The Strategy of Washing Clean a Slag Shou

Chapter 119: The present world 1


Galaxy R is in an era of highly developed civilization, but this era is not peaceful. On the contrary, due to the excessive development and abuse of weapons, the lives of many ordinary people have been disturbed, and even suffered from it, and there are not a few people who lost their lives in vain.

Before Su Yang was bound to the system, he was shooting in the ancient jungle. As a result, the aircraft was inexplicably attacked and crashed. All the staff in the aircraft died on the spot. Only he was dead and waited for rescue.

This era itself is full of wars and chaos. In order to plunder resources and open up land, the military will not give up the development of new weapons, and can only perfunctory the people with various excuses.

However, all this caused a great backlash after Su Yang's accident.

An ordinary person who was injured and killed by mistake will be sad for him. Except for his relatives and friends, the public's attention is limited, but this time it is a national idol, a superstar, and the young master of the Su family. There are thousands of people who love him, who can endure the inexplicable harm to his idol.

During the period when Su Yang was in a coma, the military had already been devastated by this incident, and even amended the law to restrict the use of weapons on the main star and surrounding galaxies.

However, this move did not quell the public anger. The doubts on Xingwang are rising day by day. It can be expected that if the boy really died, the military will inevitably encounter more criticism. In desperation, the patient had to be transferred to the highest level. The military medical room for treatment.

Huosini stroked her son's head and said softly, "At that time, your situation was really critical, and the military had the most advanced medical equipment. In order to help you recover, your mother had to give you to them. Fortunately, you came back safely. I can't take it anymore."

His voice was a little choked up.

Su Yang didn't answer, just stared at the palm of his own, and there were faint scars on it.

Huo Sini only thought that he was concerned about leaving scars, and thinking that her son always loved smug beauty, she said, "This scar is not important, just ask the beautician to prescribe some skin care agents, and it will subside in a few days."

Su Yang suddenly raised his eyes to look at her and said, "Who am I?"

Huo Sini stared in surprise, her eyes were red the next moment, she took her son into her arms and said, "Son, what's wrong with you, you are my precious son Su Yang, who else could it be. "

It was Su Yang, not anyone else.

Su Yang was truly healed by the word "Su Yang", he was no longer someone else, no longer those strangers who had nothing to do with him, he was Su Yang, the treasure in his mother's palm, the whole film. The love of thousands of fans of the galaxy, he is himself, just himself.

The system kept its promise and sent him back.

With a sour nose, he said to Huosini, "Mother, I'm back, I'm really back."

Huo Sini said with tears: "Yes, son, you have returned to your mother, don't be afraid, everything is over. In the future, mother will never let you make such dangerous films again. You are the heir of the Su family and the Huo family. The only grandson, where does she need to work so hard, it was her mother who was wrong in the past, forcing you to push you too hard, and you will not be able to do it in the future."

Su Yang hugged his mother and felt the warmth at this moment, but no matter how warm and nostalgic this embrace was, he always felt that his heart was empty.

He is back, but where is the man who keeps saying that he will live with him forever


The son saved his life, and Huo Sini pushed all the business announcements and took care of her son at home all day, as if she had become a full-time mother.

Su Yang's father is not the main star at this time because of a public welfare performance. Since Su Yang's accident, the famous movie star has completely withdrawn from the film industry. As if praying for his son, he began to frequently attend various public welfare activities, only hoping that one day , the child was able to return to himself.

Couples who used to be very strict with their children have changed their minds after the accident and have been reborn.

Su Yang was also a little uncomfortable. Since he was a child, he learned various talents at the request of his parents and learned to deal with various people and situations. He never thought that one day his mother would seriously ask him to go back to the bed and lie down. , Do not get out of bed for three days.

This feeling is really novel, Su Yang couldn't help laughing, and said, "My injury has healed, and walking around is more beneficial to recovery."

Huosini thought about it carefully, and it was indeed the truth, so she asked someone to accompany him for a walk outside the house.

