The Strategy of Washing Clean a Slag Shou

Chapter 110


Su Yang soon discovered that the location of this villa was very special. It was located in the outer suburbs of S City, on the edge of the northwest base.

The so-called edge area is the place with the weakest defense and the most likely location to encounter zombies. Because of this, it is very quiet here, and there are few insects and beasts.

In the apocalypse, it is not only humans who suffer great disasters, but animals as well. If they can't bear the infection of zombie virus, they will die, but even if they can bear it, they will become virus carriers, which will cause the rapid spread of the virus. A large number of supernatural beings were destroyed.

Therefore, it is urgent to develop antibodies, not only for human beings, but for the common needs of all creatures on this land.

Gu Ziyan is still able to handle important matters. Every day, apart from accompanying Su Yang, he spends the rest of his time on the development of antibodies. Su Yang finally saw how this man looked when he was working diligently. The look of her chin in contemplation is indeed very sexy.

He sat beside him obediently and nibbled at the crystal cores. Gu Ziyan got a lot of primary and secondary crystal cores out of nowhere. These crystal cores contained very little energy, so Su Yang ate them as snacks. These things could not satisfy his appetite at all. When it comes to dinner, you still have to exchange food according to the old rules.

This man followed Su Yang in all other respects, except for taking advantage of him, he refused to let go, stubbornly and stubbornly.

At lunch time, Gu Ziyan walked into the kitchen and made a tomato egg noodles for himself. Su Yang smelled the fragrance and was really greedy, but he couldn't digest human food, so he could only watch it.

The desire in his eyes was too obvious. How could Gu Ziyan stand his gaze? He took a piece of noodles and put it to the lips of the little zombie, and asked, "Want to try it?"

Su Yang pursed his lips, thinking that there should be no problem with such a small amount, so he opened his mouth and swallowed the noodles. Who knew that the taste of the noodles was only felt by the taste buds, and then an unspeakable nausea flooded into his heart. , he vomited and spat out the noodle.

Seeing that the little zombie's face turned white from vomiting, Gu Ziyan's heart trembled, and he hurriedly dragged the person to the bathroom to rinse his mouth, never letting him try other foods again.

Su Yang felt both embarrassed and sad. He used to be a human. Why can't he even eat human food now? What a degenerate!

After rinsing his mouth, Gu Ziyan stared at his moist lips with complicated eyes.

No matter how he teaches, no matter how smart and cute his little zombie is, the essence of his zombie will not change, after all, it is still an alien.

If one day, the antibody of the zombie virus is successfully developed, even if he has taught the little zombie a human way of life, taught him to speak, read and write, even if he looks like a human being, can he really integrate into the human world

There is one thing hidden in Gu Ziyan's heart that he never wants to touch, that is, his Xia Xia is not a simple zombie, he is an evolved zombie king.

He has seen the ability of the Zombie King. He instantly ordered tens of thousands of zombies to gather and has a continuous zombie army. It can be said that his existence is the original sin, and it is an existence that cannot be tolerated by human beings.

-Non-my family, its heart must be different.

Seeing the difference in his expression, Su Yang just thought he was worried about himself, stretched out his hand and tugged at his sleeve, and said earnestly, "I'm fine."

Gu Ziyan's heart softened, he suddenly pulled the little thing into his arms and kissed his hair.

His Xia Xia is so well-behaved and sensible, Gu Ziyan thought, how could anyone in the world be willing to hurt him, if so, let those people disappear.


The person who wanted to hurt Su Yang quickly appeared, but Gu Ziyan couldn't let this person disappear because he was his own brother.

Gu Xuan came here at night. During the day, many eyes were on the base. He couldn't come to Gu Ziyan for a showdown without disturbing many allies, but he never imagined that he would meet his younger brother under such circumstances.

The number of zombies that haunt the outer suburbs at night is unimaginable. In the depths of the deep forest, in addition to zombies, there are many beasts infected with viruses. In the middle of the group of zombies stands a man, his lens under the moonlight. The cold light reflected faintly, and a gentle smile hung on the corner of his mouth.

I saw him raise his hand leisurely, and the space suddenly stagnated. Those zombies bit each other like crazy, and they devoured their own bodies. They frantically killed each other and self-mutilated, and finally dug out all the crystal cores.

Soon there were dozens of crystal nuclei lying between the remnants, which were also stained with dirty brains and turbid fluids.

The man clicked his tongue in disgust, put on plastic gloves slowly, picked up the crystal nuclei, and put them in the prepared box. Suddenly his movements stopped, and his eyes stayed somewhere in the darkness.

A few minutes later, Gu Xuan turned out from behind the shadow of the tree. He frowned tightly and said, "You came out so late to hunt zombies?"

