The Story of Hua Yan

Chapter 78: (two more)


Huayan dragged Princess Seven and ran on the deserted street, twisting and turning around several streets, and finally returned to Ronghua Street, which is the closest to the East Palace.

Seventh Princess was sweating and out of breath from running. When Huayan stopped, she sat down on the ground out of breath, "Fourth Sister-in-law, I can't run anymore."

"Well, it's already here, we don't need to run anymore." Hua Yan also sat down on the ground, panting, thinking that her body has become so weak since being slammed.

The two of them paused for a while, and seemed to come back to life.

Seventh Princess looked up and looked around, and said in surprise, "Sister-in-law Si, this is Ronghua Street."

Huayan nodded, stood up, patted her buttocks, "That's right, it's Ronghua Street, that's where we came from."

Seventh Princess also stood up, patted her buttocks, and wondered, "What's going on here in the middle of the night?"

Huayan smiled mysteriously, "Of course, follow me."

The seventh princess became more and more curious and nodded.

Huayan led Seventh Princess to walk dozens of steps, and came to a brightly lit door. The plaque in front of the door was written with three big characters "Spring Red Lady". She glanced at it and went straight in.

Seventh Princess pulled her back in horror, "Fourth sister-in-law, you can't enter here."

Huayan stopped in her tracks and asked with a smile, "Why?"

Seventh Princess turned pale, "Here is that kind of place, you can't enter."

Huayan smiled but not a smile, "Which place?"

The Seventh Princess looked at her expression, and belatedly said in horror, "Sister-in-law Si, you said that the place you brought me here is not here, is it?"

Huayan nodded sincerely, "Yes, it's here."

The Seventh Princess suddenly wanted to die, and almost cried, "This place is full of men and daughters of good people, so we can't go in here if they don't come here."

Huayan looked at her, amused, "You mean, you won't go in anyway."

The Seventh Princess nodded affirmatively, and nodded emphatically.

Huayan nodded and did not force her, "Well, it's fine if you don't go in, then I'll go in." After finishing speaking, she walked in.

Seventh Princess opened her eyes wide, stepped forward, and held her desperately, "Fourth Sister-in-law"

Huayan stopped in her tracks helplessly, seeing her looking like the sky was about to fall, she smiled and said, "Do you know why you like Lu Zhiling so much that you have no self?"

Seventh Princess was startled and shook her head.

Huayan tapped her forehead and taught, "That's because you have seen too few men. In this world, there are thousands of men of all kinds. It may not be that one is your favorite. You should see more of the world. You You will know how narrow your vision was before."

Princess Seven was surprised, "Is that so?"

Huayan nodded affirmatively, "Of course it is."

The Seventh Princess was still hesitating, "But this place, Fifth Brother told me, is a filthy place, I can't come, if I come here, I'll be finished, even if I don't die here, if Father knows, he will definitely kill me."

Huayan let out a "tss", "When did the Fifth Prince tell you this?"

The Seventh Princess immediately said, "A few years ago, I asked him to take me shopping. When I came here, I asked him curiously, what is this place, and he told me."

Huayan thought that the fifth prince was really a good brother, so she patted the seventh princess's face lightly, and said with a smile, "He's not right, this is a good place, you'll know if you follow me in. Your father Well, don’t let him know, it’s fine.”

The seventh princess was still struggling, "Fourth sister-in-law, even if the emperor doesn't know about it, but if the fourth brother knows about it, we will die."

Huayan rolled her eyes, "He, if he knows, you can push it on me. I brought you here, and it has nothing to do with you."

The seventh princess still dare not go in.

Huayan raised an eyebrow at her, "Aren't you curious?"

Seventh Princess beat her heart, "Curiosity is curiosity, but I'm afraid"

Huayan patted her tenderly, "Hey, don't be afraid, as long as you follow me, I won't let anything happen to you. We girls, if we come to this world for a while, we should gain some experience. We have been bound by those rules and regulations. For a lifetime, how boring."

Seventh Princess didn't know whether it was because Huayan's tone was too gentle, or because her heart was moved by her words, so she finally nodded.

Huayan smiled and pulled her in.

As soon as the two of them stepped into the door, someone came out to greet them. This person was a woman in her thirties, without makeup, with a good face. She wore a royal blue dress and was refreshed. She looked the two of them up and down. Greeting the guests with a smiling face, the voice is also clear and refreshing, "You two girls, are you here to find someone or to have fun?"

Huayan looked at her with a pleasant smile, "Good sister, my sister and I are here to have fun."

The woman looked at them carefully again, and asked with a smile, "But which young master do you have an appointment with?"

Huayan shakes her head, casually

He took out a stack of banknotes in his arms and handed them to her, "I don't have an appointment with any young master, my sister will help me to see, these silver taels are enough for me to invite any young master to meet for a night."

