The Strategy of Washing Clean a Slag Shou

Chapter 115


Without the outside world's knowledge, Gu Ziyan annexed and eroded the black and white forces in W City, but this was only the first step, he wanted far more than that.

He knows exactly what he wants. If he wants to give his precious little zombie a place to survive in this era, then he must be so powerful that no one can compete.

The initial construction of the new base was not easy. Even though Gu Ziyan had already arranged most of the affairs, as the leader, he had to personally take care of some matters. In addition, the development of virus antibodies could not be delayed, and he had to take time to accompany him. The little zombie can read and read, and is so busy that his feet are not touching the ground.

The reason is that the development of the new base has far exceeded Gu Ziyan's expectations. People who have lived in a place like W City for several years have such ambitions. Now that Gu Ziyan has given them a chance, these people are naturally Mao went all out to expand the territory and plunder resources.

It didn't take long for the emerging force named [Yan Xia] to be smashing, setting off a huge wave in the entire China, and many neighboring forces either avoided its edge or turned to dependence.

Soon, the northwest base occupying the north received the news.

After hearing about it, Gu Xuan didn't think much about it. Heroes emerge in troubled times. He doesn't think it's unusual for a powerful junior to appear. It's just that the person who sent out to inquire about the news still didn't bring back the news of his younger brother, which made him very anxious.

That day, when he came back from Gu Ziyan's residence, he was stopped by Chang Linjiang. This man tried to search Gu Ziyan's residence regardless of the obstruction, but in the end, of course, he was in vain. Jiang's arrogance.

After thinking about it, he could only come to one conclusion—both he and Chang Linjiang were tricked by Gu Ziyan.

Although this younger brother is very naive, he is his only relative in this world, and he still wants to find people back.


It was already late at night when Gu Ziyan came back from his business. He lightly touched the bedroom, the weather was getting colder, and he was still carrying the cold air from outside. He kissed lightly on the delicate back of his neck.

I haven't seen each other for a whole day, he really misses him so much, even smelling the fresh smell on his body can make him feel extremely happy.

Suddenly the quilt moved, and the little zombie that was supposed to be sleeping came out of the quilt, stared at him with dark and bright eyes, and complained softly, "Ziyan, you have to come back. Very late."

Gu Ziyan stroked his fair face and said with some guilt: "I'm sorry, there are too many things these days, did I wake you up?"

Su Yang shook his head, stretched out his arms to wrap his arms around the man's cold body, and whispered, "I've been waiting for you, I can't sleep when you're not here."

Gu Ziyan's heart softened, he lowered his head and kissed Su Yang's hair, and coaxed softly, "When you're done working for a while, I'll just accompany Xia Xia and not go out."

Su Yang snorted softly, he is not a vexatious person, but he felt bad for this man who was busy working every day and didn't even have time to rest.

And he always couldn't understand why Gu Ziyan suddenly became interested in chasing fame and fortune, he was clearly not such a person.

But Gu Ziyan rarely mentioned these things to him, and he couldn't ask directly.

Gu Ziyan smiled, kissed the corner of his lips, and praised: "It's so sweet, what did you eat today?"

Su Yang thought about it for a while, and then gave him the index of his fingers: "Two blue nuclei, three purple nuclei, and one orange... that's all."

This amount is not too small, but it is extremely rare compared to Su Yang's usual food intake. Gu Ziyan frowned, looked at his face carefully, and asked, "Why do you eat so little, is it because you are not feeling well?"

Su Yang felt a little guilty, he couldn't tell, because without you coaxing me, I wouldn't be able to eat anything.

"I, I don't know, I just can't eat it." He opened his eyes and said nonsense.

Gu Ziyan narrowed his black eyes slightly. After a long time, he slowly raised his lips and said, "Is it because I haven't done daily tasks, so I'm not used to it?"

"..." Su Yang glared at him and said, "No way!"