To be a super idol, Su Yang's skin is naturally excellent, because he has red lips and white teeth, and a pair of peach blossom eyes are particularly attractive, and he looks a little immature, but his physique is A rank, which has nothing to do with being weak. , does not require extra care.

He waved the servant away and swayed gently on the swing on the lawn.

At this time, it was the afternoon. Against the background of green grass, the sun shone on his face, and his fair face showed a tinge of blush. .

The passing maid couldn't help but took this scene. The Su family has a lot of rules, and she didn't dare to mess with her hair casually. She only showed off to a few girlfriends. As a result, that night, this photo was posted on

What Huo Sini considered was that it was still unknown whether her son would join the entertainment industry in the future, and it was not rational to announce the news of his recovery first, so he kept pressing this news.

She scolded the self-asserting maid, and finally became thirsty, took a sip of tea gracefully, and said, "Go back and send me the original picture, and then delete your own completely." Of course, the picture of her own son Keep it for yourself, don't even think about it.

The maid hurriedly said yes and stepped back in panic.

Su Yang smiled and said, "I'm here, what do you want a photo for."

Huosini glanced at him and hummed, "How can you child understand my heart as a mother."

"… "

Su Yang said: "Since the photos have already been leaked, I will go to my official website tonight to explain it. I will be very sorry to let everyone worry about it for so long."

Horsini nodded, there was nothing else to do now.

That night, Su Yang's personal website was almost crowded, and at the same time, dozens of lines were opened before it could barely stabilize. He used the synchronous live broadcast of the Interstellar Network to express his gratitude to the fans and solemnly apologize.

He was wearing casual home clothes, his hair was hanging down his temples, and he looked very well-behaved. He said seriously to the camera: "Long time no see, hello everyone, I'm Su Yang... Actually, I woke up two days ago. , I'm really sorry for not letting you know in time."

Because the injury has not fully recovered, Su Yang's spirit is not very good. He speaks very slowly, but no one complains, because it is a miracle of God that this boy can wake up.

He slowly told his fans how moved and grateful he was, and also explained in detail the reasons why he did not disclose the news in time, including family and work factors, and could not appear in public for the time being.

Huo Sini stared outside the camera. How could this child be so honest? If in the past, three or two witty remarks would have uncovered this stubble, no one might buy it after a long explanation like now.

Fans also left messages one after another, saying that his illness has changed a lot, and he seems to have matured.

Su Yang swiped their messages and couldn't help laughing. He had so many more lives in his life. If he was immature, he would have lived in vain.

"When I was in a coma, I had a long, long dream," he said, "I fell in love with someone in my dream."

Before he finished speaking, the comment section went crazy. Some people said that you are joking, darling. Some people said that Yang Yang should not be stupid. How can the things in the dream be taken seriously. Some people said that you were all molested by me Su. Just a joke!

Su Yang looked at the comments that were refreshed at an astonishing speed, and frowned: "I am very sad and confused, because I don't know how to find the person I met in my dream after waking up."

"I really really miss him. It's only two days apart, but I really miss him."

Someone said: "Su Yang is actually implying us - he is in love with someone!"

Another person said: "The people you meet in your dreams must be the epitome of people you know in reality."

More people are saying: "It's me that I must be me!!"

Su Yang thought, if it was someone he had met before, he would definitely remember it. Who could forget such a special person

He said these words on the live broadcast in order to use the fans to spread the news. He believed that as long as the man was in this world, he would come to him when he got the news.

When he quit the Star Network account, the influence he left behind spread like a tide. Huo Sini didn't know what to say. In her eyes, her son was only twenty years old, and he was not very mature. How could he be in a dream? Emotional.

Su Yang pursed his lips in embarrassment, he took a deep breath, and called, "Mother, can you help me?"

Huosini walked up to him and sat down, and said, "Don't tell me, you want me to help you find the person in your dream."

