The Story of Hua Yan

Chapter 44: Longline fishing


Lu Zhiling was dressed in a blue robe, with a handsome appearance, a smile on his brows and eyes, with a natural willfulness and ease.

Huayan looked at him, the personality of the prince of Jingguo's mansion who comes and goes like the wind is indeed as rumored, she remembered what Su Zizhan said to her about Lu Zhiling last night, and her eyes were also tainted with him With a smile, he nodded with a smile, "It's my honor to let Shizi Lu help to order, and to treat Shizi Lu to a meal."

Her face is unparalleled, delicate and beautiful, and when she smiles at people, it makes people feel that the sun, moon and stars are not as good as her complexion.

Lu Zhiling suddenly saw it, rolled his eyes, immediately picked up the menu to cover his face, and said, "The princess looks beautiful, it is rumored that there are tens of millions of flowers in Lin'an, and it is not as good as Miss Huafu's smile, it is true. .”

Huayan laughed, "There are also rumors that a single Phoenix tree in the East Palace is better than thousands of flowers in Lin'an."

Lu Zhiling sighed when he heard the words, and nodded in admiration, "His Royal Highness, the crown prince, is so beautiful that the world can't match it, and the crown prince and concubine are really a match made in heaven."

Huayan looked at her with raised eyebrows, and asked with a half-smile, "Your Majesty Lu really thinks so?"

Lu Zhiling nodded repeatedly, "Naturally, naturally."

Huayan looked at him, covered her face with the menu, she couldn't see his face, only saw his hands, slender like jade, really beautiful, she admired for a while, her eyes rolled, and said with a smile, "Lu Shizi really has a pair of beautiful hands. hands."

Lu Zhiling was stunned, looked down at his hand, seemed to be stunned as if he didn't know how to answer the words for a while, and dropped the menu on the table.

Qiuyue secretly smiled, Lu Shizi blocked his face, and her lady praised his hand, now there is no way to block his face

Seeing Lu Zhiling showing his face, Huayan chuckled and asked, "Your Majesty Lu, the dishes are ready."

Lu Zhiling coughed to cover up his embarrassment, turned his head and waved to the boy who was not far away, "Green Lake Bass, Steamed Elbow, Stewed Stew in Braised Sauce, Cold Seasonal Vegetables, Fengshan Ear Acupuncture, Black Chicken Soup"

He announced the names of more than a dozen dishes in one breath, including meat and vegetables, cold and hot, vegetables and soups.

Huayan felt that Lu Zhiling looked like he could not only play, but also someone who could eat and drink. After he finished ordering, she pointed at the boy and added with a smile, "Such dishes can be served to those two tables as well." Exactly the same."

The little guy answered yes again and again, and went immediately.

Lu Zhiling followed Huayan's fingers, and it seemed that he had just discovered the people at the two tables not far away, the servants and guards of the Eastern Palace. He turned his head, thinking about eating and drinking for the princess in front of the people in the East Palace, Yun Chi would probably make another note for him.

He coughed again, turned his head, and said to Huayan, "The Crown Princess' gambling skills are the best in the world, but unfortunately I was not in Beijing that day, and I missed the scene where the Crown Princess won the Nine Gods of Gamblers." He took out a set of dominoes, "In my heart, I really admire the princess's gambling skills. It takes some effort to prepare the meals. I don't know if the princess will give me the face to play two games with me, so that I can experience it."

Huayan looked at his bright eyes, eager to try, and thought that if she agreed and satisfied his curiosity, it would be difficult to find him in the future. She shook her head decisively, "I'm hungry, I don't have the strength to play."

Lu Zhiling was stunned, he didn't expect Huayan to reject him so quickly, he didn't want to miss the opportunity, so he said immediately, "Then play after you're full."

Huayan nodded without objecting.

Lu Zhiling put away the dominoes, and began to look forward to the dishes coming soon.

The chef of Bafangzhai was also very good. After a short while, the little guy led the people to put the food on the table plate by plate.

Huayan didn't eat for a day, and now she was really hungry, so she greeted Lu Zhiling, then picked up the chopsticks and started eating sullenly.

She doesn't eat like a lady in the world. She eats small bites elegantly and slowly. After a few bites, she says she is full and puts down her chopsticks. She is afraid of being called rude in front of others. Although it wasn't like gobbling and raging, but he ate naturally, completely forgetting himself, as if he forgot that there was Lu Zhiling on the opposite side, the son of Duke Anguo's mansion whom he had just met for the first time.

Lu Zhiling was originally a person who hated etiquette, but now seeing Huayan eating in a daze, he was stunned for a while, thinking that he would have the strength to play dominoes with her later, so he hurriedly ate it unceremoniously.

