The Story of Hua Yan

Chapter 125: (one more)


Because of Huayan's words, Su Zizhan finally understood the hidden mountain of the Hua family.

There are many aristocratic families in the world, standing on the bright side, in the eyes of the world, they are respected by others, with infinite scenery, and they are so ostentatious that they can't wait for wealth, glory and splendor. But as everyone knows, being attached to the imperial power also constrains the imperial power, making their lives precarious and uncomfortable.

The Lin'an Flower Family is a special existence.

The so-called, the great hermit hides in the city, is the truth. What's more, it is a kind of state to live in the city with a family.

Su Zizhan sighed, "The ancestor of the Hua family is really extraordinary."

Huayan smiled and nodded. She seldom admires anyone, but for the ancestors of the Hua family, she has always admired them since birth and will continue to admire them. Burn three sticks of incense.

Su Zizhan looked at her, "But, I still worry about you."

Huayan pursed her lips and smiled when she heard the words, "If you, who are as cold as ice scum, can say this, I'm half-completed." Seeing that she was blushing and turning her head away, she continued with a smile, "I will prepare everything, so you can put your heart in your stomach, stagnation in your heart is not good for curing the disease, so you should worry less, so as not to I will prick you with more needles without mercy."

Su Zizhan rubbed the center of his eyebrows, couldn't help laughing, and asked, "When are you leaving?"

Hua Yan said "Oh", "Wait for my brother to come."

Su Zizhan raised his eyebrows slightly, put down his hands, and asked, "Lin'an Huazhuo?"

"Well, that's him." Hua Yan said with a smile, "He is your role model. When he comes, you should communicate with him more, learn and ask for advice. He stayed up day and night for seven years to cure his illness, and finally The illness has passed. Since he was born, he has been locked in the house, not even daring to see the light, not daring to blow the wind, but now, he walks under the sun majestically, and even sealed my martial arts with his own hands, smart To be enviable."

Su Zizhan became interested, "Okay, I will definitely ask him for advice." After saying that, he was surprised, "It's not that you don't have martial arts, but you were banned by him?"

"Yes." Huayan nodded and said with a smile, "You checked my pulse once, you were deceived."

Su Zizhan stretched out his hand to her, "Give me to me, and I'll try again. What kind of sealing technique is so powerful, I really didn't detect it at all."

Huayan gave him her hand.

Su Zizhan pressed on his pulse. After a long while, the pulse was still like an ordinary person. He withdrew his hand, "I really can't detect it."

Huayan smiled triumphantly, "He uses the secrets of the Hua family in Lin'an, and I will do it too. Unfortunately, I am playful, and I am not as focused and proficient as he is, so naturally I am not as strong as he is, which makes him very interested in mine. One letter of martial arts lasted for three years. It is really hateful, it caused me to escape over the wall, and I needed someone to carry the ladder, and I would be caught by him after I ran away for a long time."

Su Zizhan heard it interestingly, "So, now you wait for him to come and unblock the martial arts for you, and then go to southern Xinjiang."

Hua Yan nodded, "Well, I still cherish my life, and without martial arts, I dare not go to that troubled place."

Su Zizhan withdrew his smile again.

Huayan stared at him, "You man, if you say you are likable, it is indeed extremely annoying, and if you say you are boring, there are also some. I have told you so much, can you not think of Gu The king's face turned cold."

Su Zizhan rubbed the center of his eyebrows helplessly, and rubbed hard, "Okay, I answer you."

Huayan suddenly smiled.

Su Zizhan looked at Huayan, thinking that she is really a very coaxable woman, and also a very easy to satisfy woman, as long as she puts what she wants in front of her, she can relax everything and spend all her time Treat people with a sunny face.

His heart was beating, a little out of his control.

Huayan thought, although it is not the same as before and after the moon, but now it can be regarded as the peach blossoms, talking about love or something, it is extremely windy and sunny, but this person, until the body is cured, she will definitely not allow her to take a step closer .

She thought wistfully, let down the beautiful spring and summer landscape and peach blossoms.

After breakfast, Tian Bujue took Su Zizhan to do acupuncture, Huayan wanted to follow him to see, but was stared at by Tian Bujue, who stopped in his tracks.

Tian Bu cut Su Zi's feet and needled them for an hour, and after finishing the needles, he was sent back to his room.

After all, Huayan couldn't sit still, so she ran to his room to see him, and saw him lying on the bed, his face was pale, his thin clothes showed faint blood stains on his back, the blood stains were reddish-brown, she walked to the door, her footsteps After a meal, he still stepped into the threshold.

Su Zizhan had his eyes closed, but when he heard the movement, he turned his head slightly and opened his eyes, looking at her.

Huayan came to the bed in three or two steps, clasped her hands behind her back, and asked him softly, "Is it uncomfortable?"

Su Zizhan shook his head, "Fortunately, it's just a trivial matter, it's nothing, I can bear it."

Huayan has seen with her own eyes the process of Tianbuzhuan's treatment of Huazhuo's disease. Almost every acupoint on her body has been pierced with needles. What's more, she has seen densely packed needles covering her entire back. I can't count, it was when I was very young

When Tian Bujue first treated his brother, she cried with a "wow", and was kicked out by Tian Bujue unceremoniously. After that, she was never allowed to watch.

