The Strategy of Washing Clean a Slag Shou

Chapter 45


Zhao Feng, as the first son of Zhao's father, was raised as the first heir when he was a child. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is dressed in fine clothes and jade, so Su Yang's bowl of noodles is definitely the worst food he has ever eaten in his life. Pots of black and red things can be called food.

Su Yang was also very embarrassed. He cooked this pot of noodles purely to improve his favorability. There is a saying that, in order to capture a man's heart, you must first capture his stomach!

System: "You almost destroyed his stomach."

Su Yang: "…"

The air on the dining table stagnated for a moment, and Zhao Feng slowly put down his chopsticks and said, "You are not allowed to enter the kitchen in the short term." After a pause, he added, "The same is true in the long term."

Su Yang said aggrieved: "You said it was good just now."

"I can't bear to embarrass you, who knew that you wanted to poison me!" Zhao Feng was angry and pushed the bowl of noodles in front of Su Yang, "Why don't you try it yourself."

Su Yang quickly waved his hand and said embarrassedly, "No, no, I will never enter the kitchen again."

His appearance of being unable to avoid made Zhao Feng even more angry. He frowned and asked, "Don't you deliberately harass me."

Su Yang puffed out her cheeks and lowered her eyelashes, muttering softly, "How dare I..."

Zhao Feng thought the same, pulled the man on his lap and sat down, kissed the corner of his lips that was soaked in soup, and asked, "Then what do you mean, why did you suddenly remember to make dinner for my brother."

Su Yang looked straight into his eyes, the dark and bright round eyes were full of intoxicating concentration.

"Because I heard from the housekeeper that you like to eat this, I just thought, if I were better, would Brother Feng also..." His voice was as low as a mosquito, with a hint of provocation, which made people feel itchy.

The heartbeat suddenly became irregular, Zhao Feng tightened his arms and said, "Say it again, I didn't hear it clearly."

Su Yang rested his head on his shoulder, but just shook his head gently, and refused to speak again.

Zhao Feng's Adam's apple slid up and down, and his palm with a scorching temperature reached in from Su Yang's hem, rubbing lightly on his flexible waist, causing Su Yang to tremble uncontrollably, and a blush soon rose on his white cheeks.

Zhao Feng said in a low voice: "Tell me or not, I'll deal with you here if I don't."

Zhao Xiaoqi was staring at them ignorantly, with curiosity shining in her bright eyes.

Su Yang scolded a beast, but still obediently leaned into his ear and said in a trembling voice, "I said, if I can make the food that Brother Feng likes and become even better, will Brother Feng like me a little too? Not because of anyone else, but just because of me."

Zhao Feng was stunned for a moment, Su Yang slowly wrapped his neck around his neck and whispered in his ear: "I know who I am, and I don't dare to think about replacing the person in your heart... Brother Feng, I don't want much. , Really, as long as you give me a little bit, is that okay?"

Zhao Feng didn't answer, he just felt mixed feelings in his heart.

He never thought that one day, someone would be able to replace the phantom in his heart, the most beautiful existence that has been lingering in his heart since he was young, making him sleepless at night, thinking that even his heart can't help but hurt. boy.

But if it's the stupid rabbit in his arms, if it's him, it doesn't seem unacceptable...

He closed his eyes fiercely, Zhao Feng, what are you thinking about! How could someone replace him, absolutely impossible! !

He took a deep breath, pinched Su Yang's lower jaw, and blocked his sweet lips like honey, this little goblin was so deep that he couldn't help but shake, this is not right, it is not right .

Su Yang saw his struggle and anger in his eyes, and did not feel disappointed, this was just the beginning.

As long as he wants to please a person, there is no reason to miss it, even if the man who is frantically plundering his body fluid at the moment makes him feel fear from the bottom of his heart.

Zhao Feng is like a ferocious beast. Before attacking Su Yang, although he felt scared, this fear is only based on cognition, and he has no real experience. Apart from wanting to escape, he has no other feelings. .

But now this ferocious beast is showing its ferocious fangs to him, and its sharp claws are pressing against his fragile life gate, which is a real threat to his life. Broken into pieces, there is no third way to go.

He must attack Zhao Feng as soon as possible.

Thinking of this, he stuck out his tongue awkwardly, catering to Zhao Feng's fierce devouring.