The woman looked at the banknote, and was stunned for a moment, then reached out to take it, quickly counted it, and after a while, she laughed strangely, "The banknote brought by the girl is a total of fifty thousand taels. It is also feasible for all the young masters in the Spring Red House to stay overnight."

Huayan smiled lightly, and said casually, "Then please trouble me to find us a good room that is big enough for us, and invite all the young masters who are free and willing to accompany you. It's rare for my sister and I to come and see us for a while." fan."

The woman smiled and nodded, "Okay, there really is such a place." After finishing speaking, she shouted, "Cuihong, please go to Tianyun Pavilion, two girls."

A little servant girl ran out in a hurry, looking very bright and excited, "You two girls, please come with the servant girl."

Huayan nodded with a smile, dragged Princess Seven, and followed Cuihong upstairs.

Seeing the two of them going upstairs, the woman called out another person, "Go and ask all the young masters, tonight our Chunhong has a distinguished guest, and anyone who is willing to accompany them will go to Tianyun Pavilion and tell all the young masters that these two girls are not ordinary." .”

Someone hastily responded and went immediately.

The woman looked down at the thick stack of banknotes in her hand again, looked at the seal of Shunfang Bank on the banknotes, and smiled strangely for a while, then recruited another person, handed all the banknotes to that person, and ordered in a low voice, "Send these to the young master. Let us say that the guests from Chunhongguan will give it to you. Tonight, ask the young master, how should we serve the young master here?"

The man accepted the bank note, solemnly agreed, and immediately came out as a spring red lady.

After the woman explained the matter, Shi Shi suddenly went upstairs.

The environment of Chunhongguan is elegant, the decoration is exquisite and not vulgar, there are poems and paintings on the wall, and the air is very clean and free from miscellaneous smells. It is obviously a very elegant place. If you didn't know what kind of business this place is for, you would think that this is a place where literati and inkmen gather to drink tea and discuss poetry.

Tianyun Pavilion is the best room of Chunhongguan, it is very spacious, like a small palace.

Tables and chairs, incense burners and lamps are all top-notch.

After Huayan walked in, she looked around and was very satisfied. She smiled and let go of Seventh Princess's hand, walked to a long low couch by the window and lay down on a sideways position, pointing to the table case casually. On the opposite side, he said to the Seventh Princess, "Sit and lie crookedly, there are no rules here, you can do whatever you want."

The Seventh Princess was a little nervous, and found that she couldn't imitate Huayan's relaxed appearance, so she sat a little stiffly on the other low couch at the table opposite her.

Cuihong brought melon and fruit refreshments, and asked briskly, "The two girls are happy to offer incense. If you like incense, the servant girl will find it and light it."

Huayan smiled and shook her head, "It is enough to have the fragrance of a beauty, and there is no need for any other incense."

Cui Hong nodded with a smile, and made a cup of tea for each of them, "Wait a moment, girls, the young masters have to clean up before coming out to meet guests."

Huayan nodded, took a sip from the teacup, and said, "The night is long, don't worry."

Cuihong smiled and retreated.

Seventh Princess was a little restless, and whispered, "Fourth Sister-in-law, I'm so nervous, I always feel that we are doing something wrong."

Huayan teased her, "You are so timid, when you chased Lu Zhiling, how could you be so courageous?"

Princess Seven's face was red and white, "That's different."

Huayan put down the teacup and said with a smile, "It's nothing different, it's all about facing men. We spend money to have fun, but we can't spend money to make money. Come and come, be more calm Otherwise, just like you, don't say you can't catch up with Lu Zhiling, be careful that you won't get married for the rest of your life."

The Seventh Princess twitched her face, and wanted to say something more, but seeing Huayan's calm demeanor, she was very satisfied, so she suppressed her nervousness firmly.

Not long after, there was a sound at the door, and a clear male voice asked, "You two girls, can I come in?"

"Yes." Hua Yan said with a smile.

The door of the room was pushed open from the outside, and a man wearing a green lake-colored robe came in. The man's body was straight, thin and straight, his face was no longer young, and his complexion was not very handsome, but he had a pair of good eyes When looking at people, it is like spring water brushing over willow branches, making people's hearts rippling.

Seventh Princess opened her eyes wide, her heart almost stopped beating nervously, it was her first time to come to this kind of place where both men and women were entertained.

Huayan unceremoniously sized up the people in the future, then raised her eyebrows slightly, smiling like a flower, "It is said that the young masters in the collection of Chun Hongguan are like the top wines in the world. It's like seeing the tip of the iceberg, you really don't deceive me."

-----Off Topic-----

My dears, Hua Yance breaks the routine. Countless people have complained that my routines are always boring, so now I don’t have the routine.

I think that over the years of writing a book, there is no book that is beyond the range of what I can't bear, so you should have exercised the same inner strength as me, right

Those who like XXX, please hold on with perseverance.

No matter how bitter the plum blossom is, it will be as sweet as it is now. Believe me