The Story of Hua Yan

Chapter 122: (two more)


Su Zizhan knew that Hua Yan was always a bold person, but he didn't expect that she would ask him such straightforward words so openly and boldly. His body stiffened for a moment, and his elegant face became blush from the base of his ears.

Huayan looked at the man who turned into a wood carving in an instant, and admired his snowy features dyed red, so pleasing to the eye and extremely attractive, she smiled and waited for him to digest her words for a while before asking him again, "how?"

Su Zizhan turned his head abruptly, turned his back, and said in a nice voice with a bit of stiffness and trembling, "I'll talk about it after he is cured."

Huayan smiled lowly, "You are so unconfident that you can't answer me in advance."

The blush on Su Zi's face faded away, and he pursed his lips and said, "My confidence has never been much, and I'm afraid that if I agree with you now, I will never have it again."

Huayan thought about how many times he had been disappointed because of the incurability of cold symptoms since he was a child, and now he couldn't even raise his confidence at all. She sighed secretly, and said with a smile, "Okay, I will listen to you first. of."

Su Zizhan turned around slowly when he heard the words, and looked at Huayan with fixed eyes.

Huayan looked at him and said with a smile, "In this Peach Blossom Valley, except for the sky, there are only deaf-mute uncles and aunts. They are only responsible for cooking, and they are not responsible for the rest. Therefore, we must be self-reliant. .Fortunately, you brought hidden guards, this Peach Blossom Valley, no one can easily enter, and your hidden guards don't have to hide, you can walk around as you like, and let them do chores for you."

Su Zi nodded.

Huayan smiled again and said, "Aunt and Uncle are very happy to see us here, and they will cook a large table of dishes. I guess you will have to be a little bit hungry before you can eat their meals. You can let people Go to boil water and carry it to your room to take a bath, and then go to the dining room to eat." After finishing speaking, she pointed out, "The big room next to the kitchen is the dining room, where you eat at Chen, noon, and Shen."

Su Zizhan nodded again.

Huayan looked at him, and couldn't help laughing again, "I can't help but want to tease you with your cute appearance, but I can only bear it." After saying that, she walked towards her room go.

Su Zizhan stood still, watching Huayan's slender figure enter the leftmost room of the front row house. He didn't look back until she closed the door, lowered his head, and looked at the ground.

The Peach Blossom Valley was full of the fragrance of peach blossoms, and the warm wind blew by, and he felt an unprecedented warmth wrapping his whole body.

For many years, he has never been to such a far place except for the four corners of the capital. Back then, when he suppressed the Black Water Village, he only walked five hundred miles away from the capital, but now he is standing on two sides. Thousands of miles away.

In the past, he never dared to think, and never thought that he would be led out of the capital because of one person without her telling the reason. of approx.

This feeling

He didn't ask her how she got rid of Yunchi's care, didn't ask her everything he didn't know about her, and didn't ask her anything, just obeyed her arrangement like this.

He lowered his head, unable to calm down for a long time.

"Young master." Qing Hun appeared quietly. When he learned yesterday that the person living in the Peach Blossom Valley is a ghost doctor with countless hands that countless people can't find, he was more excited than seeing An Shiliu. The precious medicinal materials that are hard to find in the world are sent to the young master, and they are even more exciting.

Everyone who follows the young master knows what the endless healing means, it is the young master's life.

Su Zizhan raised his head slowly, glanced at Qinghun, "You have heard what she said, so do what she said."

Qinghun should say, "Young master, don't worry, the subordinates will definitely follow the girl's orders."

Su Zizhan nodded, walked slowly towards the row of houses that Huayan pointed out to him, chose the room on the far left, and lived in it.

According to Hua Yan's instructions, Qing Hun summoned the Thirteen Star Souls and ordered them to go on.

So, one after another, the hidden guards who did not see the light, saw the light for the first time, and lived in that row of houses openly and aboveboard. They neatly took care of cleaning the room, serving tea and water, and helping the young master boil water and clean the yard. Wait for odd jobs.

After Su Zizhan took a bath, he went to the dining room according to what Huayan said.

Huayan was already sitting in the dining room drinking tea, her hair was wet and dripping, she had obviously just finished taking a bath, she seemed to be a little hot, her cheeks were slightly smoky, there was slight sweat on her forehead, and her sleeves were rolled up , revealing a small part of her arm, with snowy skin and jade skin, the jade bracelet on her wrist swayed as she held the cup, the emerald green color was so clear and crystal clear that it dazzled the eyes.

Su Zizhan paused, froze for a moment, looked away slightly and frowned, "Why didn't you wring out your hair?"

Huayan looked at him with a teacup and smiled, and said a word, "Lazy." After saying that, she pointed to the seat beside her, "Sit."

Su Zizhan walked to the front slowly, sat down, and said, "Carefully caught the wind and cold."

Huayan shook the tea in the cup, and said in a good mood, "It's okay, anyway, a dose of medicine will get better anyway."

