis, you Is he a loyal minister and good general? If so, you shouldn’t ignore such things and don’t ask, and you shouldn’t know it as if you don’t know it.”

This is the army of Marquis Wuwei. Regardless, he is not a loyal minister and good general.

As soon as she said this, everyone in the main hall was almost out of breath, so quiet that a needle could be heard.

Marquis Wuwei was furious in vain, a strong storm welled up in his eyes.

Everyone felt that the main hall was like ninety-nine cold days in an instant, and the north wind was fierce and cold to the bone.

Hua Yan still smiled faintly, facing Wuwei Hou's anger that exploded in vain, she talked and laughed casually, "Master Hou must know something about what happened in this year. His Royal Highness is too stubborn. He just said It’s not a good thing to suppress Yushitai’s memorial to impeach me. After all, even a little girl like me who doesn’t understand anything knows that if Yushitai exists in name only, and if no one in power dares to speak out and recommend it, then the country But it’s not far from extinction. Today he ignored everyone’s opposition and married me, who was worthless, because of the freshness of rolling in the secular world that I am different from the women in this world. Bigger things are coming, and the country is in danger. Therefore, this precedent cannot be set."

The storm gushing out from Wuweihou's body continued, he still looked at Huayan without saying a word.

Huayan thought that this was the end of the conversation, she had already said what should be said and what should not be said, and it would be boring to say anything else, she took a sip of the tea cup, the tea was already cold, but she felt that the mouth was cool and comfortable.

She shook the cup and said with a smile, "Master Hou thinks I'm right." After saying that, she raised the cup in her hand and said, "Just like this tea, you should drink it while it's hot. If it's cold, most people will drink it." They all choose to throw it away. But there are also a few people who just like this herbal tea."

The stormy anger around Marquis Wuwei gradually faded away, he sat down again, his brows returned to the darkness they had when he first saw the beautiful face, "The beautiful face in Lin'an really deserves its reputation."

Hua Yanjian finally convinced this person, her smile spread wide, and she said with a smile, "Master Hou, I'm just a person who struggles in the mud, and I can't be in the elegant hall. This thousand years of infamy, which has harmed the country, is also for the sake of keeping His Highness the crown prince free from stains, and for the loyal officials and good generals of Southern Chu to be recorded in the annals of history, so I rely on Lord Hou."

Marquis Wuwei sneered, "You are so young and sharp-tongued. Master Jiang, who is the most eloquent in Yushitai, is probably not as good as you. If I had known that you were so eloquent, the envoy to the Southwest Fanbang should be the Marquis." Recommending you will also save Princess Anyang from worrying about his son every day."

Huayan smiled and said, "Mr. Shuli is the most suitable candidate to go to Southwest Fanbang as an envoy. A woman's mouth can only show off her quick tongue for a while, how can it be used for state affairs to be praised by Lord Hou."

Marquis Wuwei said in a deep voice, "Whether this Marquis is flattering you or not, you know very well in your heart." After saying that, he seemed to have made a decision, and ordered, "Come here, please come over here."