The Stranger’s Homeward Journey

Chapter 46


Chen Zhan looked at the book in his hand and fell into deep thought, carefully recalling the things about Shen Mucheng.

It is understandable for Shen Mucheng to lose his memory due to a head injury after meeting Luo Shaoheng back then, but after waking up from a car accident and being injured, he remembered everything, but only forgot about Luo Shaoheng, which made him feel a little unreasonable .

As he said before, the reason for this selective amnesia may be due to his own strong consciousness, but it stands to reason that after Shen Mucheng lost his memory for the first time, the two years with Luo Shaoheng were his most precious and most precious. It is impossible for him to force himself to forget important memories, so this possibility can basically be ruled out, and the other possibility is to use external force.

… hypnotized.

Chen Zhan suddenly understood what he had been neglecting these days. Looking at the title on the book cover, he felt suddenly enlightened.

Seeing that he suddenly fell silent, Shen Yun just stared at the book without speaking, and called out to him: "Doctor Chen?"

Chen Zhan came back to his senses, seeing him looking at him strangely, he put the book aside and said, "Sorry, I thought of some work."

Shen Yun nodded in understanding, got up and put the dishes and chopsticks for two people on the table back into the lunch box, ready to take them away later.

Chen Zhan saw his quick movements, and said with a smile, "Assistant Shen really can go out of the hall and into the kitchen."

"That is, a necessary skill for a perfect assistant." Shen Yun didn't realize the three-point teasing in his words, and replied casually.

Chen Zhan watched him busy with a faint smile in his eyes.

After Shen Yun cleaned up, he went to wash his hands, and when he came out, he saw Chen Zhan packed his clothes and took them out.

"It's getting late, and it's not safe to drive at night, so I won't keep you." Chen Zhan handed him the bag, "Thank you for the supper, and I'll treat you to dinner next time."

Shen Yun took the bag: "You're welcome, then I'll go first."

Chen Zhan nodded and sent him out.

In the next few days, Chen Zhan checked some cases similar to Shen Mucheng on the Internet, and went to the city library a few times to find some relevant information. At night, he organized and classified the things he found in the hotel. I discussed related cases with my classmates abroad.

There are not many things that can be found on the Internet and in the library, especially the claims on the Internet are not completely credible. Chen Zhan has a lot of materials and files in his clinic. After thinking about it, he contacted Shen Mucheng to meet and told him own guesswork.

"Hypnosis?" Shen Mucheng was momentarily stunned by his words.

"Yes, it's just my personal guess now, but I can't rule out the possibility." Chen Zhan nodded, "I remember hearing about similar cases from my teacher before, and I need to go back and check."

Shen Mucheng fell silent. A few days ago, he just found out that the incident ten years ago was related to his grandfather. Today, Chen Zhan contacted him and said that his amnesia was probably man-made. As for the purpose, it is self-evident.

Everything that happened one after another made him feel unacceptable, took a little breath, and asked with a dry voice: "If it is confirmed... can it be solved?"

"Theoretically yes." Chen Zhan noticed that his face was a little tired and asked, "What's wrong with you?"

Shen Mucheng shook his head: "Go on."

"Judging from the fact that you have been thinking about some things in the past recently, your situation is actually improving. If you are lucky, even if you don't understand, you may be able to remember someday." Chen Zhan said.

"Maybe?" Shen Mucheng repeated two words, thinking of the way Luo Shaoheng hugged him and cried out of breath after waking up from a nightmare a few days ago, his heart was extremely uncomfortable, and he said in a deep voice: "I Can't wait that long, the sooner the better."

Luo Shaoheng had been waiting for him for ten years, and he couldn't bear to let him bear the memories of the two of them alone.

Chen Zhan understood his feelings very well, pondered for a while and said, "I'll go back and look for relevant information first. If it's confirmed, I suggest that you better find the doctor who hypnotized you at the beginning. It will be safer."

