The Story of Hua Yan

Chapter 22: Nemesis of this life


Yun Chi leaned beside Huayan, and didn't want to sleep at first, but gradually, hearing her even breathing, he felt extremely peaceful, and he fell asleep unconsciously as he listened.

When he woke up, the room was pitch black.

He was in a daze for a long time, then slowly turned his head. In the darkness, there was a soft, warm body with the aroma of wine beside him. When he reached out to touch her cheek, it was delicate and tender, and he Dazed again, after a while, he remembered something, withdrew his hand, and sat up slowly.

The room was very quiet, she breathed evenly, lightly and shallowly, so peacefully that the room was filled with warmth.

He sat on the head of the bed and was stunned for a moment, then got up in the dark, walked to the table, picked up the torch on the table, and lit the lamp.

One room is bright.

He put down the torch, turned around, and inside the light gauze curtain, she was lying there gracefully, sound asleep, without any movement. There was no alienation and indifference, no harsh words, no full of calculations on how to get him to break up the marriage.

He stood quietly for a long time, then suddenly waved off the lamp again, turned and walked out of the room.

Hearing the movement, Nanny Fang vigilantly walked out from the side room not far away. When she saw Yun Chi, she hurriedly saluted, "Your Highness"

Yun Chi closed the door casually, said "Mmm" and did not speak.

Nanny Fang took a peek at Yunchi, and found that his expression seemed to be softer than before, and his whole body was filled with warmth. Seeing that he was silent, she tentatively asked in a low voice, "Your Highness, you are hungry and have dinner."

Yun Chi glanced at the sky, the fog was a bit thick, he couldn't tell clearly, so he asked, "What time is it?"

Nanny Fang immediately said, "It's Hai time."

Yun Chi was taken aback, and murmured, "Is it the hour of the day? I've slept for so long."

Nanny Fang nodded and said in a low voice, "In the afternoon, Mr. Li from Ninghe Palace came and said that he had followed the Queen Mother's order to invite the Crown Princess into the palace, but you and the Crown Princess were both asleep at that time, so the housekeeper Fu Please wait for Little Lizi's father-in-law to drink half a day's tea, he didn't dare to interrupt, later, as the sun was setting, Little Lizi's father-in-law couldn't afford to wait, so he went back to the palace."

Yun Chi raised his eyes, and Nanny Fang immediately lowered her head.

Yun Chi thought of something, and suddenly laughed, "That's fine, after today, the imperial grandmother will no longer object to it blindly."

Nanny Fang didn't answer, she waited for orders.

Yun Chi stood still for a while, stepped down the steps, walked outside, and at the same time ordered, "Bring three or four dishes and send them to the study."

Nanny Fang lowered her head, "Yes"

Yun Chi walked a few steps, and then ordered, "Let someone guard the kitchen tonight. If she wakes up, she will definitely use some food."

Mother Fang nodded again, "Yes"

Yun Chi stopped talking and left Phoenix West Garden.

After Huayan was dizzy from the anger, the feeling of alcohol also spread, and she fell asleep until the sky was dark.

She opened her eyes and found herself lying on the bed, her throat was tight and dry, and she was so thirsty, she jumped out of the bed, walked to the table, picked up the kettle, pointed it at the spout, and poured it all at once. .

After drinking a pot of water, I just quenched my thirst.

She put down the kettle, her mind became clearer, and suddenly she remembered the scene before Qi fainted, and suddenly her blood surged, and she almost couldn't stand up.

Yun Chi, the bastard prince, actually became a disciple

Her face was on fire, her heart felt angry again, she was angry and angry for a while, she sat on the chair slumped, and scratched her head irritably, only to realize that her black hair was hanging loose, and the cloud temples that had been curled up earlier were gone. , jade hairpins, hairpins, rings and jewelry are neatly placed on the head of the bed, as if they were placed there artificially.

