The Story of Hua Yan

Chapter 82: (two more)


Yun Chi was wearing a sky-blue cloud-pattern embroidered gown, a jade belt around his waist, and half of his shoes were not stained with water. After the guards of the East Palace lined up outside the gate of Tianyun Pavilion, he walked in slowly.

Huayan cursed inwardly, since he came first, today's matter is a half-broken kite, and it can't fly high.

Patriarch Mei looked at Yun Chi in astonishment, "His Royal Highness, why are you here?"

The person he and Huayan are waiting for is not him.

After Yun Chi stepped into the threshold, he glanced at the people in the room, his warm eyes contained a hint of a smile, and slightly cupped his hands to salute the family leader Mei, "Grandfather."

Patriarch Mei looked at Yun Chi, stared at his expression, and continued to ask sullenly, "Why are you here?"

Yun Chi smiled gently, "Yan'er had a temper tantrum with me, and ran out in the middle of the night to find someone to vent her anger on. I couldn't bear her to harm others, so I came here to pick her up."

Huayan snorted coldly and rolled her eyes.

Hearing the words, Patriarch Mei immediately became angry, and said angrily, "Is that so, Your Highness, you are the crown prince of a country, and you care about the world. Don't ruin yourself because of an outrageous woman. , ruined the Southern Chu River and Mountains."

Yun Chi smiled, "Grandfather, the country of Southern Chu will not prosper just because the woman around the prince is unworthy, nor will it be destroyed because the woman around the prince is unworthy. Back then, my mother was very likeable, but she passed away early. After his death, Emperor Father was heartbroken and ruined his political achievements for several years, so it can be seen that a decent woman is not very good."

Patriarch Mei's complexion changed, and he said angrily, "In order to cover up this woman who came to drink flowers and wine in the middle of the night and poured it into a man's arms, and was hugged by someone who is immoral and shameless, you even brought out the right and wrong of your mother who has been dead for many years. "

Yun Chi's brows were warm, his expression was warm, Yu Rong had a trace of coldness, "The truth is, even if I don't tell the truth, it will be recorded in the historical records for thousands of years." After finishing speaking, he looked at the patriarch Mei , said, "Grandfather, you are old, and you can't wear wet clothes for a long time. I ordered someone to bring the clothes. You can change them and go back to rest. It's raining so hard, so don't run outside in the middle of the night. "

Patriarch Mei was furious, "His Royal Highness, if I hadn't bumped into you today, I would have never cared about your matter anyway. But unfortunately, I bumped into you today. You can marry anyone, but this Lin'an Huayan, I can't marry, so I immediately called off the marriage."

Yunchi shook his head calmly, "I will not resign. For the rest of my life, as long as I am the crown prince Yunchi, Lin'an Huayan must be my crown prince. There will be no change."

Patriarch Mei was furious, and pointed at him, "Why are you so stubborn, do you know what I just saw?" After saying that, he turned his fingers to Huayan and Dongzhi who was sitting obediently beside her, "That's the one Boy, when I came, they hugged each other and were doing shameless things. How can your princess be such a woman? You are not afraid of being ridiculed by the world."

Yun Chi glanced at Huayan and Dongzhi, his face was calm, "I'm not afraid."

Patriarch Mei was out of breath, "You"

Yun Chi said softly, "Grandfather, none of the people you are waiting for will come, because the words of the guards in your mansion have never been heard by those people, and they have been intercepted by the people in my mansion. You go back You don't need to pay attention to this matter."

Patriarch Mei stretched out his hands to cover his chest, with a heartbroken expression on his face, "His Royal Highness, there are thousands of women in the world, why are you doing this?"

Yun Chi smiled, "Grandfather, there are indeed thousands of women in the world, but on the day I chose my concubine, I only chose Huayan in Lin'an. No matter how bad she is, it is my Yunchi's choice. There is no reason, For the rest of my life, I will not marry unless she is the only one."

Patriarch Mei trembled with rage, "Open your eyes wide and see, what kind of place is this? All the men in this room are women like you, you must marry her."

Yun Chi nodded, "No matter what, I must marry."

"Hello!" Patriarch Mei couldn't get up, his eyes darkened, his eyelids rolled, and he fell straight down.

Yun Chi's sleeves fluttered slightly, and he caught Patriarch Mei's body that was about to hit the ground, took a look, and shouted, "Little Faithful, prepare the car, and take grandfather back to Mei Manor."

"Yes, Your Highness." As soon as Xiao Zhongzi waved his hand, someone walked in immediately, took the fainted patriarch Mei from Yun Chi's hand, and helped him down.

Huayan didn't expect old man Mei to be so useless, thanks to his two daughters, one is the late queen and the other is the late Mrs. Wuweihou. She actually fainted from such anger within two rounds in Yunchi's hands, which really made her look forward to it in vain.

It seems that today, this strategy has failed again.

She was angry, and her face turned ugly.

