The Strategy of Washing Clean a Slag Shou

Chapter 108


In front of him is a European-style villa, located on the outskirts of City S. Su Yang was a little confused when he was led upstairs by Gu Ziyan, because in the memory of the original owner, the two brothers of the Gu family did not live here.

Did you move during this time? It's not impossible, Su Yang looked around unconsciously, Gu Zi frowned indistinctly, a dark light flashed under the lens, he curled his lips and asked, "What is Xia Xia looking for?"

Although his words contained a smile, the leaked spirit suppressed loyalty and reflected the master's irritable mood. How dare Su Yang say that he is looking for your brother, and immediately whispered: "No, no."

When he lied, he would always look at others with sincere eyes. Those clear eyes were so clear that they couldn't tell the truth. Gu Ziyan couldn't resist with just one look. He led him briskly into the upstairs room.

A large double bed is in the center, and the bedside lamp exudes a shimmer of warm tones. Judging from the furnishings and layout, it is a normal living room, not normal to a room like Gu Ziyan's research frenzy.

This person explained very consciously: "Because of the rush of time, many places have not been arranged."

He has always done things as he pleases, and what he thinks is what he thinks, but this matter is not on a whim. In fact, he has long been thinking about it, but he didn't expect it to be in such a hurry, so he didn't fully arrange it.

He walked to the window and opened the floor-to-ceiling curtains, the room suddenly became brighter, Su Yang closed his eyes uncomfortably, only to see Gu Ziyan gently pressing the square on the closet, and then a door slowly appeared on the opposite wall , This room is actually connected to a secret room!

Before Su Yang could digest the surprise, Gu Ziyan leaned into his ear and smiled, "Although it's in a hurry, Xia Xia's observation room has already been arranged in advance."

Su Yang: "…"

Walking in and taking a quick glance, Su Yang could only admire Gu Ziyan's memory, this secret room was like a complete copy of the one in the research institute, and couldn't find the slightest difference.

Gu Ziyan took the stunned little zombie in his arms and sighed in his ear: "Actually, I wanted to add some interesting gadgets, but I was afraid that Xia Xia would not be used to it, so I didn't change it."

The regret in his tone was hard to ignore, Su Yang almost didn't hold back his expression, just wanted to stab him in the forehead and curse: "You give me enough time!"

However, the breath sprayed on the auricle made him shut his mouth wisely. He just pretended that he didn't understand anything. He walked into the observation room on his own, and sure enough, he found several crystal nuclei under the pillow, even the same number. of.

Su Yang regretted not bringing out the crystal nucleus from the observation room, so he would have a double copy!

Gu Ziyan saw the little zombie holding the crystal core in a daze, so he walked over and asked, "What's wrong?"

The little zombie carefully picked and picked from the crystal core, and finally picked out a purple crystal core and handed it to him.

"What do you want me to eat?" Gu Ziyan was taken aback.

The little zombie didn't say yes or no, but the raised hand didn't move.

Gu Ziyan couldn't help but smile. He stretched out his hand to take the crystal core and put it in his palm, saying, "I am a human, and I cannot eat the zombie crystal core directly, but I can digest it in another way." The purple crystal nucleus gradually turned into a plume of purple smoke and disappeared from his hand.

Until this moment, Su Yang finally determined that this person must be a superhuman.

I saw this little zombie with wide eyes, grabbed his hand and looked over and over, as if looking for where the missing crystal nucleus went, which made Gu Ziyan chuckle again and again, and took out a purple crystal from his pocket. Handed it to him, pretending it was just magic.

Su Yangming knew that he was coaxing himself into a child, but he was bribed without any prospect. He happily held the crystal core and chewed it crunchly in his mouth, and soon two flaps of warmth were placed on his cheeks. Soft lips - Gu Ziyan always likes to secretly kiss him when he is eating.

He was very embarrassed, but he didn't stop this person from getting close, and he didn't even notice it himself.

There are actually quite a few researchers in the institute who are curious about him, but every time someone imitates Gu Ziyan to tease him, they either ignore it directly, or use the power level to suppress the other party, in short, they won't let others get close to him.

To put it bluntly, Gu Ziyan is special in his heart, but why? Something seemed to be gradually clearing up in his mind, but it was shrouded in fog, making him unable to understand for a while.

The little zombie in his arms fell asleep after eating, Gu Ziyan was angry and funny, he kept his original posture and waited for him to fall asleep, then he carried the person back to the double bed in the bedroom.

He leaned down, lifted the shattered hair from the boy's forehead, placed a kiss on his smooth forehead, and turned away.


The key research subjects of the institute were packed and taken away by Gu Ziyan. Others would inevitably have objections, and they soon reported to Gu Xuan.