Gu Ziyan didn't want to listen to his explanation, so he stretched out his hand to clasp his chin, and said, "Since I don't have any appetite if I don't do the task, let's make it up together now."

Before the little zombie could react, Gu Ziyan had already tightly blocked his lips, licked and kissed and sucked his soft and sweet two petals.

When he finished kissing, those dark eyes were already dyed with a thin layer of water mist, and there was a beautiful red streamer flowing in the pupils. It was hard to tell whether it was sadness or enjoyment. It contained the taste of seduction and bewitching. Words are definitely a fatal temptation.

As if he had lost his mind, he stretched out Su Yang's clothes and rubbed the moist lips of the little zombie with his fingertips, and said in a low voice, "Xia Xia, there are always things to do, even if it's not now. It will be later, do you understand?"

Su Yang blinked at him, thinking, do I understand or not.

His innocent eyes were like a basin of cold water pouring over his head, Gu Ziyan woke up instantly, he took a deep breath, and the little zombie under his body adjusted his pajamas, and said helplessly: "You will only pretend to be pitiful, forget it, tonight Just let you go."

After saying that, he turned around and strode into the bathroom, and then there was the sound of rushing water.

In fact, the little zombie who really wanted it in his heart but didn't know how to express it implicitly expressed that he was in a hurry. Could this be the disadvantage of Lao Gong being too considerate

There was still the smell of a man on him, a familiar and reassuring smell. He grabbed the quilt and thought about what would happen if he took the initiative.

When the sound of the water in the bathroom gradually stopped, he still couldn't think of a reason, so he simply lifted the quilt and got into the bathroom - you won't know until you try it.

Gu Ziyan was getting dressed, and when he saw the little zombies who had trespassed in, he didn't know what to do for a while. He had just finished taking a cold shower, should he take it again

Su Yang's eyes dodged, and he muttered softly, "We... let's take a bath together."

"… "

At this moment, Gu Ziyan was 100% sure that he was being seduced. If he was more polite, he would not be a man. He mercilessly carried the little zombie into his arms, then pressed it down on the smooth marble wall and began to taste it repeatedly.

The taste of this little zombie is naturally wonderful. It is fed with high-quality crystal cores every day. The skin quality and even the color are top-grade. The voice is soft and sultry, and the personality is even more pleasing. It can be said to be very compatible.

After an unknown period of time, the sound of rushing water sounded again in the bathroom. After the sound stopped, Su Yang was carried out by Gu Ziyan with a face full of contentment.


It was probably that he finally broke away from the virgin group, which made a certain Dr. stunned. The development of antibodies that had been stagnant for a long time has actually made a leap forward. The latest reagent he developed obviously has the effect of restraining the spread of the virus.

This progress has given hope to many people. The haze of the end times has been shrouded for a long time, and now the hope of dispelling it has finally arrived.

Su Yang was wearing the same white coat and sat far away. This antibody is designed to deal with zombie viruses, but he is a zombie, so it is impossible to guarantee that there will be no side effects.

Li Hailong blushed with excitement and had a thick neck. He eloquently praised how shrewd and strong Gu Ziyan was, how young and promising, and how intelligent and brave he was. It seemed that he had been promoted to a die-hard fan of Dr. Gu.

Gu Ziyan obviously didn't want to share the joy of this moment with die-hard fans, he went straight around Li Hailong, walked to Su Yang, put his arms around his beloved to ease his emotions, and after a long while, he said solemnly, "Look, I said I I can do it, I really did.”

Su Yang patted his shoulder and smiled, "Yes, because you are the smartest."

The two hugged in the laboratory as if no one else was there. Their relationship was not a secret in the Yanxia base. Everyone else consciously avoided it, and soon only the two of them were left.

Gu Ziyan clamped the little zombie's jaw, and asked, "Are you to blame?" The so-called virus antibodies are, after all, used to deal with zombies, and his actions are actually hurting Su Yang indirectly.

"No wonder, you did a good job." Su Yang shook his head, he is not a qualified zombie, who made him fall in love with humans.