The Story of Hua Yan

Chapter 55: will be a little bit


Huayan's heart turned cold when she heard the emperor's words. She never expected that the emperor would block her plan just as soon as he opened his mouth. The so-called emperor keeps his promises, and if he says that he will never agree no matter what, then no matter what she does, he will definitely not agree.

She let go of the arm supporting the emperor and looked at him speechlessly.

The emperor loosened his arms, stopped, and raised his eyebrows at her, "Why do you have something to say?"

Huayan raised her breath secretly, looked at the emperor, said calmly and sincerely, "Your Majesty, I can't be a princess, I am not dignified, virtuous, humble, gentle, do not abide by boudoir etiquette, do not understand boudoir precepts I am a person who likes to play and is fun. What I think about every day is how to play comfortably and live comfortably. I have no sense of responsibility. No one taught me how to do this. The men of the Hua family don’t want to marry ladies from famous families, and the daughters of the Hua family don’t marry high families and deep houses, so I didn’t learn these things since I was a child. You said, this huge East Palace, with my Like me, can you support Zhongfu? According to me, can I be a good princess? For your country, Your Majesty has to think carefully."

The emperor suddenly laughed when he heard the words.

Huayan didn't understand the meaning behind the laughter, she quietly waited for him to speak.

After a while, the emperor stopped laughing and said to him, "Do you know that I also said the same thing when the crown prince told me that he would not marry you, but the crown prince told me that his mother's queen is a lady from a famous family and understands etiquette. Observing boudoir training, virtuous and virtuous, gentle and dignified, is a model of motherhood in the world. But how to put it in the deep courtyard of the palace, the palace wall and green tiles, it is true to be praised, but this model has not been scattered long ago How long has she been a model for the world and asked me if I want him to marry another woman like his mother, to follow in the footsteps of the queen and me?"

Huayan frowned, she vaguely heard Yun Chi mention this, saying that he didn't want those polite and obedient ones.

The emperor didn't know whether he had said too much in one breath, or because he was talking about his pain, he coughed.

Huayan didn't care at first, but then seeing that he was coughing badly, she stretched out her hand to pat him on the back to comfort him.

The emperor stopped coughing slowly, and suddenly asked, "You really like Lu Zhiling?"

Huayan's heart turned, and she immediately said, "Yes, Your Majesty, Lu Shizi is unrestrained, romantic and cynical. I really admire him. If His Royal Highness is replaced by him, I have no objection."

The emperor snorted, "That kid Lu Zhiling is really good. Apart from my seventh princess who likes him, there are many other girls in the capital who also like him. It's okay if you admire him. As long as he wins the crown prince, I won't punish him." .”

Hua Yan stood there dumbfounded, and felt powerless again, never expecting the emperor to be so enlightened, it was really unexpected.

what else can she say

Seeing that she was silent, the emperor seemed to be in a good mood for a moment. He continued to walk forward and asked, "Can you play the piano?"

"It will be a little bit."

The emperor asked again, "Can you play chess?"

"It will be a little bit."

The emperor asked again, "Where do you write paintings, poems, and Fu Lintie?"


The emperor also asked, "Where is the knitting girl?"

"No." The answer was very straightforward.

The emperor raised his eyebrows, "Oh, why don't you like it even if you haven't learned it? As far as I know, all women in the world are good at female celebrities. Especially the daughters of the Liu family in Beijing and the daughters of the Hua family in Lin'an are the most famous. It is said that the Hua family has jade weaving Spinning, ten gold and one inch ink cloud agarwood satin, matched with the ingenious flying embroidery unique to the Hua family, which has been passed down for generations, and if you get one, it will be regarded as a priceless treasure."

Huayan blinked her eyes and laughed, "Your Majesty, a hundred years ago, this embroidery work had already been lost in the Hua family. Twenty years ago, when you married the queen, the queen's dress made of ten gold and one inch ink cloud agarwood satin , is left by the predecessors of the Hua family, the last one in this world."

Hearing the words, the emperor seemed to remember this saying, nodded, looked at her and said, "Even if the embroidery craftsmanship that is unique in the world is lost, the embroidery craftsmanship of the Hua family is still unmatched in the world. Without ten gold and one inch ink cloud agarwood satin , together with the Qiqiao Feitian Embroidery uniquely handed down by the Hua family, which has been passed down for generations, and there are others, in short, the embroidery work is not lost to anyone."

Huayan nodded, "That's true. I have sixteen older sisters who have all learned embroidery, but I don't like it and have never learned it. Anyway, the embroidery handed down by the Hua family alone has long since lost the important task of inheritance. It doesn't matter if you don't learn it, elders None of them forced me."