She clasped her left and right hands together for a long time, but finally couldn't hold back, she brought them in front of her, and grabbed Su Zizhan's clasped hands.

Su Zi trembled from his body, and his hand was about to be withdrawn in response, but seeing the look in Huayan's eyes, he let her hold it, and joked in a hoarse voice, "You look like you are about to Cry out, so useless"

Huayan held his hand tightly, just like that day when she dragged him to knock on the door at the gate of Daojing'an, and said with a stubborn face, "I'm just worthless, so what? Every moment is promising”

Su Zizhan was rendered speechless by her words, and laughed angrily, "I can't tell you."

Huayan felt better, sat down on the ground, and lay down on the edge of the bed. Feeling the coldness of his hands, she couldn't help but want to pass on the warmth to him, so that his hands would warm up, and her whole body would also warm up. He kept rubbing against his hand bones.

Su Zizhan couldn't take it anymore, he withdrew his hand, stuffed it into the quilt, and said with a blushing face, "What are you doing sitting on the ground to get cold, get up quickly, how can my daughter's family not love themselves so much?"

Huayan listened to the reprimand, and curled her lips and muttered, "I really have no doubt that Mei Shuyu said that you used to be a gentleman, and you have cultivated your virtues well. I don't know how to be interesting." After finishing speaking, she got up from the ground and sat down at the table in the distance.

Su Zizhan seemed to remember something, the blush on his face gradually faded, and he didn't speak.

Huayan poured a cup of tea and asked him, "Do you want any water?"

Su Zi shook his head.

Huayan drank tea by herself and chatted with him, "You want to stay here in Peach Blossom Valley, maybe it will take a long time, over there in Wuweihou's Mansion in the capital"

Su Zizhan interrupted him, and said in a cold voice, "Even if I die, it doesn't matter to the Marquis of Wuwei, don't worry about it."

Hearing what he said, Huayan also understood that he didn't intend to tell, and nodded, "Indeed, the less people know about Peach Blossom Valley, the better. After all, if too many people know about it, it's hard to guarantee that no one will come to spy on it. , is not conducive to treating your illness. Such a quiet place is suitable for both treatment and recuperation. "

Su Zizhan nodded, "This place is excellent."

After sitting with Su Zizhan for a while, Qinghun led someone to bring in a bucket of water. Huayan knew that he must clean the blood, so she put down the teacup and walked out tactfully.

Qiuyue's scalp was numb from the sun, and her kneeling body trembled and swayed, but she gritted her teeth and endured it.

Huayan came to Qiuyue, sat down on the green grass, and said to her, "Would you like me to hold an umbrella for you?"

Qiuyue looked up at Huayan, pursed her mouth, and said aggrievedly, "I have been pampered by the young lady all these years, and I can't even stand this little bit of suffering. If I ask you to hold an umbrella for me, the master will even scolded me."

Huayan looked at her amusedly, "I don't think so much about the saying that only when you eat bitterness in your mouth can you be a master. When you don't have to endure hardship, why do you have to self-abuse yourself to find it? You are squeamish." Oh, and I won’t commit a crime.” After she finished speaking, she patted her buttocks and stood up, “Wait, I’ll find you an umbrella.”

Qiuyue nodded.

Huayan quickly found an umbrella, opened it effortlessly, shielded Qiuyue from the sun, and talked with her.

Qiuyue suddenly felt that kneeling like this was not uncomfortable at all.

When Tian Bujue came out of the pharmacy, he saw the two of them, grunted and hummed with livid faces, and muttered, "No wonder that damned girl Qiuyue insisted on following that damned girl Huayan. Such a kind person, after a long time, who can leave her?"

Su Zizhan rested for a while after taking a bath, and when he came out of the room, he also saw the two people, one was kneeling with a smile on his face, the other was holding an umbrella, talking lazily, with a smile on his face , his eyes narrowed slightly, and he leaned against the door frame to watch.

No master would ever hold an umbrella for a servant, no one in aristocratic families would not say so, and no one in the smaller wealthy families would do so. Many masters put on a lofty posture, and the slaves bowed their knees in front of the master.

In Huayan's eyes, although Qiuyue is called a slave, she is equal to her.

Out of the corner of Qiuyue's eyes, she saw Su Zizhan standing at the door in the distance and looking at her, she whispered, "Miss, Mr. Zizhan is looking at you."

Huayan turned her head slowly, smiled at once, then turned her head again, winked at Qiuyue, and whispered, "His awkward temper is really tormenting me. Now that I am free from the constraints of marriage, he still doesn't answer me." , but I am also reluctant to use tricks on him, hey."

Qiuyue was very happy, and said in a low voice, "Miss, when the wandering Taoist told your fortune and said that you had a twists and turns in your love life, you should be here."

Hua Yan also laughed, "Maybe it is true, that stinky Taoist priest's broken mouth, if I see you again one day, I will tear his mouth apart."

-----Off Topic-----

It's the last two days of the end of the month, my dears, don't keep the monthly pass, it will be invalidated if it expires, okay