This was the first time that he responded proactively when kissing. His movements were unfamiliar and green, with no skills at all, but Zhao Feng was so excited that his eyes were red.

He didn't know where the excitement that even his soul trembled came from, but at this moment, he wanted to possess this boy madly, like an extreme obsession.

He held up Su Yang's buttocks, put his legs around his waist, and went straight upstairs with this fatal goblin.

Zhao Xiaoqi was taken away by the housekeeper long ago, and he kept asking on the road: "Is Zhao Feng biting Brother Xu? Brother Xu's face is so red, why didn't he bite back, if it were me, he would definitely bite back. …”

The old butler was in a cold sweat and did not dare to answer a word.

This night, Su Yang took an unprecedented initiative, this body is extremely flexible, and Su Yang is proficient in all kinds of dances, unlocking a variety of poses without pressure, so Zhao Feng almost lost all his sense, and almost swallowed him alive. inside.


After that night, Su Yang lay on the bed for three whole days. At this time, Zhao Xiaoqi was sent back to the old man of the Zhao family by Zhao Feng, who was inhuman.

The child cried so hard that he grabbed Su Yang's hand and refused to let it go, sobbing: "Brother Xu, I won't leave if I don't go, I like to play with you..."

However, Su Yang didn't even have the strength to move his fingers, and his mind was even more muddled, watching him being carried out by Zhao Feng.

After disposing of the small light bulb, Zhao Feng instructed the servant to tidy up the clothes. Su Yang was dizzy and packed into the car and left the mountain villa.

The outside world is naturally not as good as the air in the mountains, but there is a touch of freedom.

Su Yang rubbed his eyes, burrowed into Zhao Feng's arms unconsciously, and asked in a hoarse voice, "Where are we going?"

"Drive slowly," he said to the driver, Zhao Feng hugged the dazed boy in his arms tightly, his eyes filled with tenderness that he didn't even notice, "Go home first, then go to the company ."

Su Yang was stunned, which "home" to go to

Zhao Feng said calmly, "Of course, we're going back to our two homes."

Although he still didn't understand, Su Yang didn't ask any more questions. Anyway, he didn't have the right to choose. He yawned and drooped his eyelids into a deep sleep.

The home Zhao Feng mentioned is located on the top floor of the International Commercial Building in the center of S, which is the tallest building in the city. Standing on the top floor, you can overlook half the city.

Being held by Zhao Feng all the way into the special passage, there are many people coming and going here. Although there are bodyguards around, he has always been too embarrassed and hurriedly buried his face in Zhao Feng's chest.

Zhao Feng whispered in his ear: "Baby, everyone is looking at you, don't you look up?"

Su Yang was so angry that he took a bite on his chest. Although he didn't bite deeply through his clothes, Zhao Feng frowned because of his saliva-soaked shirt and the slight tingling sensation. He punitively squeezed the flesh under his hands. buttocks.

A certain rabbit's back stiffened, and he didn't dare to pretend any more.

When he got to the top floor, he felt like he was in another world. There was a deep silence around him. He could only hear the clatter of leather shoes stepping on the floor. He could see images of people on the golden walls around him. He could clearly see Zhao Feng's slender and powerful man. Long legs, and himself leaning in his arms.

Zhao Feng's posture is strong and protective, as if he is his prince, loyal to him wholeheartedly and devoutly.

Su Yang thought, seeing is not necessarily believing. For example, he treats Zhao Feng, such as Zhao Feng treats him.

The bodyguard opened the door at the front with the key, and then moved the luggage in. After they had sorted out their clothes, Zhao Feng carried Su Yang in.

The decoration of this room is in line with Zhao Feng's consistent style. It is neat and dignified, without a trace of excess, but it has a little more warmth than the Zhao family's old house, and it lacks a hint of depth and majesty.

Su Yang was a little tired, so he directly found a comfortable position on the sofa to lie down. Suddenly he remembered something, opened his eyes suddenly, and asked, "You sent Xiao Qi away? You promised well earlier, but you can go back on it. repent."

Zhao Feng squatted in front of Su Yang with a low smile, and casually unbuttoned his chest, only to see the pale pink bite marks all over the jade white skin.

His eyes darkened, and he said, "The seventh is so young, and he always lives with us. If you bump into something you shouldn't see, what should you do?"