She stared at those things for a while, as if she wanted to see the fire, and after a while, she covered her face with her hands, and leaned weakly on the back of the chair.

exhausted, according to

But he can't beat him. Her nemesis in this life, could it be him

She shook her head violently, no

The smell of wine was still wafting in the room, and her body was still stained with a strong smell of wine. Although the smell was good, but because of the consequences of the wine, she was gnashing her teeth. No matter how good the smell of wine was, now she didn't want to smell it for a moment. up.

She stood up abruptly, took two quick steps, and left the inner room. With the sound of the bead curtain shaking, she came to the outer room and opened the door.

Nanny Fang appeared in time, looked at Huayan who opened the door, and asked quickly, "Crown Princess, you are awake, but you are hungry." , the lights in the kitchen were kept on all night.”

Huayan listened, grasping the point of her words sensitively, her expression changed for a moment, and she gritted her teeth and asked, "You said he gave orders when he left last night?"

Nanny Fang nodded, "After His Highness came to Xiyuan yesterday, he didn't wake up until Haishi and left. It was an order before he left."

Huayan's blood suddenly surged into her heart again, she looked down at her clothes, although there were many folds in her clothes, but she was completely dressed, she was relieved, but still angry, she looked at Mother Fang, "What do you mean?" It’s because he didn’t leave after I was drunk and fell asleep yesterday.”

Seeing that Huayan's face was very ugly, Mother Fang wondered if she had made a mistake, and nodded slowly.

Huayan was furious, the majestic prince took advantage of others, if she remembers correctly, when she fainted from anger, before noon, he actually rested in her room for half a day and midnight

Donggong probably everyone knows

She twitched her forehead for a while, gritted her teeth for a while with a gloomy face, and then said word by word, "Yun Chi, where is he?"

In front of Nanny Fang, she didn't even call her His Royal Highness the Prince.

Mother Fang was startled, she took a look at Hua Yan, and quickly lowered her head, "His Royal Highness should be going to court at this time."

Huayan raised her eyes and glanced at the sky, the eastern sky was already pale, she clenched her fists, she couldn't find the Golden Luan Hall in the imperial palace to settle accounts with him. She took a deep breath, took another breath, and said heavily, "I want to take a bath."

Mother Fang said repeatedly, "Your maidservant, order someone to bring the water." After speaking, she hurried away.

Huayan stood at the door, and the cool morning breeze couldn't dispel the anger and blood in her heart. She stood gloomily for a long time, and when she saw Nanny Fang bringing someone to bring the bathtub, she suppressed her anger and turned back. room.

After taking a bath, she changed into a clean dress, opened the window, and let the smell of alcohol in the room mix with the heating to escape, and fresh air flowed into the room. After a while, the smell of alcohol in the room dissipated.

Mother Fang brought breakfast, Huayan sat at the table, used up her chopsticks, and asked, "Qiuyue is still drunk"

Nanny Fang nodded, "Miss Qiuyue is still drunk and hasn't woken up yet."

Huayan thought that with her poor capacity for alcohol, she drank three or four cups yesterday, and she probably would sleep through the day drunk.

Mother Fang saw that Huayan had nothing to say, hesitated for a moment, and told, "Yesterday, the father-in-law of the queen mother came to send a message, saying that the queen mother invited you into the palace. It happened that you were drunk, and your highness also stayed in this Xiyuan. He I didn't bother you, and returned to the palace to reply after waiting for half a day. Today, when His Highness was out of the palace, he came again, and happened to be met by His Highness at the gate of the palace. His Highness said that you are not feeling well, and I am afraid you will have to rest for a few days before you can enter. The palace went to pay respects to the queen mother, so she was pushed again."

Huayan listened, her face turned ugly, that is to say, Yun Chi stayed in her room yesterday, even the queen mother knew about it, but this morning before dawn, he sent someone again, and he even excused her because she was unwell, didn't she? Drunken discomfort, but physical discomfort, if it is so misleading, what is he doing

The dignified prince, he also used this method

Huayan picked up the teacup angrily, just as Nanny Fang was about to say that the tea was cold and had a new one, but before she could utter a word, she poured a cup of herbal tea into her stomach in one go.

Nanny Fang took a step back, feeling that she had said too much and made mistakes today, so she clenched her tongue and dared not speak easily again.