Su Yang nodded and said, "That's it. I know that my mother has a lot of connections, so she will definitely find a way."

Huo Si Ni frowned and said, "This has nothing to do with ability, but you also said that it is a person you met in a dream, how can you find it in real life."

Su Yang clenched his fists and said, "I know... I just have a feeling that he won't leave me, mother, do you know? He is very powerful, there is nothing he can't do in the world, that's how he is. The man who said he won't let me go, so he definitely won't let me go."

Seeing that Huo Sini didn't speak, Su Yang took her hand and said, "Mother, I know you think I'm stupid, but he's even stupider than me. Every time he chases me, I can't let him keep chasing me. Go on, the love that a person pays will end sooner or later, mother, just help me once, just... let me give up. "

I don't know if it was an illusion, but she always felt that her baby son seemed to be more coquettish than before, and this soft and waxy voice was really irresistible.

Huosini finally gave in and said, "Then tell me what he looks like."

Su Yang shook his head: "I don't know."

"..." Horsini said, "You don't even know what he looks like?"

This is very embarrassing, Su Yang said: "It's not that he doesn't know, but his face is always changing, I, how do I know what this time is like."

Huosini said, "What about the character?"

"..." Su Yang shook his head again, seeing Huo Sini's unbelievable expression, he quickly added: "But I know he must be an old virgin, mother, you help me sort out all the older, unmarried successful people of the main star. Give me the detailed list... No, not only the main star, but the entire R galaxy!"

Huosini clicked her tongue: "Do you know how many people there are?"

Su Yang thought for a while and said, "Then the scope should be narrowed down a bit. It needs to be an extremely successful and powerful man, um... plus a handsome and tall man."

"The scope has indeed narrowed a lot," Huosini raised her eyebrows. "However, why do I think you're not looking for someone, but rather looking for someone."

Seeing Su Yang's embarrassed look, she chuckled and said, "It's time to reach this age." After saying that, she got up and went out, and before going out, she emphasized, "Don't worry, mother will definitely find the best for you."

"...You really misunderstood!" Su Yang watched her mother leave and collapsed on the sofa weakly.

He hugged himself, imagining that the man was holding him in his arms, whispering, "Where are you, I miss you."


The efficiency of fans is really high. That night, Su Yang’s live video was circulated everywhere. As a national idol, the superstar who is loved by thousands of people has someone he likes. That person is still a virtual character. This is really true. Incredible.

Some keyboard warriors said: "This is absolutely hype. Su Yang has been in a coma for a whole year. Don't be too quick to replace idols now. He's already out of breath. How can he turn over without some gimmicks?"

The man was quickly sprayed with blood by the ubiquitous fans.

"I was so angry? Sorry I just wanted to laugh."

"My dear, you probably never pay attention to entertainment news, do you?"

"Do you know how many years Su Yang has been famous? Why don't you go to Interstellar Encyclopedia to search? People have been in the entertainment industry since they were born, so they grew up in the entertainment industry!"

"The upstairs is wrong. Back then, when Empress Huo Ying was pregnant with Yang Yang, she boarded the podium of the highest honor in the interstellar space. It's called growing from the mother's womb, and there's nothing wrong with it."

"Do you know what a circle pet is? No one of the most pets in the entertainment industry does not accept refutation!"

Just when the fans were tearing up, Huo Sini had already prepared all the character information Su Yang wanted, not too many, only 180 people, the introduction was very detailed, as well as personal video and photo information, almost everything. .

Su Yang seriously suspected that his mother was helping him with the idea of finding a son-in-law.

He started to look at the first page, and he had been with that man for a long time. Even if he didn't know his appearance, personality, and talent, he could still judge his style of doing things. Therefore, it was not difficult to investigate, and half of them had already been ruled out the first time.

On the second time, Su Yang became more patient. Combined with the video interview materials given by Huo Sini, half of the people were excluded again, leaving about 20 people. Because the materials in hand are not enough, there is no way to make a judgment for the time being.