The emperor smiled and said, "It seems that the elders of the Hua family are very fond of you."

Huayan smiled slightly, "Who told me to be the youngest? Under me, so far, no younger sister has been born in the family. This lineage is only me."

The emperor said, "I heard that you have

A compatriot elder brother who is three years older than you, because he was born weak and disabled, he can’t see the light.”

Huayan put back her smile and nodded, "Exactly, brother is now nineteen, born with a disease, and stays sick all year round."

The emperor asked, "Can it be cured?"

Huayan shook her head, "Doctors all over the world mourn him when they see him, saying that there is no cure, they can only feed his body with good medicine every day."

The emperor frowned, "So, isn't it the same as Su Zizhan's cold?"

Huayan nodded, "Almost, but Young Master Zizhan is better than elder brother. He doesn't have to stay in bed all day long, and he can do what he wants, even if the cold is incurable in the end. He has lived recklessly for many years, and he has already lived enough. .But my brother suffered much more than him. Over the years, the days when he stepped out of the door are few and far between."

The emperor sighed deeply when he heard the words, "What a pity."

Huayan smiled and stopped talking.

The two walked for a while and came to a pavilion. The emperor was tired and said, "Go and sit in the pavilion."

Huayan nodded, and helped the emperor into the pavilion.

The two sat down, and the emperor said to her, "Since you can play chess, let's play the next game."

Huayan nodded happily, "Okay."

The emperor called out, "Come here, bring the chess box."

Someone appeared in an instant, put a chess box on the jade table in front of the emperor, and quietly withdrew.

The emperor opened the chess box, took out the chessboard, and said to her, "Do you prefer black pieces or white pieces?"

Huayan tilted her head and said, "I don't choose, anything will do."

The emperor laughed, "You are easy to talk to, but why are you so stubborn about your marriage with the crown prince?"

Huayan smiled faintly, "The people of the Hua family in Lin'an, whether male or female, like to live an ordinary life. I don't want to be the exception from me who broke the rules of the Hua family in Lin'an." After a pause, he added, " What's more, although prosperity is good, it doesn't fit my temperament. People like me who live a careless life like the streets and alleys, the ten feet of soft red, the crown prince standing at the top of the blue sky, which is too high for me. "

The emperor snorted when he heard this, "Listen to you, my best son, the prince who is most blessed to join the queen's womb. Because of his good status and honor, he was really rejected by you as he said."

Huayan shook her head, "How can it be disgusting? It's because Huayan can't climb high."

The emperor snorted again, stopped talking, and picked up the sunspot himself.

Therefore, Huayan Zhibai.

Huayan took a piece and placed it on the chessboard, and the emperor slowly dropped a piece.

The two went back and forth like this, and after counting the number of moves, the white ones were in a mess, and a large piece was eaten by the black ones, like autumn leaves blown by the wind, drifting around.

The emperor finally couldn't bear to ask, "Can you play chess?"

Huayan tilted her head and said earnestly, "It will come down a bit."

The emperor laughed angrily, "This is what you call going down a bit"

Huayan nodded, "Yes, not much at all."

The emperor choked, and stretched out his hand to push the chessboard, "So, you know a little bit about the piano, chess, calligraphy and painting you just mentioned, that's all."

Huayan nodded, "Yes."

The emperor was speechless for a while, looked at her innocent eyes, and raised his forehead halfway, "You are indeed a bit good at it. I really doubt that if you go to Shunfang Casino, how difficult is it for the nine gambling gods to break the game?" Su Zizhan deliberately released water for you."

Huayan laughed, "Your Majesty, what Zi Zhan took out was real money. The Shunfang gambling house has made a profit for ten years, and now it is all under my name. Do you think he will be willing to let me go? Although I am not good at things, I am naturally very good at gambling, cockfighting, juggling and so on, because I have been playing since I was a child."

The emperor was silent for a moment, and said, "In the whole world, I am afraid that there will never be another person like you who is completely different from the famous lady. I know that the Lin'an Hua family has adopted children and goddaughters different from other families. But I didn’t expect it to be so different, and now I really know it.”

Huayan reiterated seriously, "So, Your Majesty, it is beneficial and harmless for you to give me an imperial decree to cancel the marriage."

The emperor sneered, "I said I don't care, so I won't care anymore. The prince insists on choosing you, but you don't want to marry him, so you can make a fuss on your own. Whoever has the ability will get what he wants, and if he has no ability, he will get it." Listen to others." After the words fell, he stood up, "Come on, drive back to the palace."