Su Zi raised his eyebrows, "You like to drink medicine"

"The medicinal soup is bitter to me, who likes to drink it?" Hua Yan pouted, suddenly remembering Yun Chi's feeding her bitter medicinal soup, it was really unforgettable, her body stiffened, and her expression suddenly became ugly.


p;Su Zizhan noticed it keenly, and said to her, "Let me help you dry your kung fu."

Huayan put down the teacup, her face relaxed slightly, and she nodded silently.

Su Zizhan gently raised his hand without touching Huayan's hair, and dried her wet hair in an instant. He withdrew his hand and saw that her hair was stained with a layer of frost, and her face sank, "I forgot, but my martial arts can't be used for this kind of thing, you feel cold."

Huayan looked at his expression, and immediately smiled, "I never felt cold, I just took a bath and felt that the weather was too hot, and now it's just right. You don't know, every year when summer comes, I will suffer the pain of summer, and I wish I could carry it with me. Ice. Now that you are by my side, maybe I won’t be afraid of bitter summer in the future.”

Su Zizhan's expression was slightly relaxed, "In this way, these hands are still useful, and they can be used to make some iced things."

Huayan smiled and nodded, "Of course it is useful, it is very useful, not only to dispel the heat, but also to make some cold food, it is the coolest in the bitter summer."

Su Zizhan also laughed.

Aunt and Uncle didn't keep Huayan and Su Zizhan waiting too long, and set up a large table full of food.

Huayan beckoned them to eat together, but the two made gestures for a while, then went out with a smile.

Su Zizhan didn't understand sign language and asked, "What did they say?"

Huayan smiled to explain her confusion, "They said, they go to greet the people you brought, and eat with those people, they are all guests, and you can't neglect them." After talking, seeing Su Zizhan smiling, she also laughed, "Ah Uncle and Auntie's cooking skills are excellent, you can eat some of each, tell me which one you like, and I will ask Uncle and Auntie to cook more for you in the future."

Su Zi beheaded and nodded, "Okay."

Tian Bubue walked into the dining room with drowsy eyes, and when he heard Huayan's words, he couldn't help snorting, "Damn girl, when did you care about people so much?"

Huayan glanced at him, "It's only today."

Tian Bubu looked at Su Zizhan, looked him up and down again, and said, "You are so lucky, you must know that this dead girl has grown up so big, the best thing she can do is to punish people, but she never He cares too much about people.”

Su Zizhan didn't seem to know what to say, so he didn't answer.

Tian Buju strode in, sat on a chair, rubbed his eyes, and said, "Originally, old man, I have already made a rule that I will never practice medicine and treat people's diseases, but ten years ago, she just arrested me and made me die." Diagnosing and treating a boy, my old man spent seven years in rescue day and night, and saved the boy's life. I thought that the rest of my life would be quiet and not disturbed by her, but I didn't expect that she sent you away again. Come."

Su Zizhan looked at Huayan, surprised, "Ten years ago, she was only six years old, so she was able to catch you?"

Tian Bubu hummed through his nostrils, "This dead girl, she is full of bad ideas and evil thoughts, although she can't catch me, but there are many people around her who need to be ordered by her, and she was still young. , is already a disaster.”

Su Zizhan stopped talking.

Tian Bujue suddenly discovered something, looked freshly at Huayan, then at Su Zizhan, and asked, "You don't seem to know her well"

Su Zi nodded, "I don't really understand."

Tian Bu was very surprised, clicked his tongue twice, and asked, "Then what do you know about her?"

Su Zi cut him off.

Tian Bubu stared at Su Zizhan for a moment, then suddenly laughed, and said to Huayan, "Damn girl, there are people you can't take down."

Huayan ate her food intently, pretending not to hear.

Tian Bujue took two sips of tea, picked up his chopsticks and said, "I'll take your pulse after dinner."

Su Zi beheaded his head, "Thank you, Senior."

Tian Bujue stopped talking, seemed to be hungry, and the wind was blowing away, Huayan looked at him, and then at Su Zizhan, this person who had been waiting outside the valley for a day and a night, ate very politely, and set his chopsticks very gracefully of.

She thought of Mei Shuyu saying that he was once a man of good morals, he was a real son of an aristocratic family, he must be like this, no cold, no wind and frost, no cold words, quiet like a painting, right

She couldn't help but smile.

After dinner, Tianbubao said to Su Zizhan, "Extend your hand over here."

Su Zizhan stretched out his hand as he said.

Tian Bu Bui stretched out his hand to cut Su Zi's pulse. When he felt the pulse, he changed his tyrannosaurus temper and became very serious. When he had both his hands pulsed, he frowned and sat in meditation.

Huayan didn't bother him, and waited for him to finish thinking.

Su Zizhan's face was very calm, it seemed that even if he said it was incurable, it would not make him disappointed and collapse.

-----Off Topic-----

5.27, our exclusive fan festival, there is an event on the Weibo of the Xiziqing Fan Support Club today, girls who are free, go to participate~

This volume opens a new chapter, and I can guarantee that as the plot progresses, you will love Huayan to death.

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