He classified these people again and found that seven of them belonged to the main star, and other planets were beyond the reach of others. He could not take the spaceship for the time being, so he could start with the main star first.

In his capacity, it is not difficult to make an appointment to meet these social elites. The key is that the attention is now very high outside, and he will definitely be photographed by the media when he goes out.

Since he couldn't go out, he called everyone together, his eyes flashed, and he praised his wit.

Su Yang's grandfather, Huo Qi, is a well-known business man. He holds the mining rights of several planets. Even in the military and political circles, he is quite prominent. If he invites him to hold a cocktail party, who would dare to be among the younger generation? Don't give this face.

However, Huo Qi didn't like Su Yang's grandson. The reason why he entered the turbid entertainment circle was all thanks to Su Yang's father. When Huo Sini was a little girl of fifteen or sixteen years old, she was crazy about it. Father Su, who was an interstellar superstar at the time, resolutely entered the show business circle. In the end, the two of them blossomed privately, and Huo Qi was so angry that he almost died of a brain hemorrhage.

This matter is a knot in Huo Qi's heart. Su Yang didn't want to untie it before, because he felt that his grandfather was not good to him, and he had no obligation to please him, but after so many lives, he also understood some truths— Seeing is not necessarily believing.

Huo Qi is just holding his breath. He loves his daughter so much, and naturally he doesn't dislike his grandson, but it was too violent back then, and now he can't bring himself to reconcile.

Since the old man couldn't hold himself back, he, a young man, had nothing to worry about. He just casually mentioned it in front of Horsini, saying that he hadn't seen his grandfather for a long time, and why he never came to see him.

Huo Sini was so pleasantly surprised that she sent a message to question Huo Qi on the same day, saying that your grandson was recovering from a serious illness, and she was still thinking about you, how could your grandfather be so cruel.

Huo Qiduo was shrewd, and immediately went down the slope, "reluctantly" said: "Then I will take a look at him another day."

How could Su Yang let the old man come over, so he came to visit in person the next day.

The Huo family is a famous family, which is why Huo Qi looks down on Father Su. If you want to talk about it, the Su family can only be regarded as a nouveau riche, while the Huo family has a deep heritage accumulated over a century.

Su Yang was led into the house by the housekeeper, and the man said, "Master is receiving guests, young master, please wait in the living room for a while, and the old slave will go to pass the news."

This "old slave" and "passion" reminded Su Yang inexplicably that when he was on a mission in the ancient plane, should he really be the Huo family with a hundred years of history.

Su Yang nodded at him, and said, "It's time to work."

After that person left, Su Yang logged on to his Xingwang account to play a small game. This is a strategy game that has become popular in Xingwang recently. It is said that the level of customs clearance can reflect the comprehensive score of your IQ and EQ. Itchy downloaded this game, the result - what the hell is twenty-five points? ! The perfect score is one hundred! !

He couldn't help but start another round, and the score was still 25 points. There is nothing more shocking than this.


Su Yang frowned, looked up, a man in military uniform stood in front of him, smiled like a fox, and said, "Sorry, sorry, I didn't mean it... Hahaha, you are Mr. Huo's grandson, right? It's really funny that such a simple game can't be beaten."

"Clear the level?" Su Yang glared at him and said, "Do you know that there is currently no one who has completely cleared the level of this game. If he can get through, then he is definitely not a person."

The man raised his lips and said, "Oh? I have it today."

Su Yang watched helplessly as he took over his control panel, and spent more than 20 minutes passing all the levels.

Su Yang, who was always dead in the first ten minutes, took a half step back silently. He said that only non-humans can clear the game, and now he really wants to ask: "Hey! What kind of monster are you, hurry up and register. Come!"

Before he could ask, someone called behind him, "Yin Heng, go."

Su Yang was slightly startled, the voice was very nice, and it was vaguely kind.