Gu Ziyan's idea was to kill first and then file. Although Gu Xuan was not happy, he still wanted to protect his brother in front of outsiders, so he said, "I allowed this matter, and Zuo Xia's affairs will be fully handed over to him in the future. Stop interfering."

The boss has said so, and whoever dares to have an opinion will go back embarrassed.

When the person who found the fault left, Gu Xuan hurried home in a strange mood, but after waiting for a long time, he could not wait for his daring brother and the little zombie named Xia Xia.

In the evening, when Gu Ziyan went back to pack his luggage, he saw his brother sitting on the sofa with a dark face. He still had a grudge on what happened this afternoon. How could he ignore him and went straight upstairs.

Gu Xuan: "..."

The older brother was very bored, but he still pulled his face and followed, pushed open the door and asked, "Where have you been this afternoon."

Gu Ziyan knew that someone would report this matter, and he didn't hide it, and said, "I'll bring Xia Xia to get acquainted with the new home." Then he took out a large suitcase from the closet.

Gu Xuan strode forward, grabbed the box in his hand, and couldn't believe it: "Are you going to move out?"

"Yeah, I want to live outside with Xia Xia, and I won't be back for a while." Then he grabbed the suitcase in Gu Xuan's hand and smiled, "Brother, if you have time, you can come as a guest, if you don't have time, it's fine. Now, it's better if you don't have time, because I don't welcome you at all."

Gu Xuan watched as he stuffed the change of clothes into the suitcase, but he couldn't stop him. He had promised Zuo Xia's body for a long time, and it was understandable that his adult brother had to move out, but he was really depressed.

After a long time, he suddenly said, "Where's the address?"

Gu Ziyan's face sank, "You really want to be a guest."

Gu Xuan said: "You don't even think about what kind of virtue you have. When you're busy, you often don't even remember to eat, and now you have to live with a high-level zombie. Can I be a big brother at ease? Tell me the address. , if there is any emergency, I can contact you in time."

Gu Ziyan had nothing to do with this older brother. When his parents passed away, he said that everything has to be listened to by your brother, so he vaguely reported a string of addresses, and then flashed people with a box.

Gu Xuan looked at his unrepentant back, and sighed: "Brother, it's a big deal."


Everything in front of him is hazy and can't see clearly. Su Yang only feels that he is trapped in a fog. It seems that someone is calling him from a distance.

Who is Ayao? Who is Yuer? Who is Yan Qing? His name is not Su'er, nor Bao'er, let alone Luoluo, he is Su Yang, why is no one called the right one? Sitting in the middle of the white mist, he felt a little wronged.

After an unknown time, those voices were gradually covered by another voice, and the anxious voice of the man rang in his ears, as if it entered his heart directly.

"Xia Xia..."

Su Yang opened his eyes abruptly, facing a pair of deep black eyes, which exuded a sharp light in the dark night, and the deep affection in them could almost warm people's hearts.

It was Gu Ziyan. It turned out that he looked like this after taking off his glasses. Those dark, unfathomable black eyes were very similar to that person.

Gu Ziyan grabbed the little zombie's finger, put it in his mouth and bit it hard, so scared that Su Yang quickly retracted his hand, and said loudly, "No, you can't eat it."

What he meant was that he was a zombie, and his blood would infect viruses.

But Gu Ziyan obviously misunderstood what he meant, he smiled and pressed the little thing into his arms, unreasonably: "I want to eat, you can't wake up after sleeping all day and night, are you trying to scare me to death? If you disappear, I will dissect your corpse and eat your crystal core, so that you are still mine and will never be separated."

never part.

Su Yang suddenly remembered Yan Lie. He said that after death, the ashes of the two of them would be mixed together and thrown into the sea, and they would never be separated. He is obviously such a serious and rigid person, but he is very naive in this kind of thing, even to the point of being stubborn.

Not only Yan Lie, no matter in which life, the obsession of that man was so terrifying, so terrifying that he wanted to eat him and merge into one.

With such a deep obsession, how could he allow him to be embraced by other men? He finally knew what the problem was.

The man in front of him, although his appearance and personality are completely similar to his old attack, but he doesn't feel like a deceiver, this man is indeed his man!

The little zombie in his arms suddenly lit up his eyes, and his clear eyes were instantly covered with a layer of water, and in the blink of an eye, tears would fall. He was completely excited and happy.

Gu Ziyan stroked the corners of his red eyes and asked, "Are you scared?... It's fine if you know you're afraid. If you know you're afraid, stay by my side forever, and don't even think about going anywhere."

Su Yang held back her tears, tightly grabbed the front of his shirt, and refused to let go.