The Stranger’s Homeward Journey

Chapter 35


Luo Shaoheng went shopping with Wang Ma for a long time today, but couldn't hold back her enthusiasm and went to her house with her to have dinner as a guest before coming back.

As soon as he opened the door, he saw that the room was pitch black. He thought that Shen Mucheng hadn't come back yet, but when he turned on the light, he saw Shen Mucheng's shoes thrown one after the other in the aisle at the door, and one of them turned over. , obviously the owner was in a hurry when taking it off.

Picking up the shoes and putting them in the shoe cabinet, Major General Luo walked into the living room, put the snacks he brought back on the dining table, and called out: "Shen Mucheng."

There was no one in the room, and it was pitch black upstairs.

"Could it be already asleep?" Luo Shaoheng took off his coat and took it, went to the stairs and pressed the button on the second floor and went upstairs.

The second floor was quiet. When he passed by the guest bedroom, he found the door was open. He stopped and tried to close it. Through the light of the corridor, he saw a person sitting on the bed in the room. His figure looked a bit like Shen Mucheng. , but the room is a bit dark, so I can't see clearly.

"Mucheng?" Luo Shaoheng walked in, reaching out to touch the light next to him, "Why don't you turn it on at night..."

"Don't open." Shen Mucheng's voice came from the darkness, with an obvious hoarseness, as if he hadn't spoken for a long time.

Hearing that something was wrong in his voice, Luo Shaoheng thought something happened, so he didn't care to turn on the light, and walked up to him quickly and asked, "What's wrong? Did something happen?"

Shen Mucheng didn't answer him, but just lowered his head so that people couldn't see his expression clearly.

"Shen Mucheng, what's the matter with you?" Luo Shaoheng asked worriedly, reaching out to pat him, but just as his hand landed on Shen Mucheng's shoulder, the other party suddenly reached out and hugged him forcefully, twisting and pressing him on the bed, Immediately afterwards his lips and tongue were occupied.

Shen Mucheng's kiss moved from his lips to his forehead, all the way down to his eyebrows, eyes, nose tip, and finally covered his lips again, gently pecking the kiss, with a meaning of incomparable cherishment.

Luo Shaoheng didn't know what happened, but felt that Shen Mucheng desperately needed comfort at this moment, he obediently raised his head and kissed him, and didn't ask any more questions.

After the kiss, Shen Mucheng hugged him tightly, buried his head in the hollow of his shoulder, and did not move for a long time.

Luo Shaoheng didn't know what was wrong with him, so he tried to lighten the atmosphere by joking: "I just went out for a day, why are you so reluctant to part with me? Then why don't I..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by the warm liquid from his neck, and the rest of the words were stuck in his throat. The wetness of his neck made him lose his mind for a moment, and his heart trembled.

But he quickly reacted, and called him in a low voice: "...Mucheng?"

Shen Mucheng didn't answer him, his heavy panting fanned Luo Shaoheng's shoulders and neck, with obvious depression and pain.

Whether it was before or now, this is the first time Luo Shaoheng saw Shenmu City like this, which made him both confused and worried. He reached out to hug him, but when he moved his hand, he touched something. When he took it over and looked, he found that it was his own. notebook, and immediately understood the reason for Shen Mucheng's anomaly.

He put the notebook aside, reached out and hugged Shen Mucheng's head, and gently stroked the back of his head: "Because of me, right?"

Shen Mucheng still didn't answer, but the strength with which he tightened his hands proved Luo Shaoheng's conjecture.

Luo Shaoheng sighed softly, and coaxed softly: "It's all in the past, am I fine now? You don't have to worry about it."

"...I'm sorry, it's my fault." Shen Mucheng hugged him tightly, and a low voice came from his neck, filled with self-blame and remorse, "I shouldn't have let you suffer alone for so many years... I'm sorry .”