Qiuyue looked at Lu Zhiling, thinking that Miss would cast a long line to catch a big fish, and Lu Shizi would automatically take the bait. He probably didn't know that Miss had already plotted against him. No matter how full he ate and how much energy he had gathered, today would be in vain.

Sure enough, after Huayan was full, she asked Lu Zhiling, "What kind of tea is the best in this restaurant?"

Lu Zhiling also put down his chopsticks, ate happily, and said contentedly, "Bi Lingxiang."

Huayan glanced at Qiuyue.

Qiuyue immediately raised her voice and shouted, "Little man, here is a pot of Bilingxiang."

The little guy responded, and quickly brewed a pot of Bi Lingxiang and brought it up.

Qiuyue poured one for Huayan and Lu Zhiling, and another for herself.

Huayan drank tea slowly, taking small sips. After eating and drinking, she was like a lazy cat, very leisurely.

Lu Zhiling looked at her, and sighed inwardly, such a woman who makes people feel comfortable in every way, why is she the princess of Donggong Yunchi? Gong Quwei, is she used to living here

Thinking of this, he suddenly remembered that since she had the courage to step into the Shunfang Gambling House openly after entering Beijing to show off her gambling skills, and now she dared to come out to eat in the restaurant when it was already dark, the East Palace seemed to be too deep even though the walls were deep. Didn't trap her.

A woman like her, I don't know if she will be as casual and leisurely as she is today after she really marries into the Eastern Palace and becomes the royal daughter-in-law.

After drinking a cup of tea, he asked Hua Yan with a smile, "I am full of wine and food, and I am very strong. Princess, can you start playing dominoes?" After speaking, he touched the dominoes again.

Huayan put down the teacup, yawned, and said sleepily, "Whenever I'm full, I'll be exhausted. I'm afraid I won't be able to play dominoes with the prince today. What about another day?"

Lu Zhiling was stunned, she was hungry and had no strength, was tired and couldn't play, when would she be able to play

Huayan admired Lu Zhiling's expression, and said with a smile, "I live in the capital now, and Lu Shizi wants to play dominoes with me, so why rush to Japan for a while."

Lu Zhiling thought that you lived in the capital city, but the place where you lived was the East Palace. He almost killed himself by peeking out of curiosity. Why would he dare to run to the East Palace in the future? He was a little annoyed, scratched his head, and asked with a sullen face , "Then when will you be able to leave the East Palace again, how can I find you?"

Huayan thought she was really hooked, and smiled at him, "I'm a person who can't be idle. Whenever I have leisure time, I want to run out. It is estimated that four or five days out of seven days I can't be idle. Lu Shizi Don't worry, there are opportunities."

Hearing what she said, Lu Zhiling regained some energy and nodded, "Alright, then I'll wait for you."

Huayan nodded, stood up, and said to Qiuyue, "Pay the bill, we're going back to the palace."

Qiuyue took out a few large-value banknotes from her bosom, handed them to the boy, and said generously, "You don't need to look for it, my lady is happy with your food, and the rest is a reward."

The little guy was shocked, surprised and delighted, and thanked him again and again.

Lu Zhiling glanced at it. Three tables of food and a pot of tea cost only five or six hundred taels of silver. Secretly thinking that the Crown Princess won more than two million taels of silver from Su Zizhan in half a day, is this a very interesting flower now

Huayan said to Lu Zhiling, "Farewell, Shizi Lu", and walked out of Bafangzhai without looking back, followed by Qiuyue and the servants of the East Palace, and soon disappeared into the night.

Lu Zhiling came out of Bafangzhai and looked at the sky at night. It was still early in the morning. She was sleepy and went back to sleep so early, and she was too let down by the night. Such a night should be the most suitable for gambling and playing dominoes.

He stood there feeling disappointed for a while, then called softly, "Li Feng."

"My lord." A person quietly appeared behind him.

Lu Zhiling asked, "Is there any news from Su Zizhan, what happened to him?"

Li Feng replied immediately, "Young Master Zi Zhan learned that His Royal Highness sent someone to send a 500-year-old mountain ginseng, and he didn't need it for life or death, and Imperial Physician Zheng couldn't help it. Now that he is soaking in the Tangquan Pool, both Tangquan Pools have been frozen. Ice pool."

Lu Zhiling sighed and said in surprise, "This time he has a cold attack, it's so dangerous."

Li Feng nodded, "Exactly."

Lu Zhiling slapped his forehead, "It's really terrible." After finishing speaking, he told Li Feng, "You go back to the house quickly, take the Jiuyan Zhencao that I found half a year ago, and send it to Tangquan Mountain for Su Zi to chop. Yunchi's things will never be rejected from me. He can't really let him turn those eighteen hot spring pools into ice pools and throw everything away."