Gu Ziyan saw his face clearly, raised his eyebrows in surprise and said, "Yes, prepare breakfast for Xia Xia for tomorrow. He has a bad appetite recently and needs to make up for it."

Hearing this, Gu Xuan sneered, he slowly approached, and said, "If you make up for it, wouldn't it be more difficult to hunt."

These words really touched Gu Ziyan's scales, and he instantly lowered his face, "What do you mean?"

Gu Xuan said: "This is not a place to talk, go to your residence."

Gu Ziyan's body was still stained with the rotten smell of zombies. He had a serious cleanliness addiction. This smell could not be tolerated for a while, so he took the lead to walk to the villa.

After cleaning the body odor, Gu Ziyan first went to the bedroom to look at the sleeping baby, kissed him several times on the forehead before being satisfied, turned around and went to the living room to find Gu Xuan.

The lights in the living room were not fully turned on, only one table lamp was turned on. Gu Xuan was sitting on the sofa beside the table lamp. Against the soft light, his back looked particularly cold.

Gu Ziyan wiped his wet hair with a dry towel and asked, "Tell me, what are you looking for?"

Gu Xuan raised his eyes to look at him, and said word by word, "Zuo Xia can't stay."

Gu Ziyan's face changed slightly, and he figured it out. He pursed his lips and asked, "You've flipped through my bookshelf."

He put the medical report of the little zombie on the bookshelf. Because of the rush, he only had time to pack a few changes of clothes and some useful things, so he didn't take the report with him. It seems that he made a low-level mistake.

Gu Xuan didn't answer his question, but his expression became more serious.

"Ziyan, do you still remember how your parents died... If that zombie is just a low-level 6th-level thing, I'll let you play whatever you want, but he's not, he's a 10th-level zombie, maybe he gets After the inheritance of the zombie king from the past, what is the difference between you raising him and playing with fire?"

The two elders of the Gu family all died in the mouths of zombies, so Gu Xuan hated zombies very much, but Gu Ziyan was born with a weak family. For him, the zombies who hurt his parents at the beginning have been chopped into flesh, and his revenge will be avenged. It has nothing to do with other zombies, so there is no personal hatred towards zombies.

He said solemnly: "Since I dare to raise him, I have the ability to subdue him."

Gu Xuan's eyes were sharp and he said: "If you said this before tonight, maybe I would have believed it a little bit, but now... look at what you are like now, for such a thing, you go out to hunt every night, and What is the difference between puppets, I think you are confused by him."

His tone is not friendly, Gu Ziyan is not a person who obeys orders, he chuckled: "Your tone is really like an old man, but there is one thing you say is right, I am fascinated by him Mind, I fell in love with him."

"Gu Ziyan, I think you're crazy..."

"Brother, what's wrong with the zombie? He can cry, laugh and act like a spoiled child. He is more real and vivid than Zuo Xia before, and he has never hurt anyone, let alone eaten human flesh. Why can't I like such a zombie."

Gu Xuan gritted his teeth and said, "This is all his disguise. You were deceived by him. He didn't take action against you now just because you still have value. Listen to my brother. I'll deal with him now. When he fully grows, he will definitely There will be endless troubles.”

The two brothers were arguing, but the parties were awakened by their voices. The door to the bedroom was suddenly pushed open. The little zombie was wearing a large white T-shirt and stood in front of the door with a little white rabbit in his arms. Rubbing his sleepy eyes, he whispered, "Ziyan, I'm sleepy..."

Gu Ziyan still remembered what he was arguing about, so he went up to hug him without saying a word, and sang a lullaby softly to coax him to sleep. After a few minutes, the little zombie in his arms gradually fell into a deep sleep.

The atmosphere was so warm that Gu Xuan, who was still angry just now, was inexplicably discouraged. He sat on the sofa beside him, listening to his always arrogant and unreasonable brother singing a lullaby awkwardly, gently and patiently coaxing a little zombie to sleep .

Don't say, this scene is still very relieved.

As the saying goes, the Tao is one foot high and the devil is ten feet high. Gu Xuan has always been looking forward to the appearance of the person who can restrain his brother, the devil king, but he never thought of this person... He is not a human being.

When the little thing in his arms fell asleep, Gu Ziyan smiled and rubbed lightly on his slightly pursed red lips before sending him back to the bedroom.

Back in the living room, Gu Xuan was still sitting on the sofa in the living room waiting for him. He walked over aggressively, but the two brothers looked at each other for a while, but couldn't find the state of arguing just now.

In the end, it was Gu Ziyan who spoke first, "It's getting late, you can go to the guest room to rest, and I'll talk about it tomorrow morning."

This younger brother has been taking care of the little zombie for a long time, and he has become more and more like a parent. Gu Xuan actually felt a little proud in his heart, and then went to the guest room with a cold face.