"No need to apologize, it's the best situation for me now, at least we're all fine." Luo Shaoheng smiled, his eyes slowly became sore uncontrollably, he took a breath, and suppressed the swelling in his chest Shi Yi, stroking Shen Mucheng's hair and comforting him softly, "It's only a decade missed, don't we have many more ten years? We can spend a lot of time together, and we can accompany each other through the rest of the journey. You can also complete the previous agreement again, so... that's enough."

Speaking of the latter, his ending sound also had a trill, but there was a slight smile on the corner of his lips.

He really thought so, no matter what kind of suffering he has experienced before, it doesn't matter how difficult it is, as long as they are still alive, it is the greatest luck.

"I will remember everything." Shen Mucheng promised in a low voice in his ear, "Then I will accompany you with the complete Shen Mucheng, trust me."

His words made Luo Shaoheng's emotions that he had suppressed with great difficulty collapsed immediately, his Adam's apple slid a few times, and he spit out a slight "good" word with red eyes, and the hand stroking Shen Mucheng's hair slowly slipped down, tight He hugged his back tightly, as if he wanted to drive away all the grievances of these years with this hug.

He kept calling Shen Mucheng's name in a low voice, and Shen Mucheng responded to him tirelessly. The two connected hearts beat fiercely again because of the other's body temperature after ten years.

The two hugged for a long time in the dark, Luo Shaoheng waited for Shen Mucheng to calm down, and then said: "Let me take you back to our resort, it's just winter, I'll take you back to soak in the hot spring, okay? "

"Okay." Shen Mucheng replied, he also always wanted to go to the resort, maybe he might think of something there.

"Then when are we going back? Are you free now?" Luo Shaoheng asked.

"I'll arrange things tomorrow and go back with you the day after tomorrow." Shen Mucheng said.

"Okay." Luo Shaoheng remembered the supper he brought back, "When did you come back? Have you eaten yet?"

"I haven't eaten." Shen Mucheng replied in a muffled voice, and he has been sitting until now when he came back in the afternoon.

"I just brought you something to eat, wait a minute, I'll go down and get it for you." Luo Shaoheng said as he pushed him away, got up and left the room.

Shen Mucheng stretched out his hand to press the sore brow, lay on the bed for a while before getting up and put the diary and photo album back in the drawer, and then went downstairs to eat.

The next day, Shen Mucheng went back to the main house to see the old man, and was relieved to see that his condition had improved a lot, but he also repeatedly told Uncle Zhao to take good care of him.

After returning to the company in the afternoon to arrange things, Shen Mucheng asked someone to book two air tickets to City A, and then informed Shen Yun to stay and entertain Chen Zhan.

When Shen Yun received his call, he had already accompanied Chen Zhan to visit the scenic spots for a day, and finally he could sit down and take a breath. When he heard that he was going to City A without bringing himself, his heart was about to break: "Boss, you Won't you take me there?!"

"No, it's your task to treat Dr. Chen well." Shen Mucheng said.

"Come on, Boss, I'm your assistant, and I should be by your side all the time." Shen Yun also wanted to fight for being on hand.

"You belong to Dr. Chen these days, that's all." Shen Mucheng hung up the phone callously.

Shen Yun was messing around in the wind with his mobile phone, and when he turned around, he saw Chen Zhan standing up from the bench, looking as if he was about to go shopping again, and sure enough, he saw him waving to himself in the next second and said: " Assistant Shen, come here."

Shen Yun suddenly felt as if he was facing an enemy! From eight o'clock in the morning to five o'clock now, they climbed from Linlang Mountain to Zhuxia Mountain, from visiting the city museum to the wild animal park! Except for half an hour for lunch, he hardly stopped. He really didn't understand why this big man, Dr. Chen, loved shopping so much, he was simply a natural enemy of men!

He rejected Dr. Chen's vitality in his heart, but it was useless.

Shen Yun took a deep breath, walked over to him and asked, "Doctor Chen, should we go to dinner?"

Chen Zhan looked at the time and said, "It's still early. There is a wetland park in front of us. Let's go over and have a look. Young people need to exercise more." After speaking, he walked towards the park without waiting for Shen Yun's response.