The doctor who hypnotized... Dr. Zhang was the first thing Shen Mucheng thought of.

It was Dr. Zhang who treated him after he transferred back from city A, but Dr. Zhang belonged to his grandfather. If he was the one who used hypnosis to seal the memory between himself and Shaoheng, then it would prove that his grandfather had great respect for him and Shaoheng. There is an objection to the matter during the period, and now it is probably impossible for Dr. Zhang to help him relieve the hypnotic effect.

Thinking of this, he looked at Chen Zhan: "Can't you solve it?"

"I can try it, but I can't guarantee it. After all, I'm not an expert in this area." Chen Zhan paused for a moment, his face a little serious, "And this has certain risks, it will cause certain harm to your body, and it may also leave sequelae , you have to think carefully."

"Don't think about it." Shen Mucheng said without hesitation, "I'm sorry to trouble you."

"Don't say that." Chen Zhan said with a smile, "It's good if I can help you. I plan to clean up today and go back tomorrow. If there is any news, I will contact you as soon as possible."

Shen Mucheng nodded and thanked him again.

Early the next morning, Chen Zhan left city B by plane. Not long after his plane left the airport, Luo Shaoheng's plane from city A landed at city B airport.

Luo Shaoheng didn't tell Shen Mucheng when he came here this time, and he hasn't seen each other these few days, but every time he talks on the phone, he can feel that Shen Mucheng has something on his mind. It was embarrassing for Shen Mucheng, so he booked a plane ticket to come here after visiting his parents at home.

There was no one in the apartment, Luo Shaoheng called Shen Mucheng after putting away the things he brought. He didn't tell the other party that he was here, but just asked him if he had any entertainment that night, and after getting the answer, he hung up the phone and went out.

Before, Dr. Zhang asked him to go for a follow-up visit after taking the medicine. He just wanted to ask about Shen Mucheng's situation, so he took a car to Dr. Zhang's clinic after he left the house.

The little girl at the front desk of the clinic recognized him, told him that Dr. Zhang had a visitor, made him tea and asked him to wait on the sofa beside him.

It was still early, and Luo Shaoheng was not in a hurry, so he picked up a magazine and waited while he read it. He didn't wait long before he heard Dr. Zhang's voice, and looked up to see Dr. Zhang coming from the corridor.

There were two elderly people who came out with Dr. Zhang. The old man walking in front had gray hair, but he seemed to be in good spirits. They chatted as they walked, and walked towards the hall.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but Luo Shaoheng felt that the old man in front stopped his eyes for a while when he passed by him, but then moved away quickly.

The other party was someone he didn't know, so he thought he might be overwhelmed, so he didn't pay much attention to it, and followed Dr. Zhang into the office after seeing him off.

"Have you finished your medicine? How do you feel?" Dr. Zhang asked.

"After drinking, I've been sleeping well recently." Luo Shaoheng said, after a course of treatment, except for a nightmare before, he almost always sleeps until dawn at night, and rarely can't sleep at night. In addition, I also feel that my body is much lighter, and I am not as tired as before.

Dr. Zhang nodded after listening, and recorded his condition in the medical record while asking, and asked some related questions before re-prescribing a secondary medicine for him: "This treatment is for half a month, mainly for the problem of replenishing qi deficiency. During the conditioning period, you should avoid food as before, and if you feel any discomfort, stop taking the medicine and come to me."

"Okay, thank you, Dr. Zhang." Luo Shaoheng thanked him sincerely.

"You're welcome, by the way, didn't Mucheng come with you today?" Doctor Zhang asked.

"He's a little busy." Seeing that he mentioned Shen Mucheng, Luo Shaoheng continued to ask, "Doctor Zhang, I have some things I want to consult with you. I don't know if you don't mind."

"Tell me." Doctor Zhang stopped writing and looked at him.

"It's about Mucheng." Luo Shaoheng asked, "According to him, you were the one who treated him when he had an accident, right?"

"Not bad." Doctor Zhang nodded.