After Yunchi dealt with Patriarch Mei, the room fell silent, and his eyes fell on Dongzhi who was beside Huayan.

Dongzhi only felt that when that gaze looked over, it was like pouring cold water pouring out of the Milky Way in nine heavens.

Shivered, but the young man was stubborn and met Yun Chi's gaze.

Yun Chi stared at him for a moment, then suddenly raised his hand, but without seeing how he moved, a thin dagger with a little bit of cold light flew towards Dong Zhi's neck.

The sword was so fast that Huayan felt a flash of light in front of her eyes, she was horrified, she turned around abruptly, threw Dongzhi down, and rolled him on the ground under the momentum.

There was a "chi" in her ear, a strand of black hair was cut off, and when she raised her eyes, the sword sank into the wall.

Dongzhi's face turned pale all of a sudden. Looking at Huayan lying on top of him, his brain was buzzing for a moment. Only he knew that just for a moment, he thought that he would definitely die by this sword.

This change was so fast that everyone in the room thought it was just a blink of an eye.

Yun Chi didn't succeed, so he raised his eyebrows, swept his sleeves again, and pierced Dongzhi's eyebrows with the same dagger again. This sword is faster than before.

Huayan is annoyed, she was able to help Dongzhi avoid the sword just now, but now she can't dodge it. The young man was dragged down by her today, she couldn't let people die, so she gritted her teeth and put her arm between Dongzhi's eyebrows cruelly.

Dongzhi suddenly opened his eyes wide.

At the very moment, the wall on the opposite side broke open, and a sword as light as a beautiful sword broke through the wall, and it happened to meet Yun Chi's sword, and the two swords collided in the room, making a "ding" sound. There was a crack, and then both of them broke and fell to the ground, making a loud noise.

Huayan's arms were intact, and when she looked up, she couldn't help but be amazed that these two good daggers were ruined just like that. It can be seen that the owner of the other short sword has the same internal strength and skill as Yun Chi.

Yun Chi narrowed his eyes, his eyes were warm and cold.

The room was quiet, none of the twenty or thirty young men exclaimed.

Huayan was furious, stood up abruptly, rushed towards Yunchi, and said angrily to him, "You are crazy and capable of killing me, what is it to blame innocent people?"

Yun Chi looked at her lightly, and said slowly, "Is he innocent tonight?"

Huayan choked, and said angrily, "Why is he not innocent? He was dragged down by me. If I don't come to the Spring Festival tonight, he won't be nearly killed by you."

Yun Chi said coldly, "Since you know that you will drag others down, if you don't want to ask me to kill someone again, then you don't want to do such things in the future."

Huayan panicked, "Yunchi, you bastard"

Yun Chi nodded, "It's not bad that you scolded me. I've been a bastard since I was a child, and I always take care of people or things I like. If anyone comes to get dirty, they have to ask if the three-foot green peak in my hand is the same. agree."

Huayan was resentful, and stepped on his foot as soon as she raised her foot.

Yun Chi avoids it nimbly, reaches out to grab her hand, and pulls her into his arms, making her unable to move any longer. He stares at Dong Zhi who is still lying on the ground, his eyes are as cold as the edge of a sword, "Which hand did you hold her with, cut it off yourself."

Dong Zhi's face was pale, he pursed his lips, and said nothing.

"Oh, I've only heard of women going to a flower building to find a man to make trouble, but I've never heard of a man going to a flower house to find a woman to make trouble. Could it be that His Royal Highness didn't see where this is? Come to have fun, this is a place to have fun, because you can't control your fiancée's stealth, you kill innocent people and spread the word, it will lose your demeanor and dignity." A cool and clear voice The voice rang out.

Although Hua Yan had half-guessed about the dagger that pierced through the wall earlier, but now that she heard this familiar voice, her heart really fell, and her extremely annoyed mind miraculously calmed down slightly. down.

Su Zizhan, just like Shunfang Gambling House, this Chunhongguan is his territory, she knew it long before she came.

Because her plan is too big, except for Su Zizhan's territory that can handle such a big matter, no other territory can bear Prince Yunchi's anger. Therefore, tonight, she came here premeditatedly.

-----Off Topic-----

I think some of our readers are actually very interesting. I won’t talk about the concubine Ben Jinghua and the dandy Shizifei who have been scolding until the end of the series. I’m writing about pure love. People sprayed it, but at the beginning, Su Fengnuan made a gesture of lying crookedly in front of the emperor, and it sprayed all over the comment area. Now, Hua Yance keeps saying that modern women are compared with ancient women. I want to say, do you really understand ancient women? Is Datang ancient? Think more about it and look up information before spraying it. In addition, if I dare to write Huayan, I will write her well. Of course, what I think is better than what you think The good news is probably different, let me solemnly say here, if you don’t like it, you can cultivate it, you can give it up, this book is a different way from before, but if you implicate the author, I’m sorry, all words will be banned and deleted, like it Yes, I feel that I can look forward to the continuation. I can guarantee that you will like Huayan with many stories hidden.