"...I'm not young anymore, brother," Shen Yun shed sad tears in the wind, and followed fate resignedly.

After arranging everything, Shen Mucheng and Luo Shaoheng got on the plane to City A.

In the past few years, Luo Shaoheng went everywhere to complete the agreement with Shen Mucheng, and every journey was alone. Only this time, he finally had the person who said he would accompany him for the rest of his life by his side.

Tightly holding Shen Mucheng's hand, the corners of Luo Shaoheng's lips couldn't hold back the rising smile, the joy in his heart almost bloomed.

Sensing his joy, Shen Mucheng was also in a very happy mood. He held his hand back, ignoring the presence of other people in the cabin, leaned over and kissed his eyebrows, and whispered: "So happy?"

"Yeah." Luo Shaoheng nodded, with an obvious smile in his voice, "It feels like going home."

Shen Mucheng laughed softly, reached out and stroked his hair: "Just go home."

Luo Shaoheng also laughed when he heard the words.

Yes, isn't it just going home

When the plane landed and taxied, Shen Mucheng felt that his heart was also sliding along with it at that moment, and then slowly stopped, like duckweed that had been drifting for many years, and now it finally returned to the original point.

After leaving the airport, they took a car back to the resort after having lunch in the city. At the entrance of the resort, Shen Mucheng stopped, and his eyes stopped on the name of the resort.

— Hengcheng Resort.

Although I have seen this name in the previous materials, it feels different when I actually see it. This is a resort named after the two of them, and it belongs to the home of the two of them.

Luo Shaoheng turned back and opened his hands to him, smiling and said to him: "Welcome home. ""

Shen Mucheng stepped forward and hugged him: "I'm back."

"Ah." Luo Shaoheng responded softly, and entered the resort together with him.

On the way in, Luo Shaoheng introduced the situation of the resort to him as he walked, including the planning and design, decoration and construction, personnel recruitment, and operation. When he said these, his voice rose, and he was a little excited: "Many of them are based on what we have done before. It is built as I said, and I will take you to visit later, you will definitely like it.”

"Well, I like it." Shen Mucheng said with a smile.

"You haven't watched it yet." Luo Shaoheng laughed.

"I'm serious." Shen Mucheng said, "But now I want to see where you live more."

"In the back, I'll take you there." Luo Shaoheng pulled him to walk in, and met Wang Xiaoquan who came out to look for him on the way.

After Luo Shaoheng went to City B, only Wang Xiaoquan was in charge of the resort. It happened to be busy during the Chinese New Year period, and he kept spinning like a spinning top every day.

He had just checked the accounts of the new year with the finance department today, when he heard the person at the front desk say that Luo Shaoheng had returned. He hurried out to find someone when he heard that, but he happened to meet him on the road.

"Brother Heng, don't let me know when you'll be back, so I'll send someone out to pick you up." Wang Xiaoquan greeted him.

"Don't be so troublesome, I just arrived at noon." Luo Shaoheng smiled, "I have worked hard on you during this time."

"I don't like to listen to polite words, please let me have a meal." Wang Xiaoquan joked, and looked at Shen Mucheng: "This gentleman is..."

"He is Shen Mucheng." Luo Shaoheng introduced the two of them, "This is Wang Xiaoquan, the manager of the resort."

Shen Mucheng nodded slightly as a greeting. Wang Xiaoquan felt a little familiar with his name, as if he had heard it somewhere. Just when he was wondering, he heard Luo Shaoheng add: "He is another owner of the resort. .”

After Luo Shaoheng and Shen Mucheng left, Wang Xiaoquan was left behind to think for a while, and finally remembered what he asked Luo Shaoheng when he saw the name of the resort.

"Brother Heng, I know that the word Heng refers to you, but who is this city? Don't we have another boss?"

"You're quite smart, the other boss, his name is Shen Mucheng."

Wang Xiaoquan stood there for a long time, if he remembers correctly... It seems that the two bosses are a couple...