The Strategy of Washing Clean a Slag Shou

Chapter 12


Su Yang was tightly held in the arms of a certain CEO, not only was he breathing hard, but his brain became a mess.

He suspects that he is having a terrible hallucination due to the extreme lack of oxygen.

complex? ! What a joke! !

This person is Fu Zhou, that Fu Zhou, who doesn't even know if he likes it or not, told him in a remorseful tone, does he regret it? Eighty percent of the world is going crazy!

He pushed open Fu Zhou's chest hard, and got a short oxygen inhalation time. Before he could breathe enough, he was once again embraced by a certain president in an irresistible posture, even stronger than before.

- Paralyzed heart so tired QAQ

Fu Zhou hugged him tightly, countless complicated emotions flashed in his eyes, and finally all settled into warmth.

"After listening to your singing last time, I actually planned to let you go. It's unfair to you to bind you for my own sake, but then I saw your body..." His voice dropped suddenly, and he said, "And again. Suddenly I can't bear it, I just want to understand now, I probably like you, so I can't let go."

Su Yang's mouth twitched, are you sure you weren't tempted by Lao Tzu's body!

Fu Zhou was still repenting in a deep voice: "I know this is ridiculous, I was the one who dumped you at the time, and I am the one who is reluctant now, but I have lived for so many years, and this is the first time I feel a heartbeat, you give it to me again. Is there a good chance…”

Good is good, but can you let it go first

Fu Zhou said again: "If you don't speak, I will take it as your promise."

Su Yang: "…"

Can we still chat happily!

Fu Zhou finally let go of his restraints, holding his blushing cheeks and kissing him twice, his eyes filled with a gentle smile, which was different from the formulaic gentleness in the past. This kind of joy radiating from the inside out was almost instantaneous. It hit Su Yang's heart.

Gee, it's a foul to use a handsome man!

He pursed his lips uncomfortably and reminded: "I hope you will make a decision after thinking about it carefully. I don't want to be dumped by you a second time."

Fu Zhou looked into his eyes and said solemnly: "No, I have never been so clear about what I want, Su Yao, maybe I shouldn't call you Su Yao, although I don't know what happened to you. , but I know that what I want is you, the you in front of me, so..."

Shouldn't he be called Su Yao? ? What does this, this, what the hell do you mean! ! !

Su Yang was so nervous that his tone changed, and asked in a hoarse voice, "So...?"

Fu Zhou stroked his slightly sliding Adam's apple with his fingers and said with a smile: "So, as long as you are still you, we will be fine, otherwise I don't know what I will do, you will always be with me, right? "

His voice was as warm as ever, even mixed with a hint of obvious sweetness, but Su Yang broke out in a cold sweat.

His mission was to clean up the original scumbag and run away neatly. The previous worlds came this way. How could it be unforgivable to get to Fu Zhou

Gentleness is pretentious, abstinence is fake, and paralysis is not right at all!

Rao is because he has seen a lot of strong winds and waves, and he can't calm down at this time. The president is definitely the most difficult native he has ever seen!

He laughed dryly and said with a guilty conscience: "Mr. Fu, have you watched too many sci-fi movies? Who am I if I am not? Haha, I really know how to joke. I'm going to take a bath, you go to cook noodles, ah yes, noodles thousand Don't put chopped green onion, I don't like it."

As he said that, he ran back to his room and closed the door, his hands still shaking.

Fu Zhou was extremely helpless behind him, what was this child afraid of, and he wouldn't hurt him. He raised his lips and turned into the kitchen. It turned out that he didn't eat chopped green onion, and there was another flaw. Su Yao didn't have so many problems.

Smart and goofy, what a darling.

Su Yang didn't know that he was nervous, but he showed off again. He hurriedly opened the system to check the progress. He didn't know when it had risen to 51%. After half of it, it showed that Fu Zhou really liked him.

But... why? It was less than 30% yesterday!

The system said: "Probably because the rival in love forced a wave of presence, which indirectly led to the sublimation of Gong Jun's feelings for you."

Su Yang said sincerely, "It's not easy for him either."

Sang Yuan's purpose was to separate him and Fu Zhou, but he indirectly became a god's assist, which was very distressing.

"There's still time to feel sorry for others. It seems that the host has already figured out how to deal with it."

"… not at all."

system:"… "

Su Yang went mad: "It was the first time I was exposed without leaving any room, and I was also very scared, okay! Fortunately, Fu Zhou has a clear mind, otherwise I might be dead now, the most urgent thing is to stabilize him first, In the future... I'll talk about it later, anyway, I'll run away as soon as the progress is full, and it has nothing to do with me when he blackened the newspaper."

"Yeah, when I'm gone, what can he do to me, and he can chase after me and catch me."

He was persuaded by his own rhetoric, and hummed a tune into the bathroom to take a shower. It was great to take a hot bath for a day.

System: With all due respect, you are going to cause problems.

But Su Yang didn't think there was any problem. He leaned on the automatic jacuzzi and took a comfortable nap, and fell asleep before he knew it. When he woke up, it was already the middle of the night.

He lay on his bed. There was a slight snoring sound from the top of the head, two extremely elastic chest muscles were attached to the cheeks, the waist and abdomen were surrounded by a strong and powerful arm, and the inner thighs seemed to be pressed against a... Cough, very hot guy.

Su Yang's whole body froze. Although he was not very shameless, he was a complete little virgin. This situation was a bit beyond his acceptable range.

"Mr. Fu, hey, Mr. Fu! Wake up, hey!"

He wanted to get out of Fu Zhou's arms, but it was difficult to break free from the other party's shackles, and as soon as he moved, Fu Zhou subconsciously hugged him tighter, and Su Yang was sweating profusely.

You can't wake up even if you shout like this, don't pretend to be asleep...

He rolled his eyes, then bit into Fu Zhou's strong chest, and rubbed his teeth wickedly.

Huh? The taste is pretty good, so I stick out my tongue and lick it again, leaving a pool of water stains.

Fu Zhou straightened his back like an electric shock, panting heavily, his eyes were about to burst into flames, he lowered his head to meet Su Yang's dark and sparkling eyes, as if someone had poured cold water over his head. Faintly began to fade.

How could Su Yang know about his complicated inner activities, he smiled triumphantly, "I can't put it on, so let me go."

Fu Zhou frowned and said, "Don't let it go, it's normal for lovers to sleep together."

I haven't seen you sleeping with Su Yao in my arms before, otherwise he wouldn't be able to stand alone and climb the wall

"But I don't like it. I can't fall asleep when someone hugs me." Su Yang pushed him away with all his strength and stubbornly said, "Go back to your own room."

Fu Zhou couldn't bear his refusal, so he grabbed him and kissed him hard on the cheek, and then he went out unwillingly.

After a while he turned back and put a glass of warm milk on the bedside table.

"You didn't eat dinner, drink a glass of milk before going to bed."

Su Yang responded and took a sip of the milk, his stomach felt a little better, but his chest felt uncomfortable.