"I want to ask how badly he was injured back then. You said you asked him to come for a follow-up visit, which means that he is still not well?" Luo Shaoheng asked what he had been worrying about for a long time.

Doctor Zhang didn't have any surprise on his face after listening to his words, as if he had expected him to ask, he just asked with a smile, "Didn't Mucheng tell you about these things?"

"I asked him, but he didn't mention much about the injury that year. I only know that he was in a coma for seven years." After Luo Shaoheng asked Shen Mucheng several times to no avail, although he didn't mention it again, he did I have always kept it in mind, wanting to know what happened to Shen Mucheng back then, and whether his current body is still in danger.

"That proves that he doesn't want you to worry too much." Doctor Zhang smiled kindly, "If he doesn't want to mention it, I can only respect his wishes, but I can tell you that after two years of conditioning, he has recovered a lot. , don’t worry too much.”

It's a matter of professional ethics that doctors can't disclose patients' privacy at will. Luo Shaoheng can understand it, and he doesn't hold out too much hope that he will tell himself, but at least he knows that Shen Mucheng's current situation is not too bad.

After thanking Dr. Zhang, Luo Shaoheng left the clinic with the newly prescribed Chinese medicine. He didn't go back directly, but went to the market near the apartment. Wang Ma had asked for leave for family affairs these two days, and he planned to buy vegetables and go back to cooking by himself, just in time to wait for Shen Mucheng to come back from get off work for dinner.

It was still early to return to the apartment after buying vegetables, Luo Shaoheng was not in a hurry to cook, he put the things in the kitchen and went upstairs to pack the things he brought.

Shen Mucheng is on the side of City B, and his parents are in City A. He came here this time and made preparations for both ends. Apart from a change of clothes, he also brought some paintbrushes that he was used to.

After packing up his clothes, he remembered that the photo album and small wooden sign that he had brought before were still in the drawer of the guest room. In order to help Shen Mucheng remember the past, he simply took all the things to the master bedroom, which was the same as before. The digital camera that Shen Mucheng took away was put together.

He came over this time and brought some things about the two of them. There were many scattered things, and the drawers on the first floor could not be filled. He put some things neatly, and then put the photo albums and picture books and Take out the notebook and plan to put it in the bottom drawer.

There was a small key inserted in the lock of the lower drawer, but the lock was open. He opened the drawer without any trouble, but the things hadn't been put in yet. After seeing the things in the drawer, he was completely stunned. Eyes suddenly widened!

— There are a lot of medicines in the drawer, bottled, boxed, opened, unopened... It takes up the entire drawer.

After being stunned for a moment, he put the things in his hands aside, and reached out to pick up one of the boxes of medicine in the drawer. The box was marked in English, and it was for headaches.

Putting it down, he picked up another bottle of medicine, this one he was familiar with, called alprazolam.

This is a common psychotropic drug that can be used for anti-anxiety and hypnosis. He has taken it before, and there is only one-third of the medicine in the bottle. .

There were also some common medicines for insomnia in the drawer. In addition, there were medicines for liver failure, medicine for the spine, and even medicines that he had never seen before. A large drawer was stuffed full.

There was a sealed file bag under the medicine box, and his hand stopped when he touched it. At that moment, he felt sweat on his back. This feeling was like returning to Shenmu back then. When something happened in the city, the moment the hospital called him.

Panic, anxiety, fear... and great uneasiness filled his heart, making his palms sweat in a short time.

Pulling out the file bag, he saw three words scrawled on it - Shenmu City.

Seeing this name, he was in a trance for a moment, and his heart skipped a beat. He suddenly felt that he had found the answer to what he asked Dr. Zhang today.

The author has something to say: This article is written from the perspective of Uncle Luo, so the pain he has experienced in these years will be presented to everyone one by one. If it is written from the perspective of Shen Mucheng, then what he has experienced is also The same will be spread out one by one, in fact, it is not easy for both of them.