Su Yang looked down at himself, and then looked at the beasts in front of him, completely unable to refute! !

"It's not that I can't see you anymore. I'll wait for him next time to come and stay for a few days." He squeezed Su Yang's cheek and coaxed: "You watch TV first, the remote control is on the coffee table, and I'll cook it. Porridge."

Su Yang took his hand and said without love, "I really don't want to drink porridge..."

Zhao Feng said: "Then what do you want to drink, Chinese medicine?"

"..." Su Yang said, "Then let's drink porridge, remember to put sugar."

Zhao Feng hooked his lips and replied, "Okay, if you drink porridge for a few days, I will accompany you to drink it for a few days."

Don't you have to drink with me? You are the culprit! Su Yang looked at his back and hated his teeth, but when he turned around, he switched to cookie mode and pouted and blew him a kiss.

Seeing that Zhao Feng entered the kitchen, he picked up the remote control and turned on the TV, and found that this episode of the History Forum was explaining the secret history of the Dayu Dynasty.

Su Yang is not interested in this, he prefers watching movies rather than archaeology shows. But he remembered that Zhao Feng liked this, so he listened patiently for a while.

The famous historian Zhang Lao shook a folding fan and sat on the chair of the Grand Master, talking eloquently. Su Yang was already a little sleepy, but he became even more sleepy after listening to these uninteresting remarks. He lost consciousness in a daze. "Wu Xingde" three words, instantly woke up from the dream.

I saw a quaint picture scroll on the screen. On the yellowed rice paper was a mighty old general, dressed in armor and riding on a war horse, holding a black sword.

Su Yang saw the word mentioned next to it: Da Ming First Grade General Wu Gong. The whole mind was stunned.

When the screen turned around, Zhang Lao shook his folding fan and said slowly: "This Wu Xingde is a hero who followed Emperor Taizong to conquer the world. To say that he won at least half of this great Ming Dynasty. Ming Taizong was young. Some people rely on him, and in order to appease him, they even gave him a death-free gold medal. You know, the weight of this death-free gold medal is not ordinary..."

Su Yang got up from the sofa and pinched himself so hard that he bared his teeth in pain.

- He is not dreaming! !

Without thinking about anything else, he went straight to the bedroom to look over Zhao Feng's jacket. Zhao Feng's mobile phone never had a password. He directly opened the browser and entered the keyword - Da Ming.

Hundreds of search results popped up soon, and he directly clicked on the top one.

Da Ming, the predecessor of the Dayu Dynasty, changed the country name [Ming] to [Yu] after Emperor Chengtian ascended the throne.

Su Yang's heart was beating fast, and he only felt that he was uncovering an extremely strange truth. His fingertips couldn't help but tremble, and he slowly clicked on the words "Emperor Chengtian". The page in front of him turned sharply, and the two familiar words.

- Jing Cheng.

Jing Cheng: (1454-1493) The third emperor of the Ming Dynasty, who founded the prosperous Dayu Dynasty, was named Chengtian, and later he was called Emperor Chengtian. He ascended the throne at the age of 32. He reigned for seven years. Within three years, he expelled the northern barbarians and pacified the southern Japanese.

Emperor Chengtian was revered by ancient and modern Chinese and foreign scholars as "one emperor through the ages", with the temple name of the Holy Ancestor, and the posthumous title of Emperor Hongyun Wenwu Ruizhe.

Tao... the queen

The ground was struck by thunder, and Su Yang felt that something exploded in his mind. He frantically searched his mobile phone, trying to deceive himself with coincidences, but the more information he found, the more confirmed this unbelievable truth.

He is still in the same plane, but the time has been pushed back more than 600 years.

He fell on the ground absentmindedly, his phone fell on the wooden floor, and the display was still on. The above was the fact that some scholars used credible information from various sources to prove that Emperor Chengtian died of depression for his beloved wife.

Jing Cheng has been dead for hundreds of years...

The man who was good to him and bad to him died because he died.

Zhao Feng heard the sound and walked in, and found Su Yang hugging his knees in the corner of the wall, his eyes were flushed, and his face was full of tears.

He frowned suddenly, strode over, and asked, "What's the matter, does the wound hurt?"

Seeing that he wanted to get close to him, Su Yang hurriedly avoided him. He didn't know why, but he